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Rice false smut disease caused by the ascomycete fungus Villosiclava virens (Clavicipitaceae) reduces rice yield worldwide. It invades rice panicles and forms dark‐green false smut balls composed of thick‐walled conidia. Although the infection process during the booting stage is well studied, its infection route before this is unclear. It was hypothesized that the thick‐walled conidia in soil penetrate rice roots, and the fungus latently colonizes roots and tiller buds at the vegetative stage. This hypothesis was tested using species‐specific detection methods. First, real‐time PCR with species‐specific primers and probe was used to estimate thick‐walled conidial number in the paddy field soil. Secondly, nested PCR with species‐specific primers showed that fungal DNA was detected in roots and shoot apices of rice plants in the vegetative stage. Thirdly, colourimetric in situ hybridization with a species‐specific oligonucleotide probe targeting 18S rRNA suggested that sparse mycelia or tightly condensed mycelia were present on the external surface of tiller buds enveloped by juvenile leaf sheaths at the vegetative stage. Thin hyphae were found around leaf axils at the surface of elongated stems at the heading stage, and the fungal hyphae grew in the rice root tissues. In addition, it was demonstrated that eGFP‐tagged transformants of the fungus invaded rice roots and colonized the surface of roots and leaf sheaths under artificial conditions.  相似文献   

Microsatellite genotyping of a large sample of isolates of Verticillium dahliae from diverse locations recently identified seven distinct genotypic clusters. However, these clusters were not put in the context of phenotypes known to be correlated with clonal lineages in V. dahliae. The objective of this study was to compare clusters defined by microsatellite markers with clonal lineages defined by single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Genotyping isolates known to belong to specific clonal lineages (based on SNPs) with microsatellite markers determined the correspondence of clusters and lineages. All but one cluster corresponded to a known clonal lineage, allowing analysis of correlations of phenotypes with microsatellite genotypes from other studies. As shown previously, most race 1 isolates are in lineage 2A, and most isolates with the defoliating pathotype are in lineage 1A. Phylogenetic incompatibility was used to test for recombination or homoplasy caused by hypervariable microsatellite loci; incompatibility was highly correlated with the number of alleles per locus, suggesting that homoplasy caused by parallel evolution of microsatellite alleles is the cause of incompatibility. Microsatellite genotyping of lineage 1A isolates from cotton and olive in Spain over a 29‐year period revealed remarkably little variation; these markers did not mutate enough to provide insight on the spatial and temporal expansion of this clone. Overall, this study showed that microsatellite genotyping can be used to identify clonal lineages in V. dahliae, which has predictive power for inferring phenotypes of phytopathological relevance such as race and pathotype.  相似文献   

M. Wu  B. Li  P. Liu  Q. Weng  J. Zhan  Q. Chen 《Plant pathology》2017,66(7):1182-1190
Phytophthora sojae is a destructive soilborne pathogen causing seedling damping‐off and root rot of soybean (Glycine max). The goal of this study was to determine the genetic structure of P. sojae populations in Fujian, China. Nine microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic variation in 19 P. sojae populations, sampled from Fujian Province and northeastern China (Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces) between 2002 and 2013. Overall, a low genetic diversity, Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium, and an index (an index of association) that was significantly different from zero were detected in populations; these results were consistent with self‐fertilization and clonal modes of reproduction for this pathogen. However, using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach, principal component analysis and neighbour joining (NJ) algorithm, the Fujian P. sojae populations clustered into three distinct groups, one of which included most isolates of the northeast populations. What is more, significant estimates of pairwise fixation indices (FST) were detected between most populations, especially in different clusters. It is hypothesized that the cropping system used, the limited dispersal ability, and human‐mediated gene flow may account for the observed genetic structure of P. sojae populations in Fujian, China. In addition, a high virulence frequency of the pathogen on different cultivars carrying known major R genes for resistance, and a rapid increase in virulence frequency, indicated that these major R genes should not be used to manage seedling damping‐off and root rot diseases of soybean (Glycine max).  相似文献   

