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This study was made to optimize heat shock conditions for producing triploidy in the brown trout, Salmo trutta. Heat shock at 29°C for 10 min duration, initiated between 5 and 45 min after insemination, gave high frequencies of triploid embryos (77–91%) as assessed by chromosome observation. Shocks initiated between 90 and 260 min following insemination had no effect on polyploidization. Other groups heat shocked at 29°C for 5–15 min duration initiated 10 min after insemination resulted in moderate rates of triploidy (50–63%). A high temperature shock of 32°C for 6 min duration gave 100% triploidy but a lower temperature shock of 26°C, even for 30 min duration, had only a moderate effect (57%). Rates of hatching were generally decreased in the groups giving moderate to high frequencies of triploidy. In most treated lots haploid embryos were observed and were considered to be a cause of decreased survival.  相似文献   

An homologous radioimmunoassay for brown trout vitellogenin (VTG) was developed. Intact VTG, isolated from juvenile brown trout by selective precipitation and anion exchange chromatography was labelled with Na125I, with 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-3,6-diphenylglycoluril (Iodogen) as the oxidizing agent. Incorporation of Na125I into VTG was higher than 75% and there was little degradation of the labelled protein. Labelled VTG eluted at the same position as unlabelled, purified brown trout VTG when analyzed by gel filtration on Sepharose 6B. Antisera with high titers, i.e. 1250 000, against brown trout VTG were raised in rabbits. The sensitivity of the assay was 5 ng VTG/ml and the standard curve was linear between 10 and 100 ng VTG/ml. Plasma from maturing female brown trout, as well as estradiol-treated and untreated juvenile brown trout diluted parallel to the standard curve, while plasma from maturing female rainbow trout and estradiol-treated arctic charr diluted non-parallel to the standard curve for brown trout VTG. Purified rainbow trout VTG and plasma from maturing female rainbow trout diluted parallel to each other, but with lower sensitivity than for brown trout VTG. Determinations of protein-bound phosphorus in the plasma of estradiol-treated juvenile brown trout correlated well with the RIA determinations of VTG. Repeated freezing and thawing of plasma samples yielded up to a hundred-fold increase in the apparent VTG level, while storage of a plasma sample for one year at –20°C did not affect the VTG level as measured by RIA.  相似文献   

Zimmer M, Schreer JF, Power M. Seasonal movement patterns of Credit River brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 290–299. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Movement habits in riverine populations of brown trout vary among watersheds. Thus it is important to identify factors influencing differences in individual behaviour so as to improve the information resource base available for the design of river‐specific management strategies. Such information is particularly needed in the rapidly urbanising watersheds of eastern North America where relatively little is known about anthropogenic influences on brown trout populations. In this study, we examined the influence of water temperature on brown trout behaviour in the Credit River in south‐central Ontario, Canada with respect to seasonal movement patterns. Observed patterns of movement were also correlated with variations in river discharge and habitat quality. Forty‐three radio‐tagged, adult brown trout were tracked in a confined 39.8 km portion of the Credit River from 15 May 2002 to 28 July 2003. Fish were captured in three sections of the river that differed in distance downstream and habitat quality. Fish size had little impact on movement patterns. However, there was considerable variation in seasonal movement with upstream movements to summer positions, maintenance of summer positions, downstream and often extensive movements in fall. Also observed was maintenance of winter positions and repeated upstream movements in late spring‐early summer to previously used summer positions. The elaborate movement behaviour in the Credit River population was attributed to seasonal changes in thermal habitat quality. Fish tagged in less suitable thermal habitats moved significantly more than fish from more suitable thermal habitats.  相似文献   

