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奶牛繁殖性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去几十年,通过对奶牛产奶量相关性状基因的选择,奶牛的单产已经得到了极大的提高,然而繁殖性能却呈现出相反的趋势,以至于在既定的时间内繁殖出小牛已经变得越来越困难。产奶性能  相似文献   

保护性脂肪对高产奶牛繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高产奶牛繁殖性能下降与能量负平衡(NEB)有关,日粮中适当补充保护性脂肪可缓解奶牛在泌乳盛期的能量负平衡,改善体况,提高发情率,促进排卵,提高受胎率.  相似文献   

提高繁殖率始终是高产奶牛场面临的当务之急,也是提高奶牛养殖生产效益的基础。当前,随着育种水平的不断提高,牛群单产水平呈大幅提高的趋势,但母牛的繁殖力也随着发生了变化。  相似文献   

甘肃黑白花奶牛部分繁殖性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘肃黑白花奶牛,是通过近40年的杂交选育培育而成的一种结构匀称、花片整齐,外貌良好、产奶量较高、遗传性稳定、耐粗饲、适应于西北地区环境条件的乳用牛品种。1988年通过省级验收,命名为“甘肃黑白花奶牛”。为了解该品种奶牛在繁殖方面的某些特征,我们对本场1980—1988年奶牛的部分繁殖资料进行了统计分析,介绍如下:  相似文献   

提高繁殖率是高产奶牛面临的首要问题,也是提高奶牛养殖生产效益的基础.当前,随着育种水平的不断提高,牛群单产水平呈大幅提高的趋势,但母牛的繁殖力也随着发生了变化,尤其是高产奶牛,在产后的泌乳高峰期由于受到各种应激,表现出发情症状不明显、不发情、受胎率低及胚胎死亡等,从而导致繁殖率下降.  相似文献   

本文就贵阳市具有典型代表性的某奶牛小区奶牛的繁殖性能进行调查,调查结果表明:该奶牛养殖小区2007~2009年的平均年受胎率为83.0%,产犊间隔时间为427.00±3.36d,产后子宫复旧时间为39.94±1.72d;产后瘫痪、胎衣不下、子宫内膜炎及死胎的发病率均有逐年下降的趋势,但乳房炎和肢蹄病的发病率却呈上升的趋势。该奶牛养殖小区的胎衣不下、乳房炎、子宫内膜炎及肢蹄病的发病率仍较高,严重影响了该小区的经济效益。  相似文献   

高产奶牛繁殖性能下降与能量负平衡(NEB)有关,饲料适当补充保护性脂肪可以缓解奶牛在泌乳盛期的能量负平衡,改善体况,提高发情率,促进排卵,提高受胎率.  相似文献   

高产奶牛繁殖问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对全镇高产奶牛繁殖问题的调查发现,近几年随着高产优质冻精的普及,牛群单产水平呈大幅度提高,但母牛的繁殖能力也随着发生了变化,尤其是高产奶牛,在产后表现出发情症状不明显、不发情,受胎率低及胚胎死亡等,从而导致繁殖率下降。  相似文献   

