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宽叶酢浆草为近年来入侵云南夏秋玉米地和马铃薯地的外来检疫性杂草。利用田间小区试验评价了几种除草剂对玉米地和马铃薯地宽叶酢浆草的控制效果。结果表明,土壤处理剂对玉米地和马铃薯地的宽叶酢浆草的防除效果均较差,药剂处理45d后,株防效和鲜重防效均低于30%。玉米地茎叶处理剂的防除效果明显优于土壤处理剂,其中,41%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂对宽叶酢浆草的45d株防效和鲜重防效均超过98%,除40g/L烟嘧磺隆OD,其他除草剂株防效和鲜重防效均低于80%,具体的株防效顺序为:41%草甘膦异丙胺盐AS40g/L烟嘧磺隆OD200g/L氯氟吡氧乙酸EC30%苯唑草酮SC13%2甲4氯钠AS。马铃薯地茎叶处理剂的防除效果较差,鲜重防效高于株防效,但均低于30%。45d的株防效和鲜重防效顺序均为13%砜嘧·精喹OD480g/L灭草松AS25%砜嘧磺隆WG。  相似文献   

宽叶酢浆草(Oxalis latifolia)在全球分布广泛,且危害多种农作物,2007年中国将其列入进境植物检疫性有害生物名录.目前,在中国仅发生于云南省,但其适生性强,定殖和传播扩散的风险极高.本文就宽叶酢浆草的生物学特性、发生分布和危害以及防控措施等相关研究进行综述,为制定有效的防控措施提供参考.  相似文献   

为探究我国检疫性有害生物——宽叶酢浆草Oxalis latifolia在世界范围内的潜在分布情况,通过建立MaxEnt模型并结合ArcGIS软件,对宽叶酢浆草在历史气候和未来气候2个情景下的潜在适生区进行预测,并分析影响其分布的关键气候因素。结果表明,宽叶酢浆草的适生区在世界范围内呈现以沿海向内地发展的趋势,在全球除南极洲外的大洲均有不同程度分布;在我国多分布在南方海拔偏高地区以及南部和东南部沿海地区。在未来气候变化下,宽叶酢浆草的全球适生区范围无明显变化,存在中、高适生区向低适生区转变的趋势。宽叶酢浆草在我国的适生区总面积于未来气候条件下有所降低,特别是在SSP126气候情景下即温室气体排放量较低的情景下。分析结果显示,影响宽叶酢浆草潜在地理分布的关键气候因子是温度季节性变化标准差,其次是最暖季度平均温度。  相似文献   

本文概述了9种除草剂对南方亚麻田杂草的田间防治效果,通过田间试验表明,二甲四氯钠、敌草胺、异丙甲草胺、精异丙甲草胺4种除草剂对亚麻田杂草的防除效果理想,速效株防效分别为82.05%,79.49%,82.05%,82.05%;5个月后的株防效在68%以上,鲜重防效在41%以上,且对亚麻无药害,药剂持效期长达半年,可在南方亚麻田杂草防除中推广应用。  相似文献   

宽叶酢浆草为近年来入侵云南耕地和园林的重要检疫性杂草。为筛选出防除玉米地宽叶酢浆草的最佳除草剂种类,使用7种玉米地阔叶杂草防治剂处理旺盛生长期的宽叶酢浆草,于施药后10、20、30 d调查株防效并且于药后30 d调查鲜质量防效。结果表明,40 g/L烟嘧磺隆油悬浮剂、41%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂、200 g/L氯氟吡氧乙酸乳油、30%苯唑草酮悬乳剂、30%莠去津悬乳剂、15%硝磺草酮悬乳剂和25%砜嘧磺隆水分散粒剂施药后30 d对宽叶酢浆草的株防效和鲜质量防效均超过75%,其中41%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂和15%硝磺草酮悬乳剂的株防效和鲜质量防效均超过99%,说明玉米地宽叶酢浆草可以用除草剂进行防治。  相似文献   

采用室内盆栽试验方法开展了11种稻田常用除草剂对丁香蓼生物活性研究, 结果表明:在丁香蓼芽前使用10%吡嘧磺隆WP、40%苄嘧·丙草胺WP, 0~2叶期使用19%氟酮磺草胺SC、120 g/L噁草酮EC, 2~4叶期使用200 g/L氯氟吡氧乙酸EC、3%氯氟吡啶酯EC、25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD、〖JP+2〗100 g/L双草醚SC和4~6叶期使用460 g/L 2甲·灭草松AS, 对丁香蓼的ED90分别为4.18、10.30,1.61、241.60,7.31、9.74、11.83、28.96和117.73 g/hm2, ED90均低于供试药剂的田间常用推荐剂量, 证明丁香蓼对上述药剂敏感, 可作为生产上防除丁香蓼的候选药剂。  相似文献   

