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Nineteen isolates of 17 different fungal species thriving upon other fungi were tested for their ability to control sporulation of cucumber powdery mildew,Sphaerotheca fuliginea. More than half of the fungi reduced the number of healthy conidiophores to less than 10%.Tilletiopsis albescens was superior toAmpelomyces quisqualis. Three species, viz.A. quisqualis, Aphanocladium album andT. albescens, were selected for further greenhouse experiments.Samenvatting Negentien isolaten behorend tot 17 verschillende schimmelsoorten werden getoetst op hun bruikbaarheid voor de biologische bestrijding van komkommermeeldauw aan de hand van effecten op sporulatie. Meer dan de helft van de getoetete isolaten reduceerde het aantal gezonde conidioforen tot minder dan 10%. De werking vanTilletiopsis albescens was enigszins beter dan die van de meestal gebruikte hyperparasietAmpelomyces quisqualis. Van de getoetste schimmels werden er drie, n.l.A. quisqualis, Aphanocladium album enT. albescens, geselecteerd voor kasproeven.  相似文献   

Culture filtrates of 17 different fungal species thriving upon other fungi were tested for their ability to reduce sporulation of cucumber powdery mildew,Sphaerotheca fuliginea.All culture filtrates reduced the number of healthy conidiophores. However, the differences in activity between the various treatments were not as conspicuous as after application of spore suspensions. The best results were obtained with culture filtrates ofCalcarisporium arbuscula. These reduced the number of healthy conidiophores to ca. 2% of the unsprayed control plants.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Onder optimale omstandigheden konT. minor de ontwikkeling van komkommermeeldauw (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) tegengaan.Spuiten met 2×107 sporen ml–17 dagen na inoculatie met komkommermeeldauw gaf een reductie van meeldauwontwikkeling van ongeveer 90%. Wanneer een tweede bespuiting met dezelfde concentratie sporen 3 dagen na de eerste werd toegepast bleven de planten vrij van meeldauw tot ze werden opgeruimd 3 weken later.Bij een R.L. lager dan 70% en een temperatuur boven 30 °C had geen van de behandelingen succes. T. minor bleek ongevoelig voor dimethirimol (Milcurb) bij een concentratie van 125 g ml–1, terwijl er gemakkelijk een mutant kon worden verkregen, die resistent was tegen 100 g fenarimol ml–1, bij gelijk blijvende groeikracht en pathogeniteit ten opzichte van komkommermeeldauw, waardoorT. minor ingepast kan worden in een schema voor geïntegreerde bestrijding.  相似文献   

In some cucumber and gherkin greenhouses in the Netherlands, where Curamil (a.i. pyrazophos) had been used for control of powdery mildew, unsatisfactory disease control was obtained in recent years. Laboratory tests revealed a decreased sensitivity of the pathogen to the fungicide. The fitness and the competitive ability of pyrazophos resistant strains in absence of the fungicide appeared to be somewhat lower than that of the normal, sensitive strains. The implications with respect to disease control in practice are discussed.Samenvatting In enkele kassen, waar Curamil (a.i. pyrazofos) in 1977 aangewend werd ter bestrijding van meeldauw op komkommers en augurken, werd onvoldoende effekt met dit middel tegen deze ziekte verkregen. Toetsing in het laboratorium bracht een verminderde gevoeligheid van het pathogeen voor het fungicide aan het licht (Tabel 1). Bij afwezigheid van pyrazofos bleek het competitief vermogen (Tabel 2) en de vitaliteit (Tabel 3) van de pyrazofos resistente isolaten wat lager te zijn dan die van het normale, gevoelige pathogeen. De betekenis hiervan met betrekking tot de ziektebestrijding wordt besproken.  相似文献   

