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Multiple Myeloma in a Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Multiple myeloma, a rare tumour of the hemopoietic system, is reported in a 10-yr-old female Poodle. Clinical signs included anemia, weakness, cachexia and pain when the dog was forced to move. Radiographs revealed demineralization of the skeleton; circular radiolucent foci were evident, especially in the long bones, and the sixth thoracic vertebra was compressed. Numerous cells of the plasma cell type were evident in bone marrow smears. Blood electrophoresis revealed hypergammaglobulinemia. Bence-Jones proteinuria was not detected. The animal was destroyed and the clinical diagnosis confirmed at necropsy. Plasma cells were found in the bone marrow, liver, spleen and kidney. The bones were porous and numerous old fractures of the ribs and vertebrae were found. Résumé— Un mytlome multiple, rare tumeur du systtme hématopoiésique est observée chez une caniche femelle de 10 am. Les signes cliniques incluent l'anémie, la faiblesse, la cachexie et des douleurs lorsque la chienne était obligée de faire des mouvements. Des radiographies ont révélé la déminéralisation du squelette; des foyers circulaires translucides aux Rayons X sont évidents, spécialement dans les os longs, et la sixième vertèbre toraxique est compressée. De nombreuses cellules du type des cellules à plasma étaient évidentes dans les macules de moelle. L'électrophorèse du sang a révélé de I'hypergammaglobulinémie. La présence Bence-Jones de protéine dans l'urine n'a pas été détectée. L'animal a été détruit et le diagnostic clinique confirméà la nécropsie. Dies cellules de plasma ont été trouvées dans la moelle, le foie, la rate et les reins. Les os étaient poreux et de nombreuses vieilles fractures des cbtes et des vertèbres ont été trouvtes. Zusammenfassuug—Berichterstattung über das Auftreten von multiplex Myelom, ein seltener Tumor im hämopoietischen System einer zehnjährigen Pundelhündin. Klinische Anzeichen umfassen Anämie, Schwäche, Kachexie und Schmerzen, wenn der Hund zur Bewegung gezwungen wurde. Radiogramme zeigten Demineralisierung des Skelettes; kreisförmige radiotransparente Herde traten besonders in den langen Knochen klar hervor und der sechste Brustwirbel war kompressed. Zahl-reiche Zellen der Plasmakategorie wurden in Knochenmarkabstrichen augenscheinlich. Blut-Elektrophoresis brachte Hyper-Gammaglobulinamie zum Vorschein. Bence-Jones Albuminurie wurde nicht gefunden. Das Tier wurde vernichtet und die klinische Diagnose bei der Obduktion bestätigt. Im Knochenmark, der Leber, der Milz und in den Nieren wurden Plasmazellen festgestellt. Die Knochen waren porös und zahlreiche alte Rippen-und Rückenwirbelbrüche zeigten sich.  相似文献   

Solitary plasmacytomas are rare occurrences in dogs, consequently their potential for malignancy is undetermined. A solitary plasmacytoma was removed from the perianal region of a dog. The dog was clinically normal at that time, but was killed one year later as a result of hind limb stiffness and uremia. At the postmortem examination a disseminated myeloma was found, involving the vertebral column, liver, spleen, bone marrow and visceral lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Penile tumours are rare in dogs. Reported herein is a case of a penile extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) in a 5‐year‐old male cocker spaniel that was brought to a local hospital for an evaluation of a penile mass. The mass was approximately 1.3 cm in diameter at the time of presentation. In fine needle aspiration and histopathological examinations, the neoplastic cells showed eccentric round nuclei, a moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasm, and a peri‐nuclear clear zone, consistent with plasma cell morphology. There was nuclear pleomorphism with mononuclear giant cells and occasional bi‐nucleation. Round cells on the periphery of the mass demonstrated plasmacytic differentiation. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells stained positive for MUM1 and light lambda chain. Based on the cytological and pathological observations, a diagnosis of penile EMP was established.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, female spayed Chihuahua was diagnosed with nonsecretory multiple myeloma on the basis of multiple osteolytic lesions, histological evidence of plasma cell infiltrate on a bone biopsy, and absence of a monoclonal protein on serum and urine electrophoresis. A 6-week course of prednisone therapy resulted in no clinical improvement and the dog was euthanized 2 weeks after presentation because of progressive neurological impairment. Bone marrow specimens were processed and stained for ultrastructural and immunohistologic evaluation. Staining with antisera to immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgM, and IgA was negative. Tumor cells in both the pelvic and rib masses displayed prominent reactivity with an antibody specific for a canine β1 integrin similar to VLA-4; however, the tumor cells failed to stain with antibodies known to react predominantly with antigens on B-lymphocytes (major histocompatibility complex class II, CD45RA, and CD21) or T-lymphocytes (Thy-1). The tumor cells also failed to stain with an antibody specific for the β-subunit (CD18) of the leukocyte integrins (CD11/CD18). Ultrastructural studies performed on bone marrow specimens revealed a pleomorphic population of plasma cells with moderate amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum, erythrophagocytosis, and lack of crystalline inclusions.  相似文献   

Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires se sont développés à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien croisé berger Catalan de 6 ans. Le chien est mort après un suivi de 29 mois. Des métastases ont été trouvées dans les poumons et au niveau des métacarpiens 1 et 2 de la patte antérieure gauche. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog (Épithéliomas spinocel-lalaires multiples se développant à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien).
Resumen— Un perro Pastor Catalan desarrolló carcinomas de células planas a partir de multiples quistes foliculares. El perro murió a los 29 meses del seguimiento. Se detectaron carcinomas de células escamosas metástaticos en los pulmones y en los metacarpos I y II de la extremidad izquierda. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog. (Múltiples carcinomas de células planas surgidos a partir de multiples quised foliculares cutáneo en un perro).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinomas developed in multiple follicular cysts in a 6-year-old Catalan shepherd cross dog. The dog died after a 29-month follow-up period. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma was detected in the lungs and metacarpal bones 1 and 2 of the left front paw.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 10-year-old male Labrador Retriever dog presented with alopecia and scaling that was extensive in the head and limb regions and patchy over the trunk. The major histopathological feature was degeneration of the outer root sheath with disruption of keratinocytes and formation of cystic spaces filled with mucin. A diagnosis of follicular mucinosis was made. This case report represents the first case of this syndrome in the canine species.
Résumé— Un Labrador, mâle de 10 ans est présenté pour une alopécie squameuse, extensive, de la tête, des membres, et en "taches" sur le tronc. La lésion histopathologique principale est une dégénérescence de la gaine externe du poil avec dislocation des kératinocytes et la formation d'espaces kystiques remplis de mucine. Un diagnostic de mucinose folliculaire a été fait. Ce caqs est le premier décrit chez le chien. [Bell, A., Oliver, F. Alopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) in a dog (Alopecia Mucinosa (mucinose folliculaire) chez un chien).  相似文献   

Multiple intramedullary wire fixation infrequently can be used as an alternative technique to plating, transfixation devices, single intramedullary pinning, or external coaptation for some radius and ulna fractures.
This report describes a comminuted fracture of the radius and ulna with fissures and comminution extending too far into the proximal radius for effective application of a bone plate or Kirschner-Ehmer apparatus. Resulting fracture instability and collapse prohibited effective use of external coaptation as a primary means of fixation. The radial fracture was repaired and stabilized with full cerclage wires and multiple intramedullary Kirschner wires. The dog was using the leg normally 12 months following surgery.  相似文献   

以下犬只已在我会申请犬籍注册并获得“犬籍注册登记证书”:  相似文献   

以下犬只已在我会申请犬籍注册并获得“犬籍注册登记证书”:犬名丹丹阿豹艾扣雷诺黑克海地丽达大帅安地马克扎西萨妮外拉辛迪布诺克黑虎海勒姆(JinAn's Hiram)狼牙萨摩黄金乐乐三宝来福雷帝黑虎安迪小白雪儿昆特清明莫妮玛莉亨特壮壮拉塔丰华斯特塔吉佳丽吉祥佳祥英雄吉利品种德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬杜伯文犬德国牧羊犬西伯利亚雪橇犬萨摩耶犬藏獒西伯利亚雪橇犬德国牧羊犬德国牧羊犬西伯利亚雪橇犬杜…  相似文献   

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