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There is a knowledge gap on biochar carbon (C) longevity and its priming effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) and recent root-derived C under field conditions. This knowledge would allow the potential of biochar in long-term soil C sequestration to be established. However, most studies on biochar C longevity and its priming effect have been undertaken in plant-free laboratory incubations.A 388 d field study was carried out in the presence of an annual ryegrass (C3) growing on a rhodic ferralsol with established C3/C4 plant-derived SOC (δ13C: −20.2‰) in a subtropical climate. A 13C-depleted hardwood biochar (δ13C: −35.7‰, produced at 450 °C) was applied at 0 and 30 dry t ha−1 and mixed into the top 100-mm soil profile (equivalent to 3% w/w). We report on the differentiation and quantification of root respiration and mineralisation of soil-C and biochar-C in the field. Periodic 13CO2 pulse labelling was applied to enrich δ13C of root respiration during two separate winter campaigns (δ13C: 151.5–184.6‰) and one summer campaign (δ13C: 19.8–31.5‰). Combined soil plus root respiration was separated from leaf respiration using a novel in-field respiration collar. A two-pool isotope mixing model was applied to partition three C sources (i.e. root, biochar and soil). Three scenarios were used to assess the sensitivity associated with the C source partitioning in the planted systems: 1) extreme positive priming of recent SOC derived from the current ryegrass (C3) pasture; 2) equivalent magnitude of priming of SOC and labile root C; and 3) extreme positive priming of the native C4-dominant SOC.We showed that biochar induced a significant negative priming of SOC in the presence of growing plants but no net priming was observed in the unplanted soil. We also demonstrated the importance of experimental timeframe in capturing the transient nature of biochar-induced priming, from positive (day 0–62) to negative (day 62–388). The presence/absence of plants had no impact on biochar-C mineralisation in this ferralsol during the measurement period. Based on a two-pool exponential model, the mean residence time (MRT) of biochar varied from 351 to 449 years in the intensive pasture system to 415–484 years in the unplanted soils.  相似文献   

This study investigates how carbon sources of soil microbial communities vary with soil depth. Microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) were extracted from 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm depth intervals from agricultural soils and analysed for their stable carbon isotopes (δ13C values). The soils had been subjected to a vegetation change from C3 (δ13C≈?29.3‰) to C4 plants (δ13C≈?12.5‰) 40 years previously, which allowed us to trace the carbon flow from plant-derived input (litter, roots, and root exudates) into microbial PLFA. While bulk soil organic matter (SOM) reflected ≈12% of the C4-derived carbon in top soil (0–20 cm) and 3% in deeper soil (40–60 cm), the PLFA had a much higher contribution of C4 carbon of about 64% in 0–20 cm and 34% in 40–60 cm. This implies a much faster turnover time of carbon in the microbial biomass compared to bulk SOM. The isotopic signature of bulk SOM and PLFA from C4 cultivated soil decreases with increasing soil depth (?23.7‰ to ?25.0‰ for bulk SOM and ?18.3‰ to ?23.3‰ for PLFA), which demonstrates decreasing influence of the isotopic signature of the new C4 vegetation with soil depth. In terms of soil microbial carbon sources this clearly shows a high percentage of C4 labelled and thus young plant carbon as microbial carbon source in topsoils. With increasing soil depth this percentage decreases and SOM is increasingly used as microbial carbon source. Among all PLFA that were associated to different microbial groups it could be observed that (a) depended on availability, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria prefer plant-derived carbon as carbon source, however, (b) Gram-positive bacteria use more SOM-derived carbon sources while Gram-negative bacteria use more plant biomass. This tendency was observed in all three-depth intervals. However, our results also show that microorganisms maintain their preferred carbon sources independent on soil depth with an isotopic shift of 3–4‰ from 0–20 to 40–60 cm soil depth.