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韭菜叶片生长动态和分蘖、抽薹特性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对 3个休眠韭菜品种和 9个不休眠韭菜品种叶片生长动态、分蘖和抽薹特性的研究表明 ,在全年不收割条件下 ,韭菜单株年生长叶片 41.2 2~ 47.0 3片 ,叶片平均叶龄 39.33~ 44 .87d。新叶生长高峰在 5~ 8月 ,叶片平均间隔 5 .39~ 8.0 3d ,叶片平均日生长量 1.6 6~ 1.84cm ,5~ 8月是全年单株生长最高的时期 ,株高 41.30~5 0 .2 3cm。韭菜单株年分蘖 4~ 5个 ,全年有两次分蘖高峰 ,第 1次在 5~ 6月 ,第 2次在 9~ 10月 ,但以第 1次分蘖为主。韭菜不休眠品种抽薹期长而分散 ,为 37.0 0~ 6 5 .33d ,休眠品种抽薹期短而集中 ,为 15 .0 0~ 30 .6 7d ,休眠品种全年生长期 2 82~ 2 92d ,不休眠品种全年生长期为 32 0~ 32 3d。 相似文献
薤别名藠头、小根菜、山蒜、小根蒜,为百合科多年生草本植物,是吉林省春季主要的野生蔬菜之一,全国各地均有分布.其具有极好的医疗保健作用,可抑制血小板聚集、降脂、防治动脉粥样硬化、清除自由基、抗氧化,具有抑菌、解痉平喘、镇痛、耐缺氧等功效. 相似文献
以分蘖洋葱杂交种‘珠葱1号’为试材,进行了分蘖洋葱杂种一代鳞茎分割栽培试验,以不切割处理的分蘖洋葱和阿城农家品种‘紫皮分蘖洋葱’为对照,确定鳞茎的最佳繁殖系数,旨在更加经济有效地利用分蘖洋葱杂种一代鳞茎。结果表明:种用鳞茎不分割处理,出苗率、生长势、抗病性和产量等指标表现最好,但单位面积种用鳞茎成本最高,约占单位面积产值的50%;鳞茎6等分和8等分处理繁殖系数高,但出苗率降低,生长势弱,产量过低;与不分割处理相比,鳞茎2等分和4等分处理出苗、生长、产量等指标降低不明显,而且种子成本大幅下降,单位面积产值较高。综合用种成本、鳞茎质量和产量、效益等指标,鳞茎2等分和4等分处理既降低了用种费用,又达到了增产增效目的。 相似文献
轮作分蘖洋葱对大白菜生长、品质及产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以大白菜和分蘖洋葱为试材,采用盆栽方式,研究了轮作分蘖洋葱对大白菜生长、品质及产量的影响。结果表明:分蘖洋葱轮作对大白菜植株的各项生长指标均具有促进作用,定植60d后显著促进了大白菜植株株高、叶片数和干重(P0.05)。分蘖洋葱轮作对大白菜叶片可溶性糖含量和硝酸盐含量的积累没有影响。另外,分蘖洋葱轮作对大白菜单株产量无显著影响。总之,分蘖洋葱轮作可以促进大白菜植株生长,而对植株品质和产量的提高无促进作用。 相似文献
研究了9月20日、10月10日、10月30日和11月20日4个洋葱鳞茎栽植时期对种株生长发育和种子产量及质量的影响。结果表明,9月20日栽植,虽越冬前植株营养生长旺盛,但翌年春生长势减弱,植株早衰,影响生殖生长;11月20日栽植,则翌年春植株营养生长受抑制,也不利于抽薹、开花、结实;10月10日和10月30日栽植,植株营养生长旺盛,花薹粗壮。种子收获时,9月20日、10月10日、10月30日和11月20日4个栽植日期的单株种子产量分别为8.98、13.74、14.56和11.46g,千粒质量分别为3.86、4.02、4.07和3.95g。此外,不同栽植时期采收的种子发芽势和发芽率也差异显著,各处理的种子发芽势依次为80.2%、90.9%、95.1%和86.2%。表明山东地区洋葱鳞茎的适宜栽植期为10月10~30日。 相似文献
S.H. Kim C.E. Niedziela Jr. P.V. Nelson A.A. De Hertogh W.H. Swallow N.C. Mingis 《Scientia Horticulturae》2007
One-year old scale bulblets of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. ‘Nellie White’ (Easter lily) were grown for 107 days during growth period 1 (GP-1) in six growth chambers under constant day/night temperature regimes of 30/26, 26/22, 22/18, 18/14, 14/10 and 10/6 °C. Subsequently, half of the plants in each temperature regime were transferred to 18/14 °C and the other half continued at the six constant temperature regimes. Both groups of plants were grown for an additional 89 days in growth period 2 (GP-2). Continuous temperatures of 26/22, 26/22–22/18 and 26/22–18/14 °C produced the greatest increase in basal bulb fresh weight (the main planted bulb), basal bulb circumference and stem bulb fresh weight, respectively. However, shifting these optimal temperatures to 18/14 °C during GP-2 resulted in a lower increase in basal bulb fresh weight and circumference. The optimum range for stem bulb production was expanded to 30/26–14/10 °C by shifting to 18/14 °C. The greatest increase for basal root growth occurred at 14/10–10/6 °C and for stem root growth at 14/10 °C. The temperature shift did not affect either root type. Maximum increase for stem length was at 26/22 and 22/18 °C and for stem plus leaf weight at 14/10 °C under constant temperature regimes. Transferring the plants from 10/6 to 18/14 °C resulted in the greatest increase in stem length and from 10/6 and 14/10 to 18/14 °C