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Ninety-five 3- to 6-month old male Holstein veal calves were evaluated after an episode of zinc toxicosis, to describe clinical signs and to identify management and/or host-related factors that may have contributed to death. Clinical signs appeared 23 days after feeding of milk replacer commenced. Of 85 calves examined, 64 had pneumonia (75.5%), 62 had ocular signs (72.9%), 46 had diarrhea (54.1%), 34 were anorectic (40.0%), 15 were bloated (17.6%), 8 had cardiac arrhythmias (9.4%), 3 had convulsions (3.5%), and 3 were polydipsic/polyphagic (3.5%). Clinical signs began to appear when calves each were being fed approximately 1.5 to 2.0 g of zinc/day and exposed to a cumulative zinc intake of 42 to 70 g, from a milk replacer containing 706 micrograms of elemental zinc/g of milk replacer. Of 95 calves studied, 1 died before zinc was supplemented, 16 died during the episode, 12 were euthanatized, 1 was lost to follow-up evaluation, 1 was culled, and 64 were slaughtered. Deaths attributable to zinc toxicosis were observed between 25 and 53 days after the milk replacer was supplemented with zinc. Calves died while being exposed cumulatively to 30 to 66 g of zinc. The factors of previous pneumonia severity, age, cumulative daily exposure to zinc, and calf location within a bay were examined for possible associations with mortality, using stepwise logistic regression. Though younger calves tended to have a higher mortality than older calves, neither age category nor severity of pneumonia, before zinc supplementation, accounted for a significant mortality.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An outbreak of respiratory disease occurred in a central Alberta veal operation, after production capacity had been increased fourfold. Mortality rate reached 24.6% despite agressive antibiotic therapy. A review of the records revealed a cyclical disease pattern in each room. Weekly cleaning of occupied calf rooms was correlated with the disease pattern. Aerosols generated by a high pressure sprayer appeared to trigger transmission of respiratory pathogens in malnourished neonatal calves.

Disease occurrence decreased and profitability increased sixfold after the introduction of the following measures: 1) discontinuing the use of the high pressure washer in the occupied calf rooms, 2) feeding calves a better quality milk replacer with supplemental milk for the poorest calves, 3) sale-yard calf purchases were abandoned in favor of direct buying.


In September 1988, 100 of 300 yearling dairy heifers developed blindness, tachypnea, foaming at the mouth, chewing, and facial fasciculations. Twenty-five animals died. Lead toxicosis was diagnosed based on the clinical signs and the presence of excessive concentrations of lead in whole blood, liver, kidney, and rumen contents of affected animals. The source of the lead was sudan grass silage that had been contaminated by soil that contained up to 77,000 mg/kg of lead. Lead concentrations were determined approximately 7 months after the acute episode of lead toxicosis. Whole blood and milk samples were obtained from heifers and a group of control cows 2 weeks prior to (blood only), at the time of, and 2 and 4 weeks after freshening. No lead was found in any of the milk samples (detection limit = 0.055 mg/liter). Animals that had been severely affected by lead toxicosis experienced a transient increase in whole blood lead concentrations at freshening that was not high enough to be considered toxic. No similar increases in blood lead were observed for control cows or heifers that had experienced milder toxicosis. These findings suggest that at parturition lead is mobilized into the blood of cattle previously exposed to excessive lead.  相似文献   

The effect of different iron concentrations in the milk replacer on the development of iron deficiency anaemia during a fattening period of 28 weeks was studied in three groups of 14 calves. The iron contents in the milk replacer differed during the first seven weeks: 60, 100 and 150 mg Fe/kg in groups A, B and C, respectively. In all three groups blood haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, plasma iron concentration and saturation decreased during the fattening period, whereas the total iron-binding capacity increased. At week 7, liver iron concentrations were high with a large individual variation [A: 201 (61-706), B: 99 (47-129), C: 296 (77-1572) micrograms/g dry matter]. During the fattening period, liver iron concentrations decreased, with the lowest values at week 25 [A: 54 (34-82), B: 55 (44-83), C: 57 (42-79) micrograms/g dry matter]. Muscle iron concentrations decreased between week 7 and 19. Except plasma iron and saturation in group C, no differences in haematological and tissue iron variables were found throughout the fattening period in spite of different iron contents in the milk replacer during the first seven weeks.  相似文献   

