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A better understanding of tillage effects on soil organic matter is vital for development of effective soil conservation practices. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of tillage and crop sequence on soil organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN) content in an irrigated southern Alberta soil. A field experiment was conducted using a split–split plot design from 1994 to 1998 in Alberta, Canada. There were two crop sequences (Sequence 1: spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)–spring wheat–annual legume; and Sequence 2: spring wheat–spring wheat–annual legume–sugar beet) and two tillage practices (CT: conventional tillage and MT: minimum tillage). Surface soil under MT had significantly higher OC (30.1 Mg ha−1) content than under CT (28.3 Mg ha−1) after 4 years of treatment. The MT treatment retains crop residue at the soil surface, reduces soil erosion and slows organic matter decomposition, which are key factors in enhancing the soil fertility status of southern Alberta irrigated soils.  相似文献   

Tillage and crop management effects on soil erosion in central Croatia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Soil erosion continues to be a primary cause for soil degradation and the loss of soil quality throughout the world. Our objectives were to quantify soil erosion (referred to as erosional drift) and to assign erosion risk to six tillage and crop management treatments evaluated from 1995 to 1999 for a 5-year maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine hyspida L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oil-seed rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera L.), and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plus double-crop soybean rotation on Stagnic Luvisols in central Croatia. Standard black fallow (tilled, unsown, and without any vegetative cover) Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) plots were used to establish the erosion potential associated with the rainfall pattern for each year. Soil loss from the check plots was several times greater than the T value, which is estimated to be 10 t ha−1 per year. During the 2 years when spring seeded maize or soybean were grown (1995 and 1996) erosion risk was extremely high, especially for treatments where tillage and planting (row direction) were up and down the slope. When autumn seeded winter wheat or oil-seed rape were grown (1996/1997 or 1997/1998), soil erosion was insignificant. Also, except when plowing and sowing were up and down slope, erosion loss for the spring barley plus double-crop soybean crops in 1999 was insignificant. With no-tillage, soil erosion from the maize and soybean crops was reduced 40 and 65% compared to plowing up and down slope, even though the planting direction was still up and down the slope. With the exception of maize in 1995, erosion losses were moderate to insignificant when plowing and planting were performed across the slope. We conclude that erosion risk can be used as a reliable indicator of sustainable land management and that using no-tillage or plowing and planting perpendicular to the predominant slope are effective soil conservation practices for this region.  相似文献   

Management practices that simultaneously improve soil properties and yield are crucial to sustain high crop production and minimize detrimental impact on the environment. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tillage and crop residue management on crop yield, N uptake and C removal in crop, soil organic C and N, inorganic N and aggregation, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions on a Gray Luvisol (Boralf) soil near Star City, Saskatchewan, Canada. The 4-year (1998–2001) field experiment was conducted with two tillage systems: no tillage (NT), and conventional tillage (CT); two levels of straw: straw retained (S), and straw removed (NS); and four rates of fertilizer N: 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha−1, except no N to pea phase of the rotation. The plots were seeded to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in 1998, pea (Pisum sativum L.) in 1999, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in 2000 and canola (Brassica napus L.) in 2001. Tillage and straw treatments generally had no effect on crop yield during the first three years. But in 2001, NT produced 55, 32, and 20% greater canola seed, straw and chaff than CT, respectively, whereas straw retention increased seed and straw yield by 33 and 19% compared to straw removal. Seed, straw and chaff yield of canola increased with N rate up to 40 kg N ha−1, and root mass (0–15 cm depth) with N rate to 80 kg N ha−1. Amount of N uptake and C removed in wheat and canola generally increased with N rate, but tillage and straw management had no consistent effect. After four crop seasons, total organic C (TOC) and N (TN), light fraction organic matter (LFOM), C (LFC), and N (LFN) were generally greater with S than NS treatments. Tillage did not affect TOC and TN in soil, but LFOM, LFC, and LFN were greater or tended to be greater under NT than CT. There was no effect of tillage, straw and N fertilization on NH4-N in soil, but CT and S tended to have higher NO3-N concentration in 0–15 cm soil than NT and NS, respectively. Concentration of NO3-N increased substantially with N rate ≥80 kg ha−1. The NT + S treatment had the lowest proportion (34%) of wind-erodible (<0.83 mm diameter) aggregates and greatest proportion (37%) of larger (>12.7 mm) dry aggregates, compared to highest (50%) and lowest (18%) proportion of corresponding aggregates in CT + NS, indicating less potential for soil erosion when tillage was omitted and crop residues were retained. Amount of N lost as N2O was higher from N-fertilized than from zero-N plots, and it was substantially higher from N-applied CT plots than from N-applied NT plots. Retaining crop residues along with no-tillage improved soil properties and may also be better for the environment.  相似文献   

