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张鑫 《畜牧兽医科技信息》2024,(1):128-130
亚急性瘤胃酸中毒也称慢性瘤胃酸中毒,是瘤胃酸中毒的临床表现形式之一。该型奶牛的发病率比较高,会直接影响奶牛健康以及饲养场的经济收益。本文分析了引发奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的原因,介绍了病牛的发病情况以及临床表现和诊断方法,结合多年的实践生产经验提出了防治亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的有效措施。 相似文献
豁银强 《广东畜牧兽医科技》2009,34(6):9-11
亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(SARA)是一个大多数牛场普遍存在的奶牛代谢性疾病。围产期、干物质采食量(DMI)过高、日粮配制差及采食模式变化过大等奶牛均易发生亚急性瘤胃酸中毒,继而造成干物质采食量下降、纤维素消化率降低、乳成分改变及引发腹泻等疾病。本文对奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的病因及危害等方面进行了简述。 相似文献
在一定的时期内,由于奶牛瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸的累积,瘤胃pH值长时间介于5.0。5.5之间,从而发生亚急性瘤胃酸中毒。亚急性瘤胃酸中毒多发生于高产奶牛群中。泌乳初期和中期奶牛日粮及饲养管理的变化均会导致亚急性瘤胃酸中毒,继而造成奶牛的干物质采食量下降、消瘦、蹄叶炎、角化不全-瘤胃炎-肝脓肿综合征、粪便粘稠度下降、乳脂率下降等。本文对奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的病因及继发症状等方面进行了简述。 相似文献
瘤胃酸中毒是反刍动物采食了过量易发酵的碳水化合物饲料 ,在瘤胃内产生大量乳酸并蓄积而引起的以前胃机能障碍为主的一种疾病。近几年来 ,笔者在西宁、民和及贵德等地共治疗奶牛瘤胃酸中毒病 2 3例 ,其中治愈 2 2例 ,死亡 1例 ,现报告如下 :1 病因本病的主要病因有两种类型 :一种是农户散养的奶牛、畜主为了提高产奶量 ,采用增加精料的办法或在奶牛产前产后给牛大量补饲精料 ,突然饲喂大量玉米面或大麦面粉等精料。民和曾有一位农民在奶牛产后的 8h内连续两次给牛饲喂了 12kg玉米面而发病。另一种是国营或集体奶牛场 ,其主要病因是长期… 相似文献
近日,黑龙江省某奶牛养殖场有7头产奶母牛发病,来农牧局就诊,前去应诊治疗情况如下.当天早晨饲喂时突然拒食,卧地不安,甩头蹬腿,遂邀笔者诊治. 相似文献
1发病特点此病发病急,病程短,并未观察出有明显的发病前兆,而且此病发病一般都是奶牛食用过量谷类精料后,食用过多的含碳水化合物丰富的精料,发病严重的病牛会在12h内突发死亡;发病缓慢的奶牛最常见的特征就是食欲不振,磨牙虚嚼,流涎,瘤胃胀满,蠕动音消失,脉搏增数,呼吸加快,脱水明显,慢 相似文献
Morgante M Stelletta C Berzaghi P Gianesella M Andrighetto I 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2007,91(5-6):226-234
Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) represents one of the most important metabolic disorders in intensive dairy farms that affects rumen fermentations, animal welfare, productivity and farm profitability. The aim of the present study was to study the occurrence of SARA in intensive Italian dairy herds and to determine the relationship between diet composition, ruminal pH and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) concentration. Ten commercial dairy herds were investigated; twelve cows in each herd were selected randomly among animal without clinical signs of disease, with good body condition and between 5 and 60 day-in-milk (DIM), to perform rumenocentesis and obtain rumen fluid. Ruminal pH was determined immediately after sampling and concentration of SCFA in ruminal fluid was determined on samples after storage. An other objective of this research was to study in detail the effects of rumenocentesis on animal health: this study could confirm the extreme validity of this technique as ruminal sampling. Results were subject to anova and correlation analysis using SIGMA STAT 2.03. The results indicated the presence of SARA in three herds (more than 33% cows with rumen pH < 5.5), a critical situation (more than 33% cows with rumen pH < 5.8) in five farms and a normal rumen pH condition in two herds. In particular, dairy herds show on average SCFA concentration of 150, 145, 123 mmol/l for low pH, critical pH and normal pH herds respectively. There were not significant differences among diet composition even if herds with SARA showed a light discordance between initially chemistry composition and residual feed. In the affected herds it was not possible to understand the exact causes of SARA. Animal management seems to be one of the most important factors in developing SARA including total mixed ration preparation. 相似文献
Tao Zhang Yingyu Mu Ruiyang Zhang Yanfeng Xue Changzheng Guo Wangpan Qi Jiyou Zhang Shengyong Mao 《动物营养(英文)》2022,8(1):331
Subacute ruminal acidosis(SARA)represents one of the most important digestive disorders in intensive dairy farms,and dairy cows are individually different in the severity of SARA risk.The objectives of the current study were to investigate differences in the ruminal bacterial community and metabolome in dairy cattle with different susceptibility to SARA.In the present study,12 cows were initially enrolled in the experiment.Based on average ruminal pH,4 cows with the lowest ruminal pH were assigned to the susceptible group(SUS,pH=5.76,n=4)and 4 cows with the highest ruminal pH assigned to the tolerant group(TOL,pH=6.10,n=4).Rumen contents from