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木聚糖酶对肉仔鸡后肠道微生物的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要研究了小麦基础口粮添加木聚糖酶对肉仔鸡后肠道微生物的影响.将120只7日龄肉仔鸡分成2组,日粮分别添加0,0.1%木聚糖酶,饲喂至21日龄,研究木聚糖酶对肉仔鸡后肠道菌群数量变化的影响.结果表明,加酶未使同肠和盲肠乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌和大肠杆菌数量发生显著变化.利用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术研究了木聚糖酶对肉仔鸡后肠细菌群体的影响.结果表明,加酶组回肠和盲肠的图谱比对照组条带相对较多,但差异不显著;组内个体间的图谱相似性比组问的相似性相对较大.木聚糖酶影响肉仔鸡后肠微生物数量和种群的作用效果不明显.  相似文献   

1. Five dietary treatments were used in a 49 d broiler trial to assess the effect of xylanase on performance, nutrient digestibility and thermal profiles of the caeca and head. Treatments included an industry-standard control diet and four further diets where xylanase was introduced with or without a metabolisable energy density dilution either from day one or the introduction was delayed until d 28.

2. The addition of xylanase with no associated energy dilution from day one resulted in the most consistent beneficial effects on performance, with significant improvements in weight gain compared with the industry-standard to d 28 and at d 49. Addition of xylanase from d 28 (with no energy dilution) was the second most successful strategy and resulted in a significant improvement in feed conversion ratio (FCR) from d 29 to 49 and overall.

3. Addition of xylanase improved ileal digestible energy values at d 28 by around 0.35 MJ/kg and ileal nitrogen digestibility coefficients by around 3%. On d 49 xylanase improved ileal digestible energy values by around 0.9 MJ/kg and ileal nitrogen digestibility coefficients by around 4.6%.

4. Thermal imaging of the head and caeca of three birds per replicate on d 49 revealed a significant increase in caecal surface temperature following xylanase addition with no effect on head temperature profile. These increases were particularly large (around 1.4ºC, or 3.9%) when xylanase was added from day one with no corresponding energy dilution in feed formulation.

5. It can be concluded that supplemental xylanase is effective in improving performance and nutrient digestibility in broilers given wheat-based diets. The correlation between the magnitude of this effect and the increased temperature in the caeca presents additional evidence that the hind-gut microflora may play an important, if yet unquantified, role in the outworking of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effect of phytase and xylanase supplementation of a wheat-based pig diet on the ileal and total tract apparent digestibility of dietary components and minerals were studied in eight growing pigs fitted with a PVTC cannula in a randomized block design experiment. The diets (A and B) were similar in major ingredient composition and in nutrient content. In diet A, part of the limestone was replaced with di-calcium phosphate to increase the content of available phosphorus (P). Diet B was fed without or with supplementation with phytase (500 FTU/kg; diet BP), xylanase (4000 XU/kg; diet BX) and phytase + xylanase (500 FTU and 4000 XU/kg; diet BPX). There were no differences (P > 0.05) between diets in the ileal or total tract digestibility of organic matter (OM), NDF and crude protein (CP). The ileal and total tract digestibility for P and Ca differed (P < 0.05) between diets, while there were no treatment effects for Zn. The ileal and total tract digestibility for P and Ca was higher (P < 0.05) on diets BP and BPX than on the other diets. In conclusion, phytase improved the utilization of dietary P and Ca in a wheat-based diet, while xylanase had no additional benefits in terms of OM and CP digestibility or mineral utilization. Phytase had no effect on the digestibility of OM, CP or NDF.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究小麦型日粮中添加木聚糖酶和植酸酶对肉鸡生长性能、回肠氨基酸表观消化率及矿物元素沉积的影响。试验选择1日龄科宝白羽肉仔鸡850只,随机分成5组,每组5个重复,每个重复34只鸡。一共有5种日粮,即低磷日粮、高磷日粮、低磷日粮+2000 IU/kg木聚糖酶、低磷日粮+500 FTU/kg植酸酶,低磷日粮+2000 IU/kg木聚糖酶+500 FTU/kg植酸酶,试验进行21 d。低磷组较高磷组显著降低了肉鸡的日增重、日采食量及趾骨灰分含量(P <0.05),与低磷组相比,木聚糖酶组显著降低了肉鸡的料比(P <0.05),而植酸酶组显著提高了肉鸡日增重、日采食量、趾骨灰分及饲料利用率(P <0.05)。复合酶组显著提高了15种氨基酸回肠表观消化率(P <0.05)。与低磷组相比,木聚糖酶组显著提高了表观消化能和可消化代谢能及回肠氮消化率(P <0.05),而植酸酶显著提高了氮沉积及回肠氮消化率(P <0.05),复合酶组显著提高了代谢能、可消化代谢能及氮沉积量(P <0.05)。植酸酶和复合酶组较高磷组显著提高了磷表观消化率和沉积量(P <0.05),但低磷组较高磷组显著提高了钙的表观消化率(P <0.05),植酸酶酶和复合酶组较其他3组显著提高了钾的沉积量(P <0.05)。结论 :小麦型日粮同时添加植酸酶和木聚糖酶对肉鸡生长和消化的影响要优于单独添加这两种酶。  相似文献   