Since 2006, verticillium wilt of olive induced by Verticillium dahliae has caused considerable economic losses in olive orchards in Tunisia. The genetic structure of V. dahliae isolates collected from different olive growing regions was investigated using virulence tests, vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. In total, 42 isolates of V. dahliae from diseased olive trees were tested. Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed that geographic origin was the main factor determining the genetic structure of V. dahliae populations and both methods indicated a genetic separation between the central and coastal isolates. Isolates were divided into two major groups: the AFLP‐I group included all isolates from Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan, Kasserine and Sfax (centre of the country) and the AFLP‐II group included isolates from Monastir, Zaghouane, Sousse, Mahdia (coastal region), and two isolates from Sfax. Analysis of the molecular variance (amova ) indicated a significant level of genetic differentiation among (76%) and within (23%) the two populations. Analyses of both the defoliating (D) and non‐defoliating (ND) pathotypes and VCG markers indicated that most of the isolates belong to VCG 2A and 4B/ND pathotype. The disease severity was highly variable among the isolates tested (< 0·05) with no evidence of association between aggressiveness and geographical origin of the isolates. Overall, results of this study revealed a clear association between the genetic diversity of the isolates and their geographic origin, but not between genetic diversity and virulence patterns.  相似文献   

Orobanche cumana is an obligate root parasite of sunflower. It represents a major agricultural problem in many countries of southern and eastern Europe. Information on O. cumana population genetics, structure and dynamics is scarce, particularly due to the lack of suitable molecular markers for such studies. The objective of this study was to identify and characterise simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for O. cumana. Four thousand two hundred SSR‐containing candidate sequences were obtained from O. cumana using next‐generation sequencing, from which 298 SSR primer pairs were designed and 217 of them used for validation. Seventy nine SSR primers produced reproducible, high quality amplicons of the expected size that were polymorphic among 18 O. cumana populations from different geographical locations and hosts (sunflower, wild hosts from the Compositae family). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 10, with an average polymorphism information content value of 0.37. The O. cumana SSR markers were highly transferable to the closely related species Orobanche cernua. SSR markers showed high resolving power; UPGMA cluster analysis allowed proper classification of Orobanche spp. samples into species (O. cumana and O. cernua), geographical origin and host. The functional SSR markers reported in this study constitute a valuable tool for genetic analyses in O. cumana and related species and will contribute insights into the biology and genetics of this parasitic weed.  相似文献   

Y. Tian  J. Sun  H. Li  G. Wang  Y. Ma  D. Liu  J. Quan  W. Shan 《Plant pathology》2015,64(1):200-206
Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is the most serious disease of potato worldwide. To understand the P. infestans population structure in northern Shaanxi, an emerging potato production region in China, 125 single‐lesion isolates were randomly collected from farmers' fields in 2009 and characterized phenotypically and genotypically. A mating type assay showed that 94 isolates were A1 mating type. Virulence determination of selected isolates on a set of differential potato lines containing R1 to R11, respectively, showed the presence of two pathotypes, of which the pathotype lacking avirulence genes Avr3, Avr4 and Avr10 was dominant. Isolates lacking all avirulence factors Avr1 to Avr11 were detected but at lower frequency (13·6%). Analysis for mtDNA haplotype showed all 61 examined isolates were IIa. A total of seven multilocus genotypes were distinguished among 125 isolates, as determined with seven polymorphic microsatellite markers. The genotype SG‐1 was dominant in the population with a frequency of 75·2% and was present throughout the region. Analysis of the phenotypic and genotypic structures of P. infestans populations indicated strict clonal reproduction of the pathogen and suggested that sexual reproduction probably does not occur. Potential implications for disease management are discussed.  相似文献   

