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骡鸭生产性能观察及上市日龄探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天柱骡鸭俗称“土鸭”,又称半番鸭.以前多用天柱黑番鸭与三穗麻鸭进行杂交,无繁殖能力,但其生长发育快,饲料报酬高,肉料比平均1:2.4~2.6,耐粗饲,瘦肉率高,肉质细嫩,味美肉香,行动较迟缓,属肉用型鸭.近年来,天柱骡鸭饲养量不断上升,骡鸭常年产量在280万只左右,骡鸭生产已成为天柱的一大支柱产业;但骡鸭加工屠体欠美观,屠宰后胴体常残留有黑色毛囊,其黑色毛囊的残留不同程度地影响了骡鸭胴体的感观度和深加工产品的外观质量.  相似文献   

为调查天柱县骡鸭的无公害养殖生产水平,试验选择0日龄的骡鸭100只,随机分为2组,每组50只,对照组采用商品鸭饲料饲养,试验组采用无添加剂的自配饲料饲养,进行为期50 d的饲养试验,记录每组体重、饲料消耗和收集粪便,试验结束后每组随机抽取骡鸭各30只进行屠宰,采集肝脏和肌肉样进行重金属含量的测定。结果表明:在增重和饲料报酬方面试验组比对照组略低,但差异不显著(P0.05),每只饲料成本试验组较对照组降低2.04元(P0.01)。通过鸭肉、鸭肝和鸭粪便中重金属指标检测显示,As和Hg均未超过国家无公害食品卫生要求,自配饲料的鸭肉样Pb含量符合国家标准,而铬在所有样品中含量均超过国家标准要求。  相似文献   

我国养鸭历史悠久,鸭的品种资源丰富,养鸭数量居世界之首。然而,我国传统的养鸭一直与稻米生产相结合,以千家万户分散的小规模粗放饲养为主,生产依附性较强,生产水平低下,饲料报酬、劳动生产率不高。而且对鸭的品种缺乏系统的开发研究,对肉鸭片面追求生长速度,忽视鸭肉品质的提  相似文献   

合浦县山口镇是广西目前骡鸭大型繁殖基地,年产雏鸭苗1580~1780万羽,远销许多省区骡鸭暗番鸭与家鸭的杂种,生活力强,耐粗,少病易养,体型居中,偏大,65-70日龄体重可达3~4千克,耗料增重比为3:1。骡鸭肌肉丰厚,肉味鲜美,市场畅销,群众喜爱。  相似文献   

骡鸭早期生长曲线的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
骡鸭具有生长速度快、瘦肉率高、味道鲜美等特点,深受人们喜爱。骡鸭既适合集约大规模饲养,又适合农村传统分散放牧饲养,是目前生产中较好的一种肉用品种。Gompem非线性生长模型是当前使用较多的用以描述动物生长发育规律的生长曲线模型。该模型具有精确度高、拟合度好、动物生长发育描述准确等特点,因而在研究动物生长发育规律时广泛为人们采用。此次试验对骡鸭的早期生长发育进行了研究,并利用Compertz模型对骡鸭生长曲线进行了拟合。从而建立骡鸭生长模型,为骡鸭生产提供依据。  相似文献   

随着养鸭业的迅速发展,骡鸭饲养也在不断的增加,越来越多的人以养骡鸭做为发家致富的好项目,并取得了较好的经济效益,但还存在着一些问题,要真正搞好骡鸭的饲养管理,获得较高的经济效益,应避免如下几个问题。  相似文献   

应用番鸭作父本与北京鸭作母本的种间杂交后代──骡鸭进行鸭肥肝生产性能研究,测定了骡鸭在笼养和地面平养条件下对肥肝生产性能的影响,结果表明:笼养组骡鸭的肥肝重极显著地高于地面平养组(490.0g与391.1g,P<0.01),料肝比笼养组也显著低于地面平养组(25.45:1与44.48:1,P<0.01),屠宰性能差异不显著。  相似文献   

我国是世界上最早驯化鸭子的国家,鸭的品种资源丰富,养鸭历史悠久。养鸭数量居世界之首。目前,世界养鸭数量超过6.5亿,其中85%以上分布在亚热带地区,而大多数(5亿多)分布在我国。近年来我国年产鸭肉100多万吨,达到世界鸭肉供应量的60%以上。然而,我国传统的养鸭一直与稻米生产相结合,以千家万户分散的小规模粗放饲养为主,生产依附性较强,生产水平低下,饲料报酬、劳动生产率不高。而且,对鸭的品种缺乏系统的开发研究,肉鸭方面较多的人只片面追求鸭的生长速度,忽视鸭肉品质的提高,结果不能适应人们对鸭肉消费的日益追求及中国加入WTO所带来的挑战。  相似文献   