1. The objective of this experiment was to study the influences of xylanase and citric acid on the performance, nutrient digestibility, digesta viscosity, duodenal histology, and gut microflora of broilers fed on a wheat based diet.

2. The experiment was carried out as a 2?×?3 factorial arrangement with two concentrations of xylanase (0 and 200?mg/kg) and three concentrations of citric acid (0, 20 and 40?g/kg). A total of 408 one-day-old chickens with similar body weight were distributed into 24 pens with 17 birds/pen. Each dietary treatment was given to 4 replicate pens from 0 to 24?d of age. To determine the apparent nutrient digestibility, chromic oxide (3?g/kg) was added to the diets as an indigestible marker.

3. Xylanase significantly increased body weight gain at 24?d of age by 1·4% and improved gain-to-feed (G:F) by 3·6%. The inclusion of 40?g/kg citric acid decreased feed intake and body weight gain by 15·4% and 11·8%, respectively. The inclusion of 20?g/kg of citric acid decreased feed intake, but it did not affect body weight gain of broilers at 24?d of age. The inclusion of 20 and 40?g/kg citric acid improved G:F by 3·8 and 4·3% respectively. Xylanase significantly decreased the viscosity of digesta and improved retention of DM, CP, and energy.

4. Xylanase and citric acid did not have any effect on the histo-morphology of the duodenum and intestinal microbial population.

5. In conclusion, citric acid at 20?g/kg decreased feed intake, did not have a negative effect on body weight gain, and improved G:F. Xylanase decreased digesta viscosity, increased nutrient retention and consequently improved performance of broilers fed on a wheat based diet.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究饲喂不同油脂对肉鸡生长性能及油脂酸价对采食量和体重的影响。试验选用1日龄罗斯308商品肉仔鸡2100只,随机分为7个处理组,每个组10个重复。处理1组添加豆油,处理2组添加鸡鸭油,处理3组添加精炼混合油A(酸价1 mgKOH/g),处理4~6组分别添加不同酸价的劣质混合油A、B和C(酸价分别为8、35 mgKOH/g和53 mgKOH/g),处理7组添加劣质脂肪酸。结果表明,日粮添加劣质脂肪酸组可显著增加8~21、36~42日龄及1~42日龄肉鸡日采食量和料肉比(P<0.05)。劣质混合油C组8~21日龄肉鸡的采食量显著低于其他处理组;而与豆油组比,劣质混合油B和C组8~21日龄肉鸡日增重和21日龄体重显著降低。混合油的酸价与肉鸡采食量及42日龄体重呈负相关,随着酸价的升高,1~42日龄肉鸡平均采食量和42日龄体重逐渐降低,其中劣质混合油C组采食量显著降低。  相似文献   

