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A simple photographic method is described for the accurate measurement of length and breadth in bivalves. The use of an electronic planimeter to measure planar area is also described.  相似文献   

建立高效液相色谱-串联质谱同时定量检测双壳类动物中六溴环十二烷(HBCD)、四溴双酚A(TBBPA)方法。样品经正己烷和二氯甲烷混合液(1∶1,V/V)提取,浓硫酸除脂,硅胶固相萃取柱净化,Thermo Hypersil Gold C_(18)色谱柱分离,水和甲醇-乙腈梯度洗脱,电喷雾负离子模式下以多反应监测方式检测,内标法定量分析。结果表明,六溴环十二烷(α,β,γ-HBCD)和四溴双酚A在0.5~100 ng/mL范围内线性关系良好(R20.995),方法定量限(S/N≥10)为0.05μg/kg。在0.05~0.5μg/kg添加水平内,平均回收率为70.5%~92.4%,日内相对标准偏差(RSD)为3.4%~9.1%,日间RSD为6.3%~10.2%。  相似文献   

贝类派琴虫实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立和应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选择派琴虫保守的核糖体DNAITS-2区域设计引物和TaqMan探针,通过对反应体系和反应条件进行优化,建立了实时荧光定量PCR检测派琴虫的方法。所构建方法检测质粒模板DNA的动态范围为2.6×10^1~2.6×10^7拷贝,敏感度可检测到26拷贝质粒DNA,而且与包拉米原虫、隐孢子虫等其他寄生性原虫无交叉反应,也不受贝类组织DNA的干扰。利用本研究所建立的方法对来自我国山东、福建等不同沿海海域的30份贝类样品进行检测,检出阳性样品3份。研究表明,本研究所构建的派琴虫实时荧光定量PCR检测方法具有快速、灵敏和特异等优点,可满足国内养殖场及进出口水生动物携带派琴虫的检测需要。  相似文献   

Production of sterile triploid red tilapia [Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia); Peters, 1852 × Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia); Linnaeus, 1758] is an effective strategy to overcome their prolific breeding. Optimal conditions for cold-shock induction of triploidy in red tilapia were investigated by experimentally examining two variables: appropriate temperature of the shock and duration of shock treatment. A constant time after insemination of 4 min was used to determine the best combination of temperature (6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 °C) with different durations of shock (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 min) with resultant ploidy level verified karyotypically. Shock duration for 30 min at a temperature of 9 °C was found most effective in producing maximum triploidy (98.7 %) with higher rates of hatching (63.2 %) and survival up to yolk-sac stage (75.8 %). The chromosome count confirmed that triploid percentages were higher when cold shock was used for longer durations at each temperature; however, hatching rates were generally decreased. The maximum triploid yield (82.1 %) obtained was higher than the yield obtained using heat shock (72.7 %) in red tilapia previously. The application of the results of this study has the potential to greatly improve the production of triploid red tilapia in commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

A method for estimating the number of mitotic divisions in fish testes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N OBUTAKA  O  T AKESHI  MIURA  M ANAL R  NADER  C HIEMI  MIURA  K OHEI  YAMAUCHI 《Fisheries Science》2000,66(2):299-303

The Law of the Sea requires that fish stocks are maintained at levels that can produce the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). However, for most fish stocks, no estimates of MSY are currently available. Here, we present a new method for estimating MSY from catch data, resilience of the respective species, and simple assumptions about relative stock sizes at the first and final year of the catch data time series. We compare our results with 146 MSY estimates derived from full stock assessments and find excellent agreement. We present principles for fisheries management of data‐poor stocks, based only on information about catches and MSY.  相似文献   

