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三缩颈及旋压翻边组合机全自动立式三缩颈及旋压翻边组合机属马口铁罐身制造设备,一台设备可自动完成三次缩颈及翻边四道工序。经三次缩颈的罐身不仅造型美观,可大大提高其商品价值,还可使罐盖尺寸大大缩小,节约昂贵的马口铁材料。同时,采用旋压翻边工艺,可使马口铁...  相似文献   

融水 《湖南林业》2006,(5):18-18
把猕猴桃的根段埋在苗圃中,根段下部生根,上部长芽抽新梢繁殖成新的植株,称埋根繁殖。优良株系扦插苗和组培苗的根可直接繁育优良植株;而实生苗和嫁接苗的根因遗传性不稳定、雌雄难分,只能繁殖砧木。现将埋根育苗方法和结果简介如下。  相似文献   

供热管道直埋敷设技术,国外的一些技术发达国家如瑞典、丹麦等国家,早在20世纪30年代就开始研究和应用。我国在80年代开始引进国外直埋保温管工艺技术,使我国的供热管道直埋技术迅速发展并得到了广泛的应用。1分类直埋供热管网的敷设方式按照长直管段是否允许出现无补偿管段分为两大类:有补偿敷设和无补偿敷设。无补偿敷设按照管道焊接温度又可分为冷安装和预应力安装。就满足安定性条件而论,有补偿敷设可用于各种供热系统,而无补偿敷设是有条件的,即使采用预热安装也是如此。  相似文献   

油罐汽车罐脚的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油罐汽车罐脚对罐体起着支承作用,并通过螺栓把罐体与主车架连接成一个整体,罐体的重量通过罐脚传递给主车架。所以,罐脚的结构形式直接影响到罐体的受力形式,并对罐体的使用寿命产生影响。选用哪一种结构形式的罐脚,会使罐体的受力情况得到改善,是设计和制造油罐汽...  相似文献   

香果树埋根育苗试验初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
香果树埋根育苗试验初探黄国林(井冈山自然保护区343600)关建词:香果树,埋根,育苗,成活率香果树EmmtnopteryshenryiOliv·落叶大乔木,高达30余m。材质优良,花大可观赏。主要分布在西南和长江流域,现已列为国家一级保护濒危珍稀树...  相似文献   

育苗1.苗圃地的选择与整地:育苗地应选择地势平坦(或缓坡)、土质疏松肥沃的灌土或沙壤土,避免用粘重土。尽可能靠近水源,交通方便,靠近造林地。整地要求精耕细作,深耕20cm,耙平打碎土,除去石块、树根、杂草,然后作育苗床。苗床宽1m,高30cm,长随地形而定。2.育苗季节:以2月下旬至3月中旬为好。3.育苗方法:可分为播种育苗、带蔸埋竿育苗、埋竿育苗、埋节育苗、竹枝育苗等,但常用的多为带蔸埋竿育苗。因为这种方法成活率高,出苗量多,苗木质量好。所以,这里介绍带蔸埋竿育苗法:母竹的选择:选择一年生的母竹育苗。母竹的…  相似文献   

沙柳集束沙障固沙技术探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风蚀沙埋是制约沙区人工造林成活率的主要因子之一。设置沙障是防止风蚀沙埋,提高造林成活率的主要措施。本文通过对沙区人工造林设置不同类型沙障的对比试验,筛选出沙柳集束沙障。该沙障具有明显的效益,可在高大流动沙区人工造林中加以推广。  相似文献   

全自动滚筋分切机食品空罐的马口铁皮厚度是保证罐身强度的重要参数。滚筋工艺是在空罐身上滚制出加强筋,提高罐体刚度,从而减薄马口铁皮厚度。降低空罐成本。分切工艺是由长铁皮焊成筒体分切成单独罐的工艺,解决了电阻焊机不能焊较短罐型的缺陷,扩大了罐型的加工范围...  相似文献   

