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微贮饲料饲喂西杂肉牛育肥效果试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大力发展草食家畜是近几年来我省畜牧业发展的主要方向,也是发展"节粮、高效型"畜牧业的重要措施之一.但是,仅靠农作物秸秆直接饲喂草食家畜适口性差,可利用营养水平低,浪费大,成本高,经济效益不佳,直接影响农民饲养草食家畜的积极性.本试验通过对秸秆饲料(玉米秆、麦草)采用微贮技术加工处理,观测西土杂交育肥肉牛饲喂微贮饲料的综合养殖效益.  相似文献   

全株玉米青贮营养丰富 ,适口性优于一般玉米秸秆青贮 ,适于育肥反刍家畜 ,且深受广大养殖户的欢迎。为比较全株玉米青贮饲料和未青贮玉米对断奶羔羊育肥效果 ,进行了试验。1 材料与方法1 1 材料制作全株玉米青贮饲料的原料以制种玉米剔除的父本为主 ;玉米秸秆青贮以收获玉米穗后青绿的玉米秸秆为主 ,采用常规制作方法。试验地点选择在我区清源镇王庄村一组农户中。1 2 方法1)选择个体、年龄、品种基本一致的 3~ 4月龄羔羊 2 0只 ,经驱虫 ,免疫注射 ,随机分为全株玉米青贮组和玉米秸秆青贮饲喂组 ,每组 10只。2 )供试羊的日粮配方为 :粗…  相似文献   

在前期(30d)舍饲,后期(20d)放牧+补饲的条件下,对59只2.5月龄夏洛来杂种羔羊分四组进行50天不同营养水平的育肥试验。试验结果:当混合饲料能量水平基本相同,粗蛋白含量分别为14.35%(A),15.77%(B),13.87%(C),13.87%(D)时,各组羔羊全期平均日增重分别为168.2,182.0,155.5,145.6g,B组和A,C,D组相比差异极显著,而且各组后期的平均日增重  相似文献   

高产饲料油菜喂羊效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效开发利用高产饲料油菜"华协11号"这一饲料资源,评价该品种的饲养动物效果,2010年9月于宁夏平罗县肉羊繁育中心进行了肉羊饲喂试验。试验选取滩寒杂种羊21只,按年龄、体况、性别、体重相近相同标准随机分为试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和对照组。试验期间各组参试羊只的每日基础精饲料饲喂量相同,占日采食量60%。粗饲料各组喂量有异,占日采食总量40%,其中,试验Ⅰ组鲜油菜占40%;试验Ⅱ组鲜油菜占20%,玉米秸秆等粗饲料占20%;对照组玉米秸秆等粗饲料占40%,不喂饲料油菜。预饲过渡期为10d,正试期为30d,预饲10d后称初始体重,正试30d结束,于早晨空腹称末重,计算平均日增重。结果:试验Ⅰ组与对照组相比,30d平均日增重下降了128.03%;试验Ⅱ组与对照组相比,30d平均日增重提高了14.67%。说明利用鲜油菜喂羊,其饲喂量应控制在羊全日粮比例的20%左右为宜,不宜多喂,更不宜单独饲喂。  相似文献   

在羔羊添加脲酶抑制剂育肥试验中,试验组平均体重43.2kg,比对照组提高20.7%(P<0.01),日增重提高30.8%,饲料利用率提高15%,投入产出比为1∶2.1-1∶2.8。试验组比对照组每天每只多收入0.31元。  相似文献   

综合概述了EM秸秆饲料的制作方法,原理,家畜对EM秸秆饲料采集量与消化率,EM秸秆饲料对家畜生产性能的影响及净化环境作用,与微贮,氨化秸秆饲料比较,EM发酵后的秸秆全面优于未处理秸秆,与氨化微贮相比可有效降低粗纤维的含量,提高粗蛋白质等营养含量,可有效提高秸秆的利用率。  相似文献   

本试验选择60只羊、60头牛作为试验对象,分为羔羊试验组、育肥羊试验组、犊牛试验组和育肥牛试验组及其对照组,各试验组20头(只),对照组10头(只)。试验组牛羊用牛羊浓缩饲料饲喂,对照组用传统精饲料(玉米)饲喂,其它饲料和饲养条件一致。试验总天数为90d。试验结果表明:试验羊和牛日平均增重较对照组显著提高,说明能在生产中大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

设计3种不同类型粗料的全混合日粮,对湖羊羔羊进行短期育肥试验。结果表明:添加青贮玉米秸与青贮苹果渣组合的全混合日粮对湖羊羔羊短期育肥的效果最好,试验期的采食量、日增重及经济效益均最佳,其中平均日采食量达1.75 kg/只,50 d短期育肥平均每只羊日增重202.3 g,纯收入达127.03元/只。  相似文献   

