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本研究揭示了仔猪出生重和断奶重对猪养殖者的收益有极大影响。因此,衡量母猪生产性能的主要指标是母猪能否生产出有较重初生重和断奶重的仔猪。在市场中,以较重的初生重和断奶重起步的仔猪成为影响经济效益的主要因素。 相似文献
有时候,人们有了信息之后才会提出问题,才会进行思考。BradLawrence和MattMusselman博士在2005AllenD·Leman养猪会议的研讨中说,勃林格殷格翰动物保健(美国)有限公司(BoehringerIngelheimVetmedica,Inc;即BIVI公司)的药物饲料研究小组成员正在调查研究该公司的泰妙菌素(tiamul 相似文献
仔猪包括哺乳仔猪与断奶仔猪,仔猪具有生长发育快、饲料利用率高等特点,降低哺乳仔猪的死亡率及提高断奶重、断奶窝重、缩短仔猪体重达25kg的时间是养猪生产中的关键环节。安全接产是减少仔猪出生死亡的有效措施;搞好猪群保健与疫病防制尤为重要;做好消毒和免疫工作,同时与良好的饲养管理相结合,才能产生好的免疫应答反应;提高仔猪初生... 相似文献
影响仔猪出生重和死亡率的因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1胎龄结构一般来说3~6胎的母猪处于繁殖性能的最佳状态,处于这一时期的母猪各项生理机能都处于成长的最佳状态。因此,此时的母猪无论在生产成绩还是生长状况上其产仔数量、初生重量以及仔猪的均匀程度和健康状况等都能达到最佳状态。 相似文献
仔猪初生重对断奶窝重的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提高猪的增重速度首先要从仔猪初生重、断奶重抓起 ,要取得仔猪窝重高的结果 ,除了抓好泌乳母猪的饲养管理、发挥母猪良好的泌乳性能外 ,做好仔猪补料、抓旺食、过好断奶关及疾病的预防工作是关键。1 试验材料与方法1 .1 试验猪随机选用 1 8窝“杜长上”初生仔猪 ,饲养 3 5日龄断奶。泌乳母猪、仔猪分别用申兰集团饲料厂生产的泌乳母猪料和乳猪料。母猪产前一周进产房待产 ,母猪采用高床单体限位栏 ,两侧为仔猪活动空间并配有保暖小间。1 .2 试验猪的饲养管理1 .2 .1 对临产前母猪后躯、乳房部位及分娩床面用0 .1 %高锰酸钾溶液擦拭消毒… 相似文献
仔猪的断奶窝重取决于母猪的产仔数、仔猪成活率和哺乳期仔猪的生长速度。因此,必须注意做好以下几个方面的工作。 1.做好配种工作。母猪在一个发情期内一般配种两次即可,最多不得超过3次,要在母猪发情开始后24小时配种一次,以后隔10~15小时再配一次。这样不仅能提高母猪的受胎率,而且能提高产仔数和仔猪初生重。 2.做好保胎工作。母猪产死胎多是因为妊娠期饲养管理不当所致。妊娠期要多喂青绿多汁饲料,不喂发霉变质饲料,严防鞭打脚踢及其它机械刺激。妊娠中后期要单圈饲养,产前3~5天减少运动并减少20%~30%的… 相似文献
仔猪包括哺乳仔猪与断奶仔猪,它们具有生长发育快、可塑性大、饲料利用效率高等特点,提高哺乳仔猪的成活率和断奶重、断奶窝重、缩短仔猪体重达25kg的时间是养猪生产中的关键技术环节,现将哺乳仔猪有关内容做以下论述。一、新生仔猪的环境变化与特点(一)新生仔猪的环境变化仔猪出生是生命进程中的重大转折时 相似文献
仔猪应包括哺乳仔猪与断奶仔猪,仔猪具有生长发育快、可塑性大、饲料利用效率高等特点,提高哺乳仔猪的成活率和断奶重、断奶窝重、缩短仔猪体重达25kg的时间是养猪生产中重要技术环节,现将哺乳仔猪有关内容做以下论述。 相似文献
Multi‐level mixed models for evaluating factors affecting the mortality and weaning weight of piglets in large‐scale commercial farms in central China 下载免费PDF全文
This study investigated the factors affecting piglet mortality (square root of mortality, SQRM) and average weaning weight (AWW) in commercial farms in central China. Information on sow diets, management and climate from 2478 weaning batches completed in 16 pig farms was collected from 2009 to 2013. Multi‐level mixed models, which included batch level (level 1) and farm level (level 2), were used to analyze the factors associated with SQRM and AWW. The mean values of SQRM and AWW were 2.52% (SD = 0.96) and 7.31 (SD = 0.77), respectively. Lactation sow diets supplemented with oregano essential oils (OEOs) decreased the SQRM (P < 0.05) and increased the AWW of piglets (P < 0.01). The SQRM was lower in period 2 (June to September, hot) than in period 1 (February to May, warm) and period 3 (October to January, cold; P < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively). The AWW was lower in periods 2 and 3 than in period 1 (P < 0.01). In conclusion, supplying OEOs to lactation diets can increase the weaning weight and reduce the mortality of piglets. The sources of variations in SQRM and AWW are of greater concern in the warm season than in the hot season. 相似文献
