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真鲷(Pagrosomus major)苗种生产技术的开发研究↑(*)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1991-1993年在中国青岛市对真鲷苗种生产技术进行了连续三年的开发研究,通过改善亲鱼培育及采卵技术、提高轮虫连续培养及稳定供应技术、提高仔鱼开鳔率、加强饵料的营养强化、设置环流及水面集污器等技术措施、改进和完善了真鲷苗种生产工艺。利用 175m3培育水体,三年中共育出真鲷苗种 291. 6万尾,各年度的苗种生产量分别为 51.8万尾、116.4万尾、123.4万尾;培苗成活率分别为25.6%、32.8%、62.5%;平均单位水体出苗量分别为2960尾/m3、6651尾/m3、9872尾/m3。在国内首次实现苗种生产三年连续成功,并连续突破百万尾大关。同时试验证明利用对虾育苗池进行真纲苗种生产是可行的。  相似文献   

1993年我们采用小池塘、高密度进行加州鲈鱼苗种培育,共投放平均全长2.1厘米的鱼苗6.4万尾,经一个月饲养,平均全长达5.3厘米,总成活率为83.6%,亩培苗能力达5.3万尾。同时进行投喂不同饮料的生长对比试验;投喂鲜活淼蚤的苗种比投喂鱼浆、鱼糜的苗种生长快1.2倍,成活率高16.6%。  相似文献   

真鲷苗种生产技术的开发研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1991-1993年在中国青岛市对真鲷苗种生产技术进行了连续三年的开发研究,通过改善亲鱼培育及采卵技术、提高轮虫连续培养及稳定供应技术、提高仔鱼开鳔率、加强饵料的营养强化、设置环流及水面集污器等技术措施、改进和完善了真鲷苗种生产工艺。利用175m^3培育水体,三年中共享出真鲷苗种291.6万尾,各年度的苗种生产量分别为51.8万尾、116.4万尾、123.4万尾;培苗成活率分别为25.6%、32.  相似文献   

南方大口鲶苗种培育技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈昌齐  唐毅 《淡水渔业》1995,25(6):31-35
以动物活、鲜体为主要饵料,在小网箱和小面积鱼池中分两阶段高密度强化培育南方大口鲶苗种。放养密度0.7—1.0万尾/m2(网箱阶段),200—270尾/m2(鱼池阶段),每万尾投饲总量115—130kg(鲜重),水温积温1000—1200度·日条件下经50天左右饲养,可将全长10—12mm的鱼苗培育为全长70—90mm的鱼种,成活率为63—76%。在上述生产条件及技术水平下,苗种培育投入产出比为1:2.273且相对稳定,经济效益较为显著。  相似文献   

涨渡湖鳜鱼增殖技术研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
1990-1993年对涨渡湖进行鳜鱼苗种投放后,鳜成鱼年产量由4.8t,上升到31.5t。根据研究结果认为:该湖鳜鱼苗种投放量为,夏花(1.5-2cm)20-25万尾、寸片(3.3cm以上)10万尾;或寸片(3.3cm以上)20万尾。鳜成年产量可稳定在35t左右,并在维护渔业生态系统平衡的前提下提高湖泊综合效益。  相似文献   

随着暗纹东方各地人工繁殖技术的突破,苗种生产数量基本能够满足人工养殖的需要,但因苗种质量的限制,致使苗种规格偏小,许多苗种生产单位的规格只有1.0~1.5厘米,影响了苗种培育成活率和生产单位的经济效益。笔者在2002年进行了利用家鱼苗作为饵料鱼培育暗纹东方鱼种的试验,在2002年5月13~23日,经10天的土池培育,使7.6万尾全长1.2厘米的暗纹东方苗达到2.8~3.5厘米,成活5.72万尾,产生了较高的效益。现将试验情况介绍如下,供参考:一、池塘准备1.池塘选择与清整选择池底平坦、淤泥少、进…  相似文献   

香鱼全人工育苗中的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香鱼的人工育苗1965年始于日本。我国于1979-1980年人工繁殖获得成功,同时对其繁殖习性作了调查研究。1993年又获全海水工厂化育苗成功。1998年上海市水产研究所对香鱼的胚胎发育作了研究。1999年宁波大学于白仔鳗池中培育苗种22.3万尾。笔者于1998-2000年进行了香鱼全人工育苗试验,获得成功。2000-2001年,笔者经过技术改进,于9口池子,共360m3水体,培育出平均规格3.6cm的苗种330万尾,现将育苗过程中的几点体会总结如下: 一、亲鱼促熟 近年来,香鱼养殖突破了苗种和技…  相似文献   

六线鱼人工育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用从海区采集和人工催产获得的六线鱼卵块1091g,孵化仔鱼11万尾,平均孵化率为56%,仔鱼经45~60天培育,育成全长2.5~4.0cm,鱼种1.83万尾,平均成活率24.4%,专家验收认为,育苗量,苗种规格及生长速度均处国内领先水平,对卵块收集,人工孵化,苗种生长,饵料系列,育苗病害,饵料生物培育等问题进行了研讨。  相似文献   

