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1乳水牛生产的现状1.1基本情况 福建省在改革开放前,水牛以役用为主,改革开放后,随着农业生产责任制的落实。农业生产呈现多元化发展趋势,水牛负耕面积不断下降,水牛养殖也逐渐由原来的役用为主演变为役肉、役乳兼用方向发展。由于福建省的漳州等地群众有在水母牛分娩后的初乳和泌乳高峰期挤一部份奶作为消费的习惯,使该市水牛向役肉兼用、役乳兼用,甚至向乳用方向发展。  相似文献   

文山州饲养水牛历史悠久,经过长期的自然和人为选择,具有体格粗壮、役力强、易饲养、使用年限长等优良特性,成为地方重要的畜种资源,曾是广大水稻区不可缺少的役力来源,对农业生产的发展发挥了重要的作用.然而,随着经济发展、城市化进程加快和农业机械化水平提高,农村生产力获得了极大的解放,水牛的役用价值逐渐随之弱化,而水牛奶、肉的特殊品质引起社会的广泛关注,开发水牛从役用型向乳用、肉用生产方向发展是必然的趋势.加快奶水牛产业开发步伐,提高水牛养殖综合效益,是促进文山州畜牧业发展和社会主义新农村建设的现实需要.  相似文献   

水牛在中国南方农业产业结构中占有非常重要的地位,大部分水牛都属于沼泽型水牛,长期以来作为役用家畜在广大农村分散饲养。随着中国农业机械化程度的提高,水牛在农村扮演劳役的角色逐渐发生了改变,水牛将由单一的役用向乳用和乳肉兼用方向发展。文章从水牛营养需要、饲料资源开发与利用、水牛瘤胃微生物与瘤胃发酵、水牛营养与繁殖,以及水牛乳、肉品质的营养调控等方面对近20年来水牛营养方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

 福安水牛是我国优良的水牛品种之一,是福建省唯一的水牛地方良种。论文分析了福安水牛在品种资源调查、役用性能、肉用性能、乳用性能、血液生理生化、血液蛋白多态性、线粒体DNA D loop区遗传多样性分析、DGAT基因多态性分析、分子遗传多样性研究等领域的研究现状,提出要开展品种资源保护和开发利用,认为福安水牛应该由以前“役用为主,乳肉为辅”向“乳用为主,肉役为辅”方向转变。  相似文献   

中国水牛由传统生产方式应向商品生产方式转移,即由单一的役用生产向乳、肉、役等综合利用生产转轨,才能发挥水牛自身的经济效益和社会效益。在亚热带地区的特殊条件下,水牛奶业开发利用更能够发挥其特点和优势,首先建立水牛奶业开发示范模式,付之实施、做出样板,逐步扩展,必将在我国创建一个新型水牛奶业的产业。  相似文献   

云南水牛资源丰富,发展潜力大,本文简要论述了云南水牛的生态分布,体形外貌,遗传多样性及其生产性能,并指出云南水牛由役用型向役,肉,乳兼用型的利用方向发展。  相似文献   

我市从1976年以来引进印度摩拉水牛,采用人工授精的方法,改良本地水牛,使本地水牛的生产性能由役用向役乳兼用的方向转变,本摩杂一代(以下称F1)水牛一个泌乳期的产奶量由本地水牛的600kg增加到1 639.5 kg.但是在人工授精时,大部分发育正常的F1母牛屡配不孕,而本地水牛受胎率均在40%以上.笔者通过对F1母牛发情过程的观察和分析后,采取相应措施,使F1母牛的情期受胎率达到42%,有的配种季节达到58%.现把提高F1母牛受胎率的体会归纳如下.  相似文献   

我市从 1976年引进印度摩拉水牛 ,采用人工授精方法改良本地水牛 ,使其生产性能由役用向役乳兼用方向转变。摩本杂一代 (以下称 F1)水牛一个泌乳期的产奶量由本地水牛的 60 0 kg增加到 1639.5kg。但在人工授精时 ,大部分发育正常的 F1母牛屡配不孕 ,而本地水牛受胎率均在 4 0 %以上。笔者通过对 F1母牛发情过程的观察和分析 ,采取相应措施后 ,使 F1母牛的情期受胎率达到 4 2 % ,有的配种季节达到 58%。现把提高 F1母牛受胎率的体会归纳如下 :1  F1母牛配种难孕的原因 本地水牛在发情前期和发情中期 ,都有明显的外观表现 ,如哞叫不安 ,…  相似文献   

<正> 我国水牛饲养量居世界第二位,仅次于印度。为提高养牛的经济效益,促使水牛由单一的役用转为向乳、肉、役综合利用方向发展,自1982年开始进行水牛杂改工作,至1987年止,全县利用么拉和尼里牛冻精共冷配本地母水牛351头,受胎185头,情期受胎率  相似文献   

综合介绍了水牛由奶、肉、役兼用向奶畜专用转变的发展趋势以及槟榔江水牛品种的形成及其培育、体型外貌特征、遗传学特征、生产性能、存在的问题等,并对该水牛品种的有效开发和利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