Gravid brown trout (Salmo trutta) females were injected with various doses of a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa), given with or without an injection of triiodothyronine (T3), in order to investigate the potential of T3 (a) to enhance the stimulatory effect of GnRHa on ovulation, and (b) to enhance the growth and survival of the produced progeny. From the time the hormonal treatments were initiated until ovulation was detected 5–38 days later, endogenous plasma T3 levels increased from an average of 3.6 to 11.6 ng ml−1. Injection with 20 mg T3 kg−1 body weight, further elevated plasma T3 levels at ovulation (16.0 ng ml−1. Mean time to ovulation was reduced significantly in fish injected with 10 μg kg−1 of GnRHa, whereas treatment with lower doses was ineffective. Injection with T3 did not enhance the ovulatory response of brown trout to GnRHa. Unfertilized eggs obtained from T3-injected females had a higher T3 content, suggesting a transfer of T3 from the maternal circulation into the oocytes. Maternal T3 injection had no effect on egg fertilization rates, embryo survival to eyeing and hatching, or the prevalence of abnormal larvae at the time of hatching. Length and weight gain of the progeny during yolk absorption was also not influenced by maternal T3 treatment. At the completion of yolk-sac absorption, progeny from females injected with T3 had a higher prevalence of skeletal abnormalities than controls. The results suggest that in teleosts like brown trout, which have high endogenous circulating T3 levels, treatment of females with T3 does not enhance responsiveness to GnRHa and it has the potential for deleterious effects on their offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract. An 'oedema syndrome' caused mortality of 55·5% in brood brown trout approximately 2 months after spawning. The pathology and clinical biochemistry of the condition are described. It is suggested that the severe hypoproteinaemia and anaemia were due mainly to the traditional reduction in feed levels prior to spawning at a time when the water temperatures were abnormally high. It is also suggested, however, that the syndrome would not have occurred if the fish had not developed an aeromonad infection prior to stripping. Concurrent fungal infection and subsequent extremely low water temperatures are also thought to have played a role.  相似文献   

Abstract  In total, 8211 1-year-old and 14839 2-year-old hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from 11 stocks were released at the mouth of the River Imsa, southwestern Norway. The recapture rates and total estimated yield were higher for 2- than 1-year-old trout, although recapture rates varied between years of release and stocks. The recapture rate increased with mean individual weight at time of release. Total estimated yield from the individual groups of 1+ trout ranged from 2 to 20 kg per 1000 trout released and for 2+ trout between 11 and 250 kg per 1000 fish released. In all cases, yields were lower than the economic break-even yield. Most fish were recaptured the year of release (89.2% of 2+ and 76.2% of 1+ trout). Almost 31% of the recaptures were caught at sea and 69% in fresh water; 95.8% of the latter were taken in the River Imsa trap.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to characterize the autochthonous gut microbiota present in the pyloric caeca (PC), anterior mucosa (AM) and posterior mucosa (PM) of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Total viable counts (TVC) bacterial populations were enumerated using tryptone soy agar, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) levels were enumerated on de Man, Rogosa & Sharpe agar and PCR‐DGGE was employed as a culture‐independent method to assess the total communities. No significant differences were observed between the different gut regions for TVC or LAB levels. 16S rRNA sequencing identified all LAB isolates as Carnobacterium maltaromaticum. In contrast, the TVC community was more diverse; Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were present but all gut regions were dominated by Proteobacteria, accounting for 88.4–92.6% of the communities. Citrobacter freundii was the dominant species and accounted for 51.0–57.8% of the isolates. Complex bacterial communities were observed using PCR‐DGGE and a trend towards the reduction in the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs), microbial richness and microbial diversity was observed from the PC to the PM. The similarity between regions was low (52–68%) and cluster analysis revealed that the communities grouped into two distinct clusters; one dominated by the PM samples and the other contained the AM and PC samples. OTUs from the DGGE were identified as members of the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Many OTUs were detected in all gastrointestinal regions, however, some OTUs showed regional specialization. Further studies are required to elucidate the activity of these genera in situ and how their actions impact the host.  相似文献   

This study investigated interactions between eco‐hydromorphological state, riparian vegetation cover, water temperature and fish community composition in lowland rivers in Ireland. Physical habitat modification of study sites corresponded with degraded eco‐hydromorphological state (degree of ecological and physical modification) and reduced thermal buffering capacity (greater temperature fluctuation and increased frequency of extreme temperature events). This impact was reflected in the fish community, with a shift from a brown trout‐dominated (Salmo trutta L.) fish assemblage to predominance of the more thermally plastic minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), and stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.). Eco‐hydromorphological state may be a central factor affecting the ability of temperate rivers to resist temperature change in a warming climate and to maintain suitable conditions for salmonids and other cold‐water biota. Strategies aimed at climate change proofing of temperate rivers should focus on preserving or re‐establishing the eco‐hydromorphological processes that create habitat complexity and buffer stream temperature.  相似文献   

