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The rare gas distribution in lunar soil, breccias, and rocks was studied with a micro-helium-probe. Gases are concentrated in grain surfaces and originate from solar wind. Helium-4 concentrations of different mineral components vary by more than a factor of 10 apart from individual fluctuations for each type. Also grains with no detectable helium-4 exist. Titanium-rich components have the highest, calcium-rich minerals the lowest concentrations. The solar wind was redistributed by diffusion. Mean gas layer thicknesses are 10, 6, and 5 microm for helium, neon, and argon respectively. Lithic fragments in breccias contain no solar gases. Glass pitted surfaces of crystalline rocks contain about 10(-2) cubic centimeter of helium-4 per square centimeter. Etched dust grains clearly show spallogenic and radiogenic components. The apparent mean exposure age of dust is approximately 500 x 10(6) years, its potassium-argon age is approximately 3.5 x 10(9) yerars. Cavities of crystalline rocks contain helium-4, radiogenic argon, H(2), and N(2).  相似文献   

New experimental data on the isotopic variations of neon, argon, and xenon in a popping rock imply that the 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the upper mantle is less than 44,000 and that the 129Xe/130Xe ratio is less than 8.2. The elemental abundance pattern of rare gases is chondritic-like and is quite distinct from the solar pattern. These data imply that Earth accreted from planetesimals that probably underwent a transformation of their rare gas budget from solar- to chondritic-like, leaving the isotopic composition unchanged from the solar pattern.  相似文献   

Gases trapped in individual vesicles in the volatile-rich basaltic glass "popping rock" were found to have the same carbon dioxide, helium-4, and argon-40 composition, but a variable 40Ar/36Ar ratio ( approximately 4000 to >/=40,000). The argon-36 is probably surface-adsorbed atmospheric argon; any mantle argon-36 trapped in the vesicles cannot be distinguished from an atmospheric contaminant. Consequently the 40Ar/36Ar ratios and 3He/36Ar ratios (1.45) determined are minimum estimates of the upper mantle composition. Heavy noble gas relative abundances in the mantle resemble solar noble gas abundance patterns, and a solar origin may be common to all primordial mantle noble gases.  相似文献   

Materials trapped and preserved in comets date from the earliest history of the solar system. Particles captured by the Stardust spacecraft from comet 81P/Wild 2 are indisputable cometary matter available for laboratory study. Here we report measurements of noble gases in Stardust material. Neon isotope ratios are within the range observed in "phase Q," a ubiquitous, primitive organic carrier of noble gases in meteorites. Helium displays 3He/4He ratios twice those in phase Q and in Jupiter's atmosphere. Abundances per gram are surprisingly large, suggesting implantation by ion irradiation. The gases are probably carried in high-temperature igneous grains similar to particles found in other Stardust studies. Collectively, the evidence points to gas acquisition in a hot, high ion-flux nebular environment close to the young Sun.  相似文献   

