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Schmitt RW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4654):1206-1209
An analysis of how the government can and cannot use research and development policy to improve the nation's industrial posture suggests four guidelines for federal R & D policy: (i) concentrate direct support on academically based research, not on government-targeted industrial R & D; (ii) concentrate on sunrise science and technology, not on sunrise industries and products; (iii) concentrate on strengthening the climate for privately based innovation, not on government-selected innovation; (iv) concentrate on development for the government's own needs, not on development for market needs.  相似文献   

Decentralized methods for targeting poverty are widely adopted in developing countries to improve the performance of various poverty alleviation programs. A common challenge for implementing successful decentralized targeting is the existence of elite capture. China has recently implemented a nationwide decentralized poverty targeting program, the targeted poverty alleviation(TPA) policy, to achieve the national goal of eliminating absolute poverty by the end of 2020. As the largest decentralized poverty targeting program in the world, TPA's successful implementation was believed to be threatened by elite capture in some earlier reports. Since 2015, a targeting correction mechanism, called "follow-up checks" policy, has been introduced. With the "follow-up checks" policy, the elites and other ineligible households who receive benefits under TPA were removed from the program. This paper investigates the elite capture phenomenon in TPA using village census data from a poverty-stricken county in 2017-two years after implementing the "follow-up checks" policy. We find no evidence of elite capture in TPA. The elites are unlikely to become beneficiaries or receive more benefits than non-elites. Our results contradict earlier findings that reported elite capture in TPA. We argue that the reason is the accountability emphasized by the central government in the "follow-up checks" policy. Our findings imply that having proper accountability is critical for improving targeting performance by global antipoverty initiatives.  相似文献   

A policy framework for analyzing educational research and development has been proposed. The framework consists of five primary elements focusing on the contexts in which educational R & D operates, its goals, its characteristics, its manpower, and its decision structures. These five primary elements interact to produce two secondary elements concerned with priorities and objectives, and strategies and tactics. The framework was applied to three current policy proposals in educational R & D including directed R & D programming in the U.S. Office of Education, the request for funds for experimental schools, and the proposed National Institute of Education. Rigorous application of the framework to major policy questions such as these three can help us examine issues before they arise. It can help prevent errors. Its application can provide greater assurance that primary, secondary, and tertiary consequences-those that arise from the interaction of the consequences we most directly perceive-will receive examination. This kind of consideration can help produce the desirable and intended effects and avoid the detrimental consequences of unanticipated impacts in unintended areas.  相似文献   

Long-term U.S. economic growth requires better use of R & D resources and closer interaction of the academic, government, and industrial research communities. The federal government has proposed to increase support for university research as a key means of addressing national needs for new knowledge in fields important to industrial development and for training of technical personnel. But continuing growth in support for basic research depends on how well the science community can agree on what research investments will have the greatest impact in producing new knowledge.  相似文献   

R & D, through its effects on the rate of productivity increase, can significantly restrain the rate of inflation in the medium and long run. High rates of inflation damage the workings of the price system and impair the efficiency of practically all economic activities, including R & D. Findings suggest that the percentage increase between 1969 and 1979, in total real R & D expenditures, has been exaggerated due to the inadequacy of the gross national product deflator as applied to R & D.  相似文献   

论林业经济中的“市场失灵”问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在近几年涉及林业经济机制的研究中,出现了排斥市场机制的认识和做法.该文从“公共产品”、林业经济的“外部性”、林业特点等几个方面,运用制度经济学和资源经济学的理论对林业经济中的“市场失灵”问题进行了分析,对我国林业经济研究中普遍存在的市场机制积极作用的有限论进行讨论.作者认为:林业经济中的“市场失灵”问题与其它行业没有本质上的区别;政府的扶持是在特定时期提高社会对林业的重视程度,增加国家对林业的投入,提高林业在国民经济中的地位的需要,但林业发展不能依赖政府.林业的特殊性不是在林业中排斥市场机制积极作用的理由,市场机制对林业的发展具有积极的促进作用,市场机制的基本原则适用于林业.  相似文献   