骡鸭是用公番鸭与母家鸭(樱桃谷鸭、金定鸭、高邮鸭和北京鸭等)杂交产生的后代,经属间杂交多代自然形成的品种。它食性杂,耐粗饲、采食量少、抗病力强,是当今世界上优良的肉用型鸭,瘦肉率达82%~85%。其肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,特别是硒元素和维生素E。它符合当前人们时兴的营养、保健和价廉的消费时尚。  相似文献   

近年来,骡鸭因其易饲养、肉质细嫩、富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,且货少价高,在国内外市场上及饲养户中大受欢迎。据有关资料统计分析,在相同饲养周期内饲养一只骡鸭比普通肉鸭能多赚1.5~2.0元。而目前我国骡鸭生产还处于起步阶段,饲养较少,商品货源紧缺,发展骡鸭养殖前景诱人。现将骡鸭杂交配套模式及饲养要点简述如下。  相似文献   

半番鸭亲本选育实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
檀俊秩 《中国家禽》2002,24(18):6-8
半番鸭生产是福建省养鸭业的优势项目,年生产半番鸭苗1亿只,除台湾和西藏两省外,其鸭苗和嘌蛋遍及大江南北,誉称半番鸭故乡.福建省半番鸭生产历史悠久,清康熙年间就有记载.在长期生产实践中,人们积累了从亲本选育、人工授精、孵化和嘌蛋等一整套经验,为半番鸭生产从传统的二元杂交模式向三元杂交过渡,羽色从黑褐色选育成白羽色创造了条件,为日本和东南亚市场提供了优质半番鸭产品.  相似文献   

Salmonella species infections of male mule ducks were studied for 32 months in 100 flocks on nine duck farms in Belgium. The prevalence of Salmonella species infections changed significantly over time (P<0.001) with infection rates of 50, 13.4, 6.7, 2.6 and 2.9 per cent, respectively, at the time of arrival on the farm, at three, six and nine weeks of age, and when the ducks left the breeding unit to enter the force-feeding rooms (at 11 or 12 weeks of age). During the study period, 95 strains of Salmonella were isolated, belonging to 11 serotypes. S Indiana (42.1 per cent) and S Regent (36.8 per cent) were the two most common serotypes, whereas S Typhimurium and S Enteritidis were found only once (1.1 per cent). All isolated strains were resistant to at least two antimicrobials, but resistance to more than five antimicrobials was observed in 21.6 per cent of the strains.  相似文献   

1. The effects of the force-feeding procedure and its different components on various physiological indicators of acute and chronic stress were investigated in male mule ducks before and during a 12-d cramming period. 2. The highest concentration of corticosterone were measured after injection of ACTH agonist, during the pre-experimental period when the ducks were still housed in collective floor pens and at the time of transfer. 3. During the cramming period, corticosterone measured before and after force-feeding did not differ significantly though there was a non-significant trend towards an increase in certain cases. 4. The different components of force-feeding, including manipulation, intubation, force-feeding with a standard or a large amount of food had no significant effect upon corticosterone concentrations. 5. There was no indication from ACTH agonist challenge either of a change in adrenal sensitivity or a change in its responsiveness. 6. The heterocyte-lymphocyte ratio measured before and at the end of the cramming period did not differ significantly. 7. In conclusion, we observed no significant indication that force-feeding is perceived as an acute or chronic stress by male mule ducks, in our experimental conditions. Nevertheless, it remains to be shown that their adrenocorticotropic axis is responsive to acute stressors.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of traits related to hepatic lipid metabolism, carcass composition, and product quality of overfed mule ducks were estimated on both parental lines of this hybrid: the common duck line for the maternal side and the Muscovy line for the paternal side. The originality of the statistical model was to include simultaneously the additive genetic effect of the common ducks and that of the Muscovy ducks, revealing a greater genetic determinism in common than in Muscovy. Plasma metabolic indicators (glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol contents) were heritable, in particular at the end of the overfeeding period, and heritabilities increased with the overfeeding stage. Carcass composition traits were highly heritable in the common line, with values ranging from 0.15 for liver weight, 0.21 for carcass weight, and 0.25 for abdominal fat weight to 0.32 for breast muscle weight. Heritabilities of technological outputs were greater for the fatty liver (0.19 and 0.08, respectively, on common and Muscovy sides for liver melting rate) than for the pectoralis major muscle (between 0.02 and 0.05 on both parental sides for cooking losses). Fortunately, the processing industry is mainly facing problems in liver quality, such as too high of a melting rate, than in meat quality. The meat quality appraisal criteria (such as texture and cooking losses), usually dependent on pH and the rate of decline of pH, were also very lowly heritable. This study demonstrated that genetic determinism of meat quality and ability of overfeeding is not similar in the common population and in the Muscovy population; traits related to fattening, muscle development, and BW have heritability values from 2 to 4 times greater on the common line than on the Muscovy line, which is relevant for considering different selection strategies.  相似文献   