susceptible(SUS,n=4)and tolerant(TOL,n=4)dairy cows were collected through rumen fistula to systematically reveal the rumen microbial and metabolic alterations of dairy cows with different susceptibility to SARA using multi-omics approaches(16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing and metabolome).The results showed that despite being fed the same diet,SUS cows had lower ruminal pH and higher concentrations of total volatile fatty acids(VFA)and propionate than TOL cows(P<0.05).No significant differences were observed in dry matter intake,milk yield,and other milk compositions between the SUS and TOL groups(P>0.05).The principal coordinates analysis based on the analysis of molecular variance indicated a significant difference in bacterial composition between the two groups(P=0.01).More specifically,the relative abundance of starch-degrading bacteria(Prevotella spp.)was greater(P<0.05),while the proportion of fiber-degrading bacteria(unclassified Ruminococcaceae spp.,Ruminococcus spp.,Papillibacter,and unclassified Family_-XIII)was lower in the rumen of SUS cows compared with TOL cows(P<0.05).Community analysis of protozoa showed that there were no significant differences in the diversity,richness,and community structure(P>0.05).Metabolomics analysis revealed that the concentrations of organic acids(such as lactic acid),biogenic amines(such as histamine),and bacterial degradation products(such as hypoxanthine)were significantly higher in the SUS group compared to the TOL group(P<0.05).These findings revealed that the higher proportion of starch-degrading bacteria/lower fiber-degrading bacteria in the rumen of SUS cows resulted in higher VFA-producing capacity,in particular propionate.This caused a disruption in metabolic homeostasis in the rumen which might be the reason for the higher susceptibility to SARA.Overall,these findings enhanced our understanding of the ruminal microbiome and metabolic changes in cows susceptible to SARA. 相似文献
本研究旨在评估全混合日粮添加益生菌对干乳期奶牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵及氮平衡的影响.试验将体重为(440.92±3.33)kg、平均干乳期为42?d的60头荷斯坦奶牛随机分为2组,每组5个重复,每个重复6头.对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型全混合日粮,处理组饲喂基础全混合日粮+200?mg/kg益生菌(枯草芽孢杆菌含量:1×106?... 相似文献
Pilachai R Schonewille JT Thamrongyoswittayakul C Aiumlamai S Wachirapakorn C Everts H Hendriks WH 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2012,96(2):206-213
An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that the supplementation of crude protein (CP) results in rumen acidosis and increased histamine concentrations in dairy cows. Six ruminally fistulated, non-pregnant dry cows were fed three experimental rations in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design. The CP contents in the low-CP, the high rumen undegradable protein (high-RUP) and the high rumen degradable protein (high-RDP) rations were 112, 259 and 266 g/kg dry matter (DM) respectively. The cows were fed 7.7 kg DM of the concentrates and 2.7 kg DM of rice straw. High levels of RDP in the ration significantly increased the ammonia, total volatile fatty acid (VFA) and histamine concentrations in the rumen fluid. However, supplemental CP, whether degradable or undegradable, did not significantly affect the pH of rumen fluid. Plasma urea nitrogen concentration was higher in both high-RDP and high-RUP in relation to cows fed the low-CP ration. The rise in ruminal histamine concentrations was physiologically non-relevant, most likely because rumen pH was not affected by supplemental CP at the installed level of DM intake. Therefore, it can be concluded that the issue of supplemental CP, rumen pH and ruminal histamine concentrations has not yet been settled. Further research is warranted to understand these relationships. 相似文献
Park AF Shirley JE Titgemeyer EC DeFrain JM Cochran RC Wickersham EE Nagaraja TG Johnson DE 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2011,95(5):571-582