1. The xylanase product used in this study was derived from a genetically modified isolate of Aspergillus niger. Two trials were conducted to investigate the effects of xylanase supplementation on growth, digestion, circulating hormone and metabolite levels, immune parameters and composition of the gut microflora in cockerels fed on wheat-based diets. 2. The experimental diets consisted of a wheat-based control diet supplemented with 0 or 0.1% enzyme preparation. The diets were fed between 7 and 21 d of age. 3. Enzyme supplementation improved growth and feed conversion efficiency. The addition of enzyme to wheat-based diet increased the apparent total digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein and fat. 4. Enzyme supplementation reduced the relative weight of digestive organs to a certain extent, but there was no significant difference. Enzyme supplementation reduced digesta viscosity in the jejunum. There was no significant difference between the two experimental groups in counts of lactobacillus and coliform bacteria in the caeca. 5. Enzyme supplementation increased the concentration of blood thyroxine (T(4)), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and insulin, reduced the concentrations of blood uric acid, but had no significant effect on the concentrations of blood glucose and triiodothyronine (T(3)). 6. Enzyme supplementation increased the relative weight of spleen of cockerels, serum antibody titres to Newcastle disease virus (NDV), lymphocyte proliferation in response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and the natural killer (NK) cell activity. 7. It is concluded that supplementation with an enzyme preparation (xylanase), which hydrolyses non-starch polysaccharides can improve growth in cockerels fed on wheat-based diets. This improvement is achieved through enzyme effects on digestion, absorption, metabolism and immunity of cockerels.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究小麦型日粮中添加木聚糖酶对肉鸡生长性能和胃肠道发育的影响。试验选择健康、平均体重一致的1日龄肉仔鸡800只,随机分为5组,每组5个重复,每个重复32只。共开展两个试验,试验1共5种日粮:对照组(小麦型1~28 d),处理1(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶21~28 d),处理2(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶14~28 d),处理3(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶7~28 d),处理4(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶1~28 d);试验2同样5种日粮:对照组(小麦型1~36 d),处理1(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶27~36 d),处理2(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶18~36 d),处理3(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶9~36 d),处理4(小麦型日粮+0.3 g/kg木聚糖酶1~36 d)。结果显示:1~28 d肉鸡饲喂添加木聚糖日粮较未添加组和21~28 d显著提高了肉鸡的末重(P <0.05);与对照组相比,各处理组在15~21 d,22~28 d和1~28 d料重比均表现为显著降低(P <0.05)。1~36 d肉鸡日粮添加木聚糖酶较对照组(无酶)或27~36 d组显著提高了肉鸡末重(P <0.05);试验期间(1~36 d)添加木聚糖酶较对照组和27~36 d添加木聚糖酶组显著降低了料重比(P <0.05)。1~36 d肉鸡日粮添加木聚糖酶较对照组显著降低了回肠内容物黏度(P <0.05)。结论 :在小麦型日粮中添加木聚糖酶可以有效促进肉鸡生长后期的生长,而整个试验期不需要一直添加木聚糖酶。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of dietary supplementation of a probiotic and a synbiotic on the morphometric parameters of the small intestine of broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on three hundred sixty, one‐day‐old female Ross 308 chicks, which were randomly selected from 20,000 birds and divided into three treatment groups (n = 120) with ten replicates per treatment. The control group (C) was fed a commercial diet, the probiotic group (PRO) was fed the same diet with an added 1% of the probiotic Lavipan® (Lactococcus lactis, Carnobacterium divergens, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and the synbiotic group (SYN) was fed the commercial diet with an added synbiotic: 0.8% of the prebiotic RFO (extracted from lupin seeds) and 1% Lavipan®. According to the manufacturer's data, apart from the typical probiotic action,microorganisms contained in the preparation release anti‐bacterial substances (hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins) and, therefore, are antagonistic towards pathogenic bacteria present in the gut of animals. Supplementation took place in the first seven days of rearing, and all birds had ad libitum access to water and feed during the 42 days of the experiment. On the last day, all birds were slaughtered and samples from three segments of the small intestine were taken. Villi area, height, width and crypt depth ratios were read using Multiscan software. Synbiotic supplementation increased the BWG of broilers from first to tenth day of rearing, compared to the control group. The PRO group had improved villi morphometric parameters of the duodenum. In the jejunum and ileum, both bioactive substances improved villus width and villus surface area. Crypts were deeper in the small intestine of birds supplemented with bioactive substances, which allows greater renewal of the villi. As expected, the intestinal morphometric parameters of broiler chickens benefited from bioactive substance supplementation.  相似文献   

