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For wheat, the optimum time to apply fungicide to control disease on a given leaf layer is usually at, or shortly after, full leaf emergence. Data from field experiments on barley were used to investigate whether the same relationship was applicable to control of leaf blotch on barley. Replicated plots of winter barley were sown in the autumns of 1991, 1992 and 1993 at sites in southwest England with high risk of Rhynchosporium secalis infection. Single fungicide treatments at four doses (0·25, 0·5, 0·75 or 1·0 times the label rate) were applied at one of eight different spray times, starting in mid-March in each year, with intervals of 10–11 days between spray timings. Disease was assessed every 10–11 days and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values were used to construct fungicide dose by spray time response surfaces for each of the upper four leaves, for each year. Spray timings shortly before leaf emergence were found to minimize the AUDPC for each year and leaf layer, and also the effective dose (the dose required to achieve a specified level of control), similar to wheat. Fungicide treatments on barley were effective for a longer period before leaf emergence than afterwards, probably because treatments before emergence of the target leaf reduced inoculum production on leaves below. This partly explains why fungicides tend to be applied earlier in the growth of barley compared with wheat.  相似文献   

Rhynchosporium secalis is one of the most destructive pathogens of barley worldwide, causing yield decreases of up to 40% and reduced grain quality. Rhynchosporium is a polycyclic disease. Primary inoculum includes conidia produced on crop debris, infected seeds and possibly ascospores, although these have not yet been identified. Secondary disease spread is primarily by splash dispersal of conidia produced on infected leaves, which may be symptomless early in the growing season. Host resistance to R. secalis is mediated by both 'major' or host-specific genes (complete resistance) and 'minor' genes of smaller, generally additive effects (partial resistance). Crop growth stage and plant or canopy architecture can modify the expression of resistance. Resistance genes are distributed unevenly across the barley genome, with most being clustered on the short arms of chromosomes 1H, 3H, 6H and 7H, or in the centromeric region or on the long arm of chromosome 3H. Strategies used to manage rhynchosporium epidemics include cultivar resistance and fungicides, and also cultural practices such as crop rotation, cultivar mixtures and manipulation of sowing date, sowing rate or fertiliser rate. However, the high genetic variability of R. secalis can result in rapid adaptation of pathogen populations to render some of these control strategies ineffective when they are used alone. Sustainable control of rhynchosporium needs to integrate major-gene-mediated resistance, partial resistance and other strategies such as customized fungicide programmes, species or cultivar rotation, resistance gene deployment, clean seed and cultivar mixtures.  相似文献   

The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, originating from North America (NA), is a major invasive pine pest in Eurasia. It was first detected in Portugal in 1999 associated with maritime pine, Pinus pinaster, and has been differently affecting the main local pine species, P. pinaster and P. pinea. Field studies and direct inoculation experiments in Pinus spp. seedlings, under controlled conditions, were performed to assess whether the differences in constitutive and inducible defences are determining the different susceptibility of pine host species to B. xylophilus. Host co‐evolution with the pathogen was also assessed, including the NA P. radiata, widely used in forestry in the northeast of the Iberian peninsula. Pine mortality in the field was positively related with the abundance of B. xylophilus, and concentration of phenolics and condensed tannins in pines. In the greenhouse assay, seedling tissues were analysed for constitutive investment in defences, as well as the potential inducibility of those defences as driven by B. xylophilus inoculation. Slower growing P. pinea presented higher levels of constitutive defences than faster growing P. pinaster, with only P. pinaster being affected by B. xylophilus. Furthermore, co‐evolution with the pathogen is important, with the fast‐growing NA P. radiata presenting an inducible and effective response to B. xylophilus. Results point to the importance of integrating data on pine life history traits, including growth rate, and production of constitutive and inducible defences, into predictive models for this invasive forest pest.  相似文献   

