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Onion cultivar “Sunpower” has growing popularity in Korea due to high storability. The present study considers changes in flavonols, sugars, and two amino acids in onion bulbs during a long-term storage in the ambient dark storage room and in glasshouse equipped with a climate control system. Flavonol and sugar contents were found to fluctuate noticeably during the storage period. Amino acid content remained relatively unchanged till the onset of inner sprouting, increasing afterward. Visible sprouts appeared at week 22 in the dark storage room and for four weeks later in the glasshouse. The bulbs lost 20–30% of their weight depending on storage conditions at the end of the storage trials. At the same time, the content of nutraceutics in study expressed on the dry weight basis remained of the same order of magnitude. The nature of observed variations in chemical composition of onions as well as relation of this phenomenon to physiological development of stored onion bulbs is discussed. A conclusion is made that the “Sunpower” onion cannot sustain overwinter storage.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of onion and its cultivation in saline soils, a two-year experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of soil applied zeolite and foliar application of selenium (Se) and silicon (Si) on onion yield, qualitative traits and physiological attributes, under salinity stress. An experiment was performed at three-way factorial design with three replications as follows: zeolite at three levels (0, 4 and 8 ton ha-1), Se at three levels (0, 0.5 and 1 kg ha-1) and Si at three levels (0, 200 and 400 kg ha-1). The results indicated that the effect of year was significant on all studied traits except for soluble solids, bulb nitrogen, leaf sodium and potassium, chlorophyll content and peroxidase activity. Number of small-sized bulbs decreased with increasing zeolite, Se and Si application. Dry matter, soluble solids, nitrogen content, nitrate concentration as well as protein content significantly increased due to zeolite, Se and Si application. Leaf sodium content and enzyme activity decreased due to zeolite, Se and Si application. Overall, 8 ton ha-1 zeolite along with 1 kg ha-1 Se and 400 kg ha-1 Si caused the maximum onion yield and qualitative and physiologic traits including soluble solids, potassium, protein, chlorophyll and photosynthesis .  相似文献   

Onion is the one of the most important vegetable crops grown extensively throughout the world; hence, understanding the response of the crop to the form and amount of N provided is of immense importance. In a field experiment, poultry and cattle manure (at 10?t/ha) were compared with four inorganic nitrogen (N) application levels (0, 60, 90 and 120?kg?N/ha), and six combinations of manure and N applications were investigated. Plant growth and total yield (kg/ha) significantly increased, when N application increased from 0 to 120?kg/ha, with or without added poultry manure. Plant height, leaf number and neck thickness were significantly reduced at 0?kg/ha?N plus cattle manure. The bulb ascorbic acid concentration significantly increased with the use of poultry manure (15.94?mg/100?g) and cattle manure (15.94?mg/100?g), compared with 120?kg/ha inorganic N (11.42?mg/100?g). No significant effects were observed on total phenolics and total soluble solids of onion bulbs following the different fertiliser treatments. Cattle manure increased P and K concentrations, whilst poultry manure significantly increased Zn and Fe concentrations in onion bulbs. Onion bulb Ca and Mg concentrations were lower when cattle manure (0.19% and 0.12%) was used than when other organic or inorganic fertilisers were used. Therefore, organic manure increases the concentrations of certain minerals in onions, compared with inorganic N application, without negatively affecting bulb size.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a 1994 postal survey of holdings of local onion (Allium cepa L.) germplasm by institutions in West Africa. Data obtained from respondents included the number of accessions of onion or shallot held and the conditions in which onion seed was stored. Twenty-four replies were received and eighteen sites where collections were held were identified. The numbers of local A. cepa accessions in local collections varied in number from 38 down to nil, but many local collections were of less than five accessions. The largest number of national onion accessions was held at CERRA, Maradi, in Niger (16), and the largest regional collection was at the Station de Farako-bâ, Burkina Faso (38). Two sites held substantial shallot collections: CRA Bareng in Guinée and IDESSA, Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire. Conditions under which onion seed was stored varied from low temperature, controlled storage in moisture-proof packs with desiccants, to storage in plastic envelopes under ambient laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