1. The effect of diet form (mash, cold-pelleted, steam-conditioned/pelleted, wet mash, whole wheat with balancer pellet, restricted pellet) and enzyme inclusion (Avizyme 1300, absent, present) was studied in 2 trials using individually caged, male broilers from 14 to 42 d. Bird performance, viscosity of ileal contents and diet metabolisability (AME) were measured. 2. The performance of mash-fed birds was significantly poorer than for the other treatments in relation to dry matter intake, liveweight gain and gain:food. This was not due to reduced diet AME content. 3. There was no significant effect of heat treatment on any of the variables measured, although viscosity of ileal contents was increased by 30% as compared to the cold-pelleted diet. 4. Gain:food was improved with wet-mash feeding in comparison to the dry mash treatment but it was concluded that this was not due to any intrinsic improvement in diet quality, but rather to voluntary food restriction on introduction of the wet food. 5. Whole wheat feeding improved gain:food and diet AME content by 3% as compared to the complete diets and caused approximately a 50% increase in gizzard weight as compared with the pelleted diets. 6. Food enzyme inclusion did not improve performance although a significant improvement in diet AME content was observed with enzyme inclusion in trial 1.  相似文献   

1. This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using a transformed Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 strain harbouring a rumen fungal xylanase gene as a probiotic supplement in a wheat-based poultry diet. 2. A total of 400 broiler chicks was allocated to two treatment groups with or without supplementation with 10(6) colony forming units (cfu)/g of transformed L. reuteri Pg4 in a wheat-based regimen to investigate the performance, intestinal microflora populations, digesta viscosity and excreta ammonia concentrations in these broiler chickens. 3. Supplementation of the wheat-based diet with transformed L. reuteri Pg4 decreased intestinal viscosity, caecal coliform population, and increased body weight gain and ileal villus height and crypt depth from 0 to 21 d of age. It also decreased excreta ammonia concentrations, and increased the caecal total volatile fatty acid (VFA) and lactic acid concentrations from 0 to 21 d and 22 to 37 d of age. 4. Further, it was demonstrated that 40% of the Lactobacillus cells randomly isolated from the digesta of the ileum and caecum of the supplemented group possessed xylanase secretion capability. 5. It appears reasonable to assume, therefore, that the derived benefit is a result of the organism surviving, and the associated performance of some function in the intestinal tract which benefits gut health.  相似文献   

The effects of supplementing a barley-based diet for weaned piglets withexogenous beta-glucanase and xylanase on gastrointestinal digestiveenzyme activities were investigated. Thirty-six cross-bred weaned pigletswere randomly assigned to two groups with three pens based on sexand mass. Each group was fed on the diet based on barley with or withoutadded beta-glucanase and xylanase (0.15%) for a 4-week period. Theresults showed that enzyme supplementation improved growth performanceof piglets significantly (p < 0.05), but had no effect (p = 0.091)on average daily feed intake. The results also showed that supplementationof beta-glucanase and xylanase had no effect on pepsin activity in gastriccontents but slightly decreased (p = 0.092) the pepsin activity ingastric mucosa. Meanwhile, no effect of enzyme supplementation ontrypsin activity in duodenal contents was observed. However, the activitiesof amylase and lipase in duodenal contents were significantly(p < 0.05) decreased, whereas the activities of maltase, sucrase andgamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) in jejunal and ileal mucosa wereenhanced significantly (p < 0.05). The improvement of disaccharidaseand gamma-GT activity may be attributed to the positive impacts of exogenousenzymes on digestion and absorption of the nutrients. In conclusion,the current results indicated that supplementation with enzymes in barley-based diets could improve the growth performance of piglets,decrease the activities of amylase and lipase in duodenal contents andincrease the activities of disaccharidase and gamma-GT in jejunal and ilealmucosa.  相似文献   