Gnomoniopsis castaneae is an emergent nut rot agent of chestnut in southern Europe. To elucidate its population genetics, three simple sequence repeat (SSR) and two hypervariable markers were developed and assessed through high‐resolution melting (HRM) analysis on 132 isolates collected from 10 sites in Italy, France and Switzerland. High allele diversity (ranging from 0.23 to 0.40 depending on site) and number of haplotypes (49) were observed. More than 70% of the molecular variance could be accounted among isolates within sites. Multilocus analysis showed absence of linkage disequilibrium, suggesting a predominant role played by sexual reproduction and random mating. Data analyses indicated the presence of at least two putative distinct subpopulations and this was confirmed by several approaches, including analysis of shared haplotypes, multivariate and Bayesian analyses. Based on data of allelic diversity, the possibility that the pathogen could have been introduced is discussed. This work assessed the genetic variability and the sexual strategies of G. castaneae in Europe, adding useful information on the epidemiology of this fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Stellera chamaejasme is a perennial weed with a wide geographic range that is found from the Altai of eastern Russia, northern China and Mongolia southwards as far as the western Himalayas of the Qinghai–Tibet and Yungui Plateaus. The genetic diversity and population structure of 17 populations of S. chamaejasme, represented by 349 individuals, were assessed by using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. The results showed a relatively high level of genetic variation at the species level. The proportion of total diversity among populations was 0.4370, suggesting significant genetic differentiation and a low gene flow among the populations of this species. The Mantel test indicated that genetic differentiation among populations was significantly correlated with geographic distance. Genetic drift through range expansion and a low gene flow among populations might result in a lower diversity in peripheral populations, compared to central populations. A Bayesian analysis revealed two potential gene pools in S. chamaejasme, which was confirmed by neighbor‐joining clustering and principal coordinate analysis. These results demonstrate that it is necessary to develop suitable biocontrol agents for populations with different gene pools.  相似文献   

Pseudoperonospora cubensis is an oomycete pathogen causing downy mildew disease on a variety of Cucurbitaceae, and has recently re‐emerged as a destructive disease on crops in this family, mainly on cucumber and squash. Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of four mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA regions was used to detect changes in the genetic structure of P. cubensis populations occurring in the Czech Republic that might be associated with recently reported shifts in virulence. The analysed sample set contains 67 P. cubensis isolates collected from 1995 to 2012 in the Czech Republic and some other European countries. Sequence analyses revealed differences and changes in the genetic backgrounds of P. cubensis isolates. While all isolates sampled before 2009 exhibited the genotype of the subspecies of Clade II and were collected from cucumber, all samples collected from other hosts belonged to Clade I (P. cubensis sensu stricto) or were sampled from 2009 onwards. In addition, 67·16% of all post‐2009 isolates from Clade II had two heterozygous positions in their nrITS sequence, which suggests sexual reproduction and/or a mutational origin. Thus, the results indicate that, apart from the rise in prevalence of Clade I, the change in the genetic structure of P. cubensis populations may be linked with a hybridization or, less likely, a mutation event that rendered strains able to infect a broader spectrum of host species.  相似文献   

Sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG1‐IA, is one of the most serious diseases of rice. In this study, a total of 175 isolates of R. solani AG1‐IA were collected from five rice‐growing regions in China. Pathogenicity tests revealed that all isolates were virulent to five cultivars with different levels of resistance at the rice seedling stage in the greenhouse. There was considerable variation in aggressiveness, and the isolates were classified into three pathotypes based on disease severity, with moderately virulent isolates prevalent in the population. Forty‐three haplotypes were identified based on ITS sequencing, and 39 haplotypes were distinct among isolates. There were high levels of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity within the populations of Rsolani AG1‐IA. High gene flow (Nm = 1·63–5·22) was detected, consistent with relatively low differentiation between pairs of populations. Five populations were divided into two distinct clusters by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), and no spatial population differentiation was discernible. The majority (97·8%) of genetic diversity was distributed among isolates within populations, with only 2·2% of the genetic diversity attributed to differences among populations. The star‐like shape of the haplotype network provided evidence of signatures of population expansion in recent history. No significant relationships were found between the genetic diversity and aggressiveness or geographic origin among populations of R. solani AG1‐IA. These results highlight that the population characteristics of R. solani AG1‐IA should be taken into account in evaluating the germplasm resistance of rice cultivars to sheath blight.  相似文献   

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