本文通过对 6 0头长×荣杂交生长猪的试验 ,结果表明 :添加 1g/kg的“思维香”饲料香味剂的试验组比对照组日均增重提高了 16 92 % (P >0 0 1) ;头日采食量多增加了 5 6 4% ;料肉比下降了 9 90 % (P <0 0 5 ) ;饲料报酬每头增加了 19 47元  相似文献   


A 2×2 factorial design with 32 dairy bulls was used to study the effects of partial replacement of a starchy concentrate with a fibrous concentrate and replacement of rapeseed meal with barley protein as protein supplement on performance of bulls with ad libitum access to a total mixed ration feeding. The two energy supplements were flattened barley (B) and a mixture (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis) of flattened barley and barley fibre (BF). These were fed with either rapeseed meal or barley protein so that the crude protein content of rations was 162 g kg?1 DM. Replacing half of the barley grain with barley fibre increased (P<0.01) the average DM intake (9.3 kg d?1 versus 9.9 kg d?1), but had no effect on the average live weight gain (1.27 kg d?1). There seemed to be only a minor difference between rapeseed meal and barley protein as protein supplements on animal performance.  相似文献   

不同的粗饲料搭配对TMR饲料发酵品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用玉米Zea mays秸秆(对照)、玉米秸秆+沙打旺Astragalus adsurgens+紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa、玉米秸秆+无芒雀麦Bromus inermis+垂穗披碱草Elymus nutans、玉米秸秆+华北驼绒藜Ceratoidesarborescens+尖叶胡枝子Lespedeza hedysaroides、玉米秸秆+紫花苜蓿+垂穗披碱草、玉米秸秆+紫花苜蓿+华北驼绒藜、玉米秸秆+无芒雀麦+华北驼绒藜制成TMR粗饲料,配以玉米面、胡麻饼、麸皮、高效钙磷多维骨粉分别制成TMR饲料,并对不同的TMR饲料发酵后的pH值、有机酸、营养成分等进行分析比较。结果表明,各粗饲料搭配组与对照组相比均能显著降低TMR发酵饲料的pH值、中性洗涤纤维,且显著增加粗蛋白含量,钙、磷含量变化则不明显,不同粗饲料搭配而成的TMR饲料均改善了发酵品质,获得了优良的TMR发酵饲料。  相似文献   

The prevalence of deoxynivalenol (DON) is a concern for swine producers, and although there has been extensive research into the effects of DON in pigs, focus has been in young pigs and/or in short-term studies. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of long-term exposure to DON-contaminated diets in finisher pigs. A total of 200 pigs (76.6 ± 3.9 kg initial weight) were group housed (five pigs per pen; n = 10 pens/treatment) in a 6-wk trial. Pigs were fed a wheat-barley-soybean meal-based control (CONT) diet with no DON or the basal diet in which clean wheat was replaced by DON-contaminated wheat and wheat screenings to provide DON content of 1, 3, or 5 ppm (DON1, DON3, and DON5, respectively). Individual BW and pen feed intake were recorded weekly to calculate average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), and gain to feed ratio (G:F). Blood was collected on days 0, 14, and 43 and analyzed for indicators of liver and kidney health. Nitrogen (N)-balance was conducted immediately following the growth performance period to determine the effect of DON on nutrient utilization. Blood and urine samples collected during N balance were analyzed for DON content. Feeding DON reduced (P < 0.05) ADFI and ADG from days 0 to 28 compared with CONT, after which there was no effect of diet on ADFI and ADG. The G:F was lower (P < 0.05) in DON5 fed pigs compared with all treatments during days 0 to 7; however, no treatment effects on G:F was observed from days 8 to 42. Nitrogen retention was lower (P < 0.05) in DON3 and DON5 compared with DON1-fed pigs. Nitrogen retention efficiency was higher (P < 0.05) in DON1 compared with DON3 and DON5 and protein deposition for DON1 pigs was higher (P < 0.05) than all treatments. There were no treatment effects on indicators of liver and kidney health. As dietary DON intake increased, concentration of DON in blood and urine increased. Overall, although there was an initial decrease in ADG and ADFI in pigs receiving diets containing >1 ppm DON, pig performance recovered after a period of time, whereas nutrient utilization continued to be affected after recovery of performance. Moreover, the lack of DON on G:F indicates that the negative effects of DON on growth performance are largely due to reduced feed intake. Overall, although pigs maybe capable of adapting to intake of DON-contaminated diets, their final body weight will be reduced when fed diets containing >1 ppm DON.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the effect of forage ensiling and ration fermentation on total mixed ration pH, ruminal fermentation and animal performance. Thirty Holstein‐Zebu cross steers were allotted to feeding treatments for 188 days in a randomized complete block design including: fresh grass‐total mixed ration (GTMR; pH 4.7), grass silage‐TMR (STMR; pH 4.0) and fermented‐TMR (FTMR; pH 3.5). Average daily gain for STMR was greatest during the first 3 months period; however, that for FTMR tended to be greater than GTMR during the second 3 months period (< 0.10). During the second period dry matter intake for STMR was the greatest (< 0.01), but feed conversion ratio (< 0.01) and cost per gain (< 0.01) were the least for FTMR. Protein digestibility tended (< 0.10) to be greater for FTMR than STMR and fat digestibility was greater (< 0.05) for GTMR and FTMR than STMR. FTMR had less (< 0.01) ruminal NH3‐N content than STMR. Total volatile fatty acids post‐feeding was greatest for GTMR (< 0.01). Ruminal proportions of acetic and butyric acids were greater for FTMR than GTMR (< 0.05); in contrast, propionic acid was greater for GTMR (< 0.05). Utilizing silage or total ration fermentation did not negatively impact on ruminal pH. STMR and FTMRs can be used to maintain performance of growing crossbred Holstein steers.  相似文献   