Since 1911, dothistroma needle blight, caused by Dothistroma septosporum, has been recorded in most European countries. In the Czech Republic, the fungus has become an important disease of pines since 2000, especially Austrian pines in plantations of Christmas and ornamental trees. The aim of this study was to analyse the population structure, gene flow and mode of reproduction of this pathogen. Microsatellite and mating‐type markers were analysed in a Dothistroma population in the southeastern part of the country using reference isolates from other European countries. The haplotypic diversity was high, with 87 unique and 13 shared haplotypes (probable clones) identified in 121 samples. Based on structure analysis, the isolates were divided into two populations, with an uneven distribution over the sampling sites. The grouping of the sites to the populations did not follow a geographical pattern because certain isolates that were sympatrically co‐occurring at the same site were placed in different populations. Tests for random mating (the index of association and a parsimony tree‐length permutation test) showed a significant clonal mode of reproduction in most cases, but the intrapopulation haplotypic diversity is unexpectedly high. Although a teleomorphic stage of D. septosporum has not been previously observed in the Czech Republic, the high intrapopulation haplotypic diversity can be explained by infrequent sexual reproduction consistent with the occurrence of both mating types.  相似文献   

X. Cui  J. Shao  X. Lu  Q. Meng  X. Liu 《Plant pathology》2014,63(6):1365-1373
A total of 1511 isolates of Phytophthora capsici were collected from farms with no history of exposure to the carboxylic acid amide (CAA) fungicides in 32 provinces in China during 2006 to 2013. All 1511 isolates were assayed for mating type and 403 were assayed for sensitivity to dimethomorph (DMM) and metalaxyl. The DMM EC50 values ranged from 0·126 to 0·339 μg mL?1. Both A1 and A2 mating types were detected on the same farms in four provinces and with a 1:1 ratio. Most isolates were sensitive to metalaxyl but a few exhibited intermediate resistance or resistance to metalaxyl. The segregation of DMM resistance and sensitivity among 337 progeny obtained from hybridization or self‐crossing in vitro indicated that the resistance of P. capsici to DMM is controlled by two dominant genes. Eighteen progeny that were derived from hybridization differed in DMM sensitivity and in fitness. Some progeny were as fit as parental isolates. Given the distribution of mating types and therefore the potential for sexual reproduction, the control of resistance by two dominant genes, and the fitness of hybrid progeny, the risk of P. capsici populations developing DMM resistance in China is substantial.  相似文献   

Exserohilum turcicum is the causal agent of northern leaf blight, a devastating foliar disease of maize and sorghum. Specificity of Eturcicum to either maize or sorghum has been observed previously, but molecular evidence supporting host specialization is lacking. The aim of this study was to compare the genetic structure of Eturcicum isolates collected from adjacent maize and sorghum fields in Delmas and Greytown in South Africa. In addition, the mode of reproduction of this pathogen was investigated. Isolates from maize (N = 62) and sorghum (N = 64) were screened with 12 microsatellite markers as well as a multiplex mating type PCR assay. No shared haplotypes were observed between isolates from different hosts, although shared haplotypes were detected between isolates from maize from Delmas and Greytown. Population structure and principal coordinate analyses revealed genetic differentiation between Eturcicum isolates from maize and sorghum. Analysis of molecular variance indicated higher among‐population variation when comparing populations from different hosts, than comparing populations from different locations. Lack of shared haplotypes, high proportion of private alleles, greater among‐population variance between hosts than locations and significant pairwise population differentiation indicates genetic separation between isolates from maize and sorghum. The high haplotypic diversity in combination with unequal mating type ratios and significant linkage equilibrium indicates that both sexual and asexual reproduction contributes to the population genetic structure of Eturcicum in South Africa.  相似文献   

