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饲料调味剂稳定性的评定——一种检测饲料调味剂稳定性的新方法BingyingChang等著陈波摘译曹光辛校近年来,饲料调味剂(Flavour)促进动物采食的作用日益受到重视,但存在香味挥发即调味剂稳定性的问题。目前有关这方面的资料甚少,原因是没有令人满...  相似文献   

饲料的香味来自挥发性化合物, 其类型很多,绝大多数是低分子有机化合物。在饲料中添加调味剂可增进动物食欲,掩盖某些饲料组分的不良气味,增加动物喜爱的某种气味,从而改善饲料的适口性,增加动物采食量,提高非常规饲料资源的利用,提高动物生产性能、节约饲粮资源、降低畜禽生产成本。    饲料调味剂既要有一定的挥发性,又要有一定的稳定性,要求在饲料加工、制粒及贮存中不易逸失走味而保持其功效。而不同的饲料调味剂生产厂家所生产的产品在挥 发性和稳定性方面也存在一定差异,其应用效果也就有差别。    (一)调味剂对动…  相似文献   

饲用调味剂在猪饲料中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用于改善饲料适口性,增进饲养动物食欲的添加剂叫饲用调味剂(Feedflavor)。早在150年前,人们就开始利用调味剂来增进饲料的适口性。最近30年,饲用调味剂的研究、应用有了迅速的发展,人们对调味剂的重要性也有了新的认识,在许多饲料加工厂家生产的饲料中,调味剂已成为“必需”添加物,且应用范围在不断扩大。本文就应用饲用调味剂的必要性,调味剂的组成及其在猪饲料中的应用效果作一概略介绍。1应用饲用调味剂的必要性随着饲料工业的发展,饲料市场竞争的日趋激烈,饲料企业为降低成本,提高经济效益,在配合饲料中除了以谷物类为…  相似文献   

近年来随着饲料工业和养殖业的迅速发展,饲料调味剂在畜禽生产及水产养殖中的研究和应用得到了长足的发展。日粮中添加饲料调味剂可以改善饲料的适口性,增进动物食欲,提高饲料采食量以及生产性能,降低饲料成本。本文从饲料调味剂的发展概况、基本组成、作用及应用效果以及目前研究和应用中应注意的一些问题进行了简要的探讨。  相似文献   

早在60年代,国外就开始应用饲料调味剂了。最初的用途是提高饲料的适口性,促使幼畜尽早采食固体饲料,提高采食量。在我国,饲料调味剂的应用也很广泛,但在某种程度上出现盲目使用的现象,许多用户仅注意饲料调味剂的促销用途,即追求“香”,而忽略其根本的用途。本文根据动物选择采食的原理,综述调味剂在饲料中应用的基础,并探讨调味剂使用时应注意的问题。1 饲料调味剂的用途为了降低饲料成本,饲料厂或饲养场往往必须使用低价的能量或蛋白质饲料(如棉籽饼、菜籽饼、玉米胚芽饼等),适口性差是限制这些原料使用的主要因素。采…  相似文献   

随着饲料工业和养殖业的不断发展,配合饲料营养成分的日趋复杂,以及非常规饲料的开发应用,改变了玉米—豆饼型饲料原有风味,影响了动物的采食量,进而影响动物生产性能的发挥。因而改善饲料的适口性,增加动物的采食量,成为当前动物生产中最受关注的问题之一。在饲料中科学添加饲料调味剂,是解决饲料适口性的一项有效措施。为此,本文就饲料调味剂的发展概况、应用效果、影响因素和应注意的问题作一简述。1饲料调味剂的发展概况美国是最早研究饲料调味剂的国家,1940年Catron等和Kara等人就率先对仔猪和鸡的适口性开展了研究,并于1946年成立了…  相似文献   

20世纪70年代美国养殖业已普遍应用饲料调味剂,在80年代饲料调味剂应用遍及了欧洲,虽然我国在调味剂方面的研究工作起步较晚,但发展速度很快,目前国内已有近百个厂家生产调味剂。但是调味剂的使用没有引起畜牧行业人员的足够重视,行业人士并未真正清楚正确使用饲用调味剂的方法。鉴于此,我们采访了瑞士潘可士玛全球总裁Daniel Kofel先生,请他就饲用调味剂方面的热点问题做详细解答。  相似文献   