本试验旨在探究外源纤维素酶(EFE)添加到发酵全混合日粮(FTMR)中对其营养价值、发酵品质和酶活性的影响,并找出适宜添加水平。采用完全随机试验设计,设置5个纤维素酶添加水平(0、0.4、0.8、1.6、3.2 g·kg-1 DM),分别测定底物发酵的第7、14、35、49、70天的概略养分、可溶性碳水化物(WSC)、发酵参数和4种酶活力。结果表明,1)纵向看,随发酵时间的延长,底物的干物质(DM)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和可溶性碳水化合物含量,以及4种酶活力均呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),而乙酸含量则呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05)。2)横向看,随着EFE添加量的提高,发酵一定时间后, DM、NDF、ADF和WSC含量以及pH值、氨态氮含量、羧基肽酶活力和酸性蛋白酶活力呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),而乙酸含量、纤维素酶活力、和木聚糖活力呈上升趋势(P<0.05),发酵第35天后趋于稳定,0.8和1.6 g·kg-1 EFE添加组表现出较低的pH值、NDF含量和ADF含量(P<0.05),以及较高的纤维素酶和木聚糖酶活力(P<0.05);由此,本试验发现,添加EFE可促进FTMR中纤维类物质的降解、有机酸的积累和自身纤维类物质的酶活力,抑制羧基肽酶活力和酸性蛋白酶活力,减少蛋白质的损失,且存在添加剂量效应,适宜添加量为0.8~1.6 g·kg-1 DM。  相似文献   

To better understand rumen adaptation during dietary transitions between high‐ and low‐quality forages, 10 rumen‐cannulated Hu sheep were randomly allocated to two dietary treatments (five sheep each) with the same concentrate‐to‐forage ratio and concentration mixture, but different forage sequences: (i) alfalfa hay (AH) to corn stover (CS) and back to AH; and (ii) CS to AH and back to CS. A significant decrease in the rumen microbial protein concentration was observed on day 6 after dietary transition whether the transition was from AH to CS or from CS to AH, and this was accompanied by an increase in the ammonia nitrogen concentration as well as a decrease in the total volatile fatty acids concentration and pH. However, after transitioning back to the original forage, the rumen fermentation parameters returned to their initial levels within 2 weeks. Our findings suggest that abrupt substitutions of forages with large nutrient differences could influence rumen function to some extent, but recovery can occur within 2 weeks without detrimental effects. Furthermore, we speculate that the variation of fermentation in the first 6 days may indicate an important rumen transition stage that requires further study.  相似文献   