<正>1繁殖指标、发情鉴定及分群管理1.1制订繁殖指标繁殖指标是衡量牛场配种水平的依据,也是分析检查繁殖管理情况的重要指标。这些指标包括:牛群怀孕率、发情牛检出率、产后90d参配率、情期受胎率、空怀率、产后180 d未妊率、年繁殖率、平均配准天数、胎间距等。1.2发情鉴定对符合配种条件的牛,每天进行两次尾根喷漆或蜡笔涂抹,实施24h发情观察。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a reproductive management program consisting of combinations of Ovsynch/TAI and prostaglandin (PG) F(2alpha) treatments in Holstein dairy cows under a pasture-based dairying system. DESIGN: Field trial. PROCEDURE: A total of 1177 cows in 8 commercial dairy farms were randomly allocated to control and treatment groups. Treatment group cows received one of two interventions depending upon the number of days postpartum (DPP) before the planned start of breeding. Cows more than 50 DPP by the planned start of breeding received the Ovsynch/TAI treatment, consisting of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) - PGF(2alpha)- GnRH plus timed artificial insemination. Cows between 40 and 50 DPP received a PGF(2alpha) treatment followed by oestrus detection and, if the cow was not seen in oestrus, the cow received a second PGF(2alpha) 14 days later. Control cows were submitted to twice a day heat detection followed by artificial insemination. The experimental period was the start of the breeding season plus 21 days for cows over 50 DPP at the start of breeding, and was 40-61 DPP for cows that calved later and passed their voluntary waiting period after the start of the breeding season. RESULTS: Submission rate was higher for the treated group than for the control group (84.9% vs. 55.1%; P < 0.0001), as was the conception rate (51.0% vs. 46.1%; P < 0.03). Due to farm variations, pregnancy rate was similar in both groups (38.5% vs. 28.2%; P > 0.1). Within the treated group, conception rate and pregnancy rate of the cows inseminated after a PGF(2alpha) were higher than for timed artificial inseminated cows (51.4% vs. 32.6%; P < 0.001), and (37.8% vs. 32.6%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A programmed reproductive management protocol may improve reproductive efficiency in dairy farms with seasonal breeding, by increasing submission and conception rates at the beginning of the breeding season and/or at the end of the voluntary waiting period. Fertility of cows bred after a PGF(2alpha) synchronised heat was greater than after an Ovsynch/TAI protocol.  相似文献   

探索奶牛酮病发病原因、发病规律及其对生产性能的影响,对986头围产期奶牛进行跟踪调查分析。结果表明,奶牛酮病发病率为31.74%,死亡率为4.15%;秋季发病率最高,可达37.4%,其次是冬季和夏季,春季发病率最低;随着胎次、年龄和产乳量的增加,奶牛酮病的发病率明显增高;在第1个泌乳月奶牛酮病的发病率最高,可达50.43%;日粮种类和微量元素越少,奶牛酮病就越容易发生;奶牛发病后受胎率明显降低;发病后产乳量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率和乳干物质比发病前均明显降低,差异显著(P〈0.05)。奶牛酮病发病具有一定的规律性,且可降低奶牛的繁殖性能、产奶量和乳品质。  相似文献   

选择体重、胎次、泌乳期、乳脂率和产奶量基本一致的健康无病的中国荷斯坦奶牛30头,随机分成3组,分别为试验组Ⅰ,Ⅱ和对照组。试验组Ⅰ,Ⅱ奶牛日粮每日每头分别添加130、150g碳酸氢钠,对照组奶牛日粮每日每头分别添加110g碳酸氢钠,试验期28d。结果表明,试验组Ⅰ干物质采食量、粪便pH比对照组高1.41%、0.20(P0.05),非脂乳固体比对照组低0.4(P0.05);试验组Ⅱ干物质采食量、产奶量、4%标准乳、粪便pH分别比对照组高2.04%、2.01%、2.68%、0.42(P0.05),乳脂率高0.13%(P0.05),乳蛋白、非乳脂固体分别低0.36%、0.51%(P0.05)。另外,碳酸氢钠的增加使得牛乳中体细胞数显著降低,且与乳脂肪呈显著负相关(P0.05),而与乳蛋白质呈显著正相关(P0.05)。由此可知,在每头奶牛日粮中添加150g碳酸氢钠的范围内,随着日粮中碳酸氢钠的增加,能显著改善荷斯坦奶牛的生产性能,有效预防奶牛瘤胃酸中毒。  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine some of the risk factors for cows not observed in oestrus within 35–42 days of an unsuccessful artificial insemination (AI; phantom cows), and the reproductive outcomes and effect of treatment of phantom cows.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over 2 years, in dairy herds from the Waikato (n=10) and Canterbury (n=4) regions of New Zealand, pregnancy diagnosis was carried out 35–42 days after AI on cows that had been inseminated in the first 3 weeks after the start of mating (PSM) but had not been seen returning to oestrus. Risk factors for phantom cows were analysed using a generalised linear mixed effect model.