The fatty liver of mule ducks (i.e., French "foie gras") is the most valuable product in duck production systems. Its quality is measured by the technological yield, which is the opposite of the fat loss during cooking. The purpose of this study was to determine whether biochemical measures of fatty liver could be used to accurately predict the technological yield (TY). Ninety-one male mule ducks were bred, overfed, and slaughtered under commercial conditions. Fatty liver weight (FLW) and biochemical variables, such as DM, lipid (LIP), and protein content (PROT), were collected. To evaluate evidence for nonlinear fat loss during cooking, we compared regression models describing linear and nonlinear relations between biochemical measures and TY. We detected significantly greater (P = 0.02) linear relation between DM and TY. Our results indicate that LIP and PROT follow a different pattern (linear) than DM and showed that LIP and PROT are nonexclusive contributing factors to TY. Other components, such as carbohydrates, other than those measured in this study, could contribute to DM. Stepwise regression for TY was performed. The traditional model with FLW was tested. The results showed that the weight of the liver is of limited value in the determination of fat loss during cooking (R(2) = 0.14). The most accurate TY prediction equation included DM (in linear and quadratic terms), FLW, and PROT (R(2) = 0.43). Biochemical measures in the fatty liver were more accurate predictors of TY than FLW. The model is useful in commercial conditions because DM, PROT, and FLW are noninvasive measures.  相似文献   

以短嘴型小鹅瘟病毒(SB-GPV M15株)分别经消化道(口服),直接接触(同居)和呼吸道(空气传播)等途径人工感染2日龄半番鸭,测定感染后不同时间的试验鸭体质量,喙长宽值,血清LPAI抗体水平和发病死亡程度,探讨短嘴型小鹅瘟病毒不同感染途径对半番鸭致病力的影响。结果显示,口服和同居感染途径均能复制出与野外自然发病一致的症状,感染鸭的体质量和喙长宽值等指标均不同程度低于健康对照组组,且口服感染组的发病程度与感染剂量呈正相关,而呼吸道感染组的体质量和喙长宽值与健康对照组则无明显差异;试验鸭血清抗体测定显示口服和同居感染组的抗GPV LPAI抗体产生期早于空气感染组,且PI 14d抗体全部阳转而空气感染组抗体阳转率仅20%。结果表明,短嘴型小鹅瘟病毒的主要传播途径是消化道和直接接触感染,而空气传播能力则较弱。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同维生素E水平对骡鸭肝脏L-FABP mRNA表达量的影响。试验选用600只70日龄公骡鸭,随机分为4组:Ⅰ为对照组,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ为试验组,分别在填饲日粮基础上分别添加0、40、90、140 mg/kg的维生素E。预饲期25 d,填饲期13 d。结果表明:填饲结束后,与填饲前相比,肝脏中L-FABP mRNA的相对表达量显著升高(P<0.05);填饲结束后,与对照组相比,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组肝脏组织中L-FABP mRNA相对表达量显著升高(P<0.05),且Ⅱ组最高。  相似文献   

1. Changes in plasma corticosterone concentrations according to puncture sites and various challenges including injections of an ACTH agonist (Immediate Synacthen) were investigated in male mule ducks. 2. Lower concentrations were measured in samples drawn by puncture from the occipital sinus than at a wing vein site. 3. Immobilisation and a single intramuscular injection of saline solution (1 ml, 0.9%) had no effect on plasma corticosterone after 15 min. 4. A single intramuscular injection of ACTH (5 microg/kg body weight) produced a rise (P<0.05) in corticosterone. Maximum concentrations were measured after 10 min and, in the absence of further sampling, a return to initial levels was observed by 1 h. 5. On the other hand, repeated bleedings following ACTH challenge maintained higher corticosterone concentrations. 6. A single intramuscular injection of ACTH at doses ranging between 0.625 to 20 microg/kg body weight increased corticosterone concentrations (P<0.05) in a dose-dependent manner, with the responses plateauing at doses of 1.25 microg/kg and higher.  相似文献   

选用1日龄樱桃谷肉鸭1600羽,随机分成4组,分别饲喂4种不同处理的日粮,以研究酶制剂在肉鸭日粮中应用效果。对照组饲喂基础日粮不添加酶制剂;试验1组为饲喂基础日粮并添加酶制剂250 g/t;试验2组和3组分别饲喂能量降低250.8 MJ/kg和334.4/kg基础日粮,并添加酶制剂250 g/t。结果表明:在基础日粮和降低能量的日粮中添加酶制剂,均能提高肉鸭日增重,改善饲料转化率和能量消化率。其中,基础日粮中添加酶制剂,能显著提高肉鸭日增重和饲料利用率(P<0.05),能量消化率最高,按毛利润计算,试验组肉鸭收益率分别比对照组提高了7.02%、4.45%和5.26%。  相似文献   

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