本试验探索了油菜秆颗粒料对湖羊生产性能、瘤胃发酵参数及血液生化指标的影响。试验选取30只6月龄体重为(32.33±1.65) kg的健康公湖羊,按体重配对设计分为2组,对照组和试验组分别饲喂花生藤颗粒饲料和油菜秆颗粒饲料,试验期52 d。测定了日增重、饲料转化效率、瘤胃发酵参数、饲料表观消化率及血液生化指标。结果显示,与对照组相比,试验组湖羊的干物质采食量(1.37 kg对1.47 kg)显著低于对照组(P<0.05),日增重基本一致(147 g对143 g);试验组瘤胃液中总VFA(102.27 mmol/L对90.44 mmol/L)(P<0.05)、丙酸(17.08 mmol/L对13.79 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、丁酸(11.97 mmol/L对10.31 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、氨态氮浓度(15.90 mg/dL对11.33 mg/dL)(P<0.01)的含量显著升高,乙丙比(P<0.01)(3.96对4.33)显著降低;中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率有升高的趋势(54.75%对51.50%)(P=0.09);血液中葡萄糖浓度显著升高(3.77 mmol/L对2.97 mmol/L)(P<0.05),尿素氮浓度(11.01 mmol/L对12.80 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、游离脂肪酸(133.07 umol/L对144.50 umol/L)(P<0.05)、谷丙转氨酶(14.85 U/L对19.23 U/L)(P<0.05)和高密度脂蛋白(0.92 mmol/L对1.05 mmol/L)(P<0.05)浓度显著降低;每kg增重饲料成本试验组比对照组降低了5.87元。结果表明,以油菜秆为主的颗粒料饲喂生长湖羊,对其健康无不良影响,可降低饲料成本,增加养殖效益,是丰富南方地区湖羊粗饲料来源、减少区域油菜秆污染的可行途径。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of long-term feeding of graded levels of deoxynivalenol (DON) on performance, nutrient utilization, and organ health of grower-finisher pigs. A total of 240 mixed-sex grower-finisher pigs (35.9 ± 1.1 kg initial body weight, BW) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments (6 pigs/pen; 10 pens/treatment) for 77 d. Diets consisted of a control diet without DON (CONT) and diets containing 1, 3, or 5 ppm DON (DON1, DON3, or DON5). Nitrogen-balance was determined in 1 pig/pen during weeks 6 and 12 of the study. Growth performance measures were taken weekly for average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG), and gain:feed (GF) until day 77. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 14, 42, 56, and 84 from 1 pig/pen for analysis of indicators of liver and kidney function. On day 7, ADG and ADFI for pigs fed DON3 and DON5 diets were lower (P < 0.05) compared with DON1- and CONT-fed pigs. Overall, ADG and ADFI (days 0 to 77) were lower in DON3- and DON5-fed pigs compared with CONT and DON1 pigs (P < 0.05), with no difference in GF (P > 0.05). Final BW was reduced in DON3- and DON5-fed pigs (P < 0.05) compared with CONT and DON1, which were not different (P > 0.05). No significant (P > 0.05) treatment effects were observed on carcass characteristics. In the grower-phase, protein deposition (PD) was reduced in DON3 and DON5 pigs compared with CONT and DON1 pigs (P < 0.05). In the finisher phase, PD was not affected by dietary treatment (P > 0.05). There was no effect of dietary treatment on the majority of selected serum chemistry (P > 0.05). In summary, pigs exposed to diets containing > 1 ppm DON had reduced growth performance with little or no effect on nitrogen utilization, organ health, or carcass characteristics, suggesting that the negative effects of DON may be largely due to depressed feed intake.  相似文献   

饲用油菜的营养成分分析及其在山羊瘤胃降解特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在通过化学分析和瘤胃瘘管山羊动物模型研究饲用油菜的营养成分、瘤胃降解特性,为饲用油菜饲喂反刍动物提供营养参数。试验测定华油杂62油菜盛花期及结荚初期植株营养成分含量,并用3只装有永久瘤胃瘘管的波尔山羊测定饲用油菜的瘤胃降解率。结果表明:1)盛花期饲用油菜的粗蛋白质和总氨基酸含量分别达到17.30%、11.48%,显著高于结荚初期(P<0.05);两个生长期饲用油菜的粗脂肪、粗灰分、钙、磷、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。盛花期植株中硫甙含量为10.17 μmol·g-1、单宁含量为0.94%,均高于结荚初期。2)盛花期、结荚初期饲用油菜中干物质、粗蛋白质、有机物、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的瘤胃降解率随消化时间的延长均逐渐升高;盛花期饲用油菜粗蛋白质的瘤胃降解率在72 h时达到84.70%;干物质的瘤胃降解率在0~24 h快速升高,48 h后稳定在67%左右;中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的瘤胃降解率上升速度较慢,72 h时分别为48.22%和45.78%。结荚初期饲用油菜中干物质和有机物的瘤胃降解率在0~72 h均低于同时间点的盛花期。3)盛花期、结荚初期饲用油菜植株中各营养成分之间快速降解部分差异显著(P<0.05),粗蛋白质快速降解部分均为最高,分别达到64.06%和68.81%;粗蛋白质有效降解率显著高于其他营养成分(P<0.05),分别达到76.50%和75.13%。结论盛花期和结荚初期饲用油菜的主要营养成分含量和瘤胃降解率均较高,盛花期饲用油菜更易被山羊瘤胃消化。  相似文献   

进行了冷季羔羊育肥效果的研究。选用蒙古系绵羊羔羊60只,随机分为3组,试验1组只均饲喂配合饲料1000 g/d,试验2组只均补饲整粒玉米Zea mays 300 g/d,3组(纯放牧组)不补饲。结果表明,试验1组比纯放牧组和试验2组日增重分别提高276.14g(P0.01)和129.36 g(P0.01),头均收入分别比纯放牧组和试验2组增加82.88元和24.24元。  相似文献   

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