Interactive segregation has been suggested as the ruling competition mechanism determining niche and niche segregation between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Results from allopatry–sympatry observations of habitat use in both nature and in experiments were contrary to predictions derived from the interactive segregation hypothesis. Habitat use parameters under natural conditions such as distance to shore for Atlantic salmon parr were nearly identical in allopatric (mean ± SD; 3.2 ± 1.4 m) and sympatric (3.3 ± 1.4 m) situations. Occupied water depths largely reflected available water, but water depths <15 cm were avoided by salmon parr. Under experimental conditions, habitat use of allopatric salmon was density independent and salmon size had only minor effects, with smaller fish being more likely to occur in the shallow. Habitat use of salmon in sympatry with trout did not differ from allopatric salmon habitat use, and only salmon size had minor effects on depth choice – occurrence of trout or fish density had no effect. Allopatric trout was in general more frequent in the shallow habitat than salmon. Habitat use of sympatric trout was affected by the occurrence of salmon and trout size, resulting in a higher use of the shallow habitats for small trout. To conclude, selective segregation has a dominant role in salmon habitat use (not affected by trout occurrence), whereas a mixed situation occurs in trout habitat use with elements of interactive segregation when competing with Atlantic salmon (affected by salmon occurrence).  相似文献   

Data on reproductive traits in a cultured population of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in southern Chile were collected over three consecutive reproductive seasons: 1999, 2000 and 2001, corresponding to the first (at 3 years), second and third spawnings in females. Data were collected from individual females (n=238, 273 and 169 respectively). The reproductive season lasted mainly from June to August. The peak (July) tended to increase with each season (55.46%, 62.27% and 80.81% of total spawning fish respectively). Female body weight (470.8±102.5, 735.0±150 and 1263.9±263.4 g), total fecundity (1182±344, 1904±595 and 2744±605) and egg diameter (4.64±0.11, 4.67±0.27 and 5.24±0.12 mm) increased significantly (P<0.01) over successive reproductive seasons, particularly between the second and third spawnings. Relative fecundity, on the other hand, decreased significantly with each season (3577±471, 2591±900 and 2181±360). Following analysis of the variables over the three seasons, the correlation pattern of female body weight with total fecundity (r=0.91, n=458; P<0.001) and relative fecundity (r=?034, n=451; P<0.001) proved similar to that described in other salmonid females. Fertilization rate and survival to the eyed egg stage were also positively correlated (r=0.73, n=453; P<0.001). The systematically high values obtained for these latter variables over the seasons evaluated (consistently above 90%) are clearly greater than those we registered in other species of salmonids bred in Chile under similar conditions and suggest highly efficient biological variables that determine the gamete fertilization of this species. The brown trout is, therefore, an interesting potential aquaculture resource in Chile.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 20th century, some headwaters of rivers in the eastern Pyrenees have been designated as genetic refuges to protect remaining native brown trout (Salmo trutta) diversity. The declaration was based on limited or no evidence of genetic impact from released non‐native Atlantic hatchery fish. Hatchery releases were completely banned into the genetic refuges, but pre‐existing fishing activities were maintained. Specific locations in each refuge have been monitored every 2–3 trout generations to update genetic information to accurately assess the contribution of these reservoirs to the preservation of native brown trout gene pools. This work updates genetic information to year 2014 in three of these locations (in Ter, Freser and Flamisell rivers). Previous studies identified hatchery introgressed populations within refuges and suggested discrepancies between the underlying intention of the genetic refuges and the gene pools detected. Therefore, we also examined genetic divergences among locations inside refuge river segments. Combined information at five microsatellite and the lactate dehydrogenase C (LDH‐C*) loci showed reduced but significant temporal native allele frequency fluctuations in some of the above specific locations that did not modify overall levels of local diversity and river divergences. Bayesian clustering analyses confirmed the presence of differentiated native units within each genetic refuge. Some locations of the Freser River within the genetic refuge area showed high hatchery impact of non‐native fish (over 20%). We discuss additional local actions (releases of native fish, selective removals and fishery reinforcement with sterile individuals) to improve the conservation objective of genetic refuges.  相似文献   