Mating type ratios and SSR marker analysis were used to study the genetic structure of Phaeosphaeria nodorum , the causal agent of glume blotch in wheat. The study was based on leaf collections in five fields located in different regions in Sweden. In total 302 isolates of P. nodorum were obtained from 203 sampling sites (including eight ascospore isolates). Three strong indications of sexual recombination were found: (i) the two mating types were present at a 1:1 ratio; (ii) the genetic structure was diverse, with many unique genotypes, and 69 of the 93 genotypes were only found once; and (iii) random association of alleles indicated that genetic recombination was frequent. However, asexual reproduction could not be excluded since identical genotypes were found within the fields. The fungal population had experienced a demographic bottleneck, as indicated by a low ratio of number of alleles to microsatellite size range ( M -value) of 0·5.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution and characteristics of the Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) species BYDV‐PAS, which was recently separated from BYDV‐PAV, the most commonly studied BYDV species. Throughout 3 years of experimental monitoring of BYDV incidence, PAS was the most frequently occurring species infecting cereals and grasses in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, Rhopalosiphum maidis and Metopolophium dirhodum were recorded as BYDV‐PAS vectors, even though M. dirhodum does not usually transmit BYDV‐PAV. In field experiments with barley and wheat, where virus accumulation, symptoms and effect on the yield were tested, BYDV‐PAV was more severe than PAS. Infection with the BYDV‐PAV isolate resulted in greater expression of symptoms and also in a greater reduction in plant height and grain weight per spike than BYDV‐PAS. In a sensitive cultivar of barley (Graciosa), the amount of viral RNA of BYDV‐PAV was also significantly higher than that of BYDV‐PAS. In a tolerant line (Wbon‐123), however, no such differences were found. In conclusion, although BYDV‐PAS seems to be dominant in the Czech Republic, BYDV‐PAV has the potential to cause more significant crop losses in barley and wheat.  相似文献   

Ceratocystis albifundus is the most important fungal pathogen of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) grown in plantations in southern and eastern Africa. It is a homothallic fungus but also undergoes unidirectional mating type switching. As a result, the ascospore progeny can be either self‐fertile or self‐sterile. The only apparent difference between these mating types is the deletion of the MAT1‐2‐1 gene in self‐sterile isolates. There is some evidence suggesting that self‐sterile isolates grow more slowly than self‐fertile isolates, but this has not been tested rigorously. The aim of this study was to determine whether self‐sterile isolates are less fit by examining growth rate, relative germination rate and pathogenicity. Five self‐sterile isolates were generated from each of five self‐fertile isolates of C. albifundus and these 30 isolates were compared. The results showed that the self‐sterile isolates grew consistently slower and were less pathogenic than the self‐fertile isolates. The germination ratio of self‐fertile to self‐sterile isolates from single ascospores collected from the ascomata of five self‐fertile isolates was on average 7:3. This could be a consequence of the self‐sterile isolates having a lower germination rate. This observation, and the lower growth and pathogenicity levels, suggests that self‐sterile isolates are not likely to compete effectively in nature, raising intriguing questions regarding their role and value to C. albifundus and other fungi having a similar mating system.  相似文献   

Didymella fabae is a highly destructive fungal pathogen of faba bean (Vicia faba) that represents a significant yield‐limiting biotic constraint in all locations where the crop is grown. However, nothing is known about the population structure of this pathogen anywhere in the world. Population genetic analyses employing 18 sequence‐tagged microsatellite (STMS) markers covering eight genetic linkage groups and a PCR‐based mating type marker were used to elucidate the genetic structure and reproductive mode of the pathogen in three populations in Syria. High gene diversity within populations but low genetic differentiation among populations was observed and the entire collection of isolates was assigned to a single genetic population using a Bayesian clustering algorithm. Independent analyses were performed based on four unlinked sets of STMS markers to infer reproductive mode. A simulation approach was used to estimate which of the repeated multilocus genotypes were probably the result of asexual reproduction and should be clone‐corrected. A 1:1 ratio of mating types could not be rejected in any clone‐corrected population, probably due to small sample sizes. Likewise, frequency of clones and sample size, but not marker linkage, had strong effects on multilocus gametic disequilibrium. The null hypothesis of random mating was rejected in the majority of populations for both non‐clone‐corrected and clone‐corrected samples and with four sets of unlinked markers indicating a predominance of asexual reproduction in these populations. This represents the first detailed screening of clonal and genetic composition of D. fabae populations in Syria.  相似文献   