Yield decline or stagnation and its relationship with soil organic matter fractions in soybean (Glycine max L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system under long-term fertilizer use are not well understood. To understand this phenomenon, soil organic matter fractions and soil aggregate size distribution were studied in an Alfisol (Typic Haplustalf) at a long-term experiment at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, India. For 30 years, the following fertilizer treatments were compared with undisturbed fallow plots (without crop and fertilizer management): unfertilized (control), 100% recommended rate of N, NP, NPK, NPK+ farmyard manure (FYM) and NPK + lime. Yield declined with time for soybean in control (30 kg ha−1 yr−1) and NP (21 kg ha−1 yr−1) treatments and for wheat in control (46 kg ha−1 yr−1) and N (25 kg ha−1 yr−1) treatments. However, yield increased with time for NPK + FYM and NPK + lime treatments in wheat. At a depth of 0–15 cm, small macroaggregates (0.25–2 mm) dominated soil (43–61%) followed by microaggregates (0.053–0.25 mm) with 13–28%. Soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), nitrogen (SMBN) and acid hydrolysable carbohydrates (HCH) were greater in NPK + FYM and NPK + lime as compared to other treatments. With three decades of cultivation, C and N mineralization were greater in microaggregates than in small macroaggregates and relatively resistant mineral associated organic matter (silt + clay fraction). Particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) decreased significantly in control, N and NP application over fallow. Results suggest that continuous use of NPK + FYM or NPK + lime would sustain yield in a soybean–wheat system without deteriorating soil quality.  相似文献   

Lack of appropriate agronomic practices is one of the major causes for soil erosion and low yields in teff (Eragrostis tef [Zucc.]) production in Ethiopia. A 3-yr study was conducted at the Aba Gerima watershed in northwestern Ethiopia, to investigate the effects of two tillage practices (reduced tillage [RT] and conventional tillage [CT]), two planting methods (row planting [RP] and broadcast planting [BP]), and two compaction options (with [+T] and without [–T] trampling) on soil loss and teff yields in a split-split plot arrangement. Sediment concentration ranged from 0.01 to 5.37 g L?1 (mean, 0.25 g L?1) in our study. Accordingly, the estimated total (August–October) soil loss ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 t ha–1 (mean, 0.3 t ha–1). The sediment concentration and total soil loss were significantly influenced (P < 0.05) by tillage, planting methods, and trampling only in the third monitoring year. RT reduced soil loss by 19% relative to that of CT, whereas RP resulted in a 13% reduction in soil loss over BP. The ?T plots showed a 15% reduction in soil loss as compared to + T plots. Results revealed significant increase in soil total carbon and nitrogen in RT and –T. Less soil loss and greater teff grain yield were obtained in plots with improved agronomic practices (RT and RP) compared to conventional ones (CT and BP). Based on our findings we conclude that the use of RT, RP, and –T practices can effectively minimize soil loss without any crop yield penalty.  相似文献   