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora is an invasive C4 perennial grass, native to North America, and has spread rapidly along the east coast of China since its introduction in 1979. Since its intentional introduction to the Jiuduansha Island in the Yangtze River estuary, Spartina alterniflora community has become one of the dominant vegetation types. We investigated the soil carbon in the Spartina alterniflora community and compared it with that of the native C3Scirpus mariqueter community by measuring total soil carbon (TC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TN), and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of various fractions. TC and SOC were significantly higher in Spartina alterniflora in the top 60 cm of soil. However, there was no significant difference in soil inorganic carbon (IC) between the two communities. Stable carbon isotopic analysis suggests that the fraction of SOC pool contributed by Spartina alterniflora varied from 0.90% to 10.64% at a soil depth of 0-100 cm with a greater percentage between 20 and 40 cm deep soils. The δ13C decreased with increasing soil depth in both communities, but the difference in δ13C among layers of the top 60 cm soil was significant (p<0.05), while that for the deeper soil layers (>60 cm) was not detected statistically. The changes in δ13C with depth appeared to be associated with the small contribution of residues from Spartina alterniflora at greater soil depth that was directly related to the vertical root distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Soil amendment with hydrochar produced by hydrothermal carbonization of biomass is suggested as a simple, cheap, and effective method for increasing soil C. We traced C derived from corn silage hydrochar (δ13C of ?13?‰) added to “coarse” and “fine” textured soils (δ13C of ?27?‰ for native soil C (SOC)) over two cropping seasons. Respiration rates increased in both soils (p?<?0.001) following hydrochar addition, and most of this extra respiration was derived from hydrochar C. Dissolved losses accounted for ~5 % of added hydrochar C (p?<?0.001). After 1 year, 33?±?8 % of the added hydrochar C was lost from both soils. Decomposition rates for the roughly two thirds of hydrochar that remained were very low, with half-life for less estimated at 19 years. In addition, hydrochar-amended soils preserved 15?±?4 % more native SOC compared to controls (negative priming). Hydrochar negatively affected plant height (p?<?0.01) and biomass (p?<?0.05) in the first but not the second crop grown on both soils. Our results confirm previous laboratory studies showing that initially, hydrochar decomposes rapidly and limits plant growth. However, the negative priming effect and persistence of added hydrochar C after 1 year highlight its soil C sequestration potential, at least on decadal timescales.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the biological availability of soil organic matter (SOM) pools is inversely proportional to their thermal stability was tested using the isotopic difference between the atmospheric CO213C = ?8.0‰) and 13C-enriched CO213C = ?47‰) fertilizers, as well as 15N-labeled fertilizers. The soil samples from spring wheat plots subjected to treatment with ambient (370 ppm) and elevated (540 ppm) CO2 concentrations for three years were analyzed by the thermogravimetric method. Based on the weight loss, five SOM pools were distinguished where the total C and N contents and isotopic compositions (δ13C and (δ15N) were determined. The contents of new C and N and their mean residence times in pools were calculated. The incorporation of 13C and 15N and their turnover rates did not depend on the thermal stability of the SOM pools, which disproved the hypothesis being tested.  相似文献   

By measuring the isotopic signature of soil respiration, we seek to learn the isotopic composition of the carbon respired in the soil (δ13CR-s) so that we may draw inferences about ecosystem processes. Requisite to this goal is the need to understand how δ13CR-s is affected by both contributions of multiple carbon sources to respiration and fractionation due to soil gas transport. In this study, we measured potential isotopic sources to determine their contributions to δ13CR-s and we performed a series of experiments to investigate the impact of soil gas transport on δ13CR-s estimates. The objectives of these experiments were to: i) compare estimates of δ13CR-s derived from aboveground and belowground techniques, ii) evaluate the roles of diffusion and advection in a forest soil on the estimates of δ13CR-s, and iii) determine the contribution of new and old carbon sources to δ13CR-s for a Douglas-fir stand in the Pacific Northwest during our measurement period. We found a maximum difference of −2.36‰ between estimates of δ13CR-s based on aboveground vs. belowground measurements; the aboveground estimate was enriched relative to the belowground estimate. Soil gas transport during the experiment was primarily by diffusion and the average belowground estimate of δ13CR-s was enriched by 3.8-4.0‰ with respect to the source estimates from steady-state transport models. The affect of natural fluctuations in advective soil gas transport was little to non-existent; however, an advection-diffusion model was more accurate than a model based solely on diffusion in predicting the isotopic samples near the soil surface. Thus, estimates made from belowground gas samples will improve with an increase in samples near the soil surface. We measured a −1‰ difference in δ13CR-s as a result of an experiment where advection was induced, a value which may represent an upper limit in fractionation due to advective gas transport in forest ecosystems. We found that aboveground measurements of δ13CR-s may be particularly susceptible to atmospheric incursion, which may produce estimates that are enriched in 13C. The partitioning results attributed 69-98% of soil respiration to a source with a highly depleted isotopic signature similar to that of water-soluble carbon from foliage measured at our site.  相似文献   