In this research experiment, two commercial onion cultivars (Allium cepa L., cvs. Dorrcheh and Cebolla Valenciana) were grown in sand culture and exposed to two levels of selenium (Se) (0 and 25?µM) and two levels of sulfate (1 and 3?mM). According to the results obtained, addition of 25?µM Se in combination with 3?mM sulfate was not only effective in significant increase of onion bulb yield, but it significantly increased Se concentration of bulb. By considering the average consumption of onion in central Iran, the daily intake of Se via consumption of Se-biofortified onion is estimated to be 68.4–77.2?µg in spring and summer and 72.6–117.1?µg in fall and winter. These amounts of daily intakes of Se is higher than the sufficient levels of Se recommended by world health organization (WHO) but less than the maximum tolerable level of Se (400?µg Se per day) for human.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) phytoavailability decreases with soil weathering, however P dynamics in high-P soils with relatively narrow differences in weathering and further addition of P is not known. In the present study, P dynamics and availability in soils varying in their chemical properties and P availability were examined. Onion plants were grown in 13 high-P soils at two P levels [Ρ0 and Ρ1]. Extractable P was assessed with Olsen, Mechlich-3, ammonium oxalate, and water soluble methods, as well as plant tissues P content and morphological features. Despite the initial high P content, all the measured parameters, including soil P, plant morphology, and P content, further increased at P1 compared to P0. Moreover, water soluble P, bulb weight, and plant P content exhibited greater differences between P0 and P1 in Alfisols. In conclusion, for high-P soils, P application could increase traits, such as onion bulb weight, especially for soils with higher weathering.  相似文献   

The role of nickel (Ni) on urea metabolism of certain plants has been documented, but little is known regarding the growth and physiological response of onion to Ni nutrition, particularly when urea is used as nitrogen source. In this research study, we investigated the effects of Ni on urea metabolism and growth of two onion cultivars (Allium cepa L., cvs. Dorrcheh and Cebolla Valenciana) supplied with urea as nitrogen source. Three levels of Ni (0, 25, and 50 µM) were used in the form of NiCl2 or Ni-histidine [Ni(His)2] complex. Addition of Ni positively affected nitrogen metabolism in onion plants fed with urea and thus was correlated with increase of the bulb yield. Regardless of the plant cultivar and the applied Ni source [NiCl2 or Ni(His)2 complex], an increase in urease activity and reduction in bulb urea concentration was observed by Ni nutrition. An increase in hydrolysis of urea and production of NH4+ in the presence of Ni was correlated with higher concentration of the total amino acids (AAs) and nitrogen in onion bulbs. The efficiency of Ni(His)2 complex in improving Ni uptake and increasing activity of urease and glutamine synthetase, two enzymes involved in urea metabolism, was in general greater than NiCl2. Accordingly, higher concentration of AAs was measured in the onion plants supplied with Ni(His)2 complex than those supplied with NiCl2.  相似文献   

The cultivation of the triploid viviparous onion is reported from Tibet, Kashmir, Jammu, Croatia, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Guadeloupe, and Canada. Because of certain resemblance to the diploid top onion, Allium x proliferum, it was assumed that the parents of triploids might be also A. cepa and A. fistulosum. Accessions of A. altaicum, A. cepa, A. fistulosum, A. galanthum, A. oschaninii, A. x proliferum, A. pskemense, A. roylei, A. schoenoprasum, and A. vavilovii were investigated by isozyme analysis. The results confirmed only one species of sect. Cepa, either A. cepa, A. oschaninii or A. vavilovii, as parent of the triploid onions. A. fistulosum was excluded from the ancestry. The second parent remains still unknown. Two rare species of sect. Cepa s.l., A. farctum from Pakistan and Afghanistan and A. rhabdotum from Bhutan, were not studied. They could have been involved in the evolution of the triploids and should be analysed in this respect.  相似文献   

The effects of hydroponic nutrient solution composition and pH on growth and mineral content of green onions was evaluated. Three onion varieties [Allium cepa L. (‘Deep Purple’ and ‘Purplette’) and A. fistulosum L. (‘Kinka’)] were propagated in three nutrient solutions (Peter's Hydro-Sol, modified Hoagland's, and half-strength modified Hoagland's) at two pH levels (5.8 and 6.5) in a three-by-two factorial design applied in a randomized block with three replications. Seeds were germinated in Cropking's Oasis Horticubes under greenhouse conditions and irrigated with tap water. Once the seedlings reached the flag stage, the plants were placed into hydroponic units within the greenhouse and grown under ambient conditions. Plants were harvested 30 d after transplanting to the hydroponic units. The results indicated nutrient solution, pH, and variety significantly affected several plant physiological variables. Total biomass and edible biomass production was as high for plants grown in half-strength Hoagland's nutrient solution as for those grown in the other solutions. Total biomass was greatest for plants grown at a solution pH of 6.5. ‘Deep Purple’ produced a significantly greater overall total biomass than did ‘Purplette’ or ‘Kinka.’ Hydro-Sol tended to produce onions with highest mineral content. Due to the fact that biomass production was as great in the half-strength Hoagland's as in the more concentrated solution and that a pH of 6.5 produced greater total biomass, the half-strength Hoagland's solution at pH 6.5 was the preferred nutrient solution evaluated in this research. Selection of an appropriate nutrient solution must consider both edible biomass production and mineral content. In the research reported here, the solution that produced the greatest biomass did not produce plant material with the highest mineral content.  相似文献   

