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Eighteen minor or trace elelnents were detected and determined by emission spectroscopy. Direct d-c arc excitation of powdered samnples was used with three variations in the procedure. Thirteen lunar samples consisting of four finegrained igneous rocks, one medium-grained igneous rock, seven breccias