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Two new gonad-infecting species of Philometra Costa, 1845 (Philometridae), P. brevicollis sp. n. and P. mira sp. n., are described from the ovary of the brownstripe red snapper, Lutjanus vitta (Quoy et Gaimard) (Lutjanidae, Perciformes), from the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of New Caledonia. Based on light and scanning electron microscopy examination, these new nematodes are compared with all other gonad-infecting species of Philometra. The former species (males and mature and gravid females available) mainly differs from its congeners in the length of males (5.39-5.92 mm), equally long spicules (279-312 microm), and the gubernaculum (151-168 microm), in that the distal end of the gubernaculum bears dorsolateral transverse lamella-like structures, and in the structure of the male caudal end. The latter species (only males available) is characterized by the length of males (3.47-3.66 mm), equally long spicules (96-105 microm), and the gubernaculum (78-84 microm), the absence of a dorsal reflected barb or lamella-like structures on the distal end of gubernaculum, and by the structure of the male caudal end. Judging from the occurrence in the host, P. brevicollis is the main philometrid parasitizing the gonads of L. vitta, in which it can reproduce, whereas this fish probably serves as only the paradefinitive host for P. mira. Both P. brevicollis and P. mira are the first nominal species of Philometra described from fishes of the family Lutjanidae.  相似文献   

The following acanthocolpid species are reported from New Caledonia. Acaenodera nautili sp. n. from Conger cinereus Rüppel differs from other Acaenodera species in details of the body-spination, the sucker-ratio and the bipartite seminal vesicle; Stephanostomum murielae sp. n. from Carangoides hedlandensis (Whitley) differs from most species of Stephanostomum in the average of 36 circum-oral spines, the circum-oral spine rows with a ventral hiatus and the anterior extent of the vitellarium being > 10% of the hindbody length from ventral sucker. The species is distinguished from the three other species with these characters in a detailed review. The other species reported are: Stephanostomum aaravi Bray et Cribb, 2003 from Lethrinus miniatus and L. rubrioperculatus; Stephanostomum ditrematis (Yamaguti, 1939) from Gnathanodon speciosus; Stephanostomum japonocasum Durio et Manter, 1969 from Cephalopholis urodeta, Epinephelus areolatus, E. chlorostigma, E. maculatus, E. retouti, Lethrinus miniatus and Variola louti; Stephanostomum uku Yamaguti, 1970 and Pleorchis uku Yamaguti, 1970 from Aprion virescens.  相似文献   

Monostephanostonum nolani sp. n. is described from Carangoides plagiotaenia Bleeker, off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. It differs from all other species in the genus except M. manteri Kruse, 1979 in that the vitellarium reaches into the forebody. It differs from M. manteri in the ventral hiatus in the circum-oral spine row, the extent of the vitellarium in the forebody, where it is not confluent, its elongate pharynx and its smaller eggs. Monostephanostoinum krusei Reimer, 1983 is redescribed from Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch et Schneider) from Ningaloo Reef off Western Australia. It is considered similar to M. nolani, differing in the vitellarium being restricted to the hindbody, but sharing with M. nolani an unusual arrangement of small body-spines on the antero-ventral surface. It is also morphologically very similar to Monostephanostomum roytmani (Parukhin, 1974), which apparently lacks the diminutive antero-ventral body-spines. A key to eight recognized species in the genus is presented.  相似文献   

Haploporus mugilis sp. n. (Digenea: Haploporidae) was obtained from the intestine of kandas, Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) (Mugilidae, Perciformes) in the Taiwan Straits, China. It most closely resembles Haploporus spinosus Machida, 1996 from the intestine of Crenimugil crenilabis in Japanese and adjacent waters in the intestinal bifurcation posterior to the acetabulum, in egg-size (0.039-0.044 x 0.019-0.022 in H. mugilis and 0.034-0.042 x 0.018-0.023 in H. spinosus) and in the hermaphroditic sac armed with spines. However, it differs from the latter in its hermaphroditic sac with two long and numerous small spines rather than with four long and six small spines and in the excretory vesicle with a single prominent refractory concretion instead of being empty.  相似文献   

The external morphology of two bucephalid digenean parasites of Conger conger (Linnaeus) (Congridae, Anguilliformes) caught northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1905 and P. aculeatus Odhner, 1905, were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM techniques elucidated new external morphological details, mainly relating to the tegument and protruding organs, such as, in P. crucibulum, a papilla-like structure associated with the pharynx and, in P. aculeatus, the cirrus. The tegument bears scale-like spines, which in both species are arranged quincuncially. The spines of P. crucibulum are wider than long and cover the major part of the body and rhynchus. However, no spines were found in either the central apical depression of the rhynchus or in the middle of the ventral indentation. Also, spines were rarely seen on the tegument around mouth, around the genital aperture or close to the excretory pore. P. aculeatus has spines of a different shape, as wide as they are long and with a rounded margin. They cover the whole body and almost the entire rhynchus, but none were found in the middle of the rhynchus or on its neck region.  相似文献   