 N2O emissions were measured from three contrasting onion (Allium cepa L.) production systems over an 8.5-month period. One system was established on soil where a clover sward had 3 months earlier been ploughed in (ploughed clover site). This production system followed conventional production management practices. The other two systems were established on soil where a mixed herb ley had 3 months earlier been either ploughed or rotovated. These last two production systems followed the guidelines of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Cumulative N2O emissions were significantly greater from the ploughed clover site compared to the ploughed ley site (3.8 and 1.6 kg N2O-N ha–1, respectively), while cumulative N2O emissions from the ploughed ley and rotovated ley sites were not significantly different from each other. Emissions from all sites were dominated by episodes of high N2O flux activity following seedbed preparation and drilling, when soil water suction (SWS) was shown to be the rate-controlling variable. The decline in the N2O fluxes after these peak emissions followed clear exponential relationships of the form F=Ae kt (r≥0.91), where F is the daily flux and A is the y-intercept. First-order decay constants (k) during these periods of declining N2O fluxes (corresponding to half-lives of 2.6–3.0 days) were not significantly different in magnitude from the first-order rate constants that characterised the increasing SWS. Gross differences in cumulative emissions between the clover and ley sites were attributed to the influence of differing soil pHs at the two sites on the N2O:(N2O+N2) ratio in the denitrification products. It also appeared that fertiliser applications to the clover site had both direct and indirect effects on N2O emissions by: (1) enhancing N2O emissions via potential nitrification, (2) increasing the NO3 supply for enhanced N2O emissions via denitrification, and (3) influencing the N2O:(N2O+N2) ratio by lowering soil pH and increasing NO3 concentrations. Onion crop yields were greater at the clover site, mainly due to the higher density of planting made possible under a conventional production philosophy. Expressing the yield on the basis of net N2O emissions, 23 t onions kg–1 N2O-N was obtained from the ploughed clover, which was double that obtained for the two systems based on the ley site. However, when the N2O emissions from the cultivation of the soils prior to the sowing of the onions was included, all three systems produced a similar yield per kilogram of N2O-N emitted, averaging 10 t kg–1. Received: 6 January 1999  相似文献   


This study investigated how sequentially exposing plants to sodium chloride (NaCl) would affect growth and the flavor quality of onion (Allium cepaL.) bulbs at harvest. In a greenhouse experiment beginning 74 d before harvest, 100 mM concentrations of NaCl were applied at biweekly intervals to onions growing in nutrient solutions. At harvest, fresh weights (FW) were measured and the bulbs were analyzed for soluble solids content (SSC), bulb pungency as measured by total pyruvate (TPY), bulb sulfur (S) and sulfate (SO4 ?2) accumulation, flavor precursors, and their biosynthetic intermediates. Bulb and leaf FW decreased linearly the earlier NaCl was added during plant growth and development. While total bulb S was significantly affected by sequential addition of NaCl, bulb SO4 ?2 was unaffected. Bulb pungency was significantly reduced by NaCl, especially when NaCl was introduced during early bulb development. NaCl generally reduced flavor precursor accumulation in a quadratic response, with the greatest depression occurring when plants were exposed to NaCl beginning in the early stages of bulbing. Significant reductions in plant growth and changes in the S-compounds associated with flavor suggested that the duration and timing of NaCl exposure are important in onion.  相似文献   

Awareness is growing of health‐promoting functional foods and the use of various plants as nutraceuticals. Due to a suite of organosulfur compounds, onion, and other vegetable Alliums possess a unique antiplatelet effect that may promote cardiovascular health because aggregating platelets can lead to heart attack and stroke. Investigation of the consequences of S nutrition in onion has primarily focused on levels of S ranging from deficiency to just above sufficiency; however, little work has been conducted to examine the effects of supraoptimal S nutrition on organosulfur‐based traits. Four onion selections were grown in hydroponic solutions with 2, 7, and 12 mM SO42—‐S in greenhouse experiments during 1995—1996 and 1996—1997. Onion plants were separated into root, leaf, and bulb portions and analyzed for mineral content. Onion bulb extracts were assayed for in vitro human antiplatelet activity. Bulb and leaf S were not affected by increasing solution culture S, but root S was increased by 98 % when solution culture S was increased from 2 mM to 12 mM. Similar increases in root Ca and Al were detected, suggesting CaSO4 and AlSO4+ were accumulated in and on the root. No directional change in antiplatelet activity was detected as S was increased from 2 to 12 mM. This lack of significant change in antiplatelet activity with increasing S levels suggests that modification of this trait by simply increasing S levels may not be feasible in a solution culture environment.  相似文献   