In Year 1, all phantom cows were left untreated. In Year 2, phantom cows were categorised as having a corpus luteum (CL) (CL+ n=120), or having ovarian follicles ≥10 (n=101) or <10 (n=40)?mm in diameter. Cows with a CL were treated with cloprostenol or untreated and placed with bulls. Cows with no CL received intravaginal progesterone (P4) for 7 days, with injection of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on Days 0 and 9, and cloprostenol on Day 7 followed by AI. Pregnancy diagnosis of all cows took place 100–120 days after PSM and interval to conception and final pregnancy rate determined.

RESULTS: Overall, of cows inseminated in the first 3 weeks after PSM that did not return to oestrus, 610/6,734 (9.1%) were phantom cows. From the final multivariable analysis, treatment for anoestrus, BCS ≤4.0 at mating, being 2 or >6 years of age, and pure-bred, and decreasing interval between calving and mating, until 98 days post calving, were associated with increased odds of being a phantom cow. Compared to all other groups of cows, phantom cows had a longer interval to conception (p<0.001) and a lower final pregnancy rate (p<0.001).

Treatment of CL+ cows or cows with follicles ≥10?mm did not affect reproductive outcomes (p>0.3). For cows with follicles <10?mm treatment decreased the final percentage not pregnant (3/27; 11%; p=0.01) and interval to conception (21 days; p=0.02) compared with controls (7/13; 54% and 37 days, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Risk factors for phantom cows were identified that could be manipulated to reduce the number of phantom cows in a herd, in particular increasing BCS. Treatment of the majority of phantom cows did not improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

高丽华 《饲料研究》2021,(2):132-134
在规模化牛场的生产过程中,品种、营养、牛群结构、饲养管理、疾病防治等因素对奶牛生产及经济效益有很大影响.而选择高产品种、调整营养水平、建立合理的牛群结构、采取适宜的饲养管理和疾病防治措施,不仅能够提高奶牛的生产性能、繁殖性能,还能降低饲养成本、提高经济效益.文章对影响奶牛生产性能及经济效益的因素进行论述,为促进我国规模...  相似文献   

Calving records from the Animal Breeding Center of Iran collected from January 1983 to December 2007 and comprising 1 163 594 Holstein calving events from 2552 herds were used to evaluate the potential effect of abortion occurrence on 305‐day milk yield, milk fat yield, fat percentage of milk and milk protein yield in Iranian Holsteins. Statistical analyses of production traits were performed using a linear mixed model procedure. Normal‐calved cows had greater 305‐day milk production, fat yield and protein yield of milk than abortive‐calved cows (P < 0.05). However, abortive‐calved cows had the greater milk fat percentage than normal calved cows (P < 0.05). The linear and quadratic effects of age of dam were significant on all of the studied traits (P < 0.05). The results of regression analysis showed that increase in the quadratic effect of age can cause an increase in the fat percentage of milk for all calvings including normal and abortive calvings. Because abortion is one of the most important conditions that limit a cow's ability to produce, maintaining the general health of cattle is important in minimizing the risk of abortion problems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dystocia on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in Iranian Holsteins. Data consisted of 1 467 064 lactation records of 581 421 Holstein cows from 3083 herds which were collected by the Animal Breeding Center of Iran from April 1987 to February 2014. Reproduction traits in this study included interval from first to second calving, days open and days from first calving to first service. The generalized linear model was used for the statistical analysis of reproductive traits. Survival analysis was performed using the Weibull proportional hazards models to analyse the impact of dystocia on functional longevity. The incidence of dystocia had an adverse effect on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Therefore, reproductive traits deteriorated along with increase in dystocia score (p < 0.05). The culling risk was increased along with increase in the score of dystocia (p < 0.0001). The greatest culling risk was observed in primiparous cows, small herds and low‐yielding cows (p < 0.0001). Also, the lowest culling risk was found for cows calving at the youngest age (<27 months), and cows with age at first calving >33 months had the greatest risk (p < 0.0001). The results of current study indicated that dystocia had important negative effects on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in dairy cows, and it should be avoided as much as possible to provide a good perspective in the scope of economic and animal welfare issues in dairy herds.  相似文献   