宝应县射阳湖镇桥东村徐有荣,去冬今春在射阳湖内河水域设置60个网箱,折合面积1-44亩,大胆探索网箱养殖黄颡鱼,获得成功。春节前后放养规格45尾/公斤左右的黄颡鱼种2250公斤,到6月底共收获商品鱼4000公斤,实现产值6-8万元,获利3-63万元,亩平2-52万元。徐有荣的做法和经验主要有四点:一、合理设置网箱。根据黄颡鱼的生活习性和高密度养殖的要求,结合实际,合理设置网箱。60个网箱分三排设置在水质清新、溶氧丰富的上游。网箱规格为4m×4m×2m,每只箱16m2。二、严把苗种质量。主要有三点…  相似文献   

山塘水库加州鲈的繁殖与养成试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
467m^2池塘投放加州鲈亲钱87尾,培育出4 ̄4.5cm加州鲈苗种1.7万尾,收入1.02万元,获利9000元,并在1995 ̄1996年对36座水库的套养情况进行了调查,结果为平均投入产出比1:10.9,苗种成活率46.3%,成鱼平均尾重0.44kg,单产16.2kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

T型标志牌标记牙鲆苗种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
摘要以牙鲆为实验对象,研究了4种不同规格的T型标志牌(T-A、T-B、T-C和T-D)对全长5、7、9和11cm苗种的标记效果,确立了适宜标志的牙鲆苗种规格,筛选了适宜于不同规格牙鲆苗种标记用的T型标志牌。全长5cm的苗种不宜使用这4种规格的标志牌标记;T-A和T-B标志牌适宜于全长7~11cm的牙鲆苗种,标记后脱牌率为2%~8%,存活率为90%~100%;T-C标志牌适宜于标记全长11cm的苗种,成活率为94%,脱牌率为5%,对全长7~9cm苗种的标志效果不佳,成活率为85%~87%,脱牌率为9%~11%;T-D标志牌不适宜于全长11cm以下牙鲆苗种的标记,脱牌率为11%~26%,成活率为51%~89%。2011~2012年,利用T-B标志牌在北戴河开展了牙鲆大规模标志放流试验,取得了良好的标记效果。  相似文献   

赤点石斑鱼人工育苗的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
<正> 赤点石斑鱼Epinephelus akaara(Temminck et SchIegel)广东俗称红斑,分布于我国南海和东海南部,是我国南方沿海地区主要网箱养殖鱼类之一。由于还未掌握人工育苗方法,在以往的网箱养殖生产中,全靠天然鱼苗。研究解决赤点石斑鱼人工繁殖与育苗问题,已列为重要攻关课题之一。各有关水产单他相继开展对此课题的研究。许波涛等1983  相似文献   

To determine the optimal condition of photoperiod for embryo development and larval culture of tawny puffer, Takifugu flavidus, the effects of photoperiod on egg hatching and the growth and survival of larvae from 3 to 23 d after hatching (dah) were assessed. The results show that photoperiodic responses varied with the developmental stage during the early development of tawny puffer. Photoperiod did not significantly affect the hatch rate, viability of 24 h post‐hatch larvae, and total mortality rate of tawny puffer embryos; however, it affected the incubation period, which significantly increased with increasing photoperiod from 6 to 24 h. The shortest incubation period was predicted to occur at 3.56 h day length from the quadratic relationship. However, photoperiod strongly affected the growth and survival of the tawny puffer larvae from 3 to 23 dah. Increasing the day length resulted in improvement of the larval growth and survival within the 0–12 h day length range; however, beyond the 12 h day length, a longer day length was not beneficial, and a 24 h continuous light had a negative effect on growth. From the quadratic relationships, the highest growth and survival rates were predicted to occur at 14.16 h and 17.74 h day length, respectively. Therefore, the optimal photoperiods for tawny puffer embryos and larvae were 3–6 and 12–18 h day length, respectively. The results of this study are useful in increasing the production of the species during incubation and larval culture.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been utilized for growing bivalve hatchery seed (1 mm) to a size suitable for field planting (< 8 mm) but few have been directly compared. This study evaluated the growth and survival of northern quahog seed in three different culture systems and two different stocking densities. The three systems were: 1) a stacked-tray unit with downward water flow; 2) traditional upweller culture units with water flowing upward without seed bed expansion; and 3) upweller culture units with water flowing upward at fluidization velocities to provide seed bed expansion. The two stocking densities were 1.0 and 3.0 g whole wet weight clam/cm2 respectively. During each trial period the seed clams were fed a 1% daily ration (% dry weight algae per wet weight clam per day) of the cultured diatom Chaetoceros muelleri . After 14 d of culture at the 1.0 g whole wet weight/cm2 stocking density, seed clams (4.4 ± 0.6 mm initial shell length) under fluidized-flow condition exhibited better growth (0.54/d), and a greater final shell length (5.9 ± 1.0 mm). At the high density stocking conditions, after 28 d of culture, seed clams (4.2 ± 0.6 mm initial shell length) in the fluidized-flow culture conditions again exhibited better growth rate (0.031/d) and a greater final shell length (6.0 ± 1.0 mm). The preliminary evaluation of fluidized-flow for seed clam culture in land-based nurseries indicates its potential as a suitable alternative to raceway, downwelling, or traditional forced-flow culture methods.  相似文献   