In replicate-plot field experiments done in the UK, at one site in Avon for 3 years and another in Warwickshire for 2 years, application of ethirimol or triadimenol sprays or seed treatments was followed by decreases in sensitivity of mildew samples to the particular fungicide applied. Application of ethirimol-triadimenol or tridemorph-triadimenol mixtures caused smaller or no decreases in sensitivity. Differences between isolates in responses to ethirimol and to triadimenol treatment were usually negatively correlated. Early-season inoculum differed in fungicide sensitivity between sites. At one site sensitivity shifted markedly from one season to another. No clear interactions between cultivar, mildew pathotype and shifts in fungicide response could be discerned. There were no major differences in resistance build-up between seed or spray treatments.In veldexperimenten met herhalingen uitgevoerd in Engeland, gedurende een periode van 3 jaar in Avon en gedurende een periode van 2 jaar in Warwickshire, werd na behandeling van zomergerst met ethirimol of triadimenol een verminderde gevoeligheid van meeldauw voor deze fungiciden waargenomen.Behandelingen met mengsels van ethirimol-triadimenol of tridemorf-triadimenol gaven weinig tot geen verminderde gevoeligheid. Verminderde gevoeligheid van isolaten voor ethirimol was meestal gecorreleerd met een verhoogde gevoeligheid voor triadimenol en omgekeerd. Vroeg in het seizoen werd in de meeldauwpopulatie op de twee proefvelden een verschil in gevoeligheid voor de fungiciden waargenomen. Op één proefveld trad van het ene op het andere seizoen een aanzienlijke verandering in de gevoeligheid voor de fungiciden op. Er was geen duidelijke correlatie tussen de waargenomen verminderde gevoeligheid voor de fungiciden en de gebruikte cultivars of voorkomende fysio's. Verminderde gevoeligheid voor de fungiciden werd zowel bij zaadbehandeling als bij het bespuiten van planten waargenomen.  相似文献   

In growth cabinet and greenhouse experiments the efficacy ofTilletiopsis minor in controlling cucumber powdery mildew decreased as humidity was lowered. This effect could be counteracted by formulation of the mycoparasite with lipophilic substances, like Hora Oleo 11E and lipids from milk. These formulations, without the mycoparasite, were also found to be deleterious to powdery mildew development. In the long run, however, formulations withT. minor gave better biological control of cucumber powdery mildew than formulations alone.  相似文献   

Conventional ways to control aphid vectors on potato crops rely essentially on cultural and chemical methods. The extensive use of insecticides, too often applied regardless of real needs and consequences, has resulted in more and more failures in both controlling aphids and virus spread. This paper stresses the need to introduce more rationale in the operation of existing methods by improving the efficiency of some of them like forecasting systems, to assess the potential of others like fertilization and semiochemicals and to put most efforts on resistant cultivars so that integrated pest management can be operated in the near future.  相似文献   

Present conditions of high inputs and narrow rotations render the importance of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) in arable farming in the Netherlands rather low. Changes expected in the near future under the influence of economic pressures and environmental problems may change this situation. This is discussed in the light of some such expected changes in Dutch arable farming.De huidige Nederlandse akkerbouw is zeer intensief. Ze heeft in het algemeen een nauwe rotatie met slechts enkele gewassen (aardappelen, granen en suikerbieten) en een ruime toepassing van kunstmest en bestrijdingsmiddelen. Het is te verwachten dat er onder invloed van toenemende problemen met het milieu, afnemende bodemproduktiviteit en lagere prijzen voor nu geteelde gewassen ten gevolge van overschotten een tendens zal zijn in de richting van een meer geïntegreerde landbouw. In de bestaande akkerbouw werken zowel hoge kunstmestgiften (met name N en P) en bestrijdingsmiddelen negatief op VAM-vorming. Naarmate het gebruik van kunstmest en bestrijdingsmiddelen in de nabije toekomst wellicht zal verminderen, kan worden verwacht dat zowel de aanwezigheid als het belang van VAM in de nederlandse landbouw zal toenemen. Het laatste zal vooral het geval zijn indien de vruchtwisseling wordt verruimd met de teelt van andere gewassen (zoals vlinderbloemigen) met een hogere VAM-afhankelijkheid dan die van het huidige gewasassortiment. Het zou zeer verstandig zijn zich reeds nu te beraden over vormen van bedrijfsvoering die VAM zoveel mogelijk stimuleren en daardoor meer profijt trekken van de door deze symbiose geboden voordelen.  相似文献   

