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<正>即使没被狗咬伤,从事狂犬病研究的实验室工作人员、接触狂犬病病人的人员、兽医等人群也应接种狂犬病疫苗。12月17日,卫生部下发《狂犬病暴露预防处置工作规范(2009年版)》,要求狂犬病高暴露风险者进行暴露前免疫。  相似文献   

第一条 狂犬病暴露是指被狂犬、疑似狂犬或者不能确定健康的狂犬病宿主动物咬伤、抓伤、舔舐粘膜或者破损皮肤处,或者开放性伤口、粘膜接触可能感染狂犬病病毒的动物唾液或者组织。  相似文献   

2006年10月8日卫生部发布)为规范我国医疗卫生机构对狂犬病暴露人员的处理工作,降低狂犬病的发病率,保护人民群众身体健康,特制定本规范。一、暴露分级及处置原则根据暴露性质和严重程度将狂犬病暴露分为以下三级,并分别采取不同的处置原则。((医疗卫生机构在判定暴露级别并告知患者狂犬病危害及应采取的处置措施后,应立即开展以下处置工作。二、伤口处理人被犬、猫等宿主动物咬、抓伤后,凡不能确定伤人动物为健康动物的,应立即进行受伤部位的彻底清洗和消毒处理。局部伤口处理越早越好,就诊时,只要伤口未愈合就应按以下步骤进行伤口处理。(…  相似文献   

为规范我国医疗卫生机构对狂犬病暴露人员的处理工作,降低狂犬病的发病率,保护人民群众身体健康,特制定本规范。  相似文献   

卫生部、公安部、农业部、国家食品药品监督管理局于2003年9月15日就加强狂犬病预防控制工作联合发出通知 ,本栏目现以刊登 ,以飨读者。  相似文献   

<正>随着人民生活水平的提高,城市养犬数量剧增,宠物与主人的密切接触,加大了人畜共患病传播的风险,特别是狂犬病严重威胁着人和动物的健康与生命安全。2005年以来,合肥市加大了城区宠物狂犬病免疫监督,逐年完善免疫措施,使宠物狂犬病免疫接种率保持在80%的水平,城区犬类狂犬病得到有效控制。  相似文献   

《美国伪狂犬病监测计划(1.01版)》由美国农业部于2008年4月公开发布,该监测计划的主要目标是在美国商品猪群中快速检测出PRV的感染与传播、证明美国商品猪群中的PRV无疫以及监控PRV传入风险,并对监测流程、数据分析以及监测系统评估等内容进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

正本文为美国伪狂犬病监测计划(1.01版)的附录1、附录2和附录3,《美国伪狂犬病监测计划(1.01版)》正文部分见本刊17~19期。附录1在相对加权法基础上对伪狂犬病的监测、现状和计划进行评估(2007年11月20日草案;Mark Schoenbaum;区域流行病学专家;兽医处西部区域办公室)1.方法。该方法的目的是对多数据流中监测计划的样本量、性能和最低成本进行优化。结构化相对加权法  相似文献   

中国饲料成分及营养价值表(2009年第20版)制订说明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、本次修订版本是在<中国饲料成分及营养价值表1990年第1版~2008年第19版>的基础上,结合①中华人民共和国农业部2004发布修订的猪、鸡、牛等饲养标准;②科技基础条件平台建设项目动物科学与动物医学数据中心建设;③农业部重大行业科技项目饲料营养价值和畜禽饲养标准研究与应用;④科研院所社会公益性课题饲料科技数据维护与共享试点建设等工作基础上修订的,同时参考了Feedstuffs(2009)发布的饲料成分表、法国饲料数据库、德国德固赛饲料氨基酸数据库等数据.本版继续完善了饲料中的饲料成分与营养价值数据,对部分发布过的生物学效价数据再次进行了调整.  相似文献   

近10~15年伪狂犬病在一些养猪业发达的国家中广泛流行。例如法国,1968年官方统计爆发了3起伪狂犬病,而1983年爆发了341起,波及的省份也由1968年的11个增加到1983年的53个(R.Vrsag等,1984)。 G.Wittmann(1984)报道,此病在法国、西德此利时、爱尔兰和荷兰呈地方性流行,在另一些欧洲国家呈散发,而在挪威、芬兰、奥地利、马耳他、塞浦路斯则无此病发生。伪狂犬病为接触性传染病,特点是引起脑脊髓炎和侵害呼吸器官。伪狂犬病病毒含DNA,属疱疹  相似文献   