家畜都喜食可口的饲料,因此可在配合日粮时添加调味剂。调味剂能引诱家畜采食,提高采食量,加强唾液腺、胃腺和胰腺的分泌功能。调味剂对每一种家畜应是专用的,应对健康无害,具有良好的可混合性、稳定性和与其他饲料成分的化学相容性。特别是调味剂不应残留畜产品中。联邦德国生产的一种糖精调味剂,其中糖精和碳酸钙各半。该制剂主要用于仔猪,每吨配合料添加300克。该剂量糖精的甜度约相当63千克糖。  相似文献   

饲用调味剂的研究进展及应用注意事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪 70年代美国养殖业已普遍应用饲料调味剂, 20世纪 80年代饲料调味剂应用遍及欧洲,目前欧共体应用畜禽饲料的调味剂已有数百种。 20世纪 90年代初亚洲的一些比较发达国家如韩国、新加坡等国家相继在国内建立了饲料调味剂的生产厂。我国在调味剂方面的研究工作起步较晚,从 20世纪 90年代初期开始着手这方面的研究工作,但发展速度很快,目前国内已有近百个厂家生产调味剂。 1饲料调味剂的涵义、种类及质量要求 1.1饲料调味剂的涵义   饲料调味剂的名称,国外有: Feed Flavor, Flavor, Enhancer, Flavor Potentiator等。我…  相似文献   

利用饲用调味剂改善饲料的适口性,其历史可追溯到150年前。大茴香和生姜可能是最早用于饲料的调味剂,随后在本世纪30年代出现了蜂蜜,二战以后人造调味剂得以迅速发展(石永峰译,1998)。饲用调味剂在国外普遍应用,并有适用于各种动物的调味剂。我国对饲用调味剂研究起步较晚,但发展较快。添加调味剂,可掩盖饲料中不良气味,增加风味,可诱食和改善饲料适口性;刺激消化液分泌,促进食欲,提高采食量。因此,研究和开发饲用调味剂,具有重要的现实意义。1饲用调味剂的种类饲用调味剂据不同使用对象可分为;鸡用调味剂、猪用调味剂、牛…  相似文献   

We hypothesized that lambs discriminate the postingestive effects of P and associate those effects with feed flavor to modify feed choices. Three predictions were tested based on this hypothesis: 1) lambs will modify preference for arbitrary flavors eaten during intraruminal infusions of NaH2PO4, 2) changes in preferences are more specific than changes in osmotic load induced by salts of Na; and 3) preference for P is inversely related to the concentration of inorganic P in blood. Thirty lambs were depleted of P by the offer of a P-deficient diet, allocated to 3 groups (10 lambs/group), and conditioned during 3 periods as follows: During conditioning period 1, lambs in each of 3 groups ate a poorly nutritious feed (grape pomace), flavored differently for each group, while water was infused into the rumen. During conditioning periods 2 and 3, lambs again ate grape pomace, with 2 new flavors now paired with infusion of an aqueous solution (126 mmol) of NaCl (conditioning period 2) or NaH2PO4 (conditioning period 3), rather than with water. After conditioning, all lambs were offered a choice of the 3 flavors during preference tests immediately after conditioning (period 1) and every 3 wk thereafter (periods 2, 3, and 4). During period 1, when serum inorganic P levels were greatest, lambs preferred flavors paired with water > NaCl > NaH2PO4 (P < 0.05). During periods 2 and 3, as inorganic P concentrations decreased in serum, lambs preferred flavors paired with NaH2PO4 > NaCl (period 2, P = 0.10; period 3, P = 0.05). Lambs preferred flavors paired with water > NaH2PO4 in period 2 (P < 0.001), but those differences disappeared in periods 3 and 4 (P > 0.05). During period 4, lambs preferred flavors paired with NaCl > NaH2PO4 (P < 0.10). The estimate of the slope for the linear relationship between intake of flavors paired with NaH2PO4 and serum inorganic P was negative (P < 0.0001), whereas estimates of the slopes for the relationships between intake of flavors paired with NaCl or water and serum inorganic P were not different from 0. Thus, preference for P was inversely related to the concentration of serum inorganic P. Our results suggest lambs discriminated among the postingestive effects of NaH2PO4, NaCl, and water and associated those effects with specific flavors. Lambs avoided flavors paired with NaH2PO4 during periods of P replenishment, and they increased preference for those flavors during periods of P need.  相似文献   