The influence of tillage and nutrient amendment management on nutrient cycling processes in soil have substantial implications for environmentally sound practices regarding their use. The effects of 2 years of tillage and soil amendment regimes on the concentrations of soil organic matter variables (carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) and C and N mineralization and P release were determined for a Dothan fine-sandy loam soil in southeastern Alabama. Tillage systems investigated were strip (or conservation) and conventional tillage with various soil nutrient amendments that included no amendment, mineral fertilizer, and poultry waste (broiler litter). Surface soil (0–10 cm depth increment) organic matter variables were determined for all tillage/amendment combinations. Carbon and N mineralization and P release were determined on surface soils for each field treatment combination in a long-term laboratory incubation. Soil organic P concentration was 60% greater in soils that had been conventionally tilled, as compared with strip-tilled, both prior to and following laboratory incubation. Carbon and N mineralization results reflected the effects of prior tillage amendment regime, where soils maintained under strip-till/broiler litter mineralized the greatest amount of C and N. Determination of relative N mineralization indicated that strip tillage had promoted a more readily mineralizable pool of N (6.1%) than with conventional till (4.2%); broiler litter amendments had a larger labile N fraction (6.7%) than was found in soils receiving either mineral fertilizer (4.1%) or no amendment (4.7%). Tillage also affected P release measured during the incubation study, where approximately 20% more inorganic P was released from strip-tilled soils than from those maintained under conventional tillage. Greater P release was observed for amended soils as compared with soils where no amendment was applied. Results from this study indicate that relatively short-term tillage and amendment management can significantly impact C, N, and P transformations and transfers within soil organic matter of a southeastern US soil.  相似文献   

Crop rotations and tillage practices influence the quantity and quality of soil organic N (SON). We evaluated the impact of crop rotations and tillage practices on SON and mineralizable N at a depth of 0–15 cm in six field experiments, varying in duration over 8–25 years, that were being conducted in three Chernozemic soil zones in Saskatchewan, Canada. In a Brown Chernozem, continuous wheat increased SON at 0–15 cm by 7–17 kg N ha–1year–1 more than fallow/wheat. In a Dark Brown Chernozem, continuous cropping increased SON by 30 kg N ha–1year–1, compared with cropping systems containing fallow once every 3 years; and, in a Rego Black Chernozem, the increase in SON was 29 kg N ha–1 year–1, compared with cropping systems containing fallow once every 4 years. The increase in SON due to increased cropping frequency was accompanied by an increase in the proportion of mineralizable SON in the Brown Chernozem, but not in the Dark Brown and Black Chernozems. In the Brown Chernozemic soil zone, no-tillage management increased SON, compared with conventional tillage, varying from 16 kg N ha–1year–1 to 28 kg N ha–1year–1. In the Dark Brown Chernozemic soil zone, it increased SON by 35 kg N ha–1year–1 and, in the Black Chernozemic soil zone, by about 40 kg N ha–1year–1. Increases in SON at a depth of 0–7.5 cm due to no-tillage management was accompanied by a greater increase in the mineralizable N for Hatton fine sandy loam, Melfort silty clay and Indian Head clay than for other soils, indicating that the material responsible for the increased SON due to no-tillage was more labile than the soil humus N. However, the increased SON under no-till in Swinton loam, Sceptre clay and Elstow clay loam was not associated with an increase in the mineralizable N, indicating that this increased SON was no more susceptible to decomposition than the soil humus N. Therefore, increases in SON under improved management practices, such as conservation tillage and extended crop rotations, do not necessarily increase the potential soil N availability.  相似文献   

本文以中国农业科学院山东禹城长期定位施肥试验为平台,研究了长期施用有机肥和化肥26年后对土壤活性氮库不同组分[颗粒有机氮(POM-N)、 可溶性有机氮(DON)、 微生物量氮(SMBN)及轻组有机氮(LFOM-N)]及土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,与不施肥相比,长期施肥显著提高了土壤全氮、 颗粒有机氮、 可溶性有机氮、 微生物量氮以及轻组有机氮的含量,长期施有机肥效果好于化肥,施用高量有机肥效果好于施用常量有机肥。常量施用量下,50%有机肥和50%化肥配施处理其土壤全氮和活性有机氮库各组分含量与高量化肥处理的相当。长期施化肥处理土壤全氮及活性有机氮库各组分含量随施肥量的增加而显著增高。POM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率最高,且明显受施肥方式的影响,LFOM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率不随施肥方式的改变而变化。长期施肥处理土壤脲酶、 碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性显著增加,它们之间及与土壤全氮、 速效磷及有机碳含量间呈现显著或极显著相关性,脲酶活性与土壤各活性氮组分间也存在显著或极显著相关性; 但长期施肥后土壤过氧化氢酶的活性低于不施肥  相似文献   