Active surveillance of bats in France started in 2004 with an analysis of 18 of the 45 bat species reported in Europe. Rabies antibodies were detected in six indigenous species, mainly in Eptesicus serotinus and Myotis myotis, suggesting previous contact with the EBLV-1 rabies virus. Nineteen of the 177 tested bats were shown serologically positive in seven sites, particularly in central and south-western France. Neither infectious viral particles nor viral genomes were detected in 173 and 308 tested oral swabs, respectively. The presence of neutralising antibodies in female bats (18.6%) was significantly higher than in males (5.6%).  相似文献   

第一项样品采集、保存及运输技术规范采集、保存和运输样品应当符合下列要求,并填写采样单。一、样品采集(一)病禽1.至少从5只濒死禽采集样品。样品包括:泄殖腔拭子和气管拭子(置于缓冲液中)各5个(小珍禽可采集新鲜粪便);气管和肺的混样5个,肠管及内容物的混样5个;肝、脾、肾和  相似文献   

A modified enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Dot ELISA) is described for visual detection of rabies antigen in animals. The test materials were dotted onto the nitrocellulose paper and allowed to react with rabies antiserum. The bound antigen—anti-body were reacted with a peroxidase conjugated antirabbit immunoglobulin. Positive reactions were easily visualized as brown dots after enzyme degradation of the substrate. A total of 400 specimens from various geographical locations were tested with the dot ELISA technique, and also with the fluorescent antibody test (FAT), which was used as a reference method. The concordance between the two tests was 95.25%. The dot ELISA may have potential applications as a rapid, simple and economical field test in the diagnosis of rabies.  相似文献   

Vaccination schedules and a challenge carried out in laboratory animals are necessary to test the Rabies vaccines for potency.Two main techniques, described by W.H.O., are compared:—The Habel test is a system involving a constant vaccine and a variable virus.—The N.I.H. test is the inverse system with a few major differences during the immunization phase.Although the Habel test is easier to implement, it is quite impossible to make a rigourous statistical interpretation of its results.Although it is more difficult to implement the N.I.H. test as it requires a reference vaccine and a titrated viral suspension, the statistical interpretation is simple.For a same vaccine, the variation amplitude is 1 to 250 for the Habel test and 1 to 7,6 for the N.I.H. test. The N.I.H. test is preferred to the Habel test  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate incidence and seasonal trends of rabies in dogs and other domestic animals in Bhutan from 1996 to 2009. Time series analysis approach was used to determine the seasonal trend and temporal association between species-specific rabies cases in animals. A total of 814 rabies cases were reported during the 14-year period, of which cattle and domestic dogs accounted for 55% (447/814) and 39% (317/814) of the cases, respectively. The remaining 6% of the cases (50/814) were reported in horses (2%), cats (2%), pigs (1%) and goats (1%). Rabies cases were reported throughout the year with more reports during spring and summer months. The annual patterns of cases were stable from 1996 to 2005, but the incidence increased during 2006 and 2008. Fifty-nine of the 205 sub-districts reported rabies in animals from 1996 to 2009 with increased incidences in the four districts in southern Bhutan, an area located close to the border towns of India. A significant (P < 0.05) positive cross-correlation was observed between the number of cases in dogs and other domestic animals at time lags (months) 1-3 with the highest correlation (r = 0.94, P < 0.05) observed at time lag 0 (same month) indicating that the peak in rabies incidences occur in the same month when both dogs and other domestic animal cases are reported. Regression analysis predicted rabies in other domestic animal when there are reports of rabies in dogs during the previous months. This study provides useful information about the epidemiology of rabies that can be used to plan a rabies control programme in Bhutan.  相似文献   

狂犬病是由弹状病毒科狂犬病病毒属狂犬病病毒引起的人兽共患烈性接触性传染病。我国将其列为二类动物疫病。其典型症状为“恐水”,故又称“恐水病”。本病极为凶险,病死率几乎为100%。狂犬病病毒主要存在于病兽的脑组织及脊髓中,病犬的唾液腺和唾液中也有大量病毒,并随唾液排出体外。病犬出现临床症状前的10~15d,至症状消失后的6~7个月内,唾液中都含有病毒。  相似文献   

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