An animal experiment has been performed with 42 veal calves, 21 males and 21 females, which were fed and housed according to European regulations for veal calves. The animals were kept in six groups of seven animals and fed milk replacer supplemented with three different levels of lactulose (0%, 1% and 3%) and some roughage. At the start of the experiment the animals were 1-3 weeks of age and they were slaughtered at 26 weeks. From male animals prostate, bulbo-urethal gland and testes were sampled, from female animals Bartholin's gland, uterus, cervix and ovaries were sampled. From all animals thyroid, thymus, adrenals, liver and kidneys were sampled. Histological investigation of the prostates and bulbo-urethral glands showed normal histology. This means that dilated tubules, strong secretion, increased mucinous glandular tissue and severe hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia, as is regularly observed in practice in the Netherlands, were not present in these animals. None of these prostates would be judged as positive in the screening for hormones as is performed by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA). The female calves also showed normal histology of Bartholin's gland except for three animals that appeared to be in oestrus and showed some metaplasie of the ducts but with a normal gland to duct ratio. These animals would be judged as suspect. The liver and kidney showed minor alterations due to slight infections during the experimental period. This experiment showed that it is possible to raise veal calves according to the practice without getting positive histology in the prostate or Bartholin's gland.  相似文献   

A case-control study of diarrheal disease in veal calves was conducted over a three month period on a single large veal farm in southern Ontario. One hundred diarrheic calves (cases) were identified by visual examination of their feces. Each case was matched to two nondiarrhetic controls from the same room on the same day, and a fecal sample was obtained from each animal. Fecal consistency of cases and controls was observed daily for one week following sample collection. Control calves which developed diarrhea during that period were excluded from the study. Breed, sex and the date and nature of antimicrobial drugs administered to each calf were recorded. Moisture content of fecal samples was measured by weighing samples before and after oven drying. Samples were screened for verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) using a Vero cell assay, for enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) using an immunoblot procedure with anti-K99 monoclonal antibodies, and for Salmonella species using modified semi-solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium. A latex agglutination test was used to detect rotaviruses, and samples were examined for cryptosporidia using sucrose wet mounts. No VTEC were identified in cases or controls. One calf was positive for Salmonella and three were positive for ETEC. Rotaviruses were detected in four cases and four controls. A significant positive association was found between diarrhea and infection with Cryptosporidium. This study thus provided no evidence of an association between diarrhea and infection with either VTEC, ETEC, Salmonella spp. or rotaviruses in the population examined. On the other hand our results do suggest that Cryptosporidium infection may promote transient diarrheal disease in veal calves in Ontario.  相似文献   