Quantifying and understanding the uncertainty in isotopic mixing relationships is critical to isotopic applications in carbon cycle studies at all spatial and temporal scales. Studies that depend on stable isotope approaches must also address quantification of uncertainty for parameters derived from isotopic studies. An important application of isotopic mixing relationships is determination of the isotopic content of ecosystem respiration (δ13CS) via an inverse relationship (a Keeling plot) between atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) and carbon isotope ratios of CO2 (δ13C). Alternatively, a linear relationship between [CO2] and the product of [CO2] and δ13C (a Miller/Tans plot) can also be applied.We used three datasets of [CO2] and δ13C in air to examine contrasting approaches to determine δ13CS and its uncertainty. These datasets were from the Niwot Ridge, Colorado, AmeriFlux site, the Biosphere-Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network (BASIN), and from the Grünschwaige Grassland Research Station in Germany. The analysis of this data included Keeling plots and Miller/Tans plots fit with both Model I (ordinary least squares) and Model II regressions (geometric mean regression and orthogonal distance regression).Our analysis confirms previous observations that increasing the range of the measurements ([CO2] range) used for a mixing line reduces the uncertainty associated with δ13CS. Using a Model II regression technique to determine δ13CS introduces a negatively skewed bias in δ13CS which is especially significant for small [CO2] ranges. This bias arises from comparatively greater variability in the dependent variable than the independent variable for a linear regression. For carbon isotope studies, uncertainty in the isotopic measurements has a greater effect on the uncertainty of δ13CS than the uncertainty in [CO2]. As a result, studies that estimate parameters via a Model II regression technique maybe biased in their conclusions. In contrast to earlier studies, we advocate Model I (ordinary least squares) regression to calculate δ13CS and its uncertainty. Reducing the uncertainty of isotopic measurements reduces the uncertainty of δ13CS, even when the [CO2] range of samples is small (<20 ppm). As a result, improvement in isotope (rather than [CO2]) measuring capability is presently needed to substantially reduce uncertainty in δ13CS. We find for carbon isotope studies no inherent advantage or disadvantage to using either a Keeling or Miller/Tans approach to determine δ13CS. We anticipate that the mathematical methods developed in this paper can be applied to other applications where linear regression is utilized.  相似文献   

Experimentation with dynamics of soil carbon pools as affected by elevated CO2 can better define the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to sequester global carbon. In the present study, 6 N HCl hydrolysis and stable-carbon isotopic analysis (δ13C) were used to investigate labile and recalcitrant soil carbon pools and the translocation among these pools of sorghum residues isotopically labeled in the 1998-1999 Arizona Maricopa free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment, in which elevated CO2 (FACE: 560 μmol mol−1) and ambient CO2 (Control: 360 μmol mol−1) interact with water-adequate (wet) and water-deficient (dry) treatments. We found that on average 53% of the final soil organic carbon (SOC) in the FACE plot was in the recalcitrant carbon pool and 47% in the labile pool, whereas in the Control plot 46% and 54% of carbon were in recalcitrant and labile pools, respectively, indicating that elevated CO2 transferred more SOC into the slow-decay carbon pool. Also, isotopic mixing models revealed that increased new sorghum residue input to the recalcitrant pool mainly accounts for this change, especially for the upper soil horizon (0-30 cm) where new carbon in recalcitrant soil pools of FACE wet and dry treatments was 1.7 and 2.8 times as large as that in respective Control recalcitrant pools. Similarly, old C in the recalcitrant pool under elevated CO2 was higher than that under ambient CO2, indicating that elevated CO2 reduces the decay of the old C in recalcitrant pool. Mean residence time (MRT) of bulk soil carbon at the depth of 0-30 