In subarctic lake systems, fish species like brown trout are often important predators, and their niche performance is a key characteristic for understanding trophic interactions and food web functioning at upper trophic levels. Here, we studied summer habitat use and stomach contents of brown trout under both allopatric and sympatric conditions in six subarctic lakes to reveal its trophic role, and population‐ and individual‐level niche plasticity. In allopatry, brown trout mainly used the littoral habitat, but also less commonly used the pelagic zone. In sympatry with stickleback, there was always a considerable habitat overlap between the two species. In contrast, sympatric populations of brown trout and Arctic charr generally revealed a distinct habitat segregation. In the sympatric systems, in general, there was a distinct resource partitioning between the trout and charr, whereas the observed diet overlap between trout and stickleback was much larger. Trout modified their individual dietary specialisation between the littoral and pelagic zone, always being lower in the pelagic. Piscivorous behaviour of trout was only found in sympatric systems, possibly contributing to a competitive advantage of trout over charr and stickleback. Hence, the trophic level of trout was strongly related to the fish community composition, with a higher trophic level in sympatric systems where piscivorous behaviour was frequent. These changes in the trophic level of trout linked with the observed food resource partitioning might be an important mechanism in the ecosystem functioning of subarctic lakes to allow coexistence among sympatric‐living fish species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Shortly after their release in two Norwegian lakes (3 hours to 3 weeks), hatchery-reared brown trout, Salamo trutta L., yearlings were recaptured, and their feeding was compared with that of wild brown trout. Investigations were conducted during three different periods (June, August and September). In all three periods most of the hatchery-reared fish started feeding immediately after their release. The amounts of exuviae from Ephemeroptera larvae and Chironomidae pupae found in the stomachs of hatchery-reared trout decreased with time, indicating that their feeding habits were influenced by a learning process. However, within one week of their release, hatchery trout appeared to be feeding on wild prey as well as did wild fish.  相似文献   

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) (2.7 g initial mean weight) were reared in freshwater for 8 months at water velocities of <0.1 (control group), 1 or 2 body lengths per second (BL s?1) (exercise groups). Growth (body weight, body length and body width), muscle structure (muscle fibre diameter and width of myosepta) and flesh quality parameters (dry matter, muscle pH, collagen content and solubility, instrumental evaluation of texture) were measured at the end of the experiment. The body weight of fish at 1 BL s?1 was 22% higher than the control group. Muscle development was stimulated at 1 and 2 BL s?1, leading to a higher condition factor, greater body height and width, and muscle fibre hypertrophy (55 vs. 59.5 μm fibre diameter in the control and 2 BL s?1 groups respectively). Connective tissue and collagen were only slightly affected by exercise (no difference in collagen solubility, but a greater proportion of γ trimer and fewer α chains in the control compared with the exercised group). Flesh quality was affected, with greater dry matter content and lower post‐mortem pH in the 1 BL s?1 group compared with the control and 2 BL s?1 groups. The mechanical resistance of the raw fillets was slightly but significantly increased by exercise. The exercise‐related changes in muscle structure and texture are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The swimming performance of wild and hatchery-reared smolts of two salmonid species was investigated. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts (WS) and brown trout smolts (WT) of equal size were caught in fish traps during migration. Hatchery-reared smolts of both species (HS and HT for salmon and trout respectively) were first generation offspring from wild broodstock. The swimming performance of individual smolts from the four groups (WS, HS, WT, HT) was tested three consecutive times using a swimming flume with water flowing at a start rate of 0.16 m·s−1 and a constant acceleration rate of 0.167 cm·s−2 (10 cm·s−1·min−1). Wild caught smolts of both species performed significantly better than those reared in hatchery conditions. The WS group were observed to maintain an average swimming speed ( U burst) that was 30% faster than the HS group, whereas the wild trout smolts were superior to HT by approximately 25%. Repeated measures revealed species-specific exhaustion patterns. Brown trout smolts maintained consecutive U burst indicating significant stamina compared with Atlantic salmon smolts that were found to be exhausted by the initial trial.  相似文献   

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