Rhynchosporium commune is a destructive pathogen of barley, causing leaf scald. Previous microsatellite studies used Syria as a representative of cultivated barley's centre of origin, the Fertile Crescent. These suggested that R. commune and Hordeum vulgare (cultivated barley) did not co‐evolve in the host's centre of origin. The present study compares R. commune populations from Syria with those from Iran, which represents a secondary centre of origin for barley at the eastern edge of the Iranian Plateau. Results from this study also suggest that R. commune and barley did not co‐evolve in the centre of origin of cultivated barley. This was evidenced by the low pathogen genetic diversity in Iran, which was even lower than in Syria, indicating that the pathogen may have been introduced recently into Iran, perhaps through infected barley seed. Hierarchical analyses of molecular variance revealed that most genetic diversity in Iran and Syria is distributed within populations, with only 14% among populations. Analyses of multilocus association, genotype diversity and mating type frequency suggest that Iranian populations reproduce predominantly asexually. The presence of both mating types on barley and uncultivated grasses suggest a potential for sexual reproduction. Rhynchosporium commune was also found on Hordeum murinum subsp. glaucum, H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum, Lolium multiflorum and, for the first time, on Avena sativa. The variety of wild grasses that can be infected with R. commune in Iran raises concerns of these grasses acting as evolutionary breeding grounds and sources of inoculum.  相似文献   

The fungal genus Alternaria comprises a large number of asexual taxa with diverse ecological, morphological and biological modes ranging from saprophytes to plant pathogens. Understanding the speciation processes affecting asexual fungi is important for estimating biological diversity, which in turn affects plant disease management and quarantine enforcement. This study included 106 isolates of Alternaria representing five phylogenetically defined clades in two sister sub‐generic groups: section Porri (A. dauci, A. solani and A. limicola) and section Alternaria (A. alternata/tenuissima and A. arborescens). Species in section Porri are host‐specific while species in section Alternaria have wider host ranges. For each isolate, DNA sequences of three genes (Alt a1, ATPase, Calmodulin) were used to estimate phylogenies at the population and species levels. Three multilocus haplotypes were distinguished among A. dauci isolates and only one haplotype among A. solani and A. limicola isolates, revealing low or no differentiation within each taxon and strong clonal structure for taxa in this section. In contrast, 37 multilocus haplotypes were found among A. alternata/tenuissima isolates and 21 multilocus haplotypes among A. arborescens isolates, revealing much higher genotypic diversity and multiple clonal lineages within taxa, which is not typical of asexual reproducing lineages. A species tree was inferred using a Yule Speciation model and a strict molecular clock assumption. Species boundaries were well defined within section Porri. However, species boundaries within section Alternaria were only partially resolved with no well‐defined species boundaries, possibly due to incomplete lineage sorting. Significant association with host specificity seems a driving force for speciation.  相似文献   

Wheat blast of wheat (Triticum aestivum), caused by Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype triticum (MoT; anamorph Pyricularia oryzae) is a destructive disease in the South American countries of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. In Argentina, the fungus was recently recorded on wheat and barley plants in the northeast part of the country, Buenos Aires and Corrientes Provinces, with a potential for spreading. This work aimed to study, for the first time, the morphocultural and pathogenic characteristics of Magnaporthe isolates collected from wheat and other herbaceous species in Argentina and three neighbouring countries (Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia) and determine their aggressiveness on wheat varieties. Statistical differences among isolates, culture media, and development conditions were found for conidia colour, growth rate, size and sporulation rate. Pathogenicity tests performed on seedlings with 19 isolates of Magnaporthe spp. under greenhouse conditions showed a maximum disease severity of 55.3% and 66.7% for varieties BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. Weed and grass isolates were infectious on wheat, demonstrating their potential epidemiological role on the disease. Spike disease severity was 34.6% for the host × pathogen interaction of BIOINTA 3004 × PY22. Observed symptoms included partial or total spike bleaching, and glume and rachis discolouration. The 1000‐grain weight was significantly reduced to 38.5% and 63.1% for cultivars BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. The disease affected grain germination, which fell to 65.9% for seeds infected with the PYAR22 isolate. Symptoms observed in infected grains were partial spotting, grain softening, and rot symptoms with the presence of a greyish mould.  相似文献   