The effects of supplying increasing ruminal doses of exogenous polysaccharide-degrading enzymes (EPDE) on rumen fermentation and nutrient digestion were studied using eight ruminally cannulated heifers, four of which were also duodenally cannulated, in a replicated Latin square. The heifers were fed a diet of 85.5% rolled barley grain and 14% barley silage (DM basis), and once daily they were given intraruminal doses of 0 (Control), 100, 200, or 400 g of a preparation containing polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. Enzyme treatment decreased ruminal pH (linear, P<.001) and increased ammonia N (quadratic, P<.001) concentration. The ruminally soluble fraction and effective degradability of feed DM in situ were increased (quadratic response, P<.001) by enzyme treatment. Ruminal administration of EPDE increased ruminal fluid carboxymethylcellulase and xylanase activities linearly (P<.001) and beta-glucanase activity quadratically (P<.01), decreased (quadratic response, P<.05) ruminal fluid viscosity, and did not affect (P>.05) ruminal fluid amylase activity. Elevated levels of fibrolytic activities in the rumen resulted in increased (quadratic, P<.001) carboxymethylcellulase, xylanase, and beta-glucanase (P<.01) activities in duodenal digesta. Duodenal amylase activity and reducing sugar concentration were also increased (quadratic responses, P<.001 and P<.05, respectively) by EPDE. Xylanase activity of fecal DM was increased linearly (P<.05) with increasing ruminal EPDE levels. Apparent digestibilities of DM, crude protein, and NDF were not affected by EPDE supplementation. Enzyme treatment did not affect (P>.05) urinary excretion of allantoin and uric acid, or concentrations of glucose and urea in blood.  相似文献   

1. A previous experiment reported that caecal temperature was negatively correlated with d 49 feed conversion ratio (FCR). This increased temperature in the caeca may indicate a prebiotic effect. An experiment was designed to investigate whether caecal temperature was affected in diets based on maize and whether other portions of the tract were affected.

2. A total of 25 Ross 308-d-old male broilers were allocated to each of 8 replicate pens per treatment. Treatments followed a 2 × 3 factorial design: two diets based on wheat or maize and three levels of enzyme addition, 0, 16 000 or 32 000 BXU/kg. Growth performance was assessed between d 1 and 49. Digestibility measurements were taken at d 28 and 49. On d 49, the excised small and large intestine of each bird was thermally imaged, weighed and volatile fatty acids (VFA) measured.

3. On d 28 and d 49, birds on the maize diets had higher feed intake and weight gain than those offered wheat diets. Additionally, on d 28, birds that received the maize diet had lower FCR than those offered the wheat diet. Enzyme improved FCR at d 49, independently of cereal. On d 28, enzyme improved the coefficient of apparent ileal DM digestibility and the coefficient of apparent ileal nitrogen digestibility. Enzyme only improved apparent ileal digestible energy in wheat-based diets (interactive term). On d 49, all digestibility parameters were improved by enzyme. Enzyme increased gizzard weight in maize-fed birds and the caeca of those fed wheat were heavier. The higher enzyme dose decreased duodenal temperature. In summary of VFA data, wheat-based diets produced more total VFAs and the total amount also increased with enzyme.

