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沈阳市长青通用农业机械厂和辽宁省农业机械化研究所试制成功了具有秸秆切碎功能,能一次完成秸秆处理、破茬松土、化肥深施、种床镇压、玉米播种和覆土等作业工序的2BQM-3型免耕施肥气吸式精密播种机。该机的主要特点是:在保持玉米免耕播种功能的基础上,增加了秸秆和残茬切断功能,可在玉米秸秆全量还田或不灭茬的条件下实现直接播种,增加了功能,降低了成本,解决了秸秆聚积难题,实现了秸秆覆盖还田。通过更换排种盘,可进行玉米、花生、大豆和高粱等作物的单粒全株距或单粒半株距穴播或条播。免耕破茬部分可安装在播种机梁上,用卡子固定,V带…  相似文献   

1.玉米田除草:主要应用阿特拉津和乙草胺。阿特拉津又名莠去津,剂型为40%胶悬剂。在玉米播种后出苗前使用,即播种覆土后马上喷施阿特拉津,每667 m^2用量200-300 mL对水喷雾地面。阿特拉津在土壤中的持效期较长,对后茬作物影响较大,常见的后茬作物大豆、花生、  相似文献   

玉米根茬是一种极具开发性的清洁生物质燃料,为充分利用玉米根茬,研制了一种玉米根茬收获机。其采用偏置式铲刀、弹齿对辊式根茬捡拾与根土分离机构,一次性完成玉米根茬的挖掘、捡拾、脱土等收获环节。为此,以玉米根茬挖掘率和脱土率为性能指标进行田间试验。试验表明,研制的玉米根茬挖掘收获机性能满足使用要求,解决了人工挖掘劳动量大了田间焚烧造成土壤板结和环境污染等问题,为我国生物质资源利用的农业装备制造业提供了技术装备支撑。  相似文献   

在有玉米根茬的未耕地上免耕播种时存在玉米根茬影响播种质量的问题,为此在播种机上设计了处理玉米根茬的装置。采用4种结构类型的切挖刀和切刀进行室内土槽单刀试验和组合试验,研究其阻力矩和破茬质量。试验结果表明,A4型刀和切刀组合时破茬质量最好,玉米根茬切茬率达92%、清除率达96%,可以创造基本无玉米根茬的种床条件,有利于种子生长发芽。  相似文献   

玉米根茬热值高,是重要的生物质能燃料。目前对玉米根茬的机械化处理方式主要集中在根茬粉碎还田和免耕模式下的根茬处理,缺少根茬收获方面的相关研究。为此,通过系统分析玉米根茬特性以及不同处理模式的特点,提出玉米根茬收获、根茬还田、免耕作业相互轮作的玉米根茬处理模式,旨在为今后根茬处理方法的选择提供有效途径。  相似文献   

1.玉米田除草:主要应用阿特拉津和乙草胺。阿特拉津又名莠去津,剂型为40%胶悬剂。在玉米播种后出苗前使用,即播种覆土后马上喷施阿特拉津,每667 m2用量200~300 mL对水喷雾地面。阿特拉津在土壤中的持效期较长,对后茬作物影响较大,常见的后茬作物大豆、花生、水稻等都会产生药  相似文献   

一、选地与整地1.选地应选地势高、干燥向阳、土层深厚、疏松肥沃、排水良好的中性和微酸性壤土和沙质土为好。地黄不宜连作,轮作周期应在10年以上,10年内不能再行种植。地黄的前茬作物应以禾本科植物的小麦、玉米、谷子,或甘薯、马铃薯为好。而花生、豆类、芝麻、棉花等不宜作地黄的前茬作物或邻作物,否则易发生红蜘蛛或感染线虫病。地黄为喜光植物,周围不能有遮阴物,地黄种植地的东面和南面不宜种植玉米、高粱等高秆植物,以免遮光。  相似文献   

玉米根茬收获机设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大量试验的基础上设计了集挖茬、拾茬、清茬、引茬、集茬和侧位条铺于一体的玉米根茬收获机。整机主要由根茬挖掘装置、清理捡拾装置、链式输送装置及悬挂和液压系统等组成。适用于玉米、高梁等作物根茬的挖掘和集铺。该机具采用偏置柄式挖掘铲和弹性伸缩式捡拾机构,实现了对非藕联玉米根茬的地表下捡拾。田间试验结果表明:根茬漏拔率小于2.8%,生产率0.955~1.086 hm2/h,作业幅宽2.6 m,整机可靠性系数96.8%。  相似文献   