2001年~2002年团场开始在寸草不生的沙丘上,用埋瓶植树的方法植胡杨,效果很好,现将此法介绍给大家。1季节的选择沙丘埋瓶植树春秋二季都可,秋季以树叶落净、气温在0℃左右时为最佳;春季以土层融化、树苗能出囚时为最佳植树期。2树种的选择沙丘埋瓶植树树种主要选择抗干旱树种,如沙枣、白榆、胡杨,以植胡杨效果最佳。因为胡杨抗能力强,且成活后有很强的无性繁殖能力,即根生苗,在几年内能迅速形成成片的森林,覆盖沙丘。3树苗的选择沙丘埋瓶植树,要求树苗根系完整,长度在30厘米以上;以二年生有二个主根的移栽苗为最佳。为使树苗…  相似文献   

高强度埋纱绿色包装袋纸一种新型的包装材料———高强度埋纱绿色包装袋纸的出现,将解决我国包装材料破包率高的难题,并可节省大量木材资源,降低生产成本。这一新产品的开发者是山东大兴实业有限公司副董事长、高级造纸工艺师宋大兴。据中国包装科学技术研究所介绍,我...  相似文献   

河西走廊地区非常干旱,并且年蒸发量是降水量的20多倍,土壤含沙量高,灌水后渗漏严重,保水性差,致使草坪种植用水量增大,成本高,且种植的草坪质量不佳。在该区的干旱荒漠区沙地使用沙地底层衬膜、喷灌等节水技术,进行草坪种植试验,并与传统的大水漫灌进行田间试验比较。结果表明:沙地底层衬膜节水种植草坪的技术,可以明显节约用水(只需传统漫灌的1/3),在此基础上加上喷灌系统,需水量只需传统漫灌的1/4。对3种方法种植的草坪质量进行了观测,观察项目包括成坪性、叶绿素含量、分蘖数、均一性、抗病性、质地等。最后采用灰色关联度评定法进行评定,结果表明:在沙地底层衬膜技术的基础上加上喷灌系统,种植的草坪质量最佳。沙地底层衬膜节水种植草坪技术虽然在第1年需要较大的人力投资,但如果地膜使用寿命按15年计算,由于种植效果明显优于常规种植方法,所以经济效益极其显著。从长远看,沙地底层衬膜节水种植草坪技术不仅经济效益好,而且每年可节约灌水约5000m~3·hm~(-2),为沙地实行节水栽培奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Lopez G  Girona J  Marsal J 《Tree physiology》2007,27(11):1619-1626
Effect of water stress during stage III of peach fruit development on winter root starch concentration (RSC) and subsequent reproductive development was studied. Two irrigation treatments were applied in two consecutive seasons (2003-2004): full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation during stage III of fruit development until visible leaf wilting (LWI), which occurred when midday stem water potential reached -1.80 MPa. Three fruit thinning intensities were applied within each irrigation treatment. The year 2005 was a recovery year in which all trees received full irrigation and commercial fruit thinning. Water deficit and high fruit loads in the previous season significantly reduced the concentration of winter RSC. Fruit set and fruit growth from full bloom to 30 days after full bloom (30 DAFB) increased with increasing winter RSC before other factors, such as inter-fruit competition and availability of carbon from current photosynthesis, came into play. Consequently, severe water stress reduced the total number of fruits and fruit dry mass growth 30 DAFB. However, during the recovery year and after fruit thinning, fruit loads were similar between irrigation treatments and yield capacity remained unaffected. Peach fruit production recovered quickly from the deleterious effects of two consecutive years of water stress because of a combination of two factors: (1) reduced initial fruit set that was still adequate to achieve a commercial crop; and (2) the low sensitivity of fruit growth 30 DAFB to winter RSC.  相似文献   