Triploidy was induced in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.) by applying cold shocks shortly after fertilization. The combined effects of the timing of cold shock commencement after fertilization, cold shock duration and cold shock temperature were investigated. Ploidy was assessed by counting the number of nucleoli per nucleus (NOR) in larvae and also by measuring erythrocyte size in juveniles. A clear peak in triploidy induction was obtained when shocks were started between 6 and 7 min after fertilization at a pre-shock temperature of 13–14°C. With this timing, shocks of 20-min duration at 0°C gave >90% triploidy, with survival about 80% of the untreated controls. In order to ensure both high triploidy rates and high survival, it was necessary to carefully maintain the water temperature just below 0°C. Experiments with small and large volumes of eggs were performed in order to determine how changes in the relative volumes of eggs and chilled water could affect survival and triploidy induction. The best combination to induce triploidy in the turbot was as follows: shock commencement 6.5 min after fertilization, shock duration 25 min, and shock temperature between 0 and −1°C. With this combination, 100% triploidy could consistently be induced with survival 60% of the untreated control. This was successfully applied to a large volume of eggs (300 ml; 1 ml 800 eggs) in order to mass-produce triploid turbot. Triploids had lower survival rate than diploids at hatching but similar thereafter, with the ability to complete the different stages of larval rearing, indicating the viability to produce triploid turbot under farming conditions.  相似文献   

A modification of the Leslie—DeLury method for estimating the size of a closed population is presented, and the precision and biases of both the Leslie—DeLury method and the modified method are examined. The modification involves an iterative procedure based on weighted linear regression of the catch-per-unit-effort upon the corrected-cumulative-catch. The standard deviations of the predicted initial population sizes obtained using this weighted method are found to be on the average, sixteen percent smaller than those obtained using the conventional corrected Leslie—DeLury method. Both of these methods have small positive biases which are approximately equal on the average, to one-fifth of the standard deviation of the predicted initial population size. Hence, the weighted method is on the average, both more precise and less biased.The conclusions stated above are based on the results of a simulation model. Simulations were done within the following ranges of parameter values: 2000 N1 12000, 1 Nc 15, 0.5 (1 − Exp(−Mf̄q̄)) 0.9, 0.0 < Sf/f̄ 1.0, 20 M 8,
where N1 is the initial population size, is the mean effort expended per sampling interval, Sf is the standard deviation of the efforts, M is the number of sampling intervals, is the mean catchability, Sq is the standard deviation of the catch-ability, and Nc is clump size for aggregated catches. The mean catchability is treated as a constant rather than a parameter because it can be set to any specified value by the appropriate selection of the units of measurement of effort.The suggested weighting is developed for catch data which are obtained by random sampling, without replacement, from a closed population (a population in which there is no immigration, no emigration, no natural mortality, and no recruitment) for which there is no interference among the units of effort, and for which the measurement errors in the catches and efforts are negligible. The catchability and the effort are treated as random variables. Aggregation of the catches is allowed by dividing the population among a number of clumps (each of the same size) which are subject to capture.The weights are computed using the equation (
is the effort expended in interval i, Ci is the catch from interval i, and where the coefficients a and b are obtained from the regression of the squared residuals using a quadratic model with no constant term (( ). The predicted catches, , are obtained from the weighted regression of the catch-per-unit-effort upon the corrected-cumulative-catch (done in the previous iteration). The initial estimates of the predicted catch are obtained using the conected Leslie—DeLury estimate. Five to ten iterations are generally needed to obtain stable estimates.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for estimating fish density using catches obtained by gillnets of given mesh size. This method builds on work for estimating the number of fish approaching a gillnet by modelling the fish movement that leads to a gillnet encounter. The theoretical framework is developed, and the method is tested on catch data for cod Gadus morhua and Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma to demonstrate how the method can be applied. The method relies on knowledge of geometric properties of the net, and morphological and behavioural properties of the fish, so we explore the sensitivity of the estimates to some of these parameters. Estimates are most sensitive to the morphological parameter of the angle the mouth is open while swimming and largely invariant to estimates of uncertain parameters like maximum number of fish that can be caught by the particular net.  相似文献   

An estimate of the age composition of a commercial swordfish catch and its variance was obtained using the replicate full jackknife estimator for two-phase sampling where the sampling units in the first phase are clusters (vessel-trips) and the units of the second phase are individual fishes. The jackknife variance estimator was compared with an analytical estimator of variance commonly used in fisheries studies which ignores the clustering, and assumes simple random sampling of individual fish. The application of these naïve estimators to the Chilean South Pacific swordfish fishery results in an underestimation of the variance. This is a consequence of using an inappropriate primary sampling unit of analysis in the first-phase sample where the vessel-trip unit is replaced by an individual fish unit, thus ignoring the intra-cluster correlation in age samples. The jackknife estimator of variance is an alternative useful for complex two-phase sampling designs.  相似文献   