仔猪出生后的生理变量对其存活率及断奶前生长性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章旨在评估一些出生后测量的生理变量对仔猪在出生第一周的存活率和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验选择612头来自3~5胎龄母猪所产的仔猪,监测氧饱和度、心率、血糖浓度、出生后0和24h直肠温度,同时记录遗传谱系、是否助产、出生顺序、性别、肤色、脐带的完整性以及出生后到第一次站立的时间。分别在仔猪出生时、7、14和21d对仔猪称重,评估仔猪产后发育情况。出生后第3、7和21天的累积死亡率分别为3.3%、5.4%和8.7%。出生时直肠体温对仔猪的生存和生长性能无影响(P>0.05)。与正常肤色仔猪和站立时间在1min前的仔猪相比,青紫肤色的仔猪和站立时间在5min以上的仔猪死亡率更高(P<0.05)。脐带断裂的仔猪在出生后3d内死亡率较高(P<0.05)。仔猪在出生后3或7d较高的死亡率发生在出生顺序>9,出生体重<1275g,血糖浓度24~30mg/dL和45~162mg/dL以及出生后24h直肠温度<38.1℃。体重<1545g、出生后24h直肠温度<38.6℃的仔猪在断奶时体重较轻的概率较高(P<0.05)。在研究因素中,皮肤发紫、站立迟缓、脐带断裂、出生顺序高、体重低、出生后24h直肠温度低、血糖浓度低均是导致仔猪出生后第一周存活力较低的因素。 相似文献
Tadatoshi OHTAKI Masaharu MORIYOSHI Ken NAKADA Toshihiko NAKAO Yutaka SAWAMUKAI 《Animal Science Journal》2012,83(9):644-649
Blood estrone sulfate (E1S), estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) in newborn piglets were measured to clarify the relationships among birth and placental weight, vitality of offspring and litter size. First, the association between vital status (normal, weak and stillborn) from 165 newborn piglets of 18 litters and steroid concentrations; second, steroid concentrations from 152 newborn normal piglets and litter size; and third, steroid content in fetal placenta from 50 newborn normal piglets of six litters and litter size, were investigated. In the normal group, the birth and placental weight were significantly higher than those in the other groups. Blood E1S levels in the stillborn group were significantly lower, whereas E1, E2 and P4 were significantly higher compared to the normal group. Blood and placental E1S levels in the small litter group were significantly higher than those in the other groups. However, there was no significant difference among the three litter size groups in the levels of steroid hormones in maternal blood. These results indicate that vitality of newborn piglets is related to E1S concentration of neonate, to birth weight and placental weight. However, steroid hormone concentrations of newborn piglets were greatly affected by the number of littermates. 相似文献
本试验旨在比较酶制剂八宝威和一种国产酶制剂对早期断奶仔猪的效果,涉及28±2日龄断奶的仔猪75头。在基础日粮中添加0.8公斤/吨的八宝威或1公斤/吨国产酶制剂,两次试验的综合结果是:在25天的试验期内,添加八宝威比国产酶制剂增重提高5.7%,饲料利用效率提高3%,经济效益也以添加八宝威较好。 相似文献
菊粉对断奶仔猪生长性能和免疫功能的作用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
试验旨在探讨菊粉对断奶仔猪生长性能和免疫功能的作用,采用单因子随机分组设计,选取30日龄三元杂交(杜×长×大)仔猪64头,随机分成4组(对照组和试验1、2、3组),每组4个重复,分别饲喂含0%、1%、1.5%、2%菊粉的日粮,试验为期5周。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验1组、2组和3组平均日增重、脾脏指数、胸腺指数和IgA水平显著提高(P<0.05),腹泻指数显著降低(P<0.05),试验1组和2组与对照组相比,日均采食量显著提高(P<0.05)。菊粉可提高断奶仔猪生产性能和免疫功能,且饲料中添加1.5%的菊粉效果最好。 相似文献
二次制粒工艺对断奶仔猪消化器官的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选用360头21日龄断奶仔猪,按饲喂试验日粮的制粒工艺、原料预处理不同,分成4个处理组,研究断奶仔猪采食二次制粒颗粒饲料对主要消化器官的影响。处理1组饲粮普通一次制粒并使用未膨化玉米及豆粕;处理2组饲粮一次制粒、使用膨化玉米及豆粕;处理3组采用二次制粒工艺、使用未膨化玉米及豆粕;处理4组二次制粒、使用膨化玉米及豆粕。主要消化器官统计结果(相对指标)显示:处理4组仔猪小肠重显著大于处理1和3组(P<0.05);小肠长度和空肠黏膜重指标,处理4组显著大于其他3个处理组。小肠形态测定结果显示:处理4组仔猪空肠绒毛高度显著大于其他3个处理组;空肠肠壁厚度指标,处理4组仔猪显著大于处理1组,而处理2组和3组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。以上结果表明,在选择膨化玉米与膨化豆粕原料的基础上,采用二次制粒工艺,先将鱼粉与膨化玉米、膨化豆粕进行第一次高温制粒所生产的饲料,饲喂断奶仔猪有效促进小肠器官发育,从而改善生长性能。 相似文献
Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oils supplementation on digestion,colostrum production of dairy ewes and lamb mortality and growth 下载免费PDF全文
Samir Smeti Margalida Joy Hadhami Hajji José Luis Alabart Fernando Muñoz Mokhtar Mahouachi Naziha Atti 《Animal Science Journal》2015,86(7):679-688