Posterotestes gen. n. (Digenea: Apocreadiidae, Apocrcadiinae) is proposed for specimens with the following features: spiny body, posterior position of gonads, extension of vitelline follicles up to level of intestinal bifurcation and absent at post-testicular space, long oesophagus and extension of caeca up to anterior testis. Posterotestes unelen sp. n. is described from the intestine of the native fish, Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Osteichthyes: Percichthyidae) from Patagonian Andean lakes.  相似文献   

During a survey of parasites of Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Percichthyidae) in northwestern Patagonian lakes, a new dracunculoid of the family Guyanemidae was found parasitizing as adults the heart of the fish. This species belongs to the genus Pseudodelphis Adamson et Roth, 1990 by having deirids, glandular multinucleate oesophagus and anterior branch of the uterus, and by lacking caudal alae and a gubernaculum. Pseudodelphis limnicola sp. n. differs from Pseudodelphis oligocotti Adamson et Roth, 1990 by the number and distribution of the cephalic papillae, a muscular oesophagus submerged into the glandular portion and by lacking a peribuccal ring. This is the first record of a guyanemid inhabiting the heart of a Neotropical perciform fish.  相似文献   

Psettarium anthicum sp. n. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) infects the myocardium and atrial wall of the cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) (Rachycentridae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi, USA. It is the first member of Psettarium Goto et Ozaki, 1930 reported from other than the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean and the second species of the genus reported from cobia. It differs from its congeners by the combination of having posterior caeca with lateral projections appearing as thorns in lateral view and the male pore anterior to the o?type. The species of Psettarium, P. japonicum (Goto et Ozaki, 1929) (type species), P. tropicum Manter, 1940, P. sebastodorum Holmes, 1971, P. rachycentri (Lebedev et Parukhin, 1972) comb. n. (syn. Psettarioides rachycentri Lebedev et Parukhin, 1972) and P. anthicum sp. n., differ from other sanguinicolids by the combination of having an elongate body with a sinistral posterolateral protuberance, minute, straight tegumental body spines in ventrolateral transverse rows, posterior caeca greater than seven time the anterior caeca length, the o6type near the posterior end of the body, a uterus primarily between the ovary and o?type and an oviduct and vitelline duct extending posteriad primarily between the uterus and dextral body margin. We emend Psettarium and provide a diagnostic key to the species. Psettarioides is regarded as a junior synonym of Psettarium because herein we return its type species, P. tropicum, to Psettarium. Regarding the three other sanguinicolids formerly of Psettarioides, we suspect that P. pseudupenei Lebedev et Parukhin, 1972 belongs to Psettarium but include it only tentatively pending an examination of type or other material; we tentatively place P. kurochkini Parukhin, 1976 in Cardicola Short, 1952; and we designate P. grandis (Lebedev et Mamaev, 1968) as incertae sedis pending examination of type or other appropriate material.  相似文献   

Acolpenceron australe sp. n. (Dactylogyridae, Dactylogyrinae) is described from ureters and renal tubules of Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Perciformes, Percichthyidae) from Andean Patagonian lakes. The new species has a haptor with 14 hooks, with shanks comprised of two subunits. It has overlapped intercaecal gonads, male copulatory organ as a sclerotized tube with one counterclockwise coil and a J-shaped accessory piece. It differs from the other species of Acolpenteron by having a non-forked accessory piece. This is the first monogenean species described from a percichthyid host in South America.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Avitocaligus assurgericola gen. et sp. n., of the family Caligidae is established based on an ovigerous female collected from a razorback scabbardfish, Assurger anzac (Alexander), caught off New Caledonia. This is the first record of any parasitic copepod from this fish. The new genus is placed in the Caligidae since it possesses the caligid cephalothorax incorporating the first to third pedigerous somites. It also exhibits biramous first and fourth swimming legs but lacks dorsal plates on the fourth pedigerous somite. This combination of characters serves to differentiate the new genus from existing genera. In addition, it possesses loosely coiled, uniseriate egg sacs, concealed between the middle lamellar plates on the genital complex and the ventral plates on the abdomen. Preliminary phylogenetic analysis with a restricted matrix suggests that the new genus represents the earliest offshoot from the main caligid lineage since it does not exhibit the dominant exopod on the fourth swimming leg found in all other members of the Caligidae, including the genus Euryphorus. It strongly supports the newly recognized monophyletic status of the Caligidae, incorporating the genera formerly placed in the Euryphoridae.  相似文献   

Lasiotocus lizae sp. n. (Digenea: Monorchiidae) was collected from the intestine of Liza carinata (Valenciennes) (Mugilidae, Perciformes) in the Taiwan Straits, China. L. lizae is most similar to Lasiotocus glebulentus Overstreet, 1971 from the intestine of Mugil cephalus from the Northern Gulf of Mexico in having tightly compacted vitellaria, a genital pore sinistral to the midline, the ovary usually dextral to the acetabulum, the similar sucker ratio, and in the presence of both a canalicular and uterine seminal receptacle. It differs from L glebulentus in its cirrus sac ending anterior to rather than posterior to acetabulum, in the ending position of caeca, in smaller eggs, and in having a single rather than several conspicuous concretions in excretory vesicle.  相似文献   