畜禽场空气污染物检测技术综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着畜禽养殖集约化程度的提高,高密度、集约化的畜禽养殖引起的畜禽养殖场空气污染问题日益突出,畜牧业已成为我国空气污染的重要来源之一。畜禽场排放的氨气(NH3)、硫化物(H2S)、颗粒物(particulate matters,PM)和挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)等空气污染物不仅对畜禽场人畜健康造威胁,还会扩散到周围环境中形成大气污染。科学适用的空气污染物检测方法和技术是研究和控制畜禽场空气污染的前提。文章对国内外畜禽场的NH3、H2S、温室气体、PM以及恶臭等主要空气污染物的检测方法与技术进行了介绍与分析。以NH3、H2S为代表的畜禽场有害气体检测方法主要有化学分析法、半导体气体传感器检测法、光谱法、质谱法与气相色谱法,其中,湿化学法灵敏度高,成本低,可以准确获取气体浓度,但检测费时费力,且无法实时在线检测;气体检测管法成本较低,操作简单,但误差相对较大;电化学传感器法灵敏度较高,成本适中,可以连续检测气体浓度,但存在装置易老化、使用寿命较短等缺陷;光谱法、质谱法以及气相色谱法可快速准确检测气体,但检测仪器昂贵,使用成本较高,不适合生产性畜禽场的常规检测。文章主要介绍与分析了反刍动物肠道发酵、畜禽舍、粪污贮存与处理过程中温室气体CH4、CO2、N2O的检测方法和技术。畜牧业温室气体排放随时间、季节和采样点等不同而不断变化,实现畜牧业温室气体的精确监测较为困难,目前仍未有国际通用的检测方法与测量标准,畜牧业温室气体检测方法与技术及其标准研究亟待开展。文章从物理特征、化学特征及生物特征三个方面对畜禽场排放的颗粒物检测方法与技术进行了综述。畜禽场PM成分复杂,其吸附的NH3、恶臭化合物、微生物的影响有待评估,因此亟待完善PM的物理、化学和生物成分的检测方法与技术,以获取畜禽场PM的全面特征信息。文章对畜禽场的主要恶臭物质成分和恶臭感官的检测方法与技术进行了综述。相比气相色谱-质谱联用法,采用专业嗅辨人员对恶臭浓度进行嗅辨分析的方法成本更高,且主观性较强。但气相色谱-质谱联用技术无法仅凭借气体样品确定所有气态有机化合物,同时难以确定引起恶臭的化合物种类。因此结合气相色谱与动态嗅觉仪可更全面的分析恶臭样品指标。文章还对国内外畜禽场空气污染物(包含有害气体、温室气体、颗粒物以及恶臭物质)的主要检测方法与技术进行综述,以期为我国畜禽养殖业的空气污染物检测技术的研发与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

With the intensification of livestock breeding, the air quality problem of livestock farms caused by high density breeding is becoming more and more serious. Animal husbandry has become one of the important sources of air pollutants in China. Air emitted from most intensive livestock houses contains a large amount of pollutants, including ammonia, sulfides, particulate matters (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which not only poses a big threat to animals and workers in livestock farms, but also spreads to the surrounding environment resulting in air pollution. Scientific and applicable air pollutants measuring methods are the basis of monitoring and controlling air pollution in livestock and poultry farms. In this article, the detection methods of livestock farming related hazardous gases (e.g., NH3, H2S), greenhouse gases, particulate matters and odor were summarized. The detection methods of hazardous gases in livestock houses mainly include chemical analysis, semiconductor gas sensor detection, spectroscopic methodology and mass spectrometry. The wet-chemical method is cheap and can detect gases sensitively and accurately, while it cannot detect gases in real time, and the process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The gas tube is cheap and easy to operate, but the deviation is great. Electrochemical sensor is of high sensitivity, moderate cost and can be used to detect gas concentration continuously, however, the devices are easy to age. Spectrum method and mass spectrometry can detect gas quickly and accurately, but it is not suitable for conventional air detection of productive livestock farming due to its high costs. In this paper, the detection methods of greenhouse gases (e.g., CH4, CO2) generated from animal intestinal fermentation and livestock environment were also summarized. It is hard to conclude an accurate detection of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry, because the concentrations of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry changes all the time (diurnal and seasonal) and are related to other factors including sampling points. No international common testing method and measurement standard are concluded till now, therefore, the research of greenhouse gases detection method and standard in animal husbandry should be carried out as soon as possible. The detection methods of particulate matters (PM) in livestock farms were reviewed from three aspects: physical, chemical and biological characteristics. PM contains complex components in livestock farms, therefore, it is highly needed to improve PM detection technology. Besides, the component analysis and sensory analysis of odorous substances in livestock farms were overviewed. The odor analysis of professional olfactory discernment personnel owns stronger subjectivity and costs higher than gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. While, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is unable to determine all gaseous organic compounds with one sample. Combining gas chromatography and dynamic olfactometer can be more efficient for comprehensive analysis of odor samples. In this article, detection methods and techniques of air pollutants in animal husbandry were comprehensively reviewed to provide a reference for the development of air pollutants detection technologies in livestock and poultry breeding in China.  相似文献   