cm was significantly longer in FACE plot than Control plot by the averages of 12 and 13 yr under the dry and wet conditions, respectively. The MRT was positively correlated to the ratio of carbon content in the recalcitrant pool to total SOC and negatively correlated to the ratio of carbon content in the labile pool to total SOC. Influence of water alone on the bulk SOC or the labile and recalcitrant pools was not significant. However, water stress interacting with CO2 enhanced the shift of the carbon from labile pool to recalcitrant pool. Our results imply that terrestrial agroecosystems may play a critical role in sequestrating atmospheric CO2 and mitigating harmful CO2 under future atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Long‐term no‐tillage management and crop residue amendments to soil were identified as an effective measure to increase soil organic carbon (SOC). The SOC content, SOC stock (SOCs), soil carbon sequestration rate (CSR), and carbon pool management index (CPMI) were measured. A stable isotopic approach was used to evaluate the contributions of wheat and maize residues to SOC at a long‐term experimental site. We hypothesized that under no‐tillage conditions, straw retention quantity would affect soil carbon sequestration differently in surface and deep soil, and the contribution of C3 and C4 crops to soil carbon sequestration would be different. This study involved four maize straw returning treatments, which included no maize straw returning (NT‐0), 0.5 m (from the soil surface) maize straw returning (NT‐0.5), 1 m maize straw returning (NT‐1), and whole maize straw returning (NT‐W). The results showed that in the 0–20 cm soil layer, the SOC content, SOCs, CSR and CPMI of the NT‐W were highest after 14 years of no‐tillage management, and there were obvious differences among the four treatments. However, the SOC, SOCs, and CSR of the NT‐0.5 and NT‐W were the highest and lowest in 20–100 cm, respectively. The value of δ13C showed an obviously vertical variability that ranged from –22.01‰ (NT‐1) in the 0–20 cm layer to –18.27‰ (NT‐0.5) in the 60–80 cm layer, with enriched δ13C in the 60–80 cm (NT‐0.5 and NT‐1) and 80–100 cm (NT‐0 and NT‐W) layers. The contributions of the wheat and maize‐derived SOC of the NT‐0.5, NT‐1 and NT‐W increased by 11.4, 29.5 and 56.3% and by 10.7, 15.1 and 40.1%, relative to those in the NT‐0 treatment in the 0–20 cm soil layer, respectively. In conclusion, there was no apparent difference in total SOC sequestration between the NT‐0.5, NT‐1, and NT‐W treatments in the 0–100 cm soil layer. The contribution of wheat‐derived SOC was higher than that of maize‐derived SOC.  相似文献   

Discrimination in carbon and nitrogen isotopes of decomposing plant litter in the northern Chihuahuan Desert was determined for a 5-year period. Factors influencing isotopic change were assessed from inter-species comparisons of litter chemistry, mass loss patterns, and isotope values of associated soil. Average δ15Nlitter values of buried roots increased 1.2 and 2.6‰ for Big Blue Stem (Schizachyrium gerardi, grass) and Varital (Drypetes glauca, hardwood) during the study, respectively. Small but inconsistent variations were observed for Slash Pine (Pinus elliotii, conifer) roots. Average δ15N values of wooden dowels from Ramin (Gonystlylus bancanus, hardwood) increased ca. 2.0‰ during years 1–4, and then decreased slightly during year 5. Changes in δ15Nlitter were independent of N content, and may reflect microbial fractionation or preferential retention of 15N enriched substrates. Surprisingly, there was no clear relationship between litter N dynamics and C/N ratios. There were no discernable changes in δ13Clitter values for Gonystlylus bancanus and Pinus elliotii. Average δ13Clitter values for Schizachyrium gerardi decreased ∼2.0‰ during years 0–2 and then increased slightly. In contrast, average δ13Clitter values for Drypetes glauca increased ∼0.5‰ from years 0–1 then remained relatively constant until decreasing slightly in year 5. δ13Clitter discrimination may have been masked by interfering δ13C fractionations or feedbacks between decomposers and litter chemistry. Our data indicate that isotopic discrimination is characteristic of early litter decay stages. These results may highlight aspects of isotope discrimination and nutrient cycling unique to arid land environments. Additional studies will be needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance measurements and estimates of biomass net primary production (NPP) in combination with soil carbon turnover modelled by the Roth-C model were used to assess the ecosystem carbon balance of an agricultural ecosystem in Thuringia, Germany, growing winter wheat in 2001. The eddy CO2 flux measurements indicate an annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) uptake in the range from −185 to −245 g C m−2 per year. Main data analysis uncertainty in the