A new approach for the simultaneous identification of the viruses and vectors responsible for tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) epidemics is presented. A panel of quantitative multiplexed real‐time PCR assays was developed for the sensitive and reliable detection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus‐Israel (TYLCV‐IL), Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV), Bemisia tabaci Middle East Asia Minor 1 species (MEAM1, B biotype) and B. tabaci Mediterranean species (MED, Q biotype) from either plant or whitefly samples. For quality‐assurance purposes, two internal control assays were included in the assay panel for the co‐amplification of solanaceous plant DNA or B. tabaci DNA. All assays were shown to be specific and reproducible. The multiplexed assays were able to reliably detect as few as 10 plasmid copies of TYLCV‐IL, 100 plasmid copies of ToLCV, 500 fg B. tabaci MEAM1 and 300 fg B. tabaci MED DNA. Evaluated methods for routine testing of field‐collected whiteflies are presented, including protocols for processing B. tabaci captured on yellow sticky traps and for bulking of multiple B. tabaci individuals prior to DNA extraction. This work assembles all of the essential features of a validated and quality‐assured diagnostic method for the identification and discrimination of tomato‐infecting begomovirus and B. tabaci vector species in Australia. This flexible panel of assays will facilitate improved quarantine, biosecurity and disease‐management programmes both in Australia and worldwide.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a serious disease of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in China. However, the molecular basis of peanut resistance to R. solanacearum is poorly understood. Arachis duranensis, a wild diploid species of the genus Arachis, has been proven to be resistant to bacterial wilt, and thus holds valuable potential for understanding the mechanism of resistance to bacterial wilt and genetic improvement of peanut disease resistance. Here, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and macroarray hybridization were employed to detect differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the roots of A. duranensis after Rsolanacearum inoculation. A total of 317 unique genes were obtained, 265 of which had homologues and functional annotations. KEGG analysis revealed that a large proportion of these unigenes are mainly involved in the biosynthesis of phytoalexins, particularly in the biosynthetic pathways of terpenoids and flavonoids. Subsequent real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showed that the terpenoid and flavonoid synthesis‐related genes showed higher expression levels in a resistant genotype of A. duranensis than in a susceptible genotype, indicating that the terpenoids and flavonoids probably played a fundamental role in the resistance of Aduranensis to R. solanacearum. This study provides an overview of the gene expression profile in the roots of wild Arachis species in response to R. solanacearum infection. Moreover, the related candidate genes are also valuable for the further study of the molecular mechanisms of resistance to R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

Although fungicide resistance in crop pathogens is a global threat to food production, surprisingly little is known about the evolutionary processes associated with the emergence and spread of fungicide resistance. Early stages in the evolution of fungicide resistance were evaluated using the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, taking advantage of an isolate collection spanning 20 years in Oregon, USA, and including two sites with differing intensity of fungicide use. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytb protein conferring single‐mutation resistance to QoI fungicides and the nuclear CYP51 gene implicated in multiple‐mutation resistance to azole fungicides were analysed. Mutations associated with resistance to both fungicides were absent in the 1992 isolates, but frequent in the 2012 collection, with higher frequencies of resistance alleles found at the field site with more intensive fungicide use. Results suggest that the QoI resistance evolved independently in several lineages, and resulted in significant mitochondrial genome bottlenecks. In contrast, the CYP51 gene showed signatures of diversifying selection and intragenic recombination among three phylogenetic clades. The findings support a recent emergence of resistance to the two fungicide classes in Oregon, facilitated by selection for mutations in the associated resistance genes.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella species that cause the ‘Sigatoka disease complex’ account for significant yield losses in banana and plantain worldwide. Disease surveys were conducted in the humid forest (HF) and derived savanna (DS) agroecological zones from 2004 to 2006 to determine the distribution of the disease and variation among Mycosphaerella species in Nigeria. Disease prevalence and severity were higher in the HF than in the DS zone, but significant (P < 0·001) differences between agroecological zones were only observed for disease severity. A total of 85 isolates of M. fijiensis and 11 isolates of M. eumusae were collected during the survey and used to characterize the pathogenic structure of Mycosphaerella spp. using a putative host differential cultivar set consisting of Calcutta‐4 (resistant), Valery (intermediate) and Agbagba (highly susceptible). Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was higher on all cultivars when inoculated with M. eumusae than with M. fijiensis, but significant (P < 0·05) differences between the two species were only observed on Valery. Based on the rank‐sum method, 8·3% of the isolates were classified as highly aggressive and 46·9% were classified as aggressive. About 11·5% of all the isolates were classified as least aggressive, and all of these were M. fijiensis. The majority of M. eumusae isolates (seven out of 11; 64%) were classified as aggressive. A total of nine pathotype clusters were identified using cluster analysis of AUDPC. At least one M. fijiensis isolate was present in all the nine pathotype clusters, while isolates of M. eumusae were present in six of the nine clusters. Isolates in pathotype clusters III and V were the most aggressive, while those in cluster VIII were the least aggressive. Shannon’s index (H) revealed a more diverse Mycosphaerella collection in the DS zone (H = 1·81) than in the HF (H = 1·50) zone, with M. fijiensis being more diverse than M. eumusae. These results describe the current pathotype structure of Mycosphaerella in Nigeria and provide a useful resource that will facilitate screening of newly developed Musa genotypes for resistance against two important leaf spot diseases of banana and plantain.  相似文献   