The rare gas analysis of the lunar surface has lead to important conclusions concerning the moon. The large amounts of rare gases found in the lunar soil and breccia indicate that the solar atmosphere is trapped in the lunar soil as no other source of such large amounts of gas is known. The cosmogenic products indicate that the exposure ages of the 17 lunar rocks measured vary from 20 to 400 million years with some grouping of the ages. The most striking feature is the old potassium-argon age which for the 14 rocks analyzed varies from 2.5 to 3.8 billion years. It is concluded that Mare Tranquillitatis crystallized about 4 billion years ago from a molten state produced by a large meteorite impact or volcanic flow.  相似文献   

Grain size and etching experiments show that the fine lunar material contains large amounts of trapped solar wind particles. Elemental and isotopic compositions of the noble gases in solar material and in the terrestrial atmosphere are significantly different, except for the Ar(36)/ Ar(38) and the Kr isotope ratios. Exposure ages of two rocks and of the fine material are between 380 and 510 x 10(6) years. Feldspar concentrates give K/Ar ages of 3220 and 3300 x 10(6) years, significantly higher than the unseparated rock.  相似文献   

Ordinary chondrites, like carbonaceous chondrites, contain primordial noble gases mainly in a minor phase comprising 相似文献   

Measurements in situ of the neutral composition and temperature of the thermosphere of Venus are being made with a quadrupole mass spectrometer on the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The presence of many gases, incluiding the major constituents CO(2), CO, N(2), O, and He has been confirmed. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant constituent at altitudes below about 155 kilometers in the terminator region. Above this altitude atomic oxygen is the major constituent, with O/CO(2) ratios in the upper atmosphere being greater than was commonly expected. Isotope ratios of O and C are close to terrestrial values. The temperature inferred from scale heights above 180 kilometers is about 400 K on the dayside near the evening terminator at a solar zenith angle of about 69 degrees . It decreases to about 230 K when the solar zenith angle is about 90 degrees .  相似文献   

Highlights of a first effort in sorting out rare gases in lunar material are solar wind rare gases in abundance; variable (20)Ne/(22)Ne but constant (21)Ne/ (22)Ne ratios in fractions of the trapped neon; cosmogenic rare gases similar to those found in meteorites, except for copious (131)Xe in one rock but not in another; at Tranquillity Base a rock 4.1 x 10(9) years old which reached the surface 35 to 65 million years ago, amid soil whose particles have typically been within a meter of the surface for 10(9) years or more.  相似文献   

Climate reconstructions reveal unprecedented warming in the past century; however, little is known about trends in aspects such as the monsoon. We reconstructed the monsoon winds for the past 1000 years using fossil Globigerina bulloides abundance in box cores from the Arabian Sea and found that monsoon wind strength increased during the past four centuries as the Northern Hemisphere warmed. We infer that the observed link between Eurasian snow cover and the southwest monsoon persists on a centennial scale. Alternatively, the forcing implicated in the warming trend (volcanic aerosols, solar output, and greenhouse gases) may directly affect the monsoon. Either interpretation is consistent with the hypothesis that the southwest monsoon strength will increase during the coming century as greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise and northern latitudes continue to warm.  相似文献   

Working at pressures of up to 2000 atmospheres, more than ten times higher than in previous gas chromatography, we used the solvent power of dense gases to enable migration of chromatographic substances of molecular weights as high as 400,000. Carotenoids, corticol steroids, sterols, nucleosides, amino acids, carbohydrates, and several polymers have been caused to migrate, separated, and detected in NH(3) and CO(2) carrier gases at temperatures of 140 degrees and 40 degrees C, just above the respective critical points. Previously such compounds either defied separation by gas chromatography or had to be chromatographed as their more volatile derivatives.  相似文献   

Particle tracks in Apollo 11 samples are dominantly of cosmic ray and solar origin: primary galactic and solar flare particles, likely spallation recoil tracks, and possible solar-wind heavy particles. The energy spectrum of irongroup nuclei is inferred from track density gradients in surface layers, and a limit of < 10(-7) centimeter per year is deduced for the surface erosion rate. From cosmic ray tracks in rock and core samples it is clear that the lunar soil is stirred often during each few million years. X-rays reveal augite, anorthite, olivine, ilmenite, troilite, nonmeteoritic iron, and assorted glasses, but no major structural damage. Hydrogen, helium, and other gases in the fines are compatible with expected solar wind ratios.  相似文献   