A water deficit during stage III of fruit growth was established with the aim of determining if it is possible to achieve an improvement in tree water status by summer pruning and fruit thinning. The experiment was set up as a randomized block split-plot design across trials (irrigation) where pruning was assigned to the main plot and fruit thinning to the sub-plots. The irrigation treatments were (1) standard full irrigation (FI), and (2) suppression of irrigation during stage III of fruit growth until leaves visibly withered (LWI); the pruning treatments were (1) experimental summer pruning (EP), and (2) standard summer pruning (CP); and three fruit thinning intensities were applied to facilitate analysis of the effects of the treatments in relation to fruit load. Changes in amount of light intercepted and in tree stem water potential (Psi stem) were evaluated. The EP treatment reduced the amount of light intercepted by the tree. In the FI treatment, there was a significant reduction in fruit growth measured as both water accumulation and dry mass accumulation. Under FI conditions, reductions in fruit load as a result of EP were not accompanied by a significant improvement in Psi stem. In the LWI treatment, EP produced a significant improvement of 0.17 MPa in Psi stem, but there was no improvement in fruit growth compared with CP trees. A reduction in fruit load from 350 (commercial load) to 150 per tree significantly improved Psi stem by 0.3 MPa at the end of stage III of fruit growth. These results indicate that improvements in water status in response to pruning may be insufficient to promote fruit growth if the pruned trees are unable to provide an adequate supply of assimilates to the developing fruits.  相似文献   

采用盆栽称质量的方法,对盆栽油橄榄灌溉20%、40%、60%、80%、100%、120%、140%蒸腾蒸发量(ET0),进行产量与果实品质研究。结果表明,灌溉量为100%~140%ET0时单果重、果肉率最高;100%ET0时产果量最高;40%ET0时含油率最高;80%ET0时产油量最高。对于果用油橄榄最佳灌溉量范围为100%~140%ET0,油用油橄榄最佳灌溉范围为60%~100%ET0。  相似文献   

Naor A  Naschitz S  Peres M  Gal Y 《Tree physiology》2008,28(8):1255-1261
The combined effects of irrigation rate and crop load on apple yield and fruit size were examined in two commercial apple orchards (cv. Golden Delicious) in a semi-arid zone. The irrigation rates applied were 1, 3 and 7 mm day(-1), and the two fruit thinning treatments involved adjusting crop load to 100 and 300 fruits per tree at Ortal and 50 and 150 fruits per tree at Matityahu. Unthinned trees served as the control. The fruit from each tree was picked separately, and fruit size distribution was determined with a commercial grading machine. Midday stem water potentials varied from -0.9 to -2.8 MPa, crop load varied from 80,000 to 1,900,000 fruit ha(-1) and crop yield varied from 10 to 144 Mg ha(-1). Midday stem water potential decreased with increasing crop load in all irrigation treatments at Matityahu, but only in the 1 mm day(-1) treatment at Ortal. The extent of the lowering of midday stem water potential by crop load decreased with increasing soil water availability. At both orchards, a similar response of total crop yield to crop load on a per hectare basis was observed. Mean fruit mass and relative yield of fruit > 70 mm in diameter increased with midday stem water potential, with the low crop loads having similar but steeper slopes than the high crop load. The responses of mean fruit mass and relative yield of fruit > 70 mm in diameter to midday stem water potential were similar at both orchards, perhaps indicating that thresholds for irrigation scheduling are transferable to other orchards within a region. Factors that may limit the transferability of these thresholds are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the relief of water stress associated with fruit thinning in pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees during drought to determine what mechanisms, other than stomatal adjustment, were involved. Combinations of control irrigation (equal to crop water use less effective rainfall) and deficit irrigation (equal to 20% of control irrigation), fruit load (unthinned and thinned to 40 fruits per tree) and root pruning (pruned and unpruned) treatments were applied to pear (cv. 'Conference') trees during Stage II of fruit development. Daily patterns of midday stem water potential (Psi(stem)) and leaf conductance to water vapor (g(l)) of deficit-irrigated trees differed after fruit thinning. In response to fruit thinning, gl progressively declined with water stress until 30 days after fruit thinning and then leveled off, whereas the effects of decreased fruit load on Psi(stem) peaked 30-40 days after fruit thinning and then tended to decline. Soil water depletion was significantly correlated with fruit load during drought. Our results indicate that stomatal adjustment and the resulting soil water conservation were the factors determining the Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning. However, these factors could not explain differences in daily patterns between g(l) and Psi(stem) after fruit thinning. In all cases, effects of root pruning treatments on Psi(stem) in deficit-irrigated trees were transitory (Psi(stem) recovered from root pruning in less than 30 days), but the recovery of Psi(stem) after root pruning was faster in trees with low fruit loads. This behavior is compatible with the concept that the water balance (reflected by Psi(stem) values) was better in trees with low fruit loads compared with unthinned trees, perhaps because more carbon was available for root growth. Thus, a root growth component is hypothesized as a mechanism to explain the bimodal Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning during drought.  相似文献   