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rosemary essential oils (REO) and the forage nature on ewes' performances, immune response and lambs' growth and mortality. Forty‐eight dairy ewes (Sicilo‐Sarde) were fed oat‐hay or oat‐silage supplemented with 400 g of concentrate during pregnancy and 600 g during postpartum. The experimental concentrate contained the same mixture as the control (barley, soybean meal and mineral vitamin supplement) more 0.6 g/kg of REO. Two groups were obtained with each forage (Hay groups: H‐C and H‐REO; Silage groups: S‐C and S‐REO). REO increased the dry matter (DM) intake, the nitrogen intake and retention being higher with the silage groups (P < 0.05). REO increased solid non‐fat (P = 0.004) and fat contents of colostrum which was higher with hay (P = 0.002). REO decreased lamb mortality (P < 0.05) which averaged 21% for control groups and 6% for H‐REO, while no mortality was recorded with S‐REO. REO dietary supply improved forage intake and tended to ameliorate colostrum production; it could be a natural additive to improve ewes' performances. 相似文献
选用360头21日龄断奶仔猪,按制粒工艺、原料预处理不同,设计2因素2水平试验,研究断奶仔猪采食二次制粒颗粒饲料对生长性能和血液生化指标的影响,结果显示:试验全期,采用二次制粒工艺及膨化玉米、膨化豆粕原料的处理4组仔猪,平均日增重和体重最大,生长性能最佳。血清尿素氮测定结果显示:断奶第14 d,处理4和2组的仔猪血清尿素氮显著低于(P<0.05)处理1和3组;断奶第28 d,处理1组仔猪血清尿素氮显著高于其他三个处理组。血清皮质醇测定结果显示:断奶第14 d,处理4组仔猪血清皮质醇显著低于其他三组。本试验证明,在选择膨化玉米与膨化豆粕优质饲料原料的基础上,采用二次制粒工艺,尤其先将鱼粉与膨化玉米、膨化豆粕进行第一次高温制粒,对降低仔猪断奶应激,改善生长性能有良好的效果。 相似文献
Fosfomycin residues in colostrum: Impact on morpho‐physiology and microbiology of suckling piglets 下载免费PDF全文
M. B. Fernández Paggi G. Martínez S. N. Diéguez D. S. Pérez Gaudio J. M. Decundo M. B. Riccio F. A. Amanto M. O. Tapia A. L. Soraci 《Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics》2018,41(3):415-427
Fosfomycin is a broad‐spectrum bactericidal antibiotic widely used in pig farms for the treatment of a wide variety of bacterial infections. In this study, the elimination of disodium fosfomycin in colostrum/milk of the sow and the impact of this antibiotic on the microbiota and intestinal morpho‐physiology of suckling piglets were analyzed. The average amount of fosfomycin eliminated in colostrum (after administration of 15 mg/kg IM) during the first 10 hr postpartum was 0.85 μg/ml, and the mean residual amount ingested by the piglets was 0.26 mg/kg. The elimination profile of fosfomycin concentrations in colostrum occurs at a time of profound changes in the morpho‐physiology of the gastrointestinal tract of the piglet. However, the studied concentrations did not produce imbalances on the microbiota or on the morpho‐physiology of the gastrointestinal tract of the piglet. Concentrations of fosfomycin were maintained in the mammary gland above the MIC for more than 8 hr for pathogenic bacteria of productive importance. This would indicate that fosfomycin may be considered safe for the specific treatment of bacterial infectious processes in sows during the peri‐ and postpartum period. This first study with disodium fosfomycin stimulates awareness in the proper use of antimicrobials at farrowing. 相似文献