This study determined whether early experiences of sheep with the same feed, but presented in multiple or single flavors, would influence intake, the profile of hormones involved in feed intake regulation, and the subsequent acceptability of novel feeds. Thirty-five 2-mo-old lambs were randomly assigned to 5 treatments (7 lambs/treatment). Lambs in 1 treatment (the diversity treatment) were simultaneously fed an unflavored plain ration of alfalfa (control) and barley (75:25; as-fed basis) and the same ration mixed (0.2%) with 1 of 3 flavors: 1) sweet, 2) umami, or 3) bitter. The other 4 treatments (monotonous diets) received only 1 of the 4 rations. All animals were fed their respective rations from 0800 to 1600 h for 60 d. On d 55, intake was recorded every 30 min for 8 h. On d 58, blood samples from lambs were collected at 1 h prefeeding and at 30, 60, 210, 300, and 540 min postfeeding. Preference tests were conducted by simultaneously offering novel feeds: 1) high-energy feed, 2) high-protein feed, 3) beet pulp mixed with phytochemicals, or 4) low-quality feed. Lambs in the diversity treatment consumed more feed than did lambs in the other treatments (P < 0.001). Lambs in the diversity treatment consumed equivalent amounts of plain and umami feeds, with a greater amount (P < 0.001) of the umami feed being consumed than the bitter and sweet feeds. Lambs in the diversity treatment tended to grow faster than did lambs in the other treatments (P=0.06). On d 55, lambs in the diversity treatment showed decreased (P < 0.05) feed intake compared with lambs in the other treatments during the 2 peaks of food consumption (30 and 270 min from feeding) and showed a trend for the least plasma concentrations of ghrelin (P=0.06). In contrast, lambs in the diversity treatment consumed more feed than did lambs exposed to monotonous flavors at 60, 90, 120, and 180 min from feeding (P < 0.05). Lambs in the diversity treatment also showed the least concentrations of cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (P < 0.001). There were trends for the greatest concentrations of leptin (P=0.14) and IGF-1 (P=0.16) in the diversity treatment, and for the least concentration of leptin in the bitter treatment (P=0.14). Previous experience with flavored feeds affected the preference of lambs for high-energy and low-quality feeds, and for beet pulp mixed with phytochemicals (treatment × feed × day effect; P < 0.05). Thus, exposure to diverse flavors has the potential to increase feed intake and induce a more even consumption of feed across time by reducing peaks and nadirs of intake compared with exposure to monotonous rations. Flavor diversity may also influence the initial acceptability of and preference for novel feeds.  相似文献   

在全面禁止使用促生长类药物饲料添加剂的形势下,畜禽传染性疾病对我国畜牧生产造成潜在威胁,开发绿色饲料添加剂迫在眉睫,但当下抗生素替代产品往往因稳定性差而限制了其使用空间。药物递送系统可以将兽药及饲料添加剂包裹于载体内部,靶向缓释,具有靶向性、稳定性及高效性等多方面的优势,是解决粪便抗生素残留、中的研究进展,以期为畜禽健康养殖提供新的思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

