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为了适应市场经济需要,在建设校外教学实习基地过程中,我们引进了产学研结合的育人机制,先后在校外建立了11个基地,解决了畜牧兽医系所承提的7个专业的实习场所问题,安排了371名学生实习,保证了教学质量。同时,结合教学和生产,在基地开展了合作研究,进行科技服务,培训技术骨干和基地职工,从而大大加快了基地生产的发展,经济效益明显提高。目前,建立校外教学实习基地的经验,已在校内各系推广。  相似文献   

在特色专业建设中,通过建立稳定的校外实习基地,走与科研及林业生产项目相结合的道路,拓宽林学专业毕业综合实习覆盖面;遵循认识到位、精心组织,强化训练、严格考核的原则,建立相应的产学研相结合实习教学模式体系,从实习教材内容、实习基地、教学方法、教学手段以及思想教育等方面进行林学专业毕业综合实习教学改革措施的配置,教学实践取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

农业工程类实验室和实习基地建设方案的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等农林院校农业工程学科起步较晚,实验室和实习基地建设亟待改革,面向21世纪农业工程类实验室应单独建制,按照学科相近原则,把现有的实验室合并为实验研究室或实验研究中心,使实验教学与科学研究结合起来,校内教学实习地,应理顺管理体制,由农业工程类的院,系直接管理。校外实习基地的建设。应广泛与企业挂钩,走联合办学的路子,使学校和企业在互惠互利的基础上,联合科研,联合攻关,联合培养人才。  相似文献   

沈阳农大农业工程学院的前身足农业机械化系,创建于1956年。全院设有农业机械化、机械设计与制造、农业电气化自动化、农村能源开发与利用四个本科专业;机电工程、汽车运输与管理、食品加工、计算机应用四个专科。同时设有农业工程设计所,农村能源研究室及辽宁省农村电气化研究所。还有由联合国开发计划署资助建立的中国东北寒冷地区综合能源示范基地;三个教学实习基地:农机修造实习厂、电气化设备实习厂、汽车修配实习厂。农业机械实验楼设置了具有国内先进水平的水、旱实验土槽及各种室内试验设备。  相似文献   

野外实习作为动植物学、生态学教学课程中的重要组成部分,是理论联系实际、巩固和加深课堂教学内容的重要环节。湖南农业大学开展了生物科学专业综合性野外实习的探索实践,构建了多学科综合性野外实习的教学体系,同时开展动物学、植物学、生态学等内容的教学实习,编制实习教材,建设野外实习基地,改进教学模式。  相似文献   

针对现阶段毕业实习存在的具体问题,提出了毕业实习与综合课程设计、毕业设计、实习基地相结合的实习模式,由此提高学生的学习兴趣,同时改变过去单一实习的模式,提高毕业实习效果。  相似文献   

植物化学保护学教学实践与改革的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过优化教学内容,使学生获得系统性、前沿性和应用性专业知识;通过采用启发式、互动式教学和专题讨论等方式,激发学生的主观能动性,提高教学效果;通过增设综合性实验、利用校外教学基地等手段,提高学生的实践技能。  相似文献   

随着种业的发展,种子生产基地在种子工作中的地位越来越重要.当前我国种子生产基地呈现面积锐减、恶性竞争加刷、生产模式多样化、技术和管理力量过弱、区域化态势明朗等特点,种子基地锐减已严重影响到当前农业生产.制种基地发展需要政企共建,建议通过建立制种农户补贴政策、制种技术培训基金、种子生产保险制度,设立基地设施专项资金,结合新农村建设将企业和基地联姻,加大对企业办基地的投入等综合措施来推进制种基地发展.  相似文献   

新农科背景下进行水土保持实习实训类课程教学改革是服务于乡村振兴战略的大势所趋。根据新农科建设特点,指出目前个别课程教学中存在的问题,并据此以华中农业大学资源与环境学院为例提炼了实习实训类课程改革创新制度设计,总结了校企合作实践基地构建、教学方法、教学内容、考核评价体系和保障措施等方面的具体改革举措,以提升水土保持实习实训类课程的教学水平和学生培养质量。  相似文献   

侵蚀山坡建立薪炭林和果树基地的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漳州市治理水土流失,坚持治理与开发利用相结合的原则,建立了一批薪炭林和果树生产基地,起到良好的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。建立速生薪炭林基地,注意了树种的选择,营养袋育苗造林和整地施肥等技术措施,提高了基地的建设质量。建立果树生产基地,注意建设标准化梯田工程,选择优良果树品种和多层次、多梯度发展立体种植,提高了成活率和保存率,果树生产旺盛。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2008,38(3):202-214
The objectives of our research were to evaluate the impact of organic, sustainable, and conventional management strategies in grower fields on soil physical, chemical, and biological factors including soil microbial species and functional diversity and their effect on the Basidiomycete plant pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii, causal agent of Southern blight. Soils from 10 field locations including conventional, organic and sustainable farms were sampled and assayed for disease suppressiveness in greenhouse assays, and soil quality indicators. Soils from organic and sustainable farms were more suppressive to Southern blight than soils from conventional farms. Soils from organic farms had improved soil chemical factors and higher levels of extractable C and N, higher microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and net mineralizable N. In addition, soil microbial respiration was higher in soils from organic than sustainable or conventional farms, indicating that microbial activity was greater in these soils. Populations of fungi and thermophiles were significantly higher in soils from organic and sustainable than conventional fields. The diversity of bacterial functional communities was also greater in soils from organic farms, while species diversity was similar. Soils from organic and sustainable farms had improved soil health as indicated by a number of soil physical, chemical and biological factors and reduced disease.  相似文献   