The diffusion theory of focus development permits development of a class of related models of different complexity. The basis of the present study is an earlier model which simulates a dual spore dispersal mechanism, consisting of a short-distance and a long-distance mechanism. This model was further elaborated by adding stochasticity and an external directional force simulating wind. Stochasticity was simulated through randomization of lesions produced by spores dispersed by the long-distance mechanism. The model was run twelve times for three values of spore partitioning over the two dispersal mechanisms combined with four values of wind speed. Model responses were sampled at three simulation time values: 40, 90, and 100 days. A major model response was the shape of a single focus, studied through snap-shot pictures of disease severity over the field. Real life phenomena, non-circular mother or central focus with ragged front and daughter foci, were reproduced. Throughout the simulations, maximum disease severity remained at the location of the initial inoculation. However, after all available sites around the centre were exhausted, the geometrical centre of the focus was apparently moved downwind. Number of daughter foci and their relative size were strongly dependent on the spore partitioning over the two dispersal mechanisms.  相似文献   

In growth chamber experiments, seedlings of a susceptible wheat cultivar (Rubis) were inoculated with urediospores of wheat leaf rust. Inoculated seedlings were incubated in a moist chamber. The period of exposure to leaf wetness varied in duration and progressed with or without one or more interruptions of variable duration. During the interruptions the leaves with germlings were dry. At near-optimal temperature, leaf wetness periods of six h resulted in 60 to 65% of the pustules produced with 12 or 24 h wetness periods. Interruption of a 6 h leaf wetness period by a 1 h dry period was most damaging to the rust germlings at about three to four h after inoculation. The damage became visible as a reduction in the number of resulting pustules and as a prolongation of the median latency period. Epidemiological implications of leaf wetness interruptions are discussed.Kiemplanten van het vatbare tarweras Rubis werden geïnoculeerd met uredosporen van de bruine roest van tarwe. De proeven vonden plaats in klimaatkamers. Geïnoculeerde planten werden geïncubeerd in incubatiehokjes met een zeer hoge luchtvochtigheid, teneinde condensatiedruppels op de bladeren en aldus bladnatperioden te krijgen. De toegediende bladnatperioden varieerden in tijdsduur en zij verliepen met of zonder één of meer onderbrekingen, ook weer van variërende duur. Tijdens de onderbrekingen stonden de planten met roestkiemlingen in het licht; het blad was dan droog. Bij ongeveer optimale temperatuur en bladnatperioden van 6 uur was het aantal verkregen puistjes 60 à 65% van het aantal verkregen puistjes na een bladnatperiode van 12 of 24 uur. Onderbreking van de 6-urige bladnatperiode door een 1-urige droge periode was voor de roestkiemlingen het schadelijkst ongeveer 3 tot 4 uur na inoculatie. De schade kwam tot uitdrukking in het kleinere aantal geproduceerde puistjes en in een verlenging van de mediane latentieperiode. De epidemiologische betekenis van onderbrekingen van de bladnatperiode wordt besproken.  相似文献   

This contribution to Zadoks’ liber amicorum reviews the developments in quantitative epidemiology during the last decades. It elucidates the progress in this field and shows how empirical crop protection with many phenomenological aspects transformed into a science-based (inter) discipline. The availability of experimental tools and the rapid development and introduction of computers enabled the application of systems approaches which stimulated a revolution in thinking and caused a considerable improvement of strategic and tactical decision making in crop protection. Zadoks played a crucial role in that development.  相似文献   