annual NEE arises from night-time u1 screening, other effects (e.g. coordinate rotation scheme) have only a small influence on the annual NEE estimate. In agricultural ecosystems the fate of the carbon removed during harvest plays a role in the net biome production (NBP) of the ecosystem, where NBP is given by net ecosystem production (NEP=−NEE) minus non-respiratory losses of the ecosystem (e.g. harvest). Taking account of the carbon removed by the wheat harvest (290 g C m−2), the agricultural field becomes a source of carbon with a NBP in the order of −45 to −105 g C m−2 per year. Annual carbon balance modelled with the Roth-C model also indicated that the ecosystem was a source for carbon (NBP −25 to −55 g C m−2 per year). Based on the modelling most of carbon respired resulted from changes in the litter and fast soil organic matter pool. Also, the crop and management history, particularly the C input to soil in the previous year, significantly affect next year’s CO2 exchange.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of soil δ13C were quantified in a subtropical C3 woodland in the Rio Grande Plains of southern Texas, USA that developed during the past 100 yrs on a lowland site that was once C4 grassland. A 50 × 30 m plot and two transects were established, and soil cores (0–15 cm, n = 207) were collected, spatially referenced, and analyzed for δ13C, soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil particle size distribution. Cross-variogram analysis indicated that SOC remaining from the past C4 grassland community co-varied with soil texture over a distance of 23.7 m. In contrast, newer SOC derived from C3 woody plants was spatially correlated with root biomass within a range of 7.1 m. Although mesquite trees initiate grassland-to-woodland succession and create well-defined islands of soil modification in adjoining upland areas at this site, direct gradient and proximity analyses accounting for the number, size, and distance of mesquite plants in the vicinity of soil sample points failed to reveal any relationship between mesquite tree abundance and soil properties. Variogram analysis further indicated soil δ13C, texture and organic carbon content were spatially autocorrelated over distances (ranges = 15.6, 16.2 and 18.7 m, respectively) far greater than that of individual tree canopy diameters in these lowland communities. Cross-variogram analysis also revealed that δ13C – SOC and δ13C-texture relationships were spatially structured at distances much greater than that of mesquite canopies (range = 17.6 and 16.5 m, respectively). These results suggest fundamental differences in the functional nature and consequences of shrub encroachment between upland and lowland landscapes and challenge us to identify the earth system processes and ecosystem structures that are driving carbon cycling at these contrasting scales. Improvements in our understanding how controls over soil carbon cycling change with spatial scale will enhance our ability to design vegetation and soil sampling schemes; and to more effectively use soil δ13C as a tool to infer vegetation and soil organic carbon dynamics in ecosystems where C3–C4 transitions and changes in structure and function are occurring.  相似文献   

Labile soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and heat-extracted carbon (HEC) are sensitive indicators of changing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is an important tool for studying SOC turnover and soil biological function. Several complications are involved in measuring DOC/HEC, for example salt ionic strength; solution pH; and anionic damage to elemental analyzer-IRMS. We evaluated a method for DOC/HEC analysis with 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (PPB). This method was strongly correlated with commonly used carbon (C) extractants for C quantification. Carbon-13 comparisons between DOC/HEC extracted with Milli-Q water and PPB were similar. The δ13C (‰) values of particulate OC and DOC were similar, whereas the relationship between humic OC and HEC was soil specific. An incubation experiment demonstrated that DOC/HEC δ13C (‰) successfully explained respired microbial carbon dioxide over 90 days. We conclude that this method represents an alternative for DOC/HEC quantification and δ13C (‰) analyses.  相似文献   