Gravid females of two species of philometrid nematodes (Philometridae) were collected from marine perciform fishes in Japanese waters, mainly from the southern Sea of Japan. Based on light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy examinations, the previously described but poorly known species Philometra cryptocentri Yamaguti, 1961 is redescribed from specimens recovered from the abdominal cavity of Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck et Schlegel), Pterogobius elapoides (Günther) and P. zonoleucus Jordan et Snyder (all Gobiidae) (all new host records); the number (14) and arrangement of cephalic papillae in this species are described for the first time. The new species, Philometroides branchiostegi sp. n. from head tissues of Branchiostegus japonicus (Houttuyn) (Malacanthidae), based on a single specimen, is mainly characterized by the embossment of the entire body except for the cephalic end, presence of four submedian pairs of large cephalic papillae of external circle and two small lateral single papillae of internal circle, pair of large papilla-like caudal projections, the oesophagus with a distinct anterior inflation, by a markedly small body (length about 18 mm) and the larvae 306-465 microm long.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over a 7-year period, parasites have been collected from 28 species of groupers (Serranidae, Epinephelinae) in the waters off New Caledonia. Host-parasite and parasite-host lists are provided, with a total of 337 host-parasite combinations, including 146 parasite identifications at the species level. Results are included for isopods (5 species), copepods (19), monogeneans (56), digeneans (28), cestodes (12), and nematodes (12). When results are restricted to those 14 fish species for which more than five specimens were examined and to parasites identified at the species level, 109 host-parasite combinations were recorded, with 63 different species, of which monogeneans account for half (32 species), and an average of 4.5 parasite species per fish species. Digenean records were compared for 16 fish species shared with the study of Cribb et al. (2002); based on a total of 90 parasite records identified at the species level, New Caledonia has 17 new records and only seven species were already known from other locations. We hypothesize that the present results represent only a small part of the actual biodiversity, and we predict a biodiversity of 10 different parasite species and 30 host-parasite combinations per serranid. A comparison with a study on Heron Island (Queensland, Australia) by Lester and Sewell (1989) was attempted: of the four species of fish in common and in a total of 91 host-parasite combinations, only six parasites identified at the species level were shared. This suggests strongly that insufficient sampling impairs proper biogeographical or ecological comparisons. Probably only 3% of the parasite species of coral reef fish are already known in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

The tapeworm Caryophyllaeides ergensi sp. n. (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) is described from Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis from the River Selenga basin in Mongolia. It differs from the only hitherto recognized species of the genus C. fennica (Schneider, 1902), mainly in its extremely long uterus with coils extending anteriorly to anterior half, sometimes up to anterior third of the body of gravid specimens.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Paragendria papuanensis sp. n. (Quimperiidae) and Rhabdochona papuanensis sp. n. (Rhabdochonidae), are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes Glossamia giellerupi (Weber et Beaufort) (Apogonidae) and Melanotaenia affinis (Weber) (Melanotaeniidae), respectively, from the Sogeram River (Ramu River basin), Madang Province, northern Papua New Guinea. The former species is characterized mainly by the absence of oesophageal teeth, the presence of conspicuously inflated papillae of the last two subventral pairs, a gubernaculum, spicules 69-75 microm long, eggs measuring 57-66 x 39-45 microm, and by a small body (male and female 3.2-3.7 and 5.8 mm long, respectively). Paragendria is considered a valid genus, to which P. aori (Khan et Yaseen, 1969) comb. n., P. guptai (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n., P. hanumanthai (Gupta et Jaiswal, 1988) comb. n. and P. vermae (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n. are newly transferred. Rhabdochona papuanensis differs from all congeners mainly in having hammer-shaped deirids and from individual species also in other characters. Both findings represent the first records of species of Paragendria and Rhabdochona from the Australian zoogeographical region and the first records of the representatives of these genera from fishes of the families Apogonidae and Melanotaeniidae, respectively.  相似文献   

In 1986, samples of the marine commercial fish Parupeneus indicus originating from the Indian Ocean near Somalia were examined for helminths. They proved to harbour three species of adult parasitic nematodes: Ascarophis parupenei sp. n., Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), and Cucullanus himezi Yamaguti, 1941. A. parupenei sp. n. is characterized mainly by its non-filamented eggs with a fine flock-like coating, length ratio (1: 13-16) of the muscular and glandular parts of oesophagus, length of spicules (0.533-0.600 mm and 0.150-0.171 mm), structure of the head end and shape of the female tail. All these species are briefly described and illustrated and some problems concerning their taxonomy and geographical distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

Hysterothylacium winteri sp. n. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) was collected from the intestine of a marine-estuarine fish, Eleginops maclovinus (Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Eleginopsidae), from Abtao in the Gulf of Ancud, Chile. Sixteen (51.6%) out of 31 fish were infected; the intensity was 1-10 (mean 4) worms/host. The new species belongs to the group of congeners possessing one double pair of postanal papillae. By possessing a lateral pair of phasmids situated near the tip of tail, H. winteri most closely resembles Hysterothylacium habena. The new species can be distinguished by the lip flanges forming broadly rounded points and the equal, short spicules (320-400 microm long) representing 0.9-1.7% of body length.  相似文献   

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