草原旅游业中非物质文化遗产资源利用初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
草原旅游业在我国农牧业地区经济发展中的比重逐年增加,越来越显示出其产业优势。从非物质文化遗产资源对发展草原旅游的必要性入手,论述了开发利用非物质文化遗产资源对提升草原旅游业发展水平的积极意义。全面了解和掌握草原文化中非物质文化遗产资源的种类、数量、分布状况、生存环境、保护现状及存在的问题,加紧制定非物质文化遗产保护规划、加强对非物质文化遗产的保护管理是切实提高草原旅游的文化品味,发挥草原非物质文化遗产资源优势,增加社会、经济效益的有效途径。  相似文献   

悬浮培养技术在生物制药中的应用和展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综述了国内外细胞悬浮培养产业化发展现状及其关键技术。细胞悬浮培养是利用生物反应器大规模培养动物细胞生产生物制品的核心技术,结合筛选驯化的高表达细胞株和个性化细胞培养基,控制细胞培养过程,实现提高生产效率及产品质量、降低生产成本的目的,是当前国际上生物制品生产的主流模式。但该技术目前在国内尚未得到广泛应用,生物制品生产仍主要采用病毒产率低、生产成本高、劳动强度大的转瓶细胞培养方式。随着现代生物技术发展,利用细胞悬浮培养技术进行生物制品生产是生物制药行业发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

江汉水牛头骨腔孔形态结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,水牛是现代农村重要的役使动物和肉食来源之一,因此科学家对水牛展开了大量的研究工作,而水牛的解剖研究又是水牛研究中的基础.本研究旨在对江汉水牛头骨腔孔进行解剖结构观察,为水牛的其它深入研究提供基础数据.以江汉水牛为实验动物,观察了水牛头骨各个骨孔的形状、位置和骨孔所对应的神经、血管及其它组织的分布,并采用测量法对各个骨孔的直径进行了测量.结果表明,水牛头骨上13个骨孔,且在这些骨孔内都有对应的血管、神经分布;各个骨孔的直径如下:眶上孔6.74 mm,眶下孔6.64 mm,枕骨大孔45.42 mm,颞翼眶圆孔5.33 mm,腭下孔7.85 mm,翼卵圆孔10.73 mm,颞关节后孔4.47mm,颈静脉孔9.87 mm,舌下神经孔9.05 mm,颞管孔14.46 mm,下颌孔6.28 mm,颏孔4.21 mm,筛孔3.37 mm.本研究结果对江汉水牛的骨孔及其所对应血管、神经和组织的集中归纳,为江汉水牛解剖的研究和教学提供了一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to set up a simple, economic and pure method to culture and identify buffalo mammary epithelial cell in vitro, which were collected from the fresh milk. The milk was collected in the late lactation period of the high yield milk buffalo, then it was mixed with the PBS in the ratio of 2:1 and centrifugated. A few suspernatants and the pellets were resuspended with the PBS when the milk fat were decanted, then recntrifuged. The final pellets and 1 mL of suspernatants were seeded in petri dish without fat, respectively. The isolated cells were mammary epithelial cells which were identified by cell morphology, immunofluorescence, growth curve, cell viability and RT-PCR. The buffalo mammary epithelial cells were successfully isolated from both the pellets and supernatants. The cells and impurities were less in the supernatants than that in the pellets. The cells were cobblestone-like without fibroblasts and most in cell division. In the post-confluent culture, mammary epithelial cells formed dome structures and layer-separated growth. The cells expressed cytokeratin 18 was identified by immunofluorescence which was the marker of mammary cells. The cell growth curve and cell survival rate were measured. The results showed that the buffalo mammary epithelial cells were activity and easy to attach. The mammary epithelial cells were expressed of milk protein and milk fat related genes detected by RT-PCR. The buffalo mammary epithelial cell line were successfully isolated and identified from fresh milk, which estabilished foundation for the study of the mechanism of lactation, the amelioration of the quality of milk and the improvement of milk yield of buffalo.  相似文献   

张天俊  贺泰颖 《草业科学》2012,29(10):1642-1645
大学学院文化是校园文化灵魂,先进的学院文化是人才培养、科学研究、服务社会、传承文化的精神动力和智力支持,而草业科学类学院文化是农耕文明与人类文明的结晶。本研究阐述了综合性大学农学类学院文化建设的重要性和内涵,指出农学类学院文化包括精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和环境文化四个方面,并以兰州大学草地农业科技学院为例,剖析了草业科学类学院文化建设沉淀过程,提出了建议,以便为草业科学类学院的文化建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

