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Hoffer JM  P FG  Muela P 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,218(4579):1307-1308
El Chichón volcano erupted at 2322 hours on 28 March 1982 after being dormant during historic times. Three major eruptions of tephra occurred between that date and 7 April, discharging approximately 0.3 cubic kilometer of andesitic pyroclastic material. The initial eruption produced crystal-rich tephra of higher silica and alkali content than the lithic pyroclastic materials of the second and third eruptions. The initial tephra consists of primarily juvenile materials, whereas the later eruptions produced both lithic and juvenile fractions.  相似文献   

The stratospheric dust cloud from the 4 April 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano in southern Mexico was observed to travel completely around the world in a 3-week period. Images from satellites operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were used to prepare daily maps of the location of the volcanic dust cloud, which is the largest and longest-lasting one so far observed with satellite imagery.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the total column amount of hydrogen chloride above an altitude of 12 kilometers in the latitude range 20 degrees to 40 degrees N have been made both before and 3 to 6 months after the eruptions of El Chichón Volcano in March and April 1982. In the region of the cloud of volcanic aerosols, the hydrogen chloride total column after the eruptions increased by approximately 40 percent, even after allowance is made for the global secular increase in hydrogen chloride of 5 percent per year. The column amounts of hydrogen fluoride show no such increase.  相似文献   

Postglacial lava flows, interstratified with thick locally derived sheets of tephra, cover some 27.5 square kilometers on the south slope of Mauna Kea. Most of the volcanics were erupted about 4500 years ago and overlie a regionally extensive paleosol which developed largely during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Halite particles about 2 micrometers in size were collected by a quartz crystal microbalance cascade impactor from the El Chichón eruption cloud in the lower stratosphere during April and May 1982. These particles are probably derived from the erupted chloride-rich, alkalic magma. Enrichments of hydrogen chloride and increases in optical depolarization in the eruption cloud observed by lidar measurements may reflect the influence of the halite particles. There is evidence that the halite particles reacted with sulfuric acid after about 1 month, releasing gaseous hydrogen chloride, which can influence the catalytic destruction of ozone in the stratosphere.  相似文献   

Well-preserved plant remains in packrat middens chronicle vegetation change in Chaco Canyon over the past 11,000 years. Early Holocene evidence of communities dominated by Douglas fir, Rocky Mountain juniper, and limber pine in the San Juan Basin calls for revision of traditional constructs based on fossil pollen. Middle and late Holocene vegetation in the canyon was pinyon-juniper woodland up until Anasazi occupation between 1000 and 800 years ago. Instead of climate, Anasazi fuel needs may explain the drastic reduction of pinyon and juniper after 1230 years ago. The lack of pinyon-juniper recovery over the past millennium has implications for contemporary forest and range ecology.  相似文献   

Krueger AJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,220(4604):1377-1379
The eruptions of El Chichón volcano on 28 March and 3 and 4 April 1982 were observed by the Nimbus 7 total ozone mapping spectrometer due to strong absorption by volcanic gases at the shortest wavelengths of the spectrometer (312.5 and 317.5 nanometers). These ultraviolet pictures permit a measurement of the volume, dispersion, and drift of volcanic gas clouds. The tropospheric clouds were rapidly dispersed in westerly winds while persistent stratospheric clouds drifted in easterly winds at speeds up to 13 meters per second. The spectral reflectance is consistent with sulfur dioxide absorption and rules out carbon disulfide as a major constituent. A preliminary estimate of the mass of sulfur dioxide deposited in the stratosphere by the large eruptions on 3 and 4 April is 3.3 x 10(6) tons. Prior estimates of volcanic cloud volume were based on extrapolation of locally measured sulfur dioxide concentrations.  相似文献   

The eruption of El Chichón Volcano in March and April 1982 resulted in the nucleation of large numbers of new sulfuric acid droplets and an increase by nearly an order of magnitude in the size of the preexisting particles in the stratosphere. Nearly 10(7) metric tons of sulfuric acid remained in the stratosphere by the end of 1982, about 40 times as much as was deposited by Mount St. Helens in 1980.  相似文献   