Roy R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,178(4064):955-960
The nation is entering a period when the R & D output must be increased, probably without major increases in resource allocation. Obviously, in this situation, either efficiency or productivity must be increased. Perhaps one of the most wasteful aspects of the national R & D system (and one that received little attention during the golden era of the 15 percent per year expansion) has been the very weak coupling between the university, on the one hand, and industry (or government), on the other. It is a serious error to allege about such coupling that "it has never worked," that the objectives and reward structures of the institutions are such that it cannot work, and so on. The fact is that coupling has never been tried seriously. History shows that the total dollar effort in research that required coupling or that had coupling as its main objective was on the order of $10 million per year (that is, much less than 0.1 percent of the research money spent on U.S. campuses). At the same time, there is little doubt that the experiments which must and will be tried in the immediate future call for innovations in management and changes in the attitude and structure of many universities. In conversations with administrators who have had experience with such programs, I have found strong suggestions of very mixed responses from the universities. In light of these responses, and if effectiveness is a goal, it would be better for those universities that are more wedded to disciplinary research, to single principal-investigator work, not to participate in these new efforts. We need much greater diversity in the styles of university life, and it would be healthy for the academic enterprise if some universities retained a greater degree of detachment from society, while others consciously decided to interact more with it, through the private sector, and made the changes necessary to do so. If initial funding is restricted to those universities that consider university-industry or university-government research a worthy objective and that have a proven track record and a favorable administrative and reward structure, the new programs may well establish a major new pattern of national R & D.  相似文献   

江苏省具有丰富的农作物秸秆资源,但是目前这些秸秆往往被农户在田间焚烧,造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染问题,因此,秸秆综合利用势在必行。然而,秸秆综合利用过程中的收储运环节一直是一个难题,这导致了综合利用的成本过高。该研究总结了现有的较为典型的几种秸秆收储运模型,并分析其优缺点以后,提出秸秆收储运目前急需解决的问题及其发展对策,为高效的秸秆综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   

科研院所科技成果转化存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科研院所科技成果转化情况是科研院所科研水平的重要标志。分析目前科研院所在科技成果转化过程中存在的科研评价体系、收益分配制度、服务体系、政策环境等现状,提出改革科技成果评价和激励机制、建立合理的收益分配制度、加强科技成果转化研发平台建设、大力发展科技服务业、改变政府引导和支持模式、加强财政金融对产学研合作项目的支持等对策。  相似文献   

Mansfield's Section 203 has triggered a searching review by DOD of its research. Using the general budget constraints of the past few years as an effective springboard, Mansfield went on to question and then challenge all of the federal government's policies for R & D. The entire post-World War II institutional machinery and rhetoric for R & D are now in some disarray and, thus, are open to imaginative, constructive change. Mission-oriented R & D, still central to progress toward our national goals, must be comprehensively rethought in order to restore the public confidence necessary for adequate support of science and technology.  相似文献   

On the basis of current U.S. oil imports, room now exists for a U.S. coal liquids industry. Unfortunately, technology is not available which can produce coal liquids at a price competitive with imported oil. Direct liquefaction technology is under development, but the prospects are that the technology will not be economic at the time the pioneer commercial plant should be constructed to provide the foundation for a possible coal liquids industry in the 1990's. Government support of coal liquefaction R & D has created the conditions that make possible the development of the technology, and probably government incentives for pioneer plants will be needed. With the proper incentives pioneer plants will lead to lower costs, and this, plus rising prices, will create the conditions necessary to develop a multiplant industry.  相似文献   

生猪产业支持政策评价的主体差异性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为研究不同利益相关主体对生猪产业支持政策评价的差异性,在对养猪场户、政府人员和第三方进行问卷和访谈调研的基础上,运用列联表和评价指数方法对生猪产业支持政策评价的主体差异性进行实证研究。结果表明:政府人员对生猪产业支持政策的认知程度和实施效果评价均高于养猪场户;不同主体对不同生猪产业支持政策实施效果评价的差异程度不同;地方财政困难在一定程度上阻碍了生猪产业支持政策的有效实施;第三方对生猪产业支持政策的评价具有相对客观性。在此基础上提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

文中在吉林省农业支持与保护宏观层面的需求方和供给方都是中央政府和吉林省政府这一框架下,分析了吉林省农业支持与保护的宏观需求和供给能力.宏观需求主要体现在:建立稳固的粮食安全战略基地,切实维护国家粮食安全;稳定提高农民收入,保护农民的生产积极性;保证农产品加工业可靠的原料来源,依靠支柱产业加快地方经济发展;强化农业基础条件,稳定提高粮食综合生产能力.供给能力主要体现在:吉林省总体上已进入工业化中期阶段,具备了初步的"反哺"实力;我国已进入工业化中期的后半阶段,具备了基本的"反哺"实力;国家特殊的倾斜政策使吉林省农业支持与保护具有了可靠的宏观政策供给保障;对照WTO规则与我国的现实,农业支持与保护仍具有较大的"黄箱"政策利用空间.  相似文献   