玉米是我国的主要粮食作物之一,内含丰富的营养,玉米丰收之后需要将玉米根茬和地膜进行分离。为此,从玉米根茬与地膜分离的技术角度出发,研究玉米地膜回收技术,旨在有效提高玉米地膜的回收效率。本研究主要介绍了国内外关于玉米根茬与地膜分离的技术,分析了玉米根茬与地膜分离的必要性,介绍了玉米地膜回收技术,并从环保角度提出了玉米地膜回收的相关建议及未来地膜回收的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为利用玉米根茬成为生物质燃料而设计了一种玉米根茬挖掘捡拾机。该机采用偏置铲挖掘装置和三辊捡拾、分离装置,对捡拾、分离装置进行了理论分析,确定了其结构参数。田间试验表明:在209个根茬样本中捡拾率达到100%,捡拾分离后的根茬含土率平均值为8.35%,达到低于10%的技术要求。通过使用偏置铲,挖掘根茬的阻力小,使用玉米根茬挖掘捡拾机,可高效地完成玉米根茬挖掘、捡拾和初步根土分离的联合作业。  相似文献   

In sub-mountain tract of Punjab state of India, maize (Zea mays, L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops are grown as rainfed having low crop and water productivity. To enhance that, proper understanding of the factors (soil type, climate, management practices and their interactions) affecting it is a pre-requisite. The present study aims to assess the effects of tillage, date of sowing, and irrigation practices on the rainfed maize–wheat cropping system involving combined approach of field study and simulation. Field experiments comprising 18 treatments (three dates of sowing as main, three tillage systems as subplot and two irrigation regimes as the sub-subplot) were conducted for two years (2004–2006) and simulations were made for 15 years using CropSyst model. Field and simulated results showed that grain yields of maize and wheat crops were more in early July planted maize and early November planted wheat on silt loam soil. Different statistical parameters (root mean square error, coefficient of residual mass, model efficiency, coefficient of correlation and paired t-test) indicated that CropSyst model did fair job to simulate biomass production and grain yield for maize–wheat cropping system under varying soil texture, date of planting and irrigation regimes.  相似文献   

Continuous cropping of winter wheat and summer maize is the main cropping pattern in North China Plain lying in a seasonal frost area. Irrigation scheduling of one crop will influence soil water regime and irrigation scheduling of the subsequent crop. Therefore, irrigation scheduling of winter wheat and maize should be studied as a whole. Considering the meteorological and crop characteristics of the area lying in a seasonal frost area, a cropping year is divided into crop growing period and frost period. Model of simultaneous moisture and heat transfer (SMHT) for the frost period and model of soil water transfer (SWT) for the crop growing period were developed, and used jointly for the simulation of soil water dynamics and irrigation scheduling for a whole cropping year. The model was calibrated and validated with field experiment of winter wheat and maize in Beijing, China. Then the model was applied to the simulation of water dynamics and irrigation scheduling with different precipitation and irrigation treatments. From the simulation results, precipitation can meet the crop water requirement of maize to a great extent, and irrigation at the seeding stage may be necessary. Precipitation and irrigation had no significant influence on evaporation and transpiration of maize. On the other hand, irrigation scheduling of winter wheat mainly depends on irrigation standard. Irrigation at the seeding stage and before soil freezing is usually necessary. For high irrigation standard, four times of irrigation are required after greening. While for medium irrigation, only once (rainy year) or twice (medium and dry years) of irrigation is required after greening. Transpiration of winter wheat is very close for high and medium irrigation, but it decreases significantly for low irrigation and will result in a reduction of crop yield. Irrigation with proper time and amount is necessary for winter wheat. Considering irrigation quota and crop transpiration comprehensively, medium irrigation is recommended for the irrigation of winter wheat in the studying area, which can reduce the irrigation quota of over 150 mm with little water stress for crop growth.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1987,25(3):165-176
Tsai et al. (1987) developed a combined network optimization—simulation model for optimal sequencing of multiple cropping systems. Essentially, simulations were used to generate a deterministic activity network. Then an optimization technique (K Longest Path algorithm) was applied to solve optimal sequences of multiple cropping. Using north Florida as a study region, the model was utilized to investigate optimal multiple cropping sequences in an irrigated or non-irrigated field. The results indicated that, for a non-irrigated farm, winter wheat followed by either soybean, maize or peanut was the most profitable cropping rotation in a multiple cropping sequence. Especially favorable was the double cropping of wheat—peanut. For an irrigated farm, a peanut crop was found to be prominent. In the case where peanut was not considered in the rotation, inclusion of irrigated wheat—maize cropping could not be recommended as a profitable multiple cropping system. Instead, double cropping of maize—soybean was the main scheme under irrigation with the possible substitution of a wheat—soybean crop sequence. To obtain higher, stable net returns, a north Florida farmer with no irrigation capability should plan his production system according to multiple cropping sequences SQ2 or SQ4 in the study. Use of these results for real-time decision making requires that the optimization be evaluated to select each new crop using current farm status and future expected weather and market conditions.  相似文献   