4. It appears from this study that there is equal potential in both wheat and maize diets for xylanase to improve performance of broilers probably through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary soluble non-starch polysaccharide (sNSP) content and xylanase supplementation on production performance, egg quality parameters, and nutrient digestibility in Hy-line Brown layers from 25 to 32 wk of age. A total of 144 Hy-line Brown laying hens (25 wk of age) were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 wheat-based dietary treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design, with 36 replicates of individual hens per treatment. The diets were formulated to contain either a high or low sNSP level (at 13.3 or 10.8 g/kg) and were supplemented with either 0 or 12,000 BXU/kg exogenous xylanase. Birds were fed these treatment diets for an 8-wk period, and hen production performance, including daily egg production, average egg weight, daily egg mass, feed conversion ratio and proportion of dirty and abnormal eggs were measured at bird age 25 to 28 wk and 29 to 32 wk. An interaction between sNSP content of the diet and xylanase supplementation was observed on daily egg production from 25 to 28 wk of age (P = 0.018); birds fed the high sNSP diet without xylanase had lower egg production than those fed any other treatment. An interaction between the 2 dietary factors was also observed on hen weight gain at 29 to 32 wk of age (P = 0.014), with birds fed the low sNSP diet with 12,000 BXU/kg xylanase presenting greater weight gain compared to those fed the high sNSP diet with 12,000 BXU/kg xylanase. Feed intake at 29 to 32 wk of age was reduced by xylanase supplementation (P = 0.047). Xylanase supplementation also increased yolk colour score at both 28 and 32 wk of age, and decreased yolk weight at 32 wk of age (P = 0.014, 0.037 and 0.013, respectively). Birds fed the low sNSP diet presented lower protein digestibility (P = 0.024) than those fed the high sNSP diet. Additionally, birds fed high sNSP presented higher shell reflectivity at both 28 and 32 wk of age (P = 0.05 and 0.036, respectively). The influence of duration of feeding the treatment diets on egg quality was also determined. It was observed that egg weight, yolk weight and yolk colour score consistently increased over time, regardless of experimental treatment effects. In contrast, Haugh Unit and albumen height significantly decreased throughout the study period in all treatments, although this was less pronounced in hens fed the treatment with high sNSP and no supplemental xylanase. A reduction in shell breaking strength over time was observed only in hens fed the treatments without xylanase addition, and shell thickness was improved over time only in birds fed the low sNSP diet with xylanase. The impacts of the dietary treatments were largely inconsistent in this study, so a solid conclusion cannot be drawn. However, these findings do indicate that dietary NSP level influences layer production performance, and thus should be considered when formulating laying hen diets. It also proved that further research is warranted into how to optimize the benefits of xylanase application in laying hens.  相似文献   

为测定在日粮中添加茉莉花对贵妃鸡蛋品质的影响,本试验随机测定了300日龄贵妃鸡鸡蛋共124枚,平均分为4组,每组31枚,其中15枚用于蛋品质物理性状测定,16枚用于营养成分分析,营养成分分析组设四个重复,每个重复有四个鸡蛋,研究不同茉莉花添加量对贵妃鸡蛋品质的影响。分别在基础日粮中添加茉莉花量为0.0%(对照组)、1.0%(处理I)、2.O%(处理II)、4.0%(处理III),主要分析茉莉花香型贵妃鸡鸡蛋的外部品质、内部品质和主要营养成分。结果表明:在外部品质方面,添加一定量的茉莉花能够提高贵妃鸡鸡蛋的全蛋重(对照组44.63g〈试验组I46.64g〈试验组III47.42g〈试验组II48.64g)和蛋比重(对照组1.079〈试验组I1.082〈试验组III1.083〈试验组II1.084),降低蛋壳重(试验组I6.62g〈试验组III6.68g〈试验组II6.81g〈对照组7.OSg),差异显著(P〈0.05);在内部品质方面,添加一定量的茉莉花能够显著提高贵妃鸡鸡蛋的蛋清重(对照组22.33g〈试验组III24.25g〈试验组I24.49g〈试验组II25.42g)、蛋黄重(对照组15.29g〈试验组I15.53g〈试验组II16.42g〈试验组III16.54g)、哈氏单位(对照组75.03%〈试验组I76.91%〈试验组II77.21%〈试验组III81.85%)以及加深蛋黄颜色(对照组6.41〈试验组I7.07〈试验组III7.21〈试验组II7.87),差异显著(P〈O.05);在营养成分上,添加一定量的茉莉花能够提高贵妃鸡鸡蛋的粗蛋白(对照组11.01%〈试验组II11.35%〈试验组I11.46%〈试验组III11.81%)(P〈O.05)和粗脂肪(对照组8.46%〈试验组I9.11%〈试验组II9.71%〈试验组III10.23%)(P〈O.01)的含量;其他指标差异不明显(P〉O.05)。日粮中添加一定量茉莉花能够改善贵妃鸡蛋的风味,提高营养价值,提高蛋品质,为贵妃鸡蛋的推广开拓新市场。  相似文献   