Many tillage studies focus primarily on grain crops, whereas other important agricultural crops receive little attention. This paper presents yield results for various crops grown in the tenth to sixteenth year of a long-term tillage trial on loam soil in southeast Norway. Traditional plough tillage was compared with deep and shallow tine cultivation and with minimum tillage, and the residual effects of tillage were measured in the seventeenth and eighteenth years. Soil bulk density, air permeability and other soil conditions were found to be favourable for crop growth on all treatments in the tenth year. The yield levels of cereals (Hordeum vulgare L., Triticum aestivum L. and Avena sativa L.) and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) showed consistent increases of 2–8% with declining tillage intensity, whereas yields of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were highest after plough tillage. The latter result was thought to be due to lower soil temperatures under reduced tillage. Yields of brassica crops were greatly affected by tillage intensity, owing to a marked reduction of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor.) infection with reduced tillage. Average yields for these crops were 23%, 52% and 59% higher with deep tine cultivation, shallow tine cultivation and minimum tillage, respectively, than with plough tillage. The effects were particularly dramatic in the case of fodder rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Sinsk. f. biennis Reichb.) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capita L.). Liming raised the yields of some brassica crops but did not influence the effect of tillage.

Soil acidity was measured twice during the trial period and again in the second residual year, and showed values which were 0.1–0.3 pH units lower with reduced tillage than with plough tillage. This rules out the conclusion that the effect of tillage on clubroot was associated directly with acidity. Positive residual effects of reduced tillage systems were found on the yields of both brassicaceous and gramineous crops. Reduced tillage intensity may thus be recommended for all crops studied, with the exception of fodder beet, on morainic loam soils of southeast Norway.  相似文献   

耕作与轮作方式对黑土有机碳和全氮储量的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤有机碳(SOC)及全氮(TN)对土壤肥力、作物产量、农业可持续发展以及全球碳、氮循环等都具有重要影响。为探索不同耕作和轮作方式对耕层黑土SOC和TN储量的影响,本文以吉林省德惠市进行了8 a的田间定位试验中层黑土为研究对象,对免耕、垄作和秋翻三种耕作方式及玉米-大豆轮作和玉米连作两种轮作方式下SOC和TN在各土层的含量变化进行了分析,并采用等质量土壤有机质储量计算方法,对比分析了不同处理对0~30 cm SOC和TN储量的影响。结果表明,与试验开始前相比,玉米-大豆轮作系统中,秋翻下SOC和TN储量均有所降低;免耕显著增加了0~5 cm SOC及TN含量,但SOC在亚表层亏损,导致其储量并未增加;而垄作处理下SOC及TN含量在0~5、5~10 cm的均显著增加,0~30 cm储量亦分别增加了4.9%和10.7%。玉米连作系统的两种耕作处理(免耕和秋翻)下SOC和TN储量均有所增加,且TN储量增幅均高于玉米-大豆轮作系统,其中免耕下TN储量增幅是玉米-大豆轮作的3.2倍。所有处理下C/N均呈降低趋势,其中垄作0~5 cm C/N由12.05降至11.04,降低幅度分别是免耕和秋翻的3.2和2.8倍。综上可知,对质地黏重排水不良的中层黑土,玉米-大豆轮作系统下免耕并不是促进SOC固定的有效形式,而垄作则促进了黑土SOC和TN的积累,这不仅有利于土壤肥力的改善,而且是使农田黑土由CO2"源"变为"汇"的有效形式之一。与玉米-大豆轮作相比,玉米连作下三种耕作方式都有利于SOC和TN积累。  相似文献   