水牛乳汁中乳腺上皮细胞的分离培养及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验旨在从水牛(Bubalus bubalis)乳汁中分离培养水牛乳腺上皮细胞并对其进行鉴定,建立经济、便捷的水牛乳腺上皮细胞分离方法。通过无菌收集高产奶水牛泌乳后期乳汁,将其与PBS按2:1(V/V)混匀离心;去除上层乳脂,取带少量上清的沉淀,与PBS按上述比例混匀再次离心;将脂肪层去除干净,取沉淀上方1 mL上清及沉淀分别接种于细胞培养皿。通过细胞形态、免疫荧光、生长曲线测定、细胞接种活力、RT-PCR等对分离的细胞进行鉴定。结果表明,试验成功从水牛乳汁的上清和沉淀中分离获得了水牛乳腺上皮细胞,上清部分细胞和杂质较少;而沉淀部分则细胞和杂质较多。细胞呈典型鹅卵石样,无成纤维细胞,细胞活力好,多处于分裂期。当细胞增殖高度融合时,出现乳头状结构和分层生长现象。经免疫荧光鉴定,分离获得的水牛乳腺上皮细胞表达上皮细胞标志蛋白--细胞角蛋白18。水牛乳腺上皮细胞的生长曲线呈S型,符合一般生物学规律。细胞接种存活率的测定结果显示,细胞活力好、贴壁能力强。经RT-PCR检测,水牛乳腺上皮细胞表达乳蛋白及乳脂合成相关基因。从乳汁中分离水牛乳腺上皮细胞并对其进行鉴定,成功建立了水牛乳汁分离乳腺上皮细胞的方法,为研究水牛泌乳机制、改善乳品质、提高产奶量奠定基础。  相似文献   

Water buffalo are an ancient component of Turkey’s domestic livestock resources. Commonly referred to as the Anatolian buffalo the animal is part of the Mediterranean group which includes Syrian, Egyptian and Southeast European animals. Once quite numerous, there have been drastic reductions in their numbers since the 1970s due to intensification of dairy activities, agricultural mechanization and changing consumer preferences. The main areas of distribution are in northwest Turkey in the Marmara and Black Sea Regions. Buffalo are kept in small herds by livestock and mixed crop–livestock farmers. Milk is the main product, meat is largely a by-product of the dairy function and provision of the once-important draught power is now a minor output. Buffalo milk is used to prepare a variety of speciality products but output of both milk and meat is very low in comparison to cattle. Conditions of welfare and health status are not optimal. Internal parasites are a constraint on productivity. Some buffalo are being used for conservation grazing in the Black Sea area to maintain optimal conditions for bird life in a nature reserve. Long neglected by government there are recent activities to establish conservation herds, set up in vitro banks and undertake molecular characterization. More effort is needed by government to promote buffalo production and to engage the general public in conservation of their national heritage.  相似文献   

The development of efficient ovarian preantral follicle (PF) isolation and culture systems provide a large number of oocytes for the manipulation and embryo production. It also helps for understanding the mechanisms of follicle and oocyte development. Isolation and culture protocols for PFs were developed for many domestic species like cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, horse, camel, dog and cats; however, embryo production from oocytes derived from in vitro grown PFs was reported only in pigs, buffalo, sheep and goat. The rate of oocyte maturation from PFs grown in vitro is low and requires considerable research. This paper presents an overview of isolation and culture systems of PFs that have been developed for domestic species (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pigs, horse, camel, dog and cat) along with the current status of progress achieved in the direction of producing embryos using PFs as the source of oocyte in these species.  相似文献   

Identification and estimation of the prevalence of Pasteurella multocida organisms in different animal and avian species in India during November 2000 to July 2003 was carried out. Out of 418 samples collected from different outbreaks suspected to be caused by P. multocida, a total of 206 bacterial cultures were identified as P. multocida on the basis of cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics. All the 206 cultures were isolated from different domestic animal species (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig and rabbit), avian species (chicken, duck, quail, turkey, goose) and wild animals such as leopard and deer. Serotyping of P. multocida cultures revealed the presence of various serotypes (A:1, A:3, A:1,3, A:4, B:2, D:1 and -:1) among the livestock population. P. multocida polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay applied on different forms of bacterial cultures (bacterial culture lysate, direct bacterial colony and mixed bacterial culture lysate) yielded an amplified product of approximately 460 bp specific for P. multocida. The results of PCR assay correlated well with conventional methods of identification. The present investigation revealed the presence of varied serotypes among livestock and PCR assay was found to be useful for rapid, sensitive and specific diagnosis of pasteurellosis in animals and avian species.  相似文献   

在畜牧生产中,繁殖性状是一个非常重要的经济性状,繁殖性能的高低与动物生产效益密切相关。水牛是我国南方重要的物种资源,它具有耐粗饲、适应性强和易饲养等特点。而且水牛肉肉质鲜美,易于消化;水牛奶更是营养丰富全面,是制作高档奶制品的优质原料,一直以来,深受广大消费者青睐。然而,尽管我国水牛存栏量多,但水牛繁殖力低,一直是制约水牛产业发展的重要因素。如何提高水牛繁殖性能已成为当下研究的重点。为此,本文主要从分子水平上对近年来水牛繁殖性状相关基因的研究进展做一概述,并展望其应用前景。  相似文献   

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