Harvesting, handling and transporting quails to the slaughterhouses, other farms and laboratories might covertly reduce their welfare. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two major sources of energy in poultry nutrition on reducing transportation stress in Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix japonica). Male quails (n = 60) were divided into two groups. The first group was fed corn‐based diet, and the second was fed wheat‐based diet supplemented with xylanase and phytase. At the end of the experiment (day 35), quails were subjected to 80 km of transportation. Immediately on arrival and after 24 h, heterophil counts, lymphocyte counts and H:L ratios were measured. On arrival, H counts were lower, L counts were higher, and H:L ratios were lower for corn‐fed group. After 24 h, wheat‐fed group showed lower increment of H counts, greater increment of L counts and also decrement of H:L ratios rather than corn‐fed group which showed increment of H:L ratios. However, these ratios were still lower in corn‐fed group. Results indicate that corn‐based diets can help Japanese quail to better resist transportation stress, although it seems that feeding wheat‐based diets supplemented with xylanase and phytase could have positive effects for coping better with stress after journeys.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementing a wheat-based diet with xylanase and phospholipase either alone or in combination on the ileal and fecal digestibilities of nutrients and energy in early-weaned pigs. In addition, the concentrations of ammonia, lactate, and VFA were measured in ileal digesta and feces. The experiment was carried out with 16 barrows weaned at the age of 11 d with an average initial BW of 4.1 kg. On d 4 and 5 postweaning, the piglets were fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum. The experiment was designed as a balanced incomplete block design with three periods. The piglets received the basal diet with or without supplementation of either xylanase or phospholipase or a combination of these. There was a positive (P = 0.005 to 0.018) effect on the digestibility values of GE, OM, CP, crude fiber (CF), and NDF with xylanase supplementation. Apart from lysine, threonine, cysteine, glycine, and proline, the digestibility values of all AA were improved (P = 0.001 to 0.024). Phospholipase supplementation had a positive effect on CP (P = 0.047) and CF (P = 0.002) digestibilities, but no effect on ether extract (EE) digestibility. Supplementation of both enzymes showed the largest response in nutrient digestibilities, except that EE digestibility was not affected. No differences were found in D-/L- lactate, and ammonia concentrations among treatments. Acetate and propionate concentrations tended to increase when xylanase was supplemented and were highest for the combination of both enzymes. Despite the positive effects on ileal nutrient and energy digestibilities, there was no effect of xylanase or the combined enzyme supplementation on the fecal digestibilities of OM, CP, EE, CF, NDF, ADF, or GE, and on fecal concentrations of VFA. Phospholipase alone slightly decreased the total-tract nutrient and energy digestibilities (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the combination of both enzymes generally led to the highest increases in ileal digestibilities, which were of small numerical magnitude (approximately 2%). However, on a relative basis, this increase of 2% represents approximately 13% of the remaining diet that was available for digestion based on the fact that approximately 15% of the diet was not digested in the control pigs. Thus, the potential benefits in the nutrition of weanling pigs from combinations of enzymes should be validated under practical conditions.  相似文献   

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