刘源  袁金华  钱薇  徐仁扣 《土壤》2012,44(5):735-739
通过培养试验,比较研究了油菜秸秆、稻草、香樟叶和豌豆秸秆单独施用以及油菜秸秆、稻草和香樟叶与豌豆秸秆混合施用对红壤酸度的改良效果。结果表明,在60天培养期内,添加4种物料均提高了土壤pH。培养试验结束时香樟叶、油菜秸秆、豌豆秸秆和稻草分别使土壤pH相对对照增加0.53、0.42、0.30和0.26。对于灰化碱含量很高的非豆科物料如香樟,其对土壤酸度的改良效果主要来源于物料所含碱性物质和物料对土壤硝化反应的抑制,但对灰化碱含量较低的非豆科物料如油菜秸秆和稻草,其改良效果主要来源于后者。豆科类豌豆秸秆主要通过所含碱性物质和有机氮矿化提高土壤pH,但培养试验后期铵态氮硝化反应释放的质子抵消了其部分改良效果。将油菜秸秆、稻草和香樟叶与豌豆秸秆配合施用,使硝化反应受到一定程度的抑制,提高了物料对土壤酸度的改良效果。培养试验结束时,香樟叶、稻草和油菜秸秆与豌豆秸秆配合施用比豌豆秸秆单独施用土壤pH分别高0.25、0.18和0.12。研究发现,香樟叶灰化碱含量很高,无论单独施用,还是与豌豆秸秆配合施用均有很好的改良效果,因此在南方地区推广种植香樟可以通过其凋落物修复酸化的森林土壤。  相似文献   

Forest soils from field plots, subjected to long-term acidification by H2SO4 treatment, or to liming, were examined for the effects of treatment on net mineralization and turnover rates of carbon and nitrogen during incubation. The total soil respiration was decreased as a result of acidification, whereas the proportion of labeled C, introduced as 14C-glucose at start of the incubation, was increased in the CO2 pool emitted. The accumulation of mineral N (ammonium) was not significantly influenced by acidification, whereas the rate of microbial N turnover, obtained from 15N-dilution data for the exchangeable NH4+ fraction, was markedly decreased.  相似文献   

No-tillage systems are able to reduce the negative effects of agricultural intensification on soil properties. However, knowledge of long-term impacts of no-tillage systems on soil properties is insufficient. It is essential to know which soil quality indicators are the most sensitive to management practices in each particular environment. Therefore, the objective of this work is to determine which soil quality properties are more sensitive to the impact of two tillage systems in a vertic Argiaquoll soil from Buenos Aires, Argentina. This work started in 2006 and included crop rotation and tillage systems, including both tillage and no-tillage. Physical and chemical properties were measured in three consecutive years (2013–2015) at two depths (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm). The tillage system modified soil physical and chemical properties, mainly in the surface layer. No-tillage showed significantly higher bulk density (2013–2015 p < 0.05), gravimetric moisture (2013; 2014 p < 0.05), organic carbon (2013–2015 p < 0.05), and aggregates stability in the face of a heavy rain (2013; 2015 p < 0.05), than soil under tillage. Soil saturation (or total porosity) was significantly greater under tillage. The tillage system did not affect hydraulic conductivity, total nitrogen and extractable phosphorus from the surface, nor physical and chemical properties from the second depth. No-tillage alleviates, but is not enough to mitigate, the loss of soil organic carbon and aggregate stability caused by continuous cropping in this vertic Argiaquall. Bulk density, organic carbon, aggregates stability and saturation are indicators for future studies performed in environments with similar soil and climate conditions.  相似文献   

Sulphate release from unsterilized and γ-irradiation sterilized soil samples was studied in leaching funnels over a 22-week incubation period. In unsterilized soil samples, lime addition to the acid forest topsoil caused an immediate increase in extractable sulphate, but enhanced sulphate release rates were detectable only during the first 4 weeks of incubation. Soil samples from an adjacent five-year-old limed plot displayed significantly higher sulphate release rates than the control throughout the experiment. The cumulative amount of sulphate extracted from the unsterilized treatments was modelled with parabolic functions and reached 4.6%, 6.8% and 8.2% of the initial total S-contents of the control, the lime treatment and limed plot respectively. Mineral-N release was also greatest in the samples from the old limed plot while fresh lime additions reduced net N-mineralization due to microbial immobilization. In the sterilized samples, γ-irradiation initially caused an increase in extractable sulphate and ammonium which is mainly attributed to the destruction of microbial biomass. After the second week, no further differences in extractable sulphate were detectable between the treatments. After 22 weeks, between 7 and 9 mg SO42? -S kg?1 soil was released from the sterilized samples which was 25–50% of the respective amounts in the unsterilized samples. A similar relationship was found for N. The data indicate that even 5 years after lime addition the observed increased sulphate concentrations in the soil solution can be attributed to enhanced microbial activity.  相似文献   