针对奶牛日粮营养不平衡,导致产奶量低、乳脂率低,经济效益低的生产状况,本试验随机选择4胎、5胎、6胎泌乳期牛10头,分试验组与对照组,各试验牛按日产奶量饲喂不等量精料补充料、玉米秸与稻秸按2:1混合的粗饲料、尿素基础饲粮。试验组饲粮按产奶量分等添加微量元素添加剂,试验期试验组奶料比为3.25,对照组为2.9,试验组增加0.34kg(P<0.05)。试验期产奶量按4.0%标准乳计算,试验组日产奶量高于对照组4.31kg(P<0.05)。按每kg增重折合鲜奶8.0kg校正体重后标准乳计算,试验组日产奶量高于对组4.36kg(P<0.01)。乳脂、乳钙、乳蛋白质(2.29 乳脂率×0.33计算),试验组比对照组分别提高0.32%、0.10%、0.03%(P<0.05)。添加微量元素的试验组,头均日产标准奶24.12kg,对照组19.8kg(P<0.05),按kg鲜奶1.80元计算,头、日产奶分别收入43.42元、35.62元(P<0.05)。头均日耗饲料的实际价格试验组9.15元、对照组7.82元(P<0.01),试验组比对组多增收6.46元(P<0.05),经济效益显著。  相似文献   

There is evidence that supplementing methionine has positive effects on uterine environment, oocyte quality and embryo development in cattle. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate reproductive traits of cows supplemented with rumen‐protected methionine (RPM) during early to mid‐lactation in comparison with an untreated control group (CON). An additional focus was on the effect of puerperal diseases on reproductive performance parameters in RPM‐supplemented group MET and in CON. A total of 1,709 multiparous Holstein‐Friesian cows were enrolled in this field trial conducted on a commercial dairy farm in Slovakia. Cows were allocated at approximately 12 days post‐partum (dpp) to either CON or MET, the latter supplemented with 25.0 g–27.2 g RPM per cow per day incorporated into the total mixed ration (TMR) until leaving the study pen at approximately 140 dpp. The amount of RPM was calculated based on individual feed ingredients analysis and adjusted during the study period when TMR changed. Cows were monitored during the post‐partum period by vaginal examination (day 5 pp), measuring of beta‐hydroxybutyrate in blood (3, 5, and 8 dpp) and by vaginal examination, uterine cytology and measuring of back fat thickness by ultrasound (all at 31 ± 3 dpp). Compared with CON, cows supplemented with RPM did not show better reproduction performance parameters (first service submission rate, days to first service, conception risk, days open 140). Results from binary logistic regression model for the risk of conception showed that metritis had a significant effect, but the supplementation of methionine had not. Results of Cox regression analysis for the odds of conception within 140 dpp revealed only metritis and clinical endometritis as significant factors. In conclusion, supplementation of RPM had no beneficial effect on reproductive performance in this study farm compared with an untreated control group.  相似文献   

亚临床酮病对泌乳早期奶牛繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究围产期亚临床酮病与泌乳奶牛繁殖性能及卵泡发育之间的关系,本试验选择了黑龙江省某大型集约化牛场开展试验,根据产后血酮水平确定亚临床酮病组和健康组奶牛共80头,该牛场亚临床酮病发生率为71%;两组奶牛跟踪到产后50 d进行直肠检查和B超检查了解卵泡发育状况,并记录繁殖性能数据。结果显示:与健康组奶牛相比,亚临床酮病组奶牛产后首次发情天数延长10 d,产后60 d内发情次数少0.58次;产后50 d子宫复旧不全高15%,与亚临床酮病呈显著正相关(R^2=8.74);产后60 d卵泡直径小3 mm(P<0.05)。结论:该牛场奶牛亚临床酮病发病率较高,是引起奶牛产后繁殖障碍的风险因素,也是造成卵泡发育受阻的不良因素,会导致奶牛繁殖力下降。  相似文献   

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