Imazalil differentially inhibited dry weight increase of 10-hour-old germlings of wild-type and DMI-resistant isolates ofPenicillium italicum in liquid malt cultures. EC50 values ranged from 0.005 to 0.27 g ml–1. In all isolates ergosterol constituted the major sterol (over 95% of total sterols) in the absence of the fungicide. Therefore, DMI-resistance cannot be associated to a deficiency of the C-14 demethylation enzyme in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway. Imazalil treatment at concentrations around EC50 values for inhibition of mycelial growth resulted in a decrease in ergosterol content and a simultaneous increase in 24-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol content in all isolates. A correlation existed between the imazalil concentration necessary to induce such changes in sterol composition and the EC50 values for inhibition of mycelial growth of the different isolates. The reason for the differential effects of imazalil on sterol composition in the variousP. italicum isolates may be due to decreased accumulation of the fungicide in the mycelium and to other yet non-identified mechanisms of resistance.Imazalil remt differentieel de toename in drooggewicht van 10-uur-oude gekiemde sporen van wild-type en DMI-resistente isolaten vanPenicillium italicum in vloeistofcultures van moutextract. De EC50 waarden voor groei van de verschillende isolaten lopen uiteen van 0,005 tot 0,27 g ml–1. In afwezigheid van het fungicide is in alle isolaten ergosterol het belangrijkste sterol (meer dan 95% van het totaal). DMI-resistentie kan daarom niet in verband staan met deficiëntie van het C-14 demethyleringsenzym in de ergosterol biosynthese. Imazalilbehandeling van mycelium bij concentraties rond de EC50 waarde voor groeiremming, resulteerde bij alle isolaten in een afname van het ergosterolgehalte en een gelijktijdige toename van het gehalte aan 24-methyleen-24,25-dihydrolanosterol. Er bestaat dus een nauwe correlatie tussen de imazalilconcentratie die noodzakelijk is om vergelijkbare veranderingen in sterolsamenstelling te induceren en de EC50 waarde voor remming van myceliumgroei van de verschillende isolaten. De differentiële effecten van imazalil op de sterolsamenstelling van de verschillendeP. italicum isolaten kunnen worden veroorzaakt door verminderde accumulatie van het fungicide in het mycelium en door andere, nog niet geïdentificeerde resistentiemechanismen.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogenPhytophthora infestans is the causal organism of late blight, one of the most devastating diseases of potato. In the past, various aspects of the potato-P. infestans interaction have been studied extensively. In this paper we briefly review the current knowledge of the molecular events associated with the interaction and in addition we discuss a new approach for analyzing the molecular basis of pathogenicity ofP. infestans.  相似文献   

Quantitative data were collected to describe the relation between temperature and growth of the cabbage black rot pathogen,Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris (Xcc). Relative growth rates derived from experiments at constant temperatures were used in dynamic simulation of bacterial population development. The relative growth rates were adequate to simulate growth ofXcc populations at constant temperatures but overestimated growth of populations at variable temperatures. This finding gives rise to the hypothesis, that under field conditions, disease development is slower than is expected on the basis of growth parameters obtained from studies with constant temperatures.  相似文献   

采用喷雾法研究了大黄酚对黄瓜白粉病的生物活性及其在黄瓜组织中的内吸传导性。结果表明,大黄酚对黄瓜白粉病菌具有较高毒力,感染白粉病的叶片经200 mg/L的大黄酚处理2 d后,霉状物变褐色,病斑枯死。扫描电子显微镜观察显示,黄瓜白粉病菌经大黄酚处理后,菌丝和分生孢子梗扭曲、变形,分生孢子塌陷。盆栽试验表明,利用大黄酚防治黄瓜白粉病具有较长的持效期,黄瓜子叶上喷施100 mg/L的大黄酚,20 d后接种病原菌,其防效仍达84.83%,与有效成分500 mg/L的硫磺悬浮剂防效相近。此外,大黄酚在黄瓜组织中具有一定的跨层传导性,其横向传导性较弱,几乎无向顶及向基的传导性。  相似文献   