After 1984 the major spawning of the Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, has been observed to occur in the offshore waters, where the survival of early-stage larvae (4–10 mm in length) is questionable. The main objective of this study is to estimate the growth and survival rates of the early-stage larval cohort in the offshore side of the Kuroshio Current. A radar-reflecting buoy with a surface drogue was launched to tag a patch of larvae, and the patch was traced for 3 days in March 1991. The survival rate of the early-stage larval cohort was calculated from the change in density during the survey. The range of the instantaneous mortality rate was from 0.83 to 1.11 day, a survival rate of32-44%day-1.The mean density of the smaller larvae (4–6 mm in length) decreased more rapidly than that of the larger larvae (6–10 mm in length) during the sampling period. The survival rate of the first-feeding larvae in the offshore region seemed to be lower than that of the post-flrst-feeding larvae. However, the growth rates of the first-feeding larvae's survivors in the region were higher than those of the post-first-feeding larvae's survivors. The first-feeding larvae in the offshore region seemed to survive when the growth rate of the larvae was high.  相似文献   

为探究不同温度对云南盘鮈(Discogobio yunnanensis)仔稚鱼生长及存活率的影响,实验设置14、17、20、23和26℃五个温度梯度,以刚出膜且发育正常的云南盘仔鱼为实验对象,定期观察仔稚鱼的生长发育情况并统计死亡数量,测定全长、体长、体重等生长参数。结果显示:温度显著影响云南盘鮈仔稚鱼的生长发育及存活。随着温度的升高,发育进程加快;实验结束时,23℃组云南盘鮈口吸盘最早发育完整,20℃组云南盘鮈存活率最高。在整个实验过程中,20、23和26℃组间全长和体重无显著性差异,说明这几个温度对云南盘的全长、体重生长产生的效应大致相同。综合多种因素考虑,建议在实际生产中,以20~26℃作为云南盘的养殖温度。  相似文献   

不同开口饵料对虹鳟生长和存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江仁党 《南方水产》2007,3(3):53-56
研究了水丝蚓(A)、专用料(B)、蛋黄 基础料(C)、基础料(D)4种不同开口饵料对虹鳟鱼苗生长和存活率的影响,实验时间为13d。实验表明,不同饵料影响虹鳟鱼苗的生长,试验组A组>B组或C组>D组,B组与C组间对全长的变化没有显著差异(P>0.05);其他各组间呈现显著差异(P<0.05)。投喂水丝蚓的A组存活率最高(89.6%),投喂蛋黄 基础料的C组成活率最低(74.5%)。  相似文献   

The basket cockle, Clinocardium nuttallii, is a candidate species for aquaculture in British Columbia, Canada. Previous research on broodstock conditioning, embryonic development and larval rearing of C. nuttallii demonstrated the potential for reliable hatchery production of cockle seed. In this paper, we investigated the effects of culture density (50% and 150% bottom cover in a monolayer) and substratum (none and fine sand) on cockle seed survival, growth, behaviour and shell morphology to improve the efficiency of the nursery production phase. Low stocking density (50% cover) yielded a shell length increase from 3 to 7 mm over a 4‐week period. High stocking density (150% cover) negatively impacted some of the growth and condition parameters studied, but did not have a statistically significant effect on seed survival. Growing seed without substratum did not significantly affect seed survival or growth, but led to shell deformities (at shell length >15 mm) and lower burrowing rates when cockles were subsequently placed on sand. We recommend planting seed for grow‐out at a shell length not exceeding 15 mm. Acclimating seed to the substratum before planting may increase the burrowing rates, thereby reducing the risks of seed dislocation and mortality. Additional studies are required to determine optimal substratum acclimation times and techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tench, Tinca tinca L., larvae were reared under controlled conditions at water temperatures of 28°C and 31°C during a 15-day period. Feeding with exclusively live Artemia nauplii gave best results, irrespective of rearing temperature (total length 13·6mm; average weight 31 mg; survival rate 83–85%). High survival rates of 81–88% were found also in all groups fed mixed diets, whereas growth rate of tench larvae was significantly influenced by the frequency of supplemental feeding with Artemia. When applied alone, the tested carp starter feed turned out to be insufficient for rearing the larval tench.  相似文献   

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