应用GHEM生物菌剂防治红枣裂果技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对红枣裂果问题,采用不同浓度GHEM菌液与灌根、堆肥组合进行了5个不同菌剂处理对比试验研究,并对成熟期红枣裂果进行随机抽样统计分析,分析结果表明:通过菌剂处理后的红枣裂果率与对照相比都有不同程度的降低,其中1次灌根+4次1 000倍GHEM菌剂喷雾处理效果最好,提高了红枣的产量和质量,有效降低了红枣裂果率。  相似文献   

本文通过对渭北旱塬苹果园夏季缺水条件下适度灌溉后苹果树的新梢生长量、果实生长量、抗旱期落叶病感病能力、果实着色度等4个指标及果树经济效益的分析,得出夏季雨量较少、干旱的条件下果园适度灌溉十分必要,且经济效益显著,应该大力提倡并推广的结论。  相似文献   

滴灌频率和定额对枸杞园土壤水热分布及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建合理的沙质土壤枸杞园滴灌技术体系,以大果枸杞新品种‘宁杞8号’为试验材料,在滴灌条件下开展不同灌水频率和定额大田试验,研究灌水下限和灌水量对枸杞园土壤水热分布及‘宁杞8号’生长的影响。结果表明:在整个枸杞生育期,'宁杞8号'最大耗水时期为6月中下旬,高频灌水处理的土壤水分变化保持在一个较稳定的范围;土壤水分、气温及枸杞生育阶段对土壤温度影响明显,表层土壤温度变化(10cm以上)受空气温度影响显著,7月以后气温对土壤温度的影响逐渐减弱,20cm以下土层基本不受气温影响,而且高频灌水处理能使土壤温度保持在一个相对稳定的范围。因此,沙土地‘宁杞8号’枸杞品种最佳灌水下限宜控制在田间最大持水量的85%,全生育期最佳灌水次数为103次,灌水总量为4817.25m3/hm^2,此条件下产量为6332.1kg/hm^2,且单果质量、果实纵横径、2cm以上等级率均优于其他处理。  相似文献   

为了探寻能促进云南三台核桃中幼树生长结实的技术措施,从而为云南核桃的提质增效提供理论依据,以树龄为10~15 a的三台核桃中幼树为研究对象,采用修剪、螺旋环剥、花前灌水这3种技术处理进行了为期2年的试验研究,调查和综合比较分析了不同处理的新梢发枝力、果枝率、新梢生长量、单株产量。结果表明:螺旋环剥处理,能增加母枝抽发的新梢数量,但对新梢的营养生长却有一定的抑制作用,能使其果枝率和单株产量均有提高,其平均单株结果数可达508.3个,增产效果明显;修剪处理,增强了中幼树的发枝力,增加了母枝抽发的新梢数量,增产效果也较明显;花前灌水处理,促进了新梢的长度生长和粗度生长,促进了其营养生长,对其果枝率和单株结果数均一定的促进作用,但增产效果不很显著。  相似文献   

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