in the greatest increase in stem plus leaf weight. The greatest increase in the number of leaves occurred at 26/22 and 10/6 °C, but this growth parameter was unaffected by shifting to 18/14 °C, indicating that leaf number was determined in GP-1. Bulbils developed only when bulbs at high GP-1 temperature regimes (30/26 and 26/22 °C) were transferred to 18/14 °C during GP-2. Lower temperatures tended to favor an increase in flower bud production under continuous temperature regimes, while shifting to 18/14 °C increased flower bud production after initially high and low temperatures. Meristem abortion was greatest at 30/26 °C followed by 26/22 °C, but was not affected by temperature shifts in GP- 2. Thus, it is concluded that the abortion was induced or initiated during GP-1. 相似文献
双孢蘑菇覆土层有益微生物消长规律 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将土样制备成稀释液,采用平板涂布培养法,分析双孢蘑菇覆土期、充分发菌期,原基形成期、采收前和采收后2d5个时期土样中几种有益微生物和消长规律。结果表明,原基表成前和采收后,采白色和采收后2d5下时期土样中几种有益微生物的消化规律。结果表明,原其开前和采收后,采白色孢杆菌(Bacillus)、固氮苗(Azotobacter)和假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas)数量增加;链霉菌(Streptomyces)数量增减比较平缓,而土灰色芽孢杆菌的数量一直呈下降趋势。 相似文献
S.H. Kim C.E. Niedziela Jr. P.V. Nelson A.A. De Hertogh W.H. Swallow N.C. Mingis 《Scientia Horticulturae》2007
One-year-old scale and stem bulblets of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. ‘Nellie White’ (Easter lily) were grown under constant and variable growth chamber conditions and greenhouse conditions to compare growth and development and bulb production. Eight temperatures regimes were established using the following: six growth chambers set to provide day/night temperature regimes of 30/26, 26/22, 22/18, 18/14, 14/10 and 10/6 °C; a seventh growth chamber (VAR) programmed to begin at 22/18 °C, then decline in three 4–5 week steps to 10/6 °C, and subsequently increase in three 4–5 week steps to 22/18 °C to simulate seasonal field temperatures in the coastal bulb production area of northern California and southern Oregon; and a double layer polyethylene greenhouse (GH) set to begin cooling at 22 °C and heating at 18 °C. Ten percent of the scale bulblets and 35% of the stem bulblets failed to develop shoots (“no-shows”). “No-shows” increased with increasing temperature with a significant number starting at 18/14 °C. The moderately high GH temperature also induced “no-shows”. Maximum basal bulb (the main planted bulb) weight occurred at 26/22 °C for both bulblet types. Scale bulblets not only produced heavier basal bulbs with a larger circumference than stem bulblets, but also produced heavier stem bulbs. Stem bulb formation and production was maximized in the range of 18/14–26/22 °C and in the GH for scale bulblets. Stem bulb production from stem bulblets did not differ from zero. Scale bulblets produced more basal and stem roots than the stem bulblets at the end of the early growth period, but there was no significant difference at the end of the study. Root fresh weight was greatest in the range of 14/10–18/14 °C and declined at higher or lower temperatures. The VAR and GH treatments had similar root weights to those at 18/14 °C. Shoot