Land use change, tillage practices and straw incorporation are known to affect soil organic carbon (SOC) as well as soil inorganic carbon (SIC) turnover in agricultural soils. SOC and SIC, particularly pedogenic carbonates (PC), were assessed in a semi‐humid region of China to a depth of 160 cm. δ13C values were used to calculate the percentage of PC and lithogenic carbonates (LC) in the total SIC. Over the 39‐y period of intensive agriculture including 14 y of tillage × straw experiment, three treatments, i.e ., tillage with wheat and maize straw return (TWM), tillage with wheat straw return (TW), and wheat and maize straw return with no‐tillage (WM) showed an increase of PC compared to a native plantation plot (NP). The significantly higher SOC stock via no‐tillage was limited to top 1 m soil and there was no significant difference between tillage and no‐tillage treatments at 0–160 cm depth. The changes of SOC caused by the tillage and maize straw addition were negligible compared to the gain in PC. Tillage, crop residues incorporation and irrigation played an important role in the turnover of PC and LC. SIC accumulation resulted from combination of neoformation of PC and conservation of LC. Neoformation of silicatic PC sequestered at least 0.49, 0.47, and 0.29 Mg C ha−1 y−1 in TWM, TW, and WM treatments, respectively, with reference to NP plot. We concluded that to evaluate the long term impacts of land use and farming practices on soil C storage, change of pedogenic and lithogenic carbonates and soil organic carbon in deeper soil profiles should be integrated on regional and global scales.  相似文献   

耕地土壤有机碳(SOC)是土壤质量的重要指标,也是生态系统健康的重要表征。当前机器学习(Machine Learning, ML)用于SOC数字制图日益热门,但不同算法在高空间分辨率SOC数字制图中的对比研究尚有欠缺。本研究以福建省东北部复杂地形地貌区为例,采用10m空间分辨率Sentinel-2影像数据,选取地形、气候、遥感植被变量为驱动因子,重点分析当前常用的机器学习算法——支持向量机(SupportVector Machine,SVM)、随机森林(RandomForest,RF)在SOC预测中的差异,并与传统普通克里格模型(Ordinary Kriging, OK)进行比较。结果表明:基于地形、遥感植被因子和气候因子构建的RF模型表现最佳(RMSE=2.004,r=0.897),其精度优于OK模型(RMSE=4.571, r=0.623),而SVM模型预测精度相对最低(RMSE=5.190, r=0.431);3种模型预测SOC空间分布趋势总体相似,表现为西高东低、北高南低,其中RF模型呈现的空间分异信息更加精细;最优模型反演得到耕地土壤有机碳平均含量为15.33 g·kg-1; RF模型和SVM模型变量重要性程度表明:高程和降水是影响复杂地貌区SOC空间分布的重要变量,而遥感植被因子重要性程度低于高程。  相似文献   

Naphthenic acids (NAs) are a complex group of naturally occurring oil sands constituents that constitute a significant portion of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool available for microbial degradation in the process-related waste water associated with oil sands mine sites. One approach to understanding the biological fate of oil sands process-derived carbon and nitrogen in aquatic reclamation of the mine sites involves the use of stable isotope analyses. However, for stable isotope analyses to be useful in such field-based assessments, there is a need to determine how microbial degradation of a complex mixture of NAs might change the stable isotope values (δ 13C, δ 15N). In batch cultures and semi-continuous laboratory microcosms, utilization of a commercial mixture of NAs by oil sands-derived microbial cultures resulted in microbial biomass that was similar or slightly 13C enriched (1.4‰ to 3.0‰) relative to the DOC source, depending on the length of incubation. Utilization of a NA-containing extract of oil sands processed water resulted in greater 13C enrichment of microbial biomass (8.5‰) relative to the DOC source. Overall, the δ 13C of the DOC comprised of complex mixtures of NAs showed minimal change (?0.5‰ to ?0.1‰) during the incubation period whereas the δ 13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was more variable (?5.0‰ to +5.4‰). In tests where the concentration of available nitrogen was increased, the final biomass values were 15N enriched (3.8‰ to 8.4‰) relative to the initial biomass. The isotope trends established in this study should enhance our ability to interpret field-based data from sites with hydrocarbon contamination, particularly in terms of carbon source utilization and 15N enrichment.  相似文献   

We report the first simultaneous measurements of δ15N and δ13C of DNA extracted from surface soils. The isotopic composition of DNA differed significantly among nine different soils. The δ13C and δ15N of DNA was correlated with δ13C and δ15N of soil, respectively, suggesting that the isotopic composition of DNA is strongly influenced by the isotopic composition of soil organic matter. However, in all samples DNA was enriched in 13C relative to soil, indicating microorganisms fractionated C during assimilation or preferentially used 13C enriched substrates. Enrichment of DNA in 15N relative to soil was not consistently observed, but there were significant differences between δ15N of DNA and δ15N of soil for three different sites, suggesting microorganisms are fractionating N or preferentially using N substrates at different rates across these contrasting ecosystems. There was a strong linear correlation between δ15N of DNA and δ15N of the microbial biomass, which indicated DNA was depleted in 15N relative to the microbial biomass by approximately 3.4‰. Our results show that accurate and precise isotopic measurements of C and N in DNA extracted from the soil are feasible, and that these analyses may provide powerful tools for elucidating C and N cycling processes through soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

