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The magnetometer and electron reflectometer experiment on the Lunar Prospector spacecraft has obtained maps of lunar crustal magnetic fields and observed the interaction between the solar wind and regions of strong crustal magnetic fields at high selenographic latitude (30 degreesS to 80 degreesS) and low ( approximately 100 kilometers) altitude. Electron reflection maps of the regions antipodal to the Imbrium and Serenitatis impact basins, extending to 80 degreesS latitude, show that crustal magnetic fields fill most of the antipodal zones of those basins. This finding provides further evidence for the hypothesis that basin-forming impacts result in magnetization of the lunar crust at their antipodes. The crustal magnetic fields of the Imbrium antipode region are strong enough to deflect the solar wind and form a miniature (100 to several hundred kilometers across) magnetosphere, magnetosheath, and bow shock system.  相似文献   

In the hypothesis advanced here it is supposed that the field, in which rocks at the lunar surface acquired the remanent magnetization found through the Apollo project, arose from permanent magnetization of the deep interior of the moon. This theory involves the assumption that the moon, apart from a surface shell, accreted cold and remained below the Curie point of iron until sometime later than 3 x 10(9) years ago. The magnetization was acquired as the moon formed in a gas sphere in the strong magnetic field of the early sun.  相似文献   

The shape of the Sun subtly reflects its rotation and internal flows. The surface rotation rate, approximately 2 kilometers per second at the equator, predicts an oblateness (equator-pole radius difference) of 7.8 milli-arc seconds, or approximately 0.001%. Observations from the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager satellite show unexpectedly large flattening, relative to the expectation from surface rotation. This excess is dominated by the quadrupole term and gives a total oblateness of 10.77 +/- 0.44 milli-arc seconds. The position of the limb correlates with a sensitive extreme ultraviolet proxy, the 284 angstrom limb brightness. We relate the larger radius values to magnetic elements in the enhanced network and use the correlation to correct for it as a systematic error term in the oblateness measurement. The corrected oblateness of the nonmagnetic Sun is 8.01 +/- 0.14 milli-arc seconds, which is near the value expected from rotation.  相似文献   

Jupiter's magnetic field and its interaction with the magnetized solar wind were observed with the Pioneer 10 vector helium magnetometer. The magnetic dipole is directed opposite to that of the earth with a moment of 4.0 gauss R(J)(3) (R(J), Jupiter radius), and an inclination of 15 degrees lying in a system III meridian of 230 degrees . The dipole is offset about 0.1 R(J) north of the equatorial plane and about 0.2 R(J) toward longitude 170 degrees . There is severe stretching of the planetary field parallel to the equator throughout the outer magnetosphere, accompanied by a systematic departure from meridian planes. The field configuration implies substantial plasma effects inside the magnetosphere, such as thermal pressure, centrifugal forces, and differential rotation. As at the earth, the outer boundary is thin, nor diffuse, and there is a detached bow shock.  相似文献   

Comparison of values of the specific radioactivities reported for lunar surface material from the Apollo 11 mission with analogous data for stone meteorites suggests that energetic particles from the solar flare of 12 April 1969 may have produced most of the cobalt-56 observed.  相似文献   

Diffusion of radon and thoron from the Ilunar surface provides a mechanism for production of a radioactive surface layer on the moon. If the radon and thoron flux from the lunar surface is equal to that measured at the earth's surface, the equilibrium activity of this surface layet is estimated as approximately 1 microcurie per square meter, due to radon and its decay products. This activity consists of alpha particles and gamnmna rays at well-defined energies and of beta rays.  相似文献   

The landing dynamics of and soil penetration by Surveyor I indicated that the lunar soil has a porosity in the range 0.35 to 0.45. Experiments with Surveyor III's surface sampler for soil mechanics show that the lunar soil is approximately incompressible (as the word is used in soil mechanics) and that it has an angle of internal friction of 35 to 37 degrees; these results likewise point to a porosity of 0.35 to 0.45 for the lunar soil. Combination of these porosity measurements with the already-determined radar reflectivity fixes limits to the dielectric constant of the grains of the lunar soil. The highest possible value is about 5.9, relative to vacuum; a more plausible value is near 4.3. Either figure is inconsistent with the idea that the lunar surface is covered by chondritic meteorites or other ultrabasic rocks. The data point to acid rocks, or possibly vesicular basalts; carbonaceous chondrites are not excluded.  相似文献   

The rare gas analysis of the lunar surface has lead to important conclusions concerning the moon. The large amounts of rare gases found in the lunar soil and breccia indicate that the solar atmosphere is trapped in the lunar soil as no other source of such large amounts of gas is known. The cosmogenic products indicate that the exposure ages of the 17 lunar rocks measured vary from 20 to 400 million years with some grouping of the ages. The most striking feature is the old potassium-argon age which for the 14 rocks analyzed varies from 2.5 to 3.8 billion years. It is concluded that Mare Tranquillitatis crystallized about 4 billion years ago from a molten state produced by a large meteorite impact or volcanic flow.  相似文献   