Introgression of trichome-mediated insect resistance from the wild speciesSolanum berthaultii has become a major focus of the potato improvement program at Cornell University during the past twelve years. Several quantitative characters are involved in this resistance which is effective against a wide range of pest types. Correlative biochemical assays have been developed to assay specific components of the resistance, and the effects of the resistance on the target pests have been studied. Quantitative laboratory assays and specific measurements of insect behavior and biology have increased the precision of selection and enable the investigation of the genetic control of the resistance.We are currently using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for genetic mapping of factors controlling the trichome traits fromS. berthaultii. Backcrosses to both the wild and the cultivated species parents have been evaluated for phenotypes contributing to the resistance mechanism, including trichome density, sucrose ester and polyphenol oxidase production by the trichomes, and the enzymatic browning reaction responsible for insect entrapment. Genetic maps are being developed for these progenies, using RFLP markers previously mapped in potato. Field and greenhouse trials under insect infestations are also being conducted with the mapping progeny. Our goal is to locate genes responsible for quantitative insect resistance by correlating RFLP variation at mapped loci with the trichome phenotypes and insect resistance. Genetic markers for these traits will be useful in transfer of the effective wild chromosomal segments into and among tetraploid potatoes, and for a better understanding of the resistance mechanism.  相似文献   

Three reported antagonists of cucumber powdery mildew,Stephanoascus flocculosus, Stephanoascus rugulosus, andTilletiopsis washingtonensis, were tested and compared under different environmental conditions for their potential for controlling rose powdery mildew, caused bySphaerotheca pannosa var.rosae. Under controlled conditions in vitro, all three fungi induced a rapid collapse of conidia, conidiophores and hyphae ofS. pannosa var.rosae on detached leaflets of miniature roses within 48 h following their application, as observed under a SEM. Both temperature and relative humidity (r.h.) affected the activity of the antagonists differently. The colonization of powdery mildew was maximal at 26 °C, especially forSt. rugulosus andT. washingtonensis. Maximal colonization was achieved at the highest r.h. tested (90%) for all three antagonists but onlySt. flocculosus maintained a colonization of 80% or better under lower r.h. These observations stress the importance of considering environmental conditions when assessing the activity of antagonistic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Fifteen isolates of rust fungi were collected in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands from severalAllium species. The samples represented three putative rust species. The morphology of the telia, teliospores and urediniospores was investigated. From urediniospores infection structures were induced on leek, and their morphology was described. Telia and teliospores were not available on every sample. Morphology of the infection structures clearly differentiated between ‘leek’ type and ‘chive’ type isolates. The morphology of infection structures ofPuccinia mixta is very similar to that ofUromyces ambiguus, but clearly distinct fromPuccinia allii sensu Jennings from leek. Quantitative differences in urediniospore characters differentiated between the putative species, but there was overlap between the taxa. We conclude that morphology of infection structures of urediniosporelings is a useful trait for identification of rust isolates fromAllium. This is especially true where more than one rust species may occur on the same host species, as withAllium fistulosum.  相似文献   

Relatively large amounts of pesticides are needed to control diseases and pests in modern, intensive potato production. Integrated crop management offers a way of reducing the need for pesticides. It aims to reduce costs and improve the quality of the product and of the production methods, while maintaining soil fertility and the quality of the environment. The components of integrated crop management are described. Prevention of diseases and pests has high priority. If diseases or pests are present, non-chemical control methods are preferred and chemical control is based on economic criteria and the monitoring of the soil and crops. The contribution of integrated crop management to the control of two important fungal diseases, late blight (Phytophthora infestans), and stem canker (Rhizoctonia solani) and of one pest, potato cyst nematode (Globodera spp..) is described. The prospects for further development of integrated crop protection are discussed.  相似文献   

A general strategy for the isolation of disease resistance genes is presented, employing a two-step approach of transposon targeting near genes of interest followed by transposon tagging. A library of transposon (Ac/Ds) transformants in a self fertile potato diploid are being mapped by deriving genomic DNA probes flanking the transposon containing T-DNA insertions with the inverse polymerase chain reaction and using these probes for RFLP analysis. We have produced a large number of transposon (Ac/Ds) transformants in a self fertile potato diploid. Genomic DNA probes, flanking the transposon containing T-DNA insertions, are produced by the inverse polymerase chain reaction (IPCR) and mapped by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in a segragating potato location. A transposon mapped close to a resistance gene can be recombined cis to the gene and used for efficient transposon targeting due to preferential transposition to linked sites.  相似文献   

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