length was maximized at 22/18 °C for stem bulblets and in the GH and at 22/18 °C for scale bulblets. Stem plus leaf (shoot) fresh weight was not statistically different between bulblet types with the exception of an increased weight for stem bulblets grown at 22/18 °C. Scale bulblets in the GH had greater stem plus leaf weights than scale bulblets in the other temperature regimes. Shoot leaf number was highest in stem bulblets at 22/18 °C and in the GH. In these two temperature treatments, more leaves were produced by stem bulblets than scale bulblets. In all other treatments, there was no significant difference in leaf number. Bulblet type had no effect on number of flowers produced. Flower number was maximum in the range 10/6–22/18 °C, decreased at 26/22 °C and in the GH, and was absent at 30/26 °C. For bulb production, reduced flowering is desired since flowers are generally removed during the outdoor bulb production period. Meristem abortion, which also causes a desirable reduction in flowers, was greater in scale bulblets. It occurred at 26/22 °C and was greater at 30/26 °C. Scale bulbs produced the largest main bulbs, with a maximum yield at 26/22 °C. 相似文献
郁金香鳞茎的膨大发育及其山地复壮研究 总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15
杭州地区郁金香花后的鳞茎膨大发育在叶片开始枯黄的10天左右时间内加速完成。此时,叶绿素含量迅速下降,鳞茎内可溶性糖含量急剧增加,鳞茎中部皮层细胞明显横向伸长,胞内淀粉颗粒增大。浙江缙云海拔800-1000m处的5-9月份气温条件适宜郁金香花后生长及鳞茎营养物质贮藏,在低海拔不能开花的退化小球种植在海拔880m山地,其开花率可达34.3%-41.5%,种球增重2倍以上,更新球平均单重从8.32g增至 相似文献
M.G. Kulkarni G.D. Ascough L. Verschaeve K. Baeten M.P. Arruda J. Van Staden 《Scientia Horticulturae》2010
Smoke-water and a biologically active butenolide compound (3-methyl-2H-furo[2,3-c]pyran-2-one) derived from burning plant material, show stimulating effects on a number of agricultural and horticultural crops. In these trials, onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were treated (drenched) with either a 1:500 (v/v) smoke-water solution or a butenolide solution of 10−10 M under greenhouse conditions. Onion plants supplied with smoke-water and butenolide solution exhibited a significantly greater number of leaves, increased leaf length, and a higher fresh and dry leaf weight than untreated plants at 175 days after seed sowing (DASS) (third harvest). In addition, smoke-water and butenolide-treated onion plants exhibited a significantly higher bulb diameter and bulb weight than untreated plants, when these plants were harvested at 175 DASS. Overall, smoke-water was more effective than butenolide and achieved the highest harvest index. Genotoxicity was not detected in the bulbs of onion when they were treated with either smoke-water or butenolide. 相似文献
为探索紫皮洋葱新品种紫玉88的合理施肥量,进行了该品种的肥料试验。试验结果表明,紫玉88洋葱的单球质量、横径和产量随鳞茎膨大期肥料施用量的增加而增加,但是施肥量过大,单球质量、横径和产量反而减小;在保证紫玉88前期肥料足够的条件下,鳞茎膨大期每667 m2施复合肥(15-15-15)30~40 kg,其综合表现最好。 相似文献
百合鳞片离体培养的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以'布鲁拉诺'、'提伯'和'索蚌'3个百合品种的鳞片为外植体,比较了不同的消毒方法、不同品种、不同取材部位及接种方法对百合鳞片离体培养的影响.结果表明,最佳的消毒方法是0.1%升汞消毒8 min,污染率较低,成活率最高,可达90.9%,且采用小鳞茎整体消毒可以有效降低污染率.不同百合品种分化小鳞茎的能力有较大差异,分化能力依次为'布鲁拉诺'>'索蚌'>'提伯'.百合鳞片不同部位分化小鳞茎的能力从大到小依次为下部、中部、上部.近轴面向上接种的鳞片分化能力强于远轴面向上,小鳞茎再生率最高,可达100%. 相似文献