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彰武松蒸腾速率规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彰武松和樟子松生长季各月蒸腾速率与当月的平均气温、平均风速和地面温度有关,一般来说,平均气温高、地面温度值高、平均风速大的月份,彰武松和樟子松的月平均蒸腾速率也大。降水量大的月份,彰武松和樟子松的月平均蒸腾速率较小。彰武松每个季节的蒸腾速率日变化明显不同,6月份呈双峰型,8 月份的蒸腾速率日变化也呈双峰型,10月份呈现单峰型;彰武松的年蒸腾速率的走势呈现单峰型,全年蒸腾速率的最高值出现在7 月份;与樟子松进行比较研究发现,在同样生态条件下,彰武松比樟子松有较小的蒸腾强度。  相似文献   

彰武松嫁接技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对樟子松实生苗及其与彰武松的嫁接苗生长对照,研究了樟子松嫁接彰武松的可行性,表明樟子松嫁接彰武松成活率平均为77.3%,嫁接苗在嫁接后1a、2a高度生长分别高于樟子松实生苗36.0%和44.0%,在嫁接后9a,高度和地径生长分别高于樟子松82.0%和47.0%,以樟子松为砧木嫁接彰武松可以在北方推广。  相似文献   

彰武松幼苗生长状况报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彰武松幼苗生长状况报告张树杰,罗建华(北票市林业局122100)发现培育新物种是人类发展的重要举措,而研究它的特性、生长规律对充分利用和发展显得更为重要。彰武松(PinusdensifloraSieb.etZuce.var.zhangwuensisZ...  相似文献   

彰武松的抗性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对彰武松在不同土壤的适应性等方面的试验研究 ,结果表明 :彰武松具有较强的抗旱性和适应能力。它顶芽饱满 ,生长旺盛 ,与樟子松生长量之比为 1 2 1 % ,是沙区造林的一个主要树种 ,值得在三北地区繁殖推广。  相似文献   

彰武松是辽宁省固沙所1990年在彰武县章古台地区发现培育的造林树种,其特点是生长旺盛、嫁接愈合能力强、抗旱能力突出,生长快等,通过嫁接繁育彰武松表现了优良的生态、生物特性,是具有发展前途的优良树种。文章从接穗管理、嫁接地选择以及嫁接技术等方面介绍了彰武松嫁接苗木繁育技术。  相似文献   

对榆林沙区2011年栽培的彰武松进行了连续3年的物候观测,结果表明:4月中旬芽开始萌动,4月底至5月底主梢(侧枝)进入速生期,4月下旬叶芽产生,6月中旬结束针叶长生长;5月8—10日雄球花散粉盛期,5月10—16日雌球花授粉期,10月上旬球果进入成熟期。  相似文献   

彰武松生长量及其生理指标分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
彰武松系赤松的天然杂交新交种,经繁殖观察研究,顶芽饱满,长势旺盛,无性嫁接愈合能力强,抗旱性强,与樟子松生长量之比为121%,是一个优良造林树种,值得繁殖推广。  相似文献   

彰武松嫁接繁殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彰武松是赤松的天然杂交新变种,表现出优良的速生性、抗旱性和抗病性等,现已成为“三北”地区推广应用的优良树种。笔者从接穗的准备、砧木的选择、嫁接时间、嫁接方法,及嫁接后的管理几个方面对彰武松的嫁接繁殖技术进行了初步研究,以期为彰武松的大面积繁育和推广提供参考。  相似文献   

彰武松的优良特性及推广应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章介绍了彰武松的形态特征及优良特性,总结了彰武松在各引种栽培地区的生长表现,认为应进一步加大彰武松的推广力度,以使这一优良树种得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是我国森林资源大省,针叶树占有很重要地位,彰武松适应性强、抗性好,为优良速生常绿针叶树,在黑龙江省西部引种试验表明能够正常生长、开花结实。本文概括总结了彰武松在黑龙江省西部地区的栽培技术,以期为彰武松的大面积推广提供依据。  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了彰武县草原生态现状,其次分析了草地退化的形成原因及生态后果,最后提出了草原生态恢复若干项对策。  相似文献   