Potato cyst nematode (PCN) species have different temperature optima for various life cycle stages, therefore a risk assessment of the threat of PCN species under future climates is essential to guide adaptation strategies. Data defining the spatial coverage of potato crops in Great Britain were combined with probabilistic climate change data and a newly developed PCN life cycle model to project the future risk to potato crops from PCN. The model was based on the results of controlled environment experiments to investigate the effect of temperature on survival to female maturity using three PCN populations: Globodera pallida (Lindley) and G. rostochiensis from the James Hutton Institute PCN collection, and a field population of G. pallida (S‐Fife). It was found that projected increases in soil temperature could result in increased survival to female maturity for all three PCN populations, with greater increases expected for Scotland, followed by Wales then England. The largest projected increases in Scotland were for G. pallida, whereas G. rostochiensis showed the largest increases in Wales and England. The potential impact of several agronomic adaptation strategies on projected PCN risk were also investigated. The results from the model suggest that soil infestation levels would have to be reduced by up to 40% in order to negate projected increases in PCN risk, and that advancing the start date of the growing season or modifying planting patterns could be successful strategies to reduce future PCN risk.  相似文献   

Brassica crops are of global importance, with oilseed rape (Brassica napus) accounting for 13% of edible oil production. All Brassica species are susceptible to sclerotinia stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a generalist fungal pathogen causing disease in over 400 plant species. Generally, sources of plant resistance result in partial control of the pathogen although some studies have identified wild Brassica species that are highly resistant. The related pathogen Ssubarctica has also been reported on Brassica but its aggressiveness in relation to S. sclerotiorum is unknown. In this study, detached leaf and petiole assays were used to identify new sources of resistance to S. sclerotiorum within a wild Brassica ‘C genome’ diversity set. High‐level resistance was observed in B. incana and B. cretica in petiole assays, whilst wild B. oleracea and B. incana lines were the most resistant in leaf assays. A B. bourgeai line showed both partial petiole and leaf resistance. Although there was no correlation between the two assays, resistance in the detached petiole assay was correlated with stem resistance in mature plants. When tested on commercial cultivars of B. napus, B. oleracea and B. rapa, selected isolates of S. subarctica exhibited aggressiveness comparable to S. sclerotiorum indicating it can be a significant pathogen of Brassica. This is the first study to identify B. cretica as a source of resistance to S. sclerotiorum and to report resistance in other wild Brassica species to a UK isolate, hence providing resources for breeding of resistant cultivars suitable for Europe.  相似文献   

The Gram‐negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, causal agent of fire blight disease in pome fruit trees, encodes a type three secretion system (T3SS) that translocates effector proteins into plant cells that collectively function to suppress host defences and enable pathogenesis. Until now, there has only been limited knowledge about the interaction of effector proteins and host resistance presented in several wild Malus species. This study tested disease responses in several Malus wild species with a set of effector deletion mutant strains and several highly virulent E. amylovora strains, which are assumed to influence the host resistance response of fire blight‐resistant Malus species. The findings confirm earlier studies that deletion of the T3SS abolished virulence of the pathogen. Furthermore, a new gene‐for‐gene relationship was established between the effector protein Eop1 and the fire blight resistant ornamental apple cultivar Evereste and the wild species Malus floribunda 821. The results presented here provide new insights into the host–pathogen interactions between Malus sp. and E. amylovora.  相似文献   

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