为提高东北平原地区的玉米产量,克服传统耕作模式存在的弊端,提出玉米宽窄行留高茬交替休闲种植模式。分析宽窄行种植模式的应用效果,介绍宽窄行种植模式的主要内容及推广注意事项,为此技术模式的合理应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索适合凤城地区的玉米保护性耕作模式,在抓好示范区建设的基础上,以传统耕作技术模式为对照,进行保护性耕作应用效果试验。试验结果表明:保护性耕作可明显提高耕地土壤的含水量和微生物活性,具有增肥地力和增加玉米产量的作用;高留茬模式是凤城地区的主导技术模式;而碎秆覆盖模式适于在风力较小、秸秆资源丰富地区施用。  相似文献   

冬小麦、春玉米间作条件下作物需水规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验研究了冬小麦、春玉米间作条件下各生育期的作物需水规律.结果表明:与单作相比,第1个试验期内冬小麦全生育期内间作麦田土壤蒸发量增加34.63 mm,作物蒸腾量减小65.81 mm, 蒸发蒸腾量减小31.18 mm.第2个试验期内冬小麦生育期内间作麦田土壤蒸发量增加26.00 mm,作物蒸腾量减小64.81 mm, 蒸发蒸腾量减小40.81 mm.与单作春玉米相比,间作春玉米的土壤蒸发减少了40.94 mm,作物蒸腾增加了147.73 mm,ET值增加了106.79 mm.可为间作种植的水分管理提供参考.  相似文献   

Soil desiccation is one of the key factors to influence the sustainable development of crop production on the Loess Plateau of China. Depletion of soil water during growth period and its recovery in the fallow period is influenced by the amount of rainfall, its distribution, the type of crop and its rotation sequence. This study analyzed depletion and restoration of soil water for different cropping systems, based on a series of long-term experimental data at Changwu Agriculture Station from 1985 to 2001. Results of this study indicated that: (1) temporary soil desiccation took place in 1-3 m soil for MM, PWM and MW cropping system. (2) Permanent soil desiccation took place in 1-5 m and 1-10 m soil for APW and AF cropping system respectively. (3) When a rotation system was built to recover soil desiccation, broomcorn millet and potato can be considered first pea and spring maize also can be considered in rainy years or normal years. During fallow period, mulch or canopy can relief the soil desiccation in winter wheat land.  相似文献   

Effects of two tillage treatments and two fallow period managements under continuous maize cropping on soil temperature, soil water dynamics and maize development were evaluated over a 4-year period (2005–2008). Tillage treatments were conventional tillage with mouldboard ploughing and conservation tillage with disk harrowing. The fallow period managements were bare soil or soil sown with a cover crop after maize harvest. For each year, topsoil temperature (0–20 cm-depth) was lower under conservation tillage systems at sowing, from 0.8 to 2.8 °C. This difference persisted several weeks after sowing, and disappeared afterwards. Under conservation tillage, higher soil water content was generally measured at sowing and during the growing season strong fluctuations were observed at 40 cm-depth. Under conventional tillage, soil water content varied mainly in the tilled layer (20 cm-depth). Tillage and fallow period management affected water flow rate at 40 cm-depth. During the maize growing season, the lowest drainage volumes were measured in 2006 and 2008 under conservation tillage in cover cropped plots. No effect of fallow period management on maize development and yield was observed but significantly higher yields were measured under conservation tillage in 2005 and 2007. From this 4-year experiment under continuous maize cropping, using cover crop and reducing tillage intensity enhanced water use efficiency while maintaining or increasing maize yields.  相似文献   

泾惠渠灌区冬小麦夏玉米连作需水量及灌水模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了寻求冬小麦-夏玉米连作下的节水高效灌溉制度,采用大田小区试验,在连作种植模式下,统筹分析了冬小麦和夏玉米的需水量及生育期内降雨量,并与当地传统灌溉制度进行了产量对比。结果表明,连作种植模式下,泾惠渠灌区冬小麦、夏玉米全生育期需水量分别为410 mm和400 mm。在年降雨量为490 mm时,连作种植1 a内的经济灌溉定额为305 mm,相比于传统灌溉能节水8.9%。连作条件下作物总产量为12 010 kg/hm~2,产量相对于传统单作种植增加了6.2%,达到了增产目的。在冬小麦抽穗期和夏玉米播种期减少灌水,可在保证产量的基础上有效提高水分利用效率,是更为优化的连作灌水模式。  相似文献   

半干旱区玉米种植中采用膜下滴灌栽培技术能够达到节水、高产、高效的目的。膜下滴灌多功能玉米精量播种机的成功研制,为今后半干旱区玉米种植时采用膜上播种提供了更先进的农机具。使用膜下滴灌多功能玉米精量播种机可进行膜上播种,变膜下播种的三次机械作业为一次机械作业完成,同时省去二次人工作业。膜上播种具有显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

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