Chinese pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus tabulaeformis) larvae were fed with pine needles of different degrees of damage to evaluate the effects of pine needles on the growth and development of larvae. The results showed that the nutritional index of the larvae declines after feeding on the damaged pine needlings. The lowest amount of food ingested and voided feces, the lowest nutritional index, slowest development, lightest pupae and most mortality were found in those pine caterpillar larvae fed with pine needles which were 50% damaged. The damaged pine needles significantly affected the population dynamics of Chinese pine caterpillars. The nutritional indices of larvae fed with 25% and 75% damaged pine needles were similar. The nutritional index of the dark morphs was higher than that of the tinted morphs, however, their mortality was lower than that of the tinted morphs. This phenomenon was reversed at the later stage of development when the larvae were fed on 50% damaged pine needles. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(6): 83–88 [译自: 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(6): 83–88]  相似文献   

Masson pine(Pinus massoniana) is one of the main pine species in China.It is the most extensively distributed,it is the largest in number,and its use is extensive.This paper deals with the study situation of the property variation of the tree and the effect of external conditions on its properties in China,including pine wood modification(degreasing,mould prevention and improvement of dimensional stability).  相似文献   

空气花粉污染研究的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了花粉污染与花粉症的概念,国内外空气花粉污染的研究现状,花粉污染的特点以及致敏植物的种类,提出了城市绿化中花粉污染的防治措施,并指出了研究中存在的问题,对研究前景进行了展望。    相似文献   

Haywood  James D.  Tiarks  Allan E.  Sword  Mary a. 《New Forests》1997,14(3):233-249
Following site preparation, three cultural treatments and three open-pollinated loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) families were studied on a gently sloping Beauregard silt loam in central Louisiana. The treatments were: (1) fertilization (either broadcast application of 177 kg N and 151 kg P/ha or none); (2) herbicide application (either broadcast application of herbicides during the first through third growing seasons, and felling of a few, scattered volunteer hardwood trees greater than 2.5 cm dbh during the third growing season or none); and (3) litter application (either broadcast application of 37 Mg/ha (oven-dried weight) of pine straw over the plots to form a 10 to 15 cm layer or none). The subplot treatment was planting stock, where in November 1988, 28-week-old container-grown loblolly pine seedlings from three open-pollinated families were randomly assigned to planting locations. Through five growing seasons, fertilization and weed control with herbicides resulted in the greatest loblolly pine productivity, but the use of herbicides severely reduced other vegetation. Applying litter, which was less effective than herbicides as a weed control treatment, increased the presence of blackberry (Rubus spp.) when herbicides were not applied. Applying litter resulted in a decrease and fertilization resulted in an increase in the number and length of live lateral roots. Soil temperature was reduced by litter application. Treatment responses were not influenced by loblolly pine family.  相似文献   

果树在城市林业建设中的应用及展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章论述了果树在园林中应用的历史和现状,阐述了果树在城市林业建设中的特殊功能及应用前景,并提出了有关的应用建议。    相似文献   

Volatile terpenes increase in xylem tissue after infection of Pinus thunbergii with the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus). The role of these terpenes in traeheid cavitation, which blocks xylem-sap ascent and leads to water deficit in pine trees, was assessed. Volatile terpene concentration increased long before initiation of tracheid cavitation. After the volatile terpenes reached the highest concentration, severe cavitation developed. Direct injection of α-pinene into healthy pine trunks formed artificial cavitation in xylem. These observations support the hypothesis that excessively produced volatiles, which are hydrophobic and have lower surface tension than water can promote tracheid cavitation in pine wilt disease.  相似文献   

文章从中国林业现状入手,分析与世界水平的差距,指出中国未来林业的发展方向是:选择重点领域。实现关键技术突破,领先新的科学技术,大力发展森林资源,实现林业的高效可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过选取4种杀虫剂在彰武地区进行杨干象防治试验,结果表明:致死率最高、经济性好的杀虫剂为40%氧化乐果;最佳防治时间在4月20日,最佳防治方法为药油灌孔封膜。  相似文献   

针对治沙示范区自然资源现状 ,提出构建生态经济型固沙林防护体系的技术框架和治理方案 ,建立了 3种固沙林实体模式 ,对造林树种选择、配置、营造技术、抚育管理等进行了详细阐述 ,对林农复合经营方向及效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

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