Dome growth at the Soufriere Hills volcano (1996 to 1998) was frequently accompanied by repetitive cycles of earthquakes, ground deformation, degassing, and explosive eruptions. The cycles reflected unsteady conduit flow of volatile-charged magma resulting from gas exsolution, rheological stiffening, and pressurization. The cycles, over hours to days, initiated when degassed stiff magma retarded flow in the upper conduit. Conduit pressure built with gas exsolution, causing shallow seismicity and edifice inflation. Magma and gas were then expelled and the edifice deflated. The repeat time-scale is controlled by magma ascent rates, degassing, and microlite crystallization kinetics. Cyclic behavior allows short-term forecasting of timing, and of eruption style related to explosivity potential.  相似文献   

Porter SC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,175(4029):1458-1460
An elliptical caldera (2.1 by 2.8 kilometers) at the summit of Mauna Kea volcano is inferred to lie buried beneath hawaiite lava flows and pyroclastic cones at an altitude of approximately 3850 meters. Stratigraphic relationships indicate that hawaiite eruptions began before a pre-Wisconsin period of ice-cap glaciation and that the crest of the mountain attained its present altitude and gross form during a glaciation of probable Early Wisconsin age.  相似文献   

The south flank of Kilauea volcano has experienced two large [magnitude (M) 7.2 and M 6.1] earthquakes in the past two decades. Global Positioning System measurements conducted between 1990 and 1993 reveal seaward displacements of Kilauea's central south flank at rates of up to about 10 centimeters per year. In contrast, the northern side of the volcano and the distal ends of the south flank did not displace significantly. The observations can be explained by slip on a low-angle fault beneath the south flank combined with dilation deep within Kilauea's rift system, both at rates of at least 15 centimeters per year.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic evidence for hydrogen burning in air was obtained at Kilauea Volcano. The abundance of hydrogen required to support combustion is consistent with that predicted for gases in equilibrium with typical Hawaiian tholeiitic basalt.  相似文献   

The three longest Kilauea eruptions since 1952 produced lava at an overall constant rate of about 9 x 10(6) cubic meters per month (vesicle-free). This is considered to represent the rate of magma supply from a deep source, probably the mantle, because little or no summit deformation indicating high-level storage accompanied any of the three eruptions.  相似文献   

Application of simultaneous inversion of seismic P-wave arrival time data to the investigation of the crust beneath Kilauea Volcano yields a detailed picture of the volcano's heterogeneous structure. Zones of anomalously high seismic velocity are found associated with the volcano's rift zones. A low-velocity zone at shallow depth directly beneath the caldera coincides with an aseismic region interpreted as being the locus of Kilauea's summit magma complex.  相似文献   

Surface exposure ages of glacial deposits in the Ford Ranges of western Marie Byrd Land indicate continuous thinning of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by more than 700 meters near the coast throughout the past 10,000 years. Deglaciation lagged the disappearance of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere by thousands of years and may still be under way. These results provide further evidence that parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are on a long-term trajectory of decline. West Antarctic melting contributed water to the oceans in the late Holocene and may continue to do so in the future.  相似文献   

Bell B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,175(4027):1238-1239
Recent archeological work in northeastern West Mexico has provided information about a previously unknown area and some evidence regarding its relationship with other parts of Mexico. An occupation as early as A.D. 100 is suggested.  相似文献   

Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii, deforms by a combination of shallow dike intrusions in the rift zones and earthquakes along the base of the volcano, but it is not known how the spreading is accommodated in the lower part of the volcanic edifice. We present evidence from interferometric synthetic aperture radar data for secular inflation of a dike-like magma body at intermediate depth in the southwest rift zone during 2002 to 2005. Magma accumulation occurred in a section of the rift zone that was unclamped by previous dikes and earthquakes, suggesting that stress transfer plays an important role in controlling subsurface magma accumulation.  相似文献   

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