采用玉米幼苗水培法,测定了7种玉米田常用除草剂对农大108玉米幼苗的安全性差异。结果表明,不同药剂对玉米的安全性不同。农大108玉米芽长和芽重受药剂的影响较大,7种药剂按玉米芽长受抑制程度由高到低依次为:乙草胺>乙·莠、甲草·乙·莠、氟净·乙>甲草胺>氟草净、莠去津。但药剂处理对农大108玉米根长和根重的影响不明显。  相似文献   

防除雀麦除草剂的筛选及其对冬小麦安全性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甲基二磺隆和氟唑磺隆对雀麦均有较好的防效,雀麦1.5叶期分别用15.75ga.i./hm2和31.5ga.i./hm2,药后30d鲜重防效达80%左右.冬小麦2.5叶期用药比较安全.  相似文献   

为了寻找高效安全的微生物除草剂,来减少或代替部分化学除草剂的使用,本研究优化了黏质沙雷氏菌Ha1的培养条件,并采用颗粒剂填埋法结合除草剂土壤封闭法测定了Ha1颗粒剂与化学除草剂复配的除草活性。结果显示,Ha1菌株培养的最优碳源、氮源和无机盐及其配比为蔗糖10 g/L、蛋白胨20 g/L、氯化钙1 mol/L;最优培养条件:pH值为7、温度为20℃、转速为200 r/min。添加助剂比未添加助剂的Ha1颗粒剂的活菌数多0.9×109 CFU/g。当Ha1颗粒剂与70%推荐剂量的莠去津、精异丙甲草胺和扑草净复配使用时,对马唐的鲜重抑制率分别为96.35%、94.47%、97.61%,对稗草的鲜重抑制率分别为89.81%、86.50%、85.68%,对苘麻的鲜重抑制率分别为86.92%、79.53%、53.03%。表明添加助剂有助于菌株生长,化学除草剂与Ha1颗粒剂复配使用能够明显提高单独使用除草剂或者Ha1颗粒剂的防除效果。  相似文献   

防除水葫芦除草剂的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对8种除草剂筛选试验结果表明,克无踪对水葫芦表现速效,喷药后8 d叶枯萎率及株死亡率均达99%以上;飞达防除水葫芦的效果较缓慢,但在药后16 d叶枯萎率及株死亡率均达100%;2,4-D、草革和2甲4氯也均表现出良好的防效,防除水葫芦的效果介于克无踪和飞达之间;丁草胺和乙草胺的防除效果不明显,药后16 d叶枯萎率仅分别为9.3%和27.3%,株死亡率分别为0.3%和11.7%.  相似文献   

为了筛选对菵草高效且对小麦安全的除草剂品种,采用温室盆栽法测定了 7种苗后除草剂对菵草的除草活性以及对小麦的安全性.结果表明,5%唑啉草酯EC和15%炔草酯WP对菵草防效优异,ED90仅为各自田间登记低剂量的1/3和1/2;50%异丙隆WP和7.5%啶磺草胺WG对菵草防效较好,ED90与各自田间登记高剂量相当;69 g...  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of Oxalis spp. as allelopathic ground-cover plants for weed management. Some Oxalis spp. have previously been reported to possess strong allelopathic activities but few studies have been conducted on their activities in fields. This study aimed to investigate allelopathic activities and the possibility of weed suppression in five species of common Oxalis : shamrock oxalis ( Oxalis articulata Savigny), Bowie's woodsorrel ( Oxalis bowiei Lindl.), trefoil ( Oxalis brasiliensis Lodd. ex Knowl. et West.), lucky clover ( Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet) and Oxalis hirta L. The effects of the leachates from dry leaves and the exudates from living roots of these plant species were tested in laboratory experiments. The leachates from O. articulata , O. bowiei , O. deppei and O. hirta and the exudates from O. deppei caused > 84% inhibition of the radicle elongation of lettuce seedlings, but no effect was observed on the seed germination of lettuce. In the field experiment, O. deppei significantly reduced the weed population in July. A significant relationship was observed between the weed population and the percentage ground coverage of Oxalis spp. In contrast to the weed population, a significant relationship was observed between the weed above-ground biomass and the allelopathic activity of exudates from Oxalis spp.  相似文献   