Salinity as a major agricultural problem can affect crop growth and quality. Onion (Allium cepa L.) plant contains a wide variety of sulfur-containing compounds which may be involved in plant protection against salt stress. In the current study, a similar reduction in growth caused by chloride and sulfate salts was observed when onion was exposed to equimolar concentrations of Na+. Also, no difference was observed for shoot/root ratio and dry matter content of roots and shoots. Plants accumulated Na+ and the respective anions (chloride and sulfate) which in turn caused changes in the content of other nutrients. The content of potassium and calcium was decreased more than the other elements by both sodium salts. Sulfate salinity resulted in substantial increase in total sulfur and sulfate content but chloride salinity affected neither the total sulfur nor sulfate content of the roots and shoots, only in onion exposed to 200 mM chloride salt, those of roots and shoots were reduced. Furthermore, the water-soluble non-protein thiol content as well as the content of alliin remained rather unaffected. In conclusion, either salts affected the uptake and distribution of sulfate in onion, but had no or only a minor effect on the plant sulfur metabolism.  相似文献   

Genetic lines and example cultivars are used as markers to define variation when describing or evaluating wild or cultivated germplasm. Occasionally genotypes previously described in the literature are no longer available. This was thought to be the case for chartreuse skin colour in Onion. However, registration authorities undertaking Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability tests recently observed this skin colour in the cultivar Greenella and have provided seed to a genebank for long-term conservation. This characteristic is suitable both for use as a genetic marker and as an example cultivar for describing Onion skin colours.  相似文献   

洋葱氮、磷、钾养分吸收与分配规律的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田间试验研究了秋栽洋葱生长特性及对氮、磷、钾的吸收分配规律。结果表明,洋葱幼苗期生长极为缓慢,干物质积累量较少,对氮磷钾的吸收速率较低,吸收量仅占全生育期的4%左右;发棵期植株生长迅速,氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)的吸收速率分别达 22.03、8.60和15.65 mg/(plant·d),吸收量分别占全生育期的 92.74%、91.01%和71.79%;鳞茎膨大期氮、磷吸收速率迅速降低,而钾仍高达 7.23 mg/(plant·d)。洋葱全生育期对氮磷钾的吸收比例为1:0.40:0.92;但随着生长的进行,磷钾吸收比例升高,在鳞茎膨大期达1:0.92:9.04。洋葱幼苗期吸收的氮磷钾主要分配在叶片中,发棵期则以鳞茎和叶片分配率较高,鳞茎膨大期则主要分配在鳞茎中,在这一时期分配率分别达75.88%、87.77%和71.81%。在本试验条件下,每生产1000 kg鳞茎,约分别吸收N、P2O5、K2O为2.93、1.16和2.69 kg。  相似文献   

为了克服TA29/Barnase转基因雄性不育植物的温度敏感性,在TA29启动子上游串联了CaMV35 S启动子,同时在CaMV35 S启动子上游串联一个调节序列antherbox,构建成嵌合启动子antherbox-CaMV35 S-pTA29。该启动元件调控的GUS基因瞬间表达实验表明它是花药颈毡层特异的启动子。这个启动元件及其调控下的barnase基因构建植物表达载体转化,拟南芥菜,获得了雄性不育的转基因植株。  相似文献   