We used four pregnant Holstein cows to delineate ruminal adaptations as cows transitioned from one lactation to the next. Cows were fed typical diets through far-off and close-up dry periods and lactation. We measured ruminal characteristics on day 72 (late lactation), 51 (far-off dry), 23 and 9 (close-up dry) prepartum and on days 6, 20, 34, 48, 62, 76 and 90 postpartum (early lactation). Measurements included: ruminal fill (weight of actual contents), ruminal capacity (volume of rumen when fully filled), digestibilities and ruminal passage rates. Ruminal capacity tended to increase linearly during early lactation but was stable during dry and transition periods. Both total and liquid fill decreased linearly during the dry period, increased across parturition, and increased linearly through early lactation. Dry matter fill decreased as cows were fed the close-up diet at day 23 prepartum then increased near parturition and continued to increase across early lactation. Solid passage rate was greatest when cows were fed the close-up diet, and decreased throughout the transition period. In lactation, solid passage rate responded quadratically with peak at day 48 followed by decreases through day 90 postpartum. Liquid passage increased linearly across the transition period. Total tract organic matter digestibilities increased linearly over the dry period with significant increases prior to or immediately after parturition, then they remained relatively stable over early lactation until they increased at day 90. Fibre digestibilities demonstrated quadratic responses over early lactation, being higher on day 6 and day 90 than at other times. Starch digestibilities decreased linearly across both the dry and transition periods with decreases in lactation until day 62 followed by increases until day 90. High producing lactating dairy cows go through a multitude of ruminal adaptations, in terms of digestion, passage, capacity and fill, as they transition from one lactation to the next. 相似文献
Anne Mette Danscher Shucong Li Pia H Andersen Ehsan Khafipour Niels B Kristensen Jan C Plaizier 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》2015,57(1)
The prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy cows is high with large impact on economy and welfare. Its current field diagnosis is based on point ruminal pH measurements by oral probe or rumenocentesis. These techniques are invasive and inaccurate, and better markers for the diagnosis of SARA are needed. The goal of this study was to evaluate clinical signs of SARA and to investigate the use of blood, faecal and urinary parameters as indicators of SARA. Six lactating, rumen cannulated, Danish Holstein cows were used in a cross-over study with three periods. The first and second periods included two cows on control diet and two cows on nutritional SARA challenge. The third period only included two cows on SARA challenge. Control diet was a conventional total mixed ration [45.5% dry matter (DM), 17.8% crude protein, 43.8% neutral detergent fibre, and 22.5% acid detergent fibre (DM basis)]. SARA challenge was conducted by substituting control diet with grain pellets (50% wheat/barley) over 3 days to reach 40% grain in the diet. Ruminal pH was measured continuously. Blood samples were collected once daily at 7 h after feeding. Samples of faeces and urine were collected at feeding, and at 7 and 12 h after feeding. Blood samples were analysed for pCO2, pO2, pH, electrolytes, lactate, glucose, packed cell volume (PCV), and total plasma protein concentration. Milk composition, ruminal VFA, and pH of faeces and urine were measured.Results
SARA was associated with decreased (P < 0.05) minimum ruminal, faecal and urinary pH. Daily times and areas of ruminal pH below 5.8, and 5.6 were increased to levels representative for SARA. Significant differences were detected in milk composition and ruminal VFAs. Blood calcium concentration was decreased (P < 0.05), and pCO2 tended to be increased (P = 0.10). Significant differences were not detected in other parameters.Conclusions
SARA challenge was associated with changes in faecal and urinary pH, blood calcium concentration and pCO2. These may be helpful as indicators of SARA. However changes were small, and diurnal variations were present. None of these parameters are able to stand alone as indicators of SARA. 相似文献17.