为评估中国农业大学培育的非转基因抗除草剂玉米品系958R和335R在大田条件下对乙酰乳酸合成酶(acetolactate synthase,ALS)抑制剂类除草剂的抗性表现,利用甲咪唑烟酸、砜嘧磺隆、唑嘧磺草胺3种除草剂对郑单958、958R、先玉335、335R共4种玉米杂交种进行了播后苗前土壤处理,每种除草剂设3个处理剂量(1、3、9倍推荐剂量),并于施药2周和4周后进行株高测定,于收获晾干后测产。结果表明,在甲咪唑烟酸216、648 g(a.i.)/hm2处理下,郑单958和先玉335均已绝产,而958R和335R产量均未受影响;在砜嘧磺隆或唑嘧磺草胺高剂量处理下,常规玉米品种郑单958和先玉335株高的最高降幅分别为25.7%和35.2%,田间药害反应显著,而958R和335R则抗性反应显著。研究表明,非转基因抗除草剂玉米杂交种具有良好的田间抗性,不仅能有效解决玉米田砜嘧磺隆和唑嘧磺草胺等ALS除草剂的药害问题,还能够通过引入甲咪唑烟酸等新的ALS除草剂更好地防除玉米田的杂草。  相似文献   

Phalaris minor, the most serious weed in wheat in north‐western India, has developed extensive isoproturon resistance due to continuous isoproturon use. For its control, alternative herbicides (flufenacet, metribuzin and sulfosulfuron) at different application rates and timing were evaluated in wheat. In addition, herbicide carryover risk onto rotational crops (sorghum; maize and green gram, Vigina radiata) was also assessed. Isoproturon at 1 and 2 kg a.i. ha?1 provided only 10.5% and 51.8%P. minor control respectively. Of the other herbicides, early post‐emergent [15–21 days after sowing (DAS)] flufenacet at 180–480 g a.i. ha?1 provided acceptable control of P. minor, but failed to control broad‐leaved weeds and was phytotoxic to the wheat crop. Metribuzin at 210 g a.i. ha?1 was effective in controlling both Phalaris and dicotyledonous weeds. Mixtures of both flufenacet and metribuzin at reduced rates were better than flufenacet for weed control and grain yield. The efficacy of flufenacet and metribuzin was drastically reduced with later growth stages of P. minor (four to five leaf). Whereas sulfosulfuron at 25–30 g a.i. ha?1, applied either early post‐emergence (19 DAS) or post‐emergence (30–42 DAS), was quite effective. Overall, sulfosulfuron was the most effective treatment with regard to weed control and crop yield. However, maize and sorghum grown in rotation after harvest of sulfosulfuron‐treated wheat plots showed 65–73% crop biomass inhibition. The residual effect of sulfosulfuron was also noticed on Trianthema portulacastrum (Horse purslane), causing 73.5% dry matter reduction. By contrast, no carryover damage with flufenacet was observed on maize, sorghum and green gram. Glasshouse pot experiments and field trials investigating crop sensitivity to pre‐plant applications of sulfosulfuron found the decreasing order: sorghum > maize > green gram. The risk of carryover onto rotational crops should be considered when choosing alternative herbicides for P. minor control in wheat.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, five field studies were conducted at four Portuguese wine‐growing regions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical control of vineyard weeds under Mediterranean conditions using either reduced doses of residual herbicides or only foliar herbicides. Amitrole (3440 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + glyphosate mono‐ammonium salt (1720 + 900 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole (3400 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + terbuthylazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1) and amitrole + diuron + simazine (2580 + 1300 + 1400 g a.i. ha?1) were assayed and compared with the following reference herbicides: glyphosate isopropylamine salt (1800 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2520 + 1680 g a.i. ha?1), diuron + glyphosate + terbuthylazine (1275 + 900 + 1425 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (1900 + 3900 g a.i. ha?1) and glyphosate + simazine (800 + 2200 g a.i. ha?1). The herbicides were applied during late winter. The results indicated that good control was achieved by the application of foliar herbicides alone or of reduced rates of a mixture of residual herbicides with foliar herbicides for at least 2 months. Three months after application, the efficacy of post‐emergence herbicides and lower rates of residual herbicides decreased significantly in clay soils and under heavy rainfall conditions. Convolvulus arvensis– a weed that is becoming increasingly significant in Portuguese vineyards – was poorly controlled, even when glyphosate was used. Despite this, it can be assumed that in those regions in which the trials were conducted, it is possible to employ weed control strategies that entail the elimination or a reduction in the rate of residual herbicides.