为丰富羊乳产品,开阔羊乳市场,给消费者带来更多的消费选择,实验以山羊乳、麦芽、红枣、酒花为主要原料,分别通过乳酸菌的乳酸发酵和酵母菌的酒精发酵后,将得到的红枣羊乳酸液和啤酒原浆按一定体积比配比,制备出兼具酸乳、啤酒、碳酸饮料风味和保健功能的新型红枣羊乳啤饮料,并通过测定沉淀率和稳定系数对其稳定性进行分析。结果表明:当红枣羊乳酸液与啤酒原浆的体积比为1∶1,红枣羊乳酸液中红枣汁添加量12%、羧甲基纤维素钠添加量0.2%、果胶添加量0.15%、蔗糖酯添加量0.1%、白砂糖添加量4%时生产的红枣羊乳啤口感最佳,稳定性最好。  相似文献   

文章总结了畜禽生产中可利用的藻类及其营养成分,重点介绍了含藻饲料对以猪和鸡为代表的畜禽生长、免疫、肌肉品质、产蛋性能和禽蛋品质等方面的影响,还指出了藻类在畜禽饲料应用中存在的问题并提出建议,旨在为藻类资源在猪、鸡养殖生产中的广泛应用提供参考。藻类分布广、易生长、产量大,尤其是海藻,含有陆生植物不具有的生物活性物质和营养物质。将富含不饱和脂肪酸和色素的微藻添加到饲料中能改善畜禽肉品质,提升禽蛋品质;将富含多糖等活性物质的大型海藻添加到饲料中有助于提升畜禽免疫力。饲料中添加少量藻类可提高饲料稳定性,提升畜禽生长性能和饲料利用率;当藻类添加量过高时,其所含的抗营养因子会对畜禽产生负面影响,但通过适当的预处理可消除部分抗营养因子,减轻负面效应。  相似文献   

益生菌已经在畜禽养殖中广泛应用于动物保健。当前益生菌制剂仍存在需低温保存且有效期短的问题。此研究开发了一种由干酪乳杆菌、屎肠球菌和约氏乳杆菌组合而成的新型复合益生菌乳膏剂,在室温下贮存56 d后仍可维持较高活菌数(>108 cfu/g)。在断奶仔猪日粮中添加该复合益生菌乳膏剂可提高断奶仔猪平均日增重和末均重(P<0.05)、降低饲料增重比,而不影响平均日采食量。研究结果表明,所制备和优化的复合益生菌乳膏剂具有良好室温保存稳定性,在断奶仔猪中使用可有效促进饲料营养吸收,从而提高生长性能。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of sodium butyrate and flavors on feed intake of lactating sows and growth performance of piglets. A total of 52 primiparous sows (Large White) were randomly divided into four treatments (n = 13) and received 6 g/kg sodium butyrate (SB), fruit‐milk (FM) flavor and fruit‐milk‐anise (FMA) flavor with pair feeding to the mothers receiving the control diet. The feeding trial lasted for 29 days, including 21 days of nursing and 8 days of post‐weaning period, respectively. The nursing and weaning piglets received creep diets with the same flavor or SB supplement as their mother. The results showed that FMA flavor increased average daily feed intake (ADFI) of lactating sows (P < 0.01), as well as improved litter weight gain (P = 0.05) and ADFI (P < 0.01) of nursing pigs among treatments. Indeed, greater ADFI and average daily gain of weaning piglets for the initial 8 days after weaning was observed in the FMA group compared with those in the control group (P < 0.01). These findings indicated that adding FMA flavor was superior to SB for increasing feed intake of lactating sows and improving growth performance of piglets.  相似文献   