临汾市实行禁牧轮牧的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面推进我国水土保持生态体系建设中 ,临汾市水利水保部门探索出了一条以禁牧轮牧为主要内容的正确处理林牧矛盾、实现人与自然和谐共处、支撑经济社会可持续发展的新路子 :水土流失严重的山区县 (市 )作出了禁牧轮牧、加快生态建设的决定、规定 ,由政府组织实施 ,并把该项工作作为考核领导政绩的内容之一 ,实行奖惩兑现 ;对发展畜牧业做出科学规划 ,大力种植优良牧草 ,改革饲养方式 ,引进优良圈养品种 ,加强对农民的技术培训 ,走畜牧产品深加工之路 ;实行行政首长负责制、工作人员责任制、违法违纪监督制 ,确保禁牧轮牧工作的开展  相似文献   

While childhood agricultural injury has long been recognized as an important public health issue, most research has focused on family farms and there have not been many interventions targeting hired youth. This study evaluated the impact of a high school English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum, designed to provide teen agricultural workers with the knowledge and tools to protect their health and safety in the fields. Using a quasi-experimental design, the research consisted of two intervention groups and a comparison group, and included over 2,000 students from communities that lead California in agricultural production. The research findings revealed that the curriculum had significant impact in terms of increases in knowledge and attitudes, and nearly half of those interviewed after a summer of working in the fields reported implementing new behaviors to protect their health and safety. The curriculum also had extended effects in the broader community, as the majority of students reported sharing the new information with others. The study found that a school-based ESL curriculum is an effective intervention to reach and educate teen farm workers and that ESL classes can serve as a much-needed access point for young farm workers.  相似文献   

In order to provide injury surveillance for youth on farms in the U.S., the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in partnership with the USDA, developed the Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey (CAIS). CAIS data for all youth less than 20 years of age on farms have been collected for the calendar years of 1998, 2001, 2004, and 2006. CAIS data from 2006 indicated that an estimated 30.7 million youth lived on, worked on, or visited U.S. farms. These youth experienced almost 23,000 injuries while on the farm. The majority of these injuries occurred to males (15,223) and youth between the ages of 10 and 15 years (10,158). Approximately 25% (5,773) of the injuries were related to work being done on the farm. Youth living on the farm incurred 51% (11,654) of the injuries, hired youth sustained 6% (1,363), and 40% were to visiting youth (9,729). Although youth injuries on farms have declined by 30% since 1998, the numbers are still unacceptably high. Further indepth evaluation of subsets of the youth population may serve to better direct safety intervention programs and research.  相似文献   

对湖南省2007年列入国家发改委、农业部支持范围的1 079个生猪规模养殖场改扩建项目进行专题研究, 系统分析了规模养殖场标准化改造的意愿.结果显示:在供给条件下, 规模养殖场愿意进行标准化改造, 其改造意愿按从高到低的顺序为栏舍改扩建>防疫设施建设>粪污处理设施建设>沼气池建设>良种引进.不同区域、不同规模养殖场的标准化改造意愿不同, 96.8%的规模养殖场愿意改扩建栏舍, 50%以上的规模养殖场愿意进行防疫设施建设、粪污处理设施建设和沼气池建设;洞庭湖区92.2%的规模养殖场愿意配套沼气池建设;养殖场的规模越大对粪污环境治理意愿越强烈;生猪优势产区进行防疫设施建设的意愿高;生猪优势产区和中小规模养殖户愿意自主配套资金进行标准化改造.  相似文献   

我国工厂化养猪始于七十年代中期,当时在大城市郊区兴建了一批工厂化猪场,一直坚持走具有中国特色的道路。但在始创期遭遇许多艰难曲折。近年由于出口需要。广东省率先大办外向型猪场并采用工厂化养猪工艺。最近大城市大办肉食品基地,积极筹建工厂化猪场,使我国工厂化养猪有了广阔的前景。十年多的实践,积累了许多经验教训。  相似文献   

Family, Youth and Community Sciences (FYCS) is an agricultural science department traditionally served by a science librarian. The unique set of information requirements that have grown with the scope of the department makes it a challenge to meet the diverse needs. No longer primarily covering the rural household, the department now encompasses theoretical, methodological, empirical, and practical issues associated with urban life, social trends, and complicated life-long financial planning. The information needs of this department far exceed the standard knowledge base of the traditional science librarian and require a strong foundation in social science, business, education, and health sciences information sources. This creates a restriction in information access for the many and varied members of FYCS departments. In order to relieve the restriction, science librarians must familiarize themselves with a variety of resources from statistical databases, government and international sources, and social science databases. This article covers the changes in the FYCS department, the expansion of information needs, the resources of vital importance to research and students, and the challenges to the science librarian in meeting their needs. The article concludes that the science librarian should understand the growing interdisciplinary nature of this science field and recognize the steps that must be taken to increase access to information.  相似文献   

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