This study investigates the effects of surface liming on soil attenuation radiation properties. For this, measurements of soil chemical attributes (pH, organic carbon, H+Al, Al3+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and attenuation radiation parameters (mass attenuation coefficient, μm, atomic and electronic cross sections, σa and σe, effective atomic number and electron density, Zeff and Nel) were carried out. This aim was motivated by the fact that possible μm variation might cause as well variation in the determination of soil physical properties.

Materials and methods

The studied soil, classified as a Dystrudept sity-clay, is located in South Brazil. The trial consisted of five stripes, one of them under pasture and the remaining under no-till system (NTS). Lime rates of 0, 10, 15, and 20 t ha?1 were broadcast on the NTS soil surface. Disturbed soil samples were collected 30 months after liming at the top (0–10 cm) and subsoil (10–20 cm) layers. Soil chemical attributes were characterized following standard experimental procedures. The soil oxide composition, obtained by EDXRF analysis, was used to calculate μm for 241Am and 137Cs photon energies with XCOM computer code. μm values were employed to calculate σa, σe, Zeff, and Nel and to predict variations in soil bulk density (ρ) and total porosity (φ).

Results and discussion

Surface liming notably increased contents of soil pH, Ca2+, and Mg2+ while reduced H+Al and Al3+ at the top soil layer, where μm, σa, σe, and Zeff were also increased with the lime rates. However, at the subsoil layer, liming neither lessened soil acidity nor induced remarkable changes in the attenuation parameters. When using 137Cs photon energy, incoherent scattering totally dominated over the radiation interaction processes whereas photoelectric absorption and coherent scattering substantially contributed when 241Am photon energy was used. Therefore, the increasing in soil attenuation parameters at the top soil layer was more accentuated considering 241Am than 137Cs photon energy. Variation in μm caused considerable variation in ρ and φ only for 241Am photon energy.


The findings regarding the effect of μm variation induced by liming on the determination of soil physical properties are extremely relevant because traditionally, in the soil science area, μm values are calculated without considering any chemical modification to which the soil can be submitted. Bearing in mind that ρ and φ are important parameters from the agricultural and environmental points of view, not representative measurements of μm can lead to biased values of ρ and φ.


A loamy sand was incubated with and without addition of carrot leaves at six different water contents ranging from 6% to 20% (g 100 g-1 dry soil) and N mineralization was monitored during 98 days. We calculated zero- and first-order rates for mineralization in the unamended soil and first-order rates for N mineralization in the residue-amended soil. Although N mineralization was strongly affected by soil moisture, rates were still important at 6% water content (corresponding to permanent wilting point), particularly in the residue-amended soil. Soil water content was recalculated as soil water tension and as percent water-filled pore space (%WFPS) and a parabolic, a logistic and a Gaussian-type function were fitted to the relation between N mineralization rates and water content, %WFPS or pF. Water potential was a less suitable parameter than either %WFPS or water content to describe the soil water influence on N mineralization, because N mineralization rates were extremely sensitive to changes in the water potential in the range of pF values between 1.5 and 2.5. In the residue-amended soil the Gaussian model yielded an optimum %WFPS of 56% for N mineralization, which is slightly lower than optimum values cited in literature. N mineralization in the unamended soil was more influenced by soil water than N mineralization from fresh crop residues. This could be explained by less water limitation of the microbial population decomposing the residues, due to the water content of the residues. The effect of the water contained in the residues was most pronounced in the lowest water content treatments. The water retention curves of both undisturbed and repacked soil were determined and suggested that extrapolation of results obtained during laboratory incubations, using disturbed soil, to field conditions will be difficult unless soil bulk density effects are accounted for, as is the case with the use of %WFPS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tillage methods (conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT)) and N rates (0, 50, 150, 250 kg N ha?1) on crop yield, N uptake and soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density (BD), total N (TN), electrical conductivity (EC), pH and soil nutrient contents on a clay-loam near Hashtgerd, Iran. A successive corn-based rotation (2012–2014) was conducted as a split-plot in a randomized complete block design in which tillage methods were considered as main plots, and N rates as subplots. Tillage had no significant effect on corn 2012 and canola 2012–2013 grain yields. CT and MT systems showed different critical N rates to reach their maximum grain yield in corn (2013) and wheat (2013–2014). MT system required more N application to reach its maximum grain yield. Tillage × N rate effect on none of the soil properties was significant. Tillage had no significant (P ≤ 0.05) effect on soil pH, BD, TN and SOC. However, soil EC of 0–5 cm depth in MT system was higher than CT system by 64%. MT system under higher N application could increase corn grain yield, but on the other hand probably adversely changes soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