循环流水水产养殖系统接种商品硝化菌的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
泮进明 《水产学报》2004,28(4):419-424
与接种成熟滤料等方法相比,利用商品硝化菌接种生物滤器来源广泛,操作简便。本文使用一种商业上已取得一定成功的商品硝化菌液接种循环流水水产养殖系统试验模型的生物滤器。试验开始时定期接人20mL菌液(细菌含量1.5×10~10CFU·mL~(-1))以处理400g饲料产生的4.27mg·L~(-1)氨氮(TAN),12d后TAN浓度低于0.05mg·L~(-1),20d后NO_2~- -N浓度降至同样水平。在为期30d的检验期中,系统内养殖2.15kg·m~(-3)淡水白鲳,日喂饲率2%。期间养殖池TAN最大值0.465mg-L~(-1),最小值0.393mg·L~(-1),平均值0.427±0.019mg·L~(-1);NO_2~- -N最大值0.062mg·L~(-1),最小值0.038mg·L~(-1),平均值0.052±0.007mg·L~(-1);EC呈线性上升状态,每周增加32.8 μs·cm~(-1);而pH呈线性下降,每周降低0.24。系统结束时生物滤器含细菌8.65×10~6CFU·mL~(-1),水质除TP超标外,其余指标均符合我国淡水水产养殖水质标准,在2.1%~1.4%的日喂饲率下淡水白鲳日增重为1.91g,饲料系数1.164。  相似文献   

为减少渔业资源物种丰富度观测的偏差,以山东半岛南部海域为例,根据2016年10月对该海域进行的底拖网调查数据,运用Chao、一阶刀切(Jackknife1)、二阶刀切(Jackknife2)和自助法(Bootstrap)4种非参数方法估算了该海域鱼类群落物种丰富度,并探讨了影响非参数方法估算的因素及非参数方法的应用。结果表明,4种非参数方法估算鱼类群落物种数目呈现出Jackknife2ChaoJackknife1Bootstrap,依次为265种、248种、235种、206种;不同估算方法的标准差范围有较大差别,Chao最大,Jackknife居中,Bootstrap最小。通过MDS多维标度排序将该海域划分两个群落,两群落物种数有显著差异,群落Ⅰ物种数目估计值为250种、238种、219种、191种,群落Ⅱ物种数目为86种、100种,4种非参数估算方法在不同群落表现基本一致。综合比较不同群落的物种估算结果,认为采样强度是影响4种非参数估计方法表现优劣的主要因素,采样充足是使用非参数估计方法的前提。本研究为不同采样努力量下物种丰富度的比较提供了方法参考和比较标准。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a simple and generally applicable hydrodynamic method for the estimation of production carrying capacity (PCC) of coastal finfish cage aquaculture. Dimensional analysis was used to find significant and general interdependencies between the hydrodynamics at fish farm locations and particulate wastes deposited on the seafloor by fish farms. Modeled ratios of deposition to emission of particulate wastes underneath fish farms were found to be primarily a function of the flow Reynolds numbers at the farming locations and the non-dimensional settling velocity of emitted wastes. In the non-dimensional model, farming conditions include daily feed rate, proportion of unconsumed feed, and carbon content in feed and fish feces. The relationship can be used to estimate the PCC of floating net cages imposing a threshold value for deposition. Results of in-situ assessments of the benthic impacts of several fish farms in an aquaculture site in the northwest of Bali, Indonesia were used to validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Predicted results were able to clearly identify fish farms operating beyond ecologically sustainable carrying capacity. The proposed method has broad applicability and could help make decisions regarding the estimation of production potential of individual farms in pristine areas, for providing first estimates in sites that have scarce data, and for assessment, expansion, and optimization of the currently operating aquaculture sites in Southeast Asia, China and potentially other data-poor island nations. As the method relies on dynamic models, it enables straightforward assessments over the entire aquaculture region.  相似文献   