Silicate grains from Tranquillity Base have shock-induced features ranging from internal fragmentation through complete disruption of the lattice to thermal melting. Half the crystalline grains with diameters less than 125 micrometers have features of shock equivalent to those produced in the laboratory at pressures greater than about 40 kilobars. One quarter have features indicative of pressures greater than 90 kilobars. These properties together with great quantities of melt glass and aluminum-26 in the fine-grained material are indicative of repeated shock-loading by meteoritic bombardment over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances, so far obtained, derived from the analysis of Apollo 11 lunar material are reported. Similarities and differences exist between lunar material, the eucritic achondrites, and the augite achondrite Angra dos Reis, the analysis of which is also reported.  相似文献   

There are two states of the solar wind: quasi-stationary and transient. After 30 years of measurements by interplanetary spacecraft, the differences in the physical properties of the two types of wind are fairly well determined, but the physical processes involved in their accelerations are not yet understood in detail. The solar wind exists in part because the upper solar atmosphere, called the corona, is very hot, but the heating mechanisms are also not well understood. Recent research suggests a link between the heating and acceleration mechanisms.  相似文献   

The prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity that light will be deflected by the sun may be tested by sending radio waves from the earth to Venus or Mercury when either passes behind the sun and detecting the echoes with a radar interferometer.  相似文献   

Gravity: first measurement on the lunar surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gravity at the landing site of the first lunar-landing mission has been determined to be 162,821.680 milligals from data telemetered to earth by the lunar module on the lunar surface. The gravity was measured with a pulsed integrating pendulous accelerometer. These measurements were used to compute the gravity anomaly and radius at the landing site.  相似文献   

Although nothing of direct biologic interest was observed in the sample studied, small shaped glass particles and glazed pits resemble objects which elsewhere have been described as fossils. These features, although nonbiological, do bear on processes of lunar weathering and outgassing. The glazed pits are impact features. Fusion of their surfaces released gases. Electron microscopy of the glasses, pits, and angular microfractured mineral grains indicates a prevalence of destructive weathering processes-thermal expansion and contraction, abrasion by by-passing particles, and, of course, impact. ous at room temperature.  相似文献   

More precise and comprehensive analytical results for lunar material in Sinus Medii have been derived from the alpha-scattering experiment on Surveyor VI. The amounts of the principal constituents at this mare are approximately the same as those of constituents at Mare Tranquillitatis. The sodium contents of both maria are lower than those of terrestrial basalts. The titanium content at Sinus Medii is lower than that at Mare Tranquillitatis; this suggests important differences in detailed chemical composition at different mare areas on the moon.  相似文献   

More precise and comprehensive analytical results have been derived for lunar material at the Surveyor V landing site from alpha-scattering data. The composition is, in general, basaltic; the low sodium and high titanium contents, however, are distinctly different from the abundances in meteorites or common terrestrial rocks.  相似文献   

Grain size and etching experiments show that the fine lunar material contains large amounts of trapped solar wind particles. Elemental and isotopic compositions of the noble gases in solar material and in the terrestrial atmosphere are significantly different, except for the Ar(36)/ Ar(38) and the Kr isotope ratios. Exposure ages of two rocks and of the fine material are between 380 and 510 x 10(6) years. Feldspar concentrates give K/Ar ages of 3220 and 3300 x 10(6) years, significantly higher than the unseparated rock.  相似文献   

Cohen AJ  Hapke BW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,161(3847):1237-1238
The thin, lighter-colored, upper layer of lunar soil shown in the television pictures from several Surveyor missions may be due to reversible bleaching by solar radiation. Of several possible bleaching reactions, the one considered most important is the photoreduction of Fe(+3) to Fe(+2).  相似文献   

Two isolated solar wind disturbances about 5 minutes in duration were detected aboard the Russian spacecraft Phobos-2 upon its crossing the wake of the martian moon Deimos about 15,000 kilometers downstream from the moon on 1 February 1989. These plasma and magnetic events are interpreted as the inbound and outbound crossings of a Mach cone that is formed as a result of an effective interaction of the solar wind with Deimos. Possible mechanisms such as remanent magnetization, cometary type interaction caused by heavy ion or charged dust production, and unipolar induction resulting from the finite conductivity of the body are discussed. Although none of the present models is fully satisfactory, neutral gas emission through water loss by Deimos at a rate of about 10(23) molecules per second, combined with a charged dust coma, is favored.  相似文献   

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