To study the effect of different soil tillage practices and the consequences of soil deformation on the functioning of the pore system, we performed unsaturated leaching experiments (by applying a suction of −10 kPa) on undisturbed soil columns from the Ap-horizon of a luvisol derived from glacial till (agricultural site at Hohenschulen, North Germany). We compared two different tillage practices (conventionally tilled to 30 cm depth, and conservational chiselled to a depth of 8 cm-Horsch system) with respect to soil strength, pore connectivity and their effect on the fate of surface-applied fertilisers. The soil strength was measured by determining the precompression stress value (PCV). The conventionally tilled topsoil had a PCV of 21 kPa at a pore water potential of −6 kPa, while the conservation treatment resulted in a slightly higher PCV of 28 kPa, suggesting a slowly increasing soil strength induced by the formation of aggregates under reduced tillage practice.

The leaching experiments were modelled using the convection dispersion equation (CDE) and a modified version of the mobile–immobile approach (MIM), which included three water fractions: mobile, immobile and totally immobile water. From the CDE mobile water fractions (θm) ranging from 47 to 67% were found, and θm was slightly higher in the ploughed seedbed compared to the conservation-tilled one. This could be due to higher aggregation in the latter one. Dispersivities were relatively large, ranging from 44 to 360 mm, but no difference was found for the treatments. The MIM could simulate the drop in concentration when leaching was interrupted, but overall did not improve the simulation, despite the larger number of fitting parameters.

Compacting the soil with loads of 70 kPa prior to the leaching experiment did not affect solute transport in the conservational tilled soil. In the conventional-tilled soil, however, the dispersivity decreased and the mobile water content increased compared to the non-compacted soil, suggesting that the former one is less prone to deformation by mechanical loads.  相似文献   

Tillage effects on near-surface soil hydraulic properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The processes for the formation of porosity are thought to differ between tilled and non-tilled cropping systems. The pores are created primarily by the tillage tool in the tilled systems and by biological processes in non-tilled systems. Because of the different methods of pore formation, the pore size distribution, pore continuity and hydraulic conductivity functions would be expected to differ among tillage systems. The objective of this study was to determine effects of three tillage systems — mold-board plow (MP), chisel plow (CP), and no-till (NT) — on hydraulic properties of soils from eight long-term tillage and rotation experiments. Tillage effects on saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, pore size distribution, and moisture retention characteristics were more apparent for soils with a continuous corn (CC) rotation than for either a corn-soybean (CS) rotation or a corn-oats-alfalfa (COA) rotation. Pore size distributions were similar among tillage systems for each soil except for three soils with a CC rotation. The MP system increased volume of pores >150 μm radius by 23% to 91% compared with the NT system on two of the soils, but the NT system increased the volume of the same radius pore by 50% on one other soil. The NT system had 30 to 180% greater saturated hydraulic conductivity than either the CP or MP systems. The NT system with a CC rotation showed a greater slope of the log unsaturated hydraulic conductivity; log volumetric water content relationship on two of the soils indicating greater water movement through a few relatively large pores for this system than for either the CP or MP systems.  相似文献   

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