As part of a larger study of micro-particles in a recirculating, cold water aquaculture system for juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), particle size analyses were carried out on the culture and makeup waters over several months followed by samples of feed stirred in water. The particle size distributions followed the power law described in [Aquacult. Eng. 19 (1999): 259] but with a superimposed spike at around 4 μm in the culture water, which was not present in make-up waters. A similar spike appeared in the feed samples indicating that the spike had a feed origin. While the absolute value of the power law exponent (designated β, or the Beta value) was in the range of 2.6–3.6, consistent with aquacultural waters, the build-up of fine particles, expected in a recirculating system with time and which would have been indicated by an increase in Beta value to above 4, did not occur due to a system high water turn-over rate flushing much of the finer particles. There is a particle counts increase occurring across the degasser/oxygenator that needs further investigation.  相似文献   

利用气候因子对Fox模型计算东海总经济鱼类CPUE的优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气候因子是影响海洋鱼类资源的重要因素之一.本研究采用1951-1984年东海总渔获量和捕捞努力量数据,尝试将海表温度(SST)、冬夏季风、台风、长江径流4个气候因子引入Fox剩余产量模型中来对单位捕捞努力渔获量(CPUE)进行优化.在线性和指数回归模型中,运用AIC准则将气候因子对模型参数α进行逐步回归.结果均筛选出SST、夏季风2个主要气候因子作为模型的补充变量,经AIC准则判断,线性模型为最适模型.气候因子和参数α的线性回归模型回归系数R2为0.495,模型中各参数的P值都小于0.01,95%置信区间均不包含0.经气候因子优化后的模型对CPUE的拟合效果比优化前显著增强,说明SST、夏季风对东海渔业资源量的影响最为显著.  相似文献   

The structure of cost and return for cobia cage culture in Taiwan was studied by considering two major factors, geographical location and production scale. Although the geographical location had little influence on the input intensities, the production scale would have a significant impact on the cost structure. However, the performances of profitability were significantly affected by not only the individual main effects but also their interaction. As a result, the studied effects on the cost and return were quantitatively estimated by a series of statistical models, in turn quantitatively measured by a set of indices. A short-term strategy of the management suggested that the best choice regarding profitability is to locate the farming system with a large-scale operation in the coastal waters of Pindong. Additionally, the profitability could be further increased by selecting better quality fingerlings and feeds based on a set of the computed indices. A long-term strategy of the management strongly recommends that to increase the system size in cobia production would be much more profitable due to the positive economies of scale. Finally, a future study shall be interested in whether current speed has a limiting effect on the profitability.  相似文献   

Tagging fish without gathering physiological information may be a wasted opportunity. We tested bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for measurement of relative condition of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) during conventional tagging at sea. We refined the equipment and method by measurement of 360 fish during conventional and acoustic tagging. Our results demonstrate that BIA is an accurate measure of condition for southern bluefin tuna in the same way it has been shown to be for metabolic condition and composition in other vertebrates including humans. Further, there is sufficient variation in BIA measures of the natural population to give meaningful measures of both metabolic condition and composition between groups at different times and developmental stages. Condition of tuna in this study may be related to the ocean environment just prior to measurement. BIA meets the necessary objectives for measuring fish condition during tagging as it is shown to be harmless, reliable, quick, and effective and does not disrupt conventional tagging operations. In the light of these results this type of condition measurement should be taken wherever possible in future tagging operations for this and other similar species, which will generate new insight into the ecological challenges faced by pelagic fishes. The ability to relate recent ocean environments and subsequent patterns in fish survival may lead to changes in the way tagging data is interpreted.  相似文献   

Relative abundance indices based on catch and effort data can become biased unless consideration is given to the spatial dynamics of the fishery such as changes in either the spatial distribution of fishing effort or the range of the stock over time. The construction of such indices therefore needs to take into account features of the fishery itself. In this paper, a general framework is presented for developing more appropriate abundance indices based on fishery catch and effort data. In developing this framework, it adopts the approach of (i) developing a range of hypotheses which encompass the uncertainties in the spatial–temporal dynamics of the stock and the fishing effort, (ii) identifying the hypotheses underlying the different CPUE series, and (iii) evaluating the available information relative to these hypotheses as the basis for evaluating CPUE indices. Observations from the fishery for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) are used to illustrate various hypotheses about the nature of the fishery which can be used to construct indices of stock abundance while a simple simulation framework is used to explore the implications of some of these hypotheses on the accuracy of such indices.  相似文献   

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