中国林业资源贫瘠已成为不争的事实,公共财政对林业支持的不充分性,在很大的程度上,是导致我国林业资源禀赋贫瘠的重要制度性因素之一。“绿箱”政策是规范一国财政支持农林业发展的国际性规则,在加入WTO后,我们必须依据“绿箱”政策创新我国的公共财政政策,以塑造出崭新的林业新经济。机遇摆在面前,关键在于把握。在简单地讨论了我国林业资源禀赋的贫瘠状况之后,本文依据制度经济学、公共选择理论的逻辑分析了我国公共财政对林业支持不充分性的原因,最后,本文提出了运用“绿箱”政策,优化我国林业资源禀赋的一些初步构想。  相似文献   

农民工随迁子女教育问题是当前一个亟待解决的社会难题。由于国家实施"两为主"政策,致使流入地政府承受着巨大的财政压力,在解决农民工随迁子女教育问题上心有余而力不足。而近年来引进的"教育券"制度,在实际工作中也存在一定的局限性。基于由国家、流出地政府、流入地政府按一定比例共同承担农民工随迁子女义务教育经费的理论,提出的"教育卡"新构想,则可以从操作层面较好地解决教育经费承担的一系列问题。  相似文献   

为了充分发挥一村一名大学生在河北省新农村建设中的积极作用,通过选取河北农业大学"一村一名大学生工程"部分毕业生和在校生代表进行调查分析,总结出一村一名大学生在就业创业过程中缺乏政府扶持政策、缺乏政府资金投入、知识储备不足等三方面困难,提出学校要继续完善培养模式和加强后期追踪服务、政府应加大政策扶持和资金投入等对策。  相似文献   

Since the New Deal era, the commodity title has been the major farm support program in US farm bills. Commodity programs have encouraged farmers to pursue specialized, monocultural, and input intensive production strategies that are increasingly viewed as unsustainable. Yet commodity programs remain politically resilient. As revealed in the farm payment limitation debate in the 2007 farm bill reauthorization process, political support for commodity programs is maintained through policy elasticity adaptations that combine new with old policy rationales. The recent extension of farm program support to producers of commodities that have not received benefits in the past poses a potential threat to existing commodity programs, as this legislation has institutionalized competition within production agriculture over the allocation and design of subsidies. This paper argues for renewed attention to the policy support mechanisms that undergird the conventional agrifood system in order to better understand alternative agrifood system possibilities and constraints.
Larry L. BurmeisterEmail:

良种补贴作为畜牧业的生产性支持补贴,对促进奶业经济发展,提高中国奶业经济整体水平起重要作用。良种补贴政策的实施在不同地域有着不同的方式,但从安徽省近几年的奶牛良种补贴效果看,虽然每年补贴政策力度都在加大,却没有达到预期的效果。因此中国每个奶牛养殖地区需要依据自己的地域特征,实施具有针对性良种补贴政策:统筹兼顾,推进奶牛品种的多元化;加强对财政资金的监管以及操作程序的规范;充分发挥政府在奶业发展中的推动作用,并依据每年的发展状况进行针对性调整。  相似文献   

当前,政府购买公共服务作为一项制度安排、一种改革工具历久弥新,在实践中得到了广泛的应用.从行政理念、组织结构、政府角色、公共服务的供给方式等多方面阐释了新时期政府购买公共服务的内涵及其价值,分析了政府购买涉及政府、市场、社会组织、公众及外部环境等多重影响因素,进而提出了优化政府的资源整合机制,引入政府购买的问责机制;促进服务市场的有序竞争,优化市场监管机制;加大政府购买的政策扶植力度,着力培育和提升社会组织的参与能力;全面公开政府购买信息,积极探索公众参与监管和评估的机制以及积累社会资本,建立社会信任、互惠规范、多元参与的服务供给机制等路径来提升政府购买公共服务的实践成效.  相似文献   

D E Kash 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,160(834):1313-1318
In summary then, the growing call from government for the universities to do applied research in the civilian sector has many disturbing elements. It asks the university to provide more policy advice. In addition, it calls upon the university to become an advocate for that policy research. One can hardly be a part of the university tradition in this country without being initially appalled. Yet the demand is clearly there and it is hard to disagree with Perkins when he says, "The University-as the most sophisticated and, let us hope, independent agency now at work advancing, transmitting and applying knowledge-has come too far to retreat before what may be its finest hour" (8, p. 24).  相似文献   

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