Makoto MIYAJI Hiroki MATSUYAMA Kenji HOSODA Kazuhisa NONAKA 《Animal Science Journal》2012,83(8):585-593
Nine multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design to determine the effects of substituting corn grain with brown rice (BR) grain in total mixed ration (TMR) silage on milk yield, ruminal fermentation and nitrogen (N) balance. The TMR silages were made from the ensiling of TMR containing (dry matter basis) 50.1% forage in rice silage and corn silage combination, and 49.9% concentrate. The grain portion of the diets contained 31.2% steam‐flaked corn, 31.2% steam‐flaked BR or an equal mixture of corn and BR. Dietary treatments did not affect dry matter intake, milk yield and milk fat, protein and lactose yields. The ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acid concentrations were not affected by dietary treatment. The urinary N excretion decreased linearly (P < 0.01) in response to increased levels of BR, with no dietary effect on N intake, N secretion in milk and fecal N excretion. Our results indicate that steam‐flaked BR is a suitable replacement for steam‐flaked corn in dairy cow diets, and that it can be included in rations to a level of at least 31.2% of dry matter without adverse effects on milk production, when cows were fed rice silage and corn silage‐based diets. 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the variation of nutrient digestion, plasma metabolites and oxidative stress parameters triggered by induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA); and 2) evaluate the ability of pelleted beet pulp (BP) as a replacement for ground corn to alleviate SARA. Eight Holstein-Friesian cows were fed four diets during four successive17-day periods: 1) total mixed ration (TMR) containing 0% finely ground wheat (FGW) (W0); 2) TMR containing 10% FGW (W10); 3) TMR containing 20% FGW (W20); and 4) TMR containing 10% BP as a replacement for 10% ground corn (BP10). The SARA induction protocol reduced the mean ruminal pH from 6.37 to 5.94, and the minimum ruminal pH decreased from 5.99 to 5.41 from baseline to challenge period. Mean ruminal pH increased from 5.94 to 6.05, and minimum daily ruminal pH increased from 5.41 to 5.63, when BP was substituted for corn. The apparent digestibility of nutrients was not affected by the dietary treatments, except that the digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) was reduced in cows fed the W20 diet compared with cows fed the W0 and W10 diets, and cows fed the BP10 diet had higher NDF and ADF digestibility than the cows fed the W20 diet. Cows fed the W20 diet had a lower plasma concentration of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), cholesterol, triglyceride, and total antioxidative capacity (TAC), and a higher plasma concentration of glucose, insulin, malonaldehyde (MDA), super oxygen dehydrogenises (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) than cows fed the W0 diet. Substitution of BP for corn increased concentrations of plasma BHBA and TAC, but decreased concentrations of plasma MDA. Our results indicate that reduction of fibre digestion; the concomitant increase of plasma glucose and insulin; the decrease of plasma BHBA, NEFA, cholesterol, and triglyceride; and changes of plasma oxidative stress parameters are highly related to SARA induced by W20 diets. These variables may be alternative candidates for SARA diagnosis. We also suggest that the substitution of BP for corn could reduce the risk of SARA, increase fibre digestion, and improve the antioxidant status in dairy cows. 相似文献
Yongqing Guo Xiaofeng Xu Yang Zou Zhanshan Yang Shengli Li Zhijun Cao 《畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版)》2014,(1):64-73
The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the variation of nutrient digestion, plasma metabolites and oxidative stress parameters triggered by induced subacute ruminal acidosis(SARA); and 2) evaluate the ability of pelleted beet pulp(BP) as a replacement for ground corn to alleviate SARA. Eight Holstein-Friesian cows were fed four diets during four successive17-day periods: 1) total mixed ration(TMR) containing 0% finely ground wheat(FGW)(W0); 2) TMR containing 10% FGW(W10); 3) TMR containing 20% FGW(W20); and 4) TMR containing 10% BP as a replacement for 10% ground corn(BP10). The SARA induction protocol reduced the mean ruminal pH from6.37 to 5.94, and the minimum ruminal pH decreased from 5.99 to 5.41 from baseline to challenge period. Mean ruminal pH increased from 5.94 to 6.05, and minimum daily ruminal pH increased from 5.41 to 5.63, when BP was substituted for corn. The apparent digestibility of nutrients was not affected by the dietary treatments, except that the digestibility of neutral detergent fibre(NDF) and acid detergent fibre(ADF) was reduced in cows fed the W20diet compared with cows fed the W0 and W10 diets, and cows fed the BP10 diet had higher NDF and ADF digestibility than the cows fed the W20 diet. Cows fed the W20 diet had a lower plasma concentration ofβ-hydroxybutyrate(BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids(NEFA), cholesterol, triglyceride, and total antioxidative capacity(TAC), and a higher plasma concentration of glucose, insulin, malonaldehyde(MDA), super oxygen dehydrogenises(SOD), and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) than cows fed the W0 diet. Substitution of BP for corn increased concentrations of plasma BHBA and TAC, but decreased concentrations of plasma MDA. Our results indicate that reduction of fibre digestion; the concomitant increase of plasma glucose and insulin; the decrease of plasma BHBA, NEFA, cholesterol, and triglyceride; and changes of plasma oxidative stress parameters are highly related to SARA induced by W20 diets. These variables may be alternative candidates for SARA diagnosis. We also suggest that the substitution of BP for corn could reduce the risk of SARA, increase fibre digestion, and improve the antioxidant status in dairy cows. 相似文献