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Herbicide mixtures are commonly proposed to delay the selection of herbicide resistance in susceptible populations (called the SM strategy). However, in practice, herbicide mixtures are often used when resistance to one of the two active ingredients has already been detected in the targeted population (called the RM strategy). It is doubtful whether such a practice can select against resistance, as the corresponding selection pressure is still exerted. As a consequence, the effect of mixtures on the evolution of an already detected resistance to one of the herbicides in the combination remains largely unexplored. In the present work, a simple model was developed to explore further the necessary and sufficient conditions under which a binary RM strategy might stabilise or even reduce resistance frequency. RESULTS: Covering the hypothetical largest range of parameters, 39% of 9000 random simulations attest that the RM strategy might theoretically reduce resistance frequency. When strong enough, high genetic cost of resistance, negative cross‐resistance between the herbicides associated in the mixture and reduced selection differential between resistant and susceptible plants can counterbalance the resistance advantage to one of the two applied herbicides. However, the required conditions for an RM strategy to ensure resistance containment in natural conditions seldom overlap with experimental parameter estimates given in the literature. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the sufficient conditions for an RM strategy to be effective would rarely be encountered. As a consequence, the strategy of formulating mixtures with herbicides for which resistance has already been detected should be avoided. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sulfonylurea-resistant biotypes of Schoenoplectus juncoides were collected from Nakafurano, Shiwa, Matsuyama, and Yurihonjyo in Japan. All of the four biotypes showed resistance to bensulfuron-methyl and thifensulfuron-methyl in whole-plant experiments. The growth of the Nakafurano, Shiwa, and Matsuyama biotypes was inhibited by imazaquin-ammonium and bispyribac-sodium, whereas the Yurihonjyo biotype grew normally after treatment with these herbicides. The herbicide concentration required to inhibit the acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme by 50% (I50), obtained using in vivo ALS assays, indicated that the four biotypes were > 10-fold more resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl than a susceptible biotype. The Nakafurano, Shiwa, and Matsuyama biotypes exhibited no or little resistance to imazaquin-ammonium, whereas the Yurihonjyo biotype exhibited 6700-fold resistance to the herbicide. The Nakafurano and Shiwa biotypes exhibited no resistance to bispyribac-sodium, but the Matsuyama biotype exhibited 21-fold resistance and the Yurihonjyo biotype exhibited 260-fold resistance to the herbicide. Two S. juncoides ALS genes (ALS1 and ALS2) were isolated and each was found to contain one intron and to encode an ALS protein of 645 amino acids. Sequencing of the ALS genes revealed an amino acid substitution at Pro197 in either encoded protein (ALS1 or ALS2) in the biotypes from Nakafurano (Pro197 → Ser197), Shiwa (Pro197 → His197), and Matsuyama (Pro197 → Leu197). The ALS2 of the biotype from Yurihonjyo was found to contain a Trp574 → Leu574 substitution. The relationships between the responses to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and the amino acid substitutions, which are consistent with previous reports in other plants, indicate that the substitutions at Pro197 and Trp574 are the basis of the resistance to sulfonylureas in these S. juncoides biotypes.  相似文献   

为了明确稻鳝种养田杂草群落组成及除草剂安全用药技术,采用取样计数的方法调查了稻鳝种养田杂草种类及田间密度,并采用静水式试验法在室内条件下测定了稻田常用除草剂对黄鳝生长的影响。结果表明,稻鳝种养降低了杂草的丰富度、多样性和均匀度,杂草危害减轻。茎叶处理除草剂100 g/L氰氟草酯EC、25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD、13%2甲4氯钠AS和480 g/L灭草松AS对黄鳝生长安全,可安全应用于稻鳝种养田防除杂草。土壤处理除草剂中,30%丙草胺EC、10%吡嘧磺隆WP、40%苄嘧磺隆·丙草胺WP对黄鳝生长安全,是稻鳝种养田使用土壤处理除草剂的优先选择。60%丁草胺EC和12%噁草酮EC与黄鳝的死亡率存在着明显的剂量-效应关系,随着浓度的提高,黄鳝死亡率显著上升,不推荐用于稻鳝种养田防除杂草。  相似文献   

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