Solar carbon monoxide spectra indicate the existence of a cool (less than 4000 kelvin) component to the solar chromosphere coexisting with the hot, bright gas at 6000 to 7000 kelvin. However, both the existence and the location of the cool component have been controversial. New high-resolution spectra show that carbon monoxide goes into emission just beyond the limb, allowing it to be probed without photospheric contamination. The cool component has temperatures as low as 3000 to 3500 kelvin and appears to cover 50 to 85 percent of the quiet solar surface. There is a steep temperature rise to normal chromospheric temperatures at a height of 900 to 1100 kilometers. Large horizontal velocities are seen, suggesting that the cool component is maintained by the supersonic adiabatic expansion of upwelling gas in overshooting granules.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of a hyper-metal-poor (HMP) star, with a metallicity Fe/H smaller than 1/100,000 of the solar ratio, together with one earlier HMP star, has raised a challenging question whether these HMP stars are the actual first-generation, low-mass stars of the universe. We argue that these HMP stars are second-generation stars formed from gases that were chemically enriched by the first-generation supernovae. The key to this solution is the very unusual abundance patterns of these HMP stars and the similarities and differences between them. We can reproduce these abundance features with core-collapse "faint" supernova models that include extensive matter mixing and fallback during explosions.  相似文献   

Determining the source(s) of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen accreted by Earth is important for understanding the origins of water and life and for constraining dynamical processes that operated during planet formation. Chondritic meteorites are asteroidal fragments that retain records of the first few million years of solar system history. The deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) values of water in carbonaceous chondrites are distinct from those in comets and Saturn's moon Enceladus, implying that they formed in a different region of the solar system, contrary to predictions of recent dynamical models. The D/H values of water in carbonaceous chondrites also argue against an influx of water ice from the outer solar system, which has been invoked to explain the nonsolar oxygen isotopic composition of the inner solar system. The bulk hydrogen and nitrogen isotopic compositions of CI chondrites suggest that they were the principal source of Earth's volatiles.  相似文献   

The compelling need for standoff detection of hazardous gases and vapor indicators of explosives has motivated the development of a remotely pumped, high-gain air laser that produces lasing in the backward direction and can sample the air as the beam returns. We demonstrate that high gain can be achieved in the near-infrared region by pumping with a focused ultraviolet laser. The pumping mechanism is simultaneous resonant two-photon dissociation of molecular oxygen and resonant two-photon pumping of the atomic oxygen fragments. The high gain from the millimeter-length focal zone leads to equally strong lasing in the forward and backward directions. Further backward amplification is achieved with the use of earlier laser spark dissociation. Low-divergence backward air lasing provides possibilities for remote detection.  相似文献   

Noble gas isotopes were measured in three rocky grains from asteroid Itokawa to elucidate a history of irradiation from cosmic rays and solar wind on its surface. Large amounts of solar helium (He), neon (Ne), and argon (Ar) trapped in various depths in the grains were observed, which can be explained by multiple implantations of solar wind particles into the grains, combined with preferential He loss caused by frictional wear of space-weathered rims on the grains. Short residence time of less than 8 million years was implied for the grains by an estimate on cosmic-ray-produced (21)Ne. Our results suggest that Itokawa is continuously losing its surface materials into space at a rate of tens of centimeters per million years. The lifetime of Itokawa should be much shorter than the age of our solar system.  相似文献   

富气的相态特性及其工程意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了富气组成对富气的相态特征参量的影响 ,指出C3、C4 含量低的富气经过严格的脱油处理可以在传统压力下单相输送 ;适度控制凝析油含量 ,一般富气可以实现密相输送。两相输送对富气的烃露点没有具体的要求 ,但是通过脱油处理可以降低两相输送管道的积液量  相似文献   

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