The sequestration of dung carbon in soil depends on the location and rate at which it is immobilized in soil aggregates. Here C4 dung (δ13C = ?16.1‰) or C3 dung (δ13C = ?26.8‰) were applied to a temperate permanent pasture C3 soil (δ13C = ?27.9‰). Triplicate samples were taken from C3 and C4 dung remaining at the surface, and in the 0–1 and 1–5 cm soil layers in the unamended control and under the C3 and C4 dung patches after 7, 14, 29, 42 and 70 days after the application of the dung. Macroaggregates (≥ 4 mm) at the lower depth (1–5 cm) were mechanically fractionated into surface and core fractions by a combination of shock freezing followed by wet sieving. Neither overall nor differential carbon isotope fractionation occurred in the dung remaining at the surface. The incorporation of C4 dung significantly increased the δ13C content of the 0–1 cm layer of the C3 soil. Dung C sequestration did not exceed 10% for the 0–1 cm layer and was only 20% for the whole soil (0–30 cm) during the 7‐day experiment. Only 32–66% of the C from dung in the 1–5 cm layer was sequestered in the aggregates; the major proportion was initially preferentially attached to their surfaces, but incorporated into aggregates within the following 14 days. The majority of dung, however, soon resided between the aggregates, pointing to the important role of the inter‐aggregate fraction in short‐term C dynamics of dung in this pasture soil.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic respiration from agricultural soils can be differentiated as originating from microbial decomposition of recent litter inputs or crop residue carbon (CRC) and resident soil organic carbon (SOC) pools of varying age and stages of decomposition. Our objective was to determine the relative contributions of these pools to respiration in a northern agroecosystem where the non-growing season is long. A tunable diode laser trace gas analyzer was used to determine atmospheric stable C isotope ratio (δ13C) values and 12CO2 and 13CO2 fluxes over an agricultural field in the Red River Valley of southern Manitoba, Canada. Measurement campaigns were conducted in the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007 following harvest of a maize (C4) crop from soil having SOC derived from previous C3 crops. Stable CO2 isotopologue gradients were measured from the center of four 200 × 200 m experimental plots, and fluxes were calculated using the aerodynamic flux gradient method. The soil in two of the experimental plots underwent intensive tillage, while the other two plots were managed using a form of reduced tillage. Approximately 70% and 20-30% of the total respiration flux originated from the maize C4-CRC during the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007, respectively. At least 25% of the maize residue was lost to respiration during this non-growing period. No difference in the partitioning of heterotrophic respiration into that derived from CRC and SOC was detected between the intensive tillage and recently established reduced tillage treatments at the site.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in environmental conditions and biotic interactions are often ignored when using stable isotope analysis for reconstructing the trophic structure of soil communities in temperate ecosystems. In this study, we estimated seasonal and age-related changes in δ13C and δ15N values in three epigeic species of collembolans (Pogonognathellus longicornis, Orchesella flavescens and Isotoma viridis) and two litter-dwelling species of millipedes (Polydesmus denticulatus and Leptoiulus proximus) in deciduous and coniferous forest stands in central Russia. Age-related changes in δ13C or δ15N values were either absent or negligible (within 1‰) in L. proximus, but adult and subadult specimens of P. denticulatus were enriched in 15N compared to early larval stages. Since the adults of P. denticulatus were generally more enriched in 15N than adults of L. proximus, they presumably occupy more distinct trophic niches than juveniles do. Age-related changes in isotopic composition were small or absent in collembolans studied. Neither δ13C nor δ15N values of millipedes changed significantly during the vegetation season. In contrast, consistent seasonal changes in δ13C and δ15N values were found in collembolans. Increased δ13C values coincided with the period of minimum soil moisture and correlated with a decreased C/N ratio in collembolan tissues. These changes can largely be attributed to the depletion of lipid-rich storage tissues. Seasonal changes in δ15N values were similar among collembolan species, yet slightly varied between habitats. A general trend of increasing δ15N values from June to September–October may indicate either a reduced importance of non-vascular plants (algae and lichen) in collembolan diet or variation in the isotopic composition of these plants. Overall, our data show that seasonal variations should be taken into account when estimating the isotopic composition of epigeic collembolans in forest soils.  相似文献   

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