四种甘蓝雄性不育类型差异基因表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过cDNA-AFLP分析了4种甘蓝(Brassicaoleracea)雄性不育类型的花粉败育特异中断基因表达特点,并对不同特异表达类型分别选取代表性TDFs克隆测序。结果表明,表达差异在转录片段多态性上能反应出不同雄性不育类型在细胞学水平上的败育时期和特征差异,4种不育类型中萝卜胞质不育(OguCMS)与可育类型遗传距离最近。实验未检出萝卜胞质不育特异中断的TDFs,说明其特异中断基因数目较少,因此检测到这一类基因较为困难。三种代表黑芥胞质不育(NiCMS),隐性核不育(Ms-cr1)和显性核不育(Ms-cd1)特异中断表达的TDFs共计46条。序列分析结果表明,黑芥胞质不育,隐性核不育和显性核不育类型分别与烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)脱氢酶,具RNA识别结构域(RRM)的蛋白,质膜类钙转运ATP酶基因表达受阻有关。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of years and different locations, beef cattle manure compost (BCMC) and mixed oilseed cake (MOC) application rates on bulb and scale characteristics, nutrient content and nutrient uptake in bulb and leaf, and storage quality of intermediate-day onions (Allium cepa L.) at two organic onion growers' fields during the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 growing seasons. Treatments included BCMC applied at rates of 0, 30 ton·ha-1 and MOC applied at rates of 0, 3, 6, 9 t·ha-1. Average temperature at two experimental locations during the growing season in 2013/2014 was 1.2°C higher than in 2012/2013, while total rainfall was 206.6 mm higher in 2012/2013 than in 2013/2014. Onion bulb diameter, bulb fresh weight, scale thickness and fresh leaf weight were significantly greater in 2013 than in 2014, but bulb dry matter was greater in 2014 than in 2013. Nitrogen, potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) contents and uptakes in bulb were significantly higher in 2013/2014 than in 2012/2013. BCMC application at 30 t·ha-1 rate increased K and Mg contents in bulb and leaf as compared with no BCMC. Total soluble solids (TSSs), pyruvic acid (PA), total phenolics (TPs) and total flavonoids (TFs) contents were higher in 2013/2014 than in 2012/2013. BCMC application at 3 t·ha-1 decreased TSSs and PA content compared with no BCMC. MOC application increased PA content. Rot and weight loss on 8 September in cold room storage were lower in 2013/2014 than in 2012/2013, but the loss on 14 October and 10 December were not significantly different between two years. In conclusion, high air temperature and low rainfall in Mar. and Apr. increased fresh bulb weight and bulb thickness, while high temperature, low rainfall and long sunshine duration increased TSSs, PA, TPs and TFs contents. Compost and oilseed cake application increased fresh bulb weight, scale thickness, while they decreased TSSs and did not affect organic compounds.  相似文献   

本研究利用60Co-γ辐射诱变松香早粳种子获得一个稳定遗传的水稻雄性不育突变体dtp1,为了研究其不育的发生机制并克隆目的基因,对其进行形态学观察、细胞学分析和基因定位。结果表明,dtp1突变体能完成正常的营养生长,但花药瘦小呈浅黄色,属无花粉型雄性不育突变体。石蜡切片的分析结果发现dtp1突变体能进行正常的减数分裂,与野生型(WT)相比,在小孢子发育时期dtp1突变体绒毡层染色较浅、小孢子形状不规则,后期绒毡层异常膨大,小孢子不能形成花粉粒。遗传学分析结果表明dtp1突变体受单隐性核基因控制,通过图位克隆的方法将DTP1基因定位在7号染色体SYrbC7-2680809和SYrbC7-2832575之间,物理距离为151.7 kb,共包含14个开放阅读框。本研究为进一步进行DTP1基因的克隆与功能分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a global nutritional problem in crops grown in calcareous soils. However, plant analysis criteria, a good tool for interpreting crop Zn requirement, is scarcely reported in literature for onion (Allium cepa L.). In a greenhouse experiment, Zn requirement, critical concentrations in diagnostic parts and genotypic variation were assessed using four onion cultivars (‘Swat-1’, ‘Phulkara,’ ‘Sariab Red,’ and ‘Chilton-89’) grown in a Zn-deficient (AB-DTPA extractable, 0.44 Zn mg kg?1), calcareous soil of Gujranwala series (Typic Hapludalf). Five rates of Zn, ranging from 0 to 16 mg Zn kg?1 soil, were applied as zinc sulphate (ZnSO4·7H2O) along with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and boron (B). Four onion seedlings were transplanted in each pot. Whole shoots of two plants and recently matured leaves of other two plants were sampled. Zinc application significantly increased dry bulb yield and maximum yield was produced with 8 mg Zn kg?1. Application of higher rates did not improve yield further. The cultivars differed significantly in Zn efficiency and cv. ‘Swat-1’ was most Zn-efficient. Fertilizer requirement for near-maximum dry bulb yield was 2.5 mg Zn kg?1. Plant tissue critical Zn concentrations were 30 mg kg?1 in young whole shoots, 25 mg kg?1 in matured leaves, 16 mg kg?1 in tops and 14 mg Zn kg?1 in bulb. Zinc content in mature bulb also appeared to be a good indicator of soil Zn availability status.  相似文献   

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