On a yearly basis, large calf ranches rear thousands of neonatal cattle for replacement heifers, veal or dairy beef. Dairy beef ranches obtain bull-calves from multiple sources and with questionable colostrum intake histories. Such ranches accumulate large amounts of data that could be used to help them with calf purchasing and on-farm management practices to avoid losses. Our purpose was to describe some calf purchase factors associated with mortality in neonatal calves raised on a single large calf ranch. Computerized records describing 120,197 bull-calves purchased between January 1997 and November 1998 were used in a survival analysis. Risk factors for mortality within the first 4 weeks after arrival on the ranch included body weight on arrival, month of arrival, and the calf supplier. The strength of the effects was conditional on the week after arrival to the ranch.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a treatment schedule using ivermectin, given subcutaneously at the rate of 200 micrograms kg-1, to control gastrointestinal parasitism and its effect on liveweight gains was assessed. Two herds with a total of 466 Hereford X Brangus cow/calf pairs were used. Each herd was on six pasture plots of comparable size, stocking rate, and quality and quantity of forage. Pasture groups were paired across the two herds. Pasture groups from one herd were randomly assigned to nonmedicated control and the other three to ivermectin treatment. Treatment assignments per pasture group were reversed in the other herd. The control group contained 118 cows and 112 calves and the medicated group 121 cows and 115 calves. Cows were treated in early July and the calves in late July or early August. Cattle from one herd were weighed on Days -28, 0 (day of cow treatment), 30 (day of calf treatment), 58, and 86, while the other herd was weighed on Days -29, 0 (day of cow treatment), 27 (day of calf treatment), 61, and 89. Day 0 was not the same calendar day for the two herds. Fecal samples for parasite egg counts were obtained from the rectum on weight days from five cows and six calves from each pasture; in most cases the same cattle were sampled each time. Calves treated with ivermectin gained (P less than 0.05) more weight than control calves between day of treatment for cows and the end of the trial.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A high-calorie oral rehydration solution (ORS) with glutamine (n=11) was more effective in correcting plasma, extracellular fluid and blood volume than solutions without (one WHO-type solution, n=6, and two high-glucose but glutamine-free solutions, n=7, n=12). It was the only solution to improve plasma volume significantly within 48 h and sustain the improvement throughout treatment; similarly, it was the only solution to correct packed-cell volume within 48 h and sustain the benefit to the end of treatment. At the end of treatment, the glutamine-treated calves were the only ones to avoid a significant weight loss compared with their pre-diarrhoeic values. The crucial difference between this solution and those used with glutamine previously is that it gave significant nutritional support whereas WHO type solutions did not. It also had more favourable effects on hyponatraemia and metabolic acidosis than a standard ORS. Use of a high-calorie ORS for 4 days (rather than 2 days of 50:50 admixture with milk replacer) brought additional beneficial effects on blood glucose and body weight.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of the combination of a lactoperoxidase system (LP‐s) and lactoferrin (LF) added to a milk replacer diet on severity of diarrhoea, the morphology of the small intestinal mucosa, and the microbiology of digesta and faeces in young calves, in comparison with a control diet. The experiment was conducted with 30 young calves, 15 per treatment, during the period of 7–21 days of age. During this period, calves are sensitive to gastrointestinal disturbances that can cause diarrhoea. The results showed a significantly (p < 0.05) reduced severity of diarrhoea in the LP‐s/LF group compared to the control group as assessed by faecal consistency scores. Numbers of CFU (colony forming units) of Escherichia coli in jejunal and colonic digesta and in faeces were lower in the LP‐s/LF group compared with the control group. The differences were significant in both colonic digesta (p < 0.1) and in faeces (p < 0.05). Examination of the small intestinal mucosa, using a dissecting microscope, indicated more finger shaped villi in the distal jejunum of LP‐s/LF‐treated calves compared with the control group (p < 0.05). Histometrical measurements showed that these villi were significantly (p < 0.05) longer.  相似文献   

为了探讨重组牛抵抗素对体外培养肝细胞PEPCK活性的影响,取72h培养良好的肝细胞培养板(6孔板),每孔分别接种重组牛抵抗素0,10,50,100,300,500ng/L(共6个梯度,每个梯度6个重复),继续培养12h,收集上清,采用乳酸脱氢酶偶联比色法测定PEPCK活性。结果显示,PEPCK酶活性随重组牛抵抗素浓度的升高而增强,10ng/L以上的重组牛抵抗素可明显提高PEPCK活性,这表明牛抵抗素具有生物学活性,能提高PEPCK活性。  相似文献   

A cDNA library from Trichinella spiralis adults 3 days post-infection was screened with a cDNA probe, designated T 54, derived from a newborn larvae subtracted cDNA library. Sequence analysis showed that the positive clone contained a cDNA insert of 1464 bp in length with a single open reading frame of 1290 bp, which encoded a protein of 429 amino acids with a putative molecular mass of 49.9 k Da. Database analysis predicted the deduced protein had a leucine zipper motif and an FYVE zinc finger domain. The recombinant fusion protein was expressed and rabbit anti-recombinant protein sera reacted with a single peptide migrating at approximately 55 k Da in crude worm extract from muscle larvae, adults and newborn larvae stages.  相似文献   

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