This study determined whether early experiences by sheep with monotonous or diverse diets influence intake of unfamiliar flavors and feeds later in life. Thirty 2-mo-old lambs were randomly assigned to 3 treatment diets (n = 10): diverse (DIV), diverse with plant toxins (DIV+T), and monotonous (MON). Lambs in DIV received in 9 successive periods of exposure 4-way choice combinations of 2 foods high in energy and 2 foods high in protein from an array of 6 foods: 3 high in energy [beet pulp, oat grain, and a mix of milo:grape pomace (60:40)] and 3 high in digestible protein (DP) (soybean meal, alfalfa, corn gluten meal). Lambs in DIV+T received the same exposure as DIV, but 2 plant toxins, oxalic acid (1.5%) and quebracho tannins (10%), were randomly added to 2 of the feeds in each of the choice combinations. Lambs in MON received a monotonous balanced diet, made with a mixture of all 6 feeds detailed before. All treatments received their feed in 4 separate buckets. During exposure, treatments did not differ in total daily DMI (P = 0.31), but daily intake of ME was less (P < 0.02) and daily intake of DP was greater (P < 0.03) for lambs in DIV and DIV+T than for lambs in MON. Treatments did not differ in ADG or G:F (P > 0.05). After exposure, lambs were offered a familiar feed (wheat bran) containing novel flavors (maple, garlic, or bitter) and 2-way choices of novel feeds (fescue hay vs. corn distillers grains, rice vs. calf manna, and green peas vs. rolled oats). Intake of maple-flavored wheat bran tended (P = 0.08) to be greater for lambs in DIV than for lambs in DIV+T and MON. Intake of bitter-flavored and garlic-flavored wheat bran were greater (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively) for lambs in DIV and DIV+T than for lambs in MON. During 2-way choice trials, lambs in DIV, but not in DIV+T, showed greater intakes of fescue hay (P = 0.05) and rice (P = 0.04) than lambs in MON. Intake of green peas was greater (P = 0.03) for lambs in DIV and DIV+T than for lambs in MON. At the end of testing, lambs in DIV but not in DIV+T showed greater ADG than lambs in MON (P = 0.05). Thus, early exposure to diverse foods enhanced acceptance of novel flavors relative to early exposure to a monotonous ration. Early experience with diverse feeds plus plant toxins led to a less diverse diet than early experience with diverse feeds. Early exposure to diverse feeds may be beneficial in production systems that require rapid acceptance and high intake of unfamiliar feeds.  相似文献   

通过近两年参与的多次对我省饲料工业管理情况和对近300家饲料生产企业生产调查,分析了饲料安全存在的问题及影响因素,提出了我省饲料市场监管方面应做的工作,以确保畜产品安全。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that lambs discriminate between postingestive effects of energy and protein and associate those effects with a food's flavor to modify food choices. Based on this hypothesis, we predicted that 1) lambs would acquire a preference for a poorly nutritious food (grape pomace) eaten during intraruminal infusions of energy (starch) or protein (casein) and that 2) shortly after an intraruminal infusion of energy or protein (preload), lambs would decrease their preferences for foods previously conditioned with starch or casein, respectively. Thirty lambs were allotted to three groups and conditioned as follows. On d 1, lambs in each group received grape pomace containing a different flavor and water was infused into their rumens as they ate the pomace. On d 2, the flavors were switched so each group received a new flavor and a suspension of starch (10% of the DE required per day) replaced the water infusion. On d 3, the flavors were switched again, and a suspension of casein (2.7 to 5.4% of the CP required per day) replaced the starch infusion. Conditioning was repeated during four consecutive trials. Lambs in Trial 1 had a basal diet of alfalfa pellets (e.g., free access from 1200 to 1700) and 400 g of rolled barley. Lambs in Trials 2, 3, and 4 received a restricted amount of alfalfa pellets (990 g/d) as their basal diet. After conditioning, all animals received an infusion of water, and, 30 min later, they were offered a choice of the three flavors previously paired with water, starch, or casein. On the ensuing days, the choice was repeated, but starch, casein, and barley replaced the water preload. The nutrient density of the infused preloads was increased during consecutive trials. Lambs preferred the flavors paired with starch > water > casein during Trial 1 (P < .05) and the flavors paired with starch > casein > water during Trials 2 (P < .05), 3 (P < .001), and 4 (P < .001). Preloads of casein decreased preferences for flavors previously paired with casein (P < .10 [Trial 2]; P < .001 [Trial 3], and increased preferences for flavors paired with starch (P < .05 [Trial 2]; P < .001 [Trial 3]). Preloads of energy (barley) had the opposite effect (P < .05 [Trial 3]). These results indicate that lambs discriminated between the postingestive effects of starch and casein and associated the effects with specific external cues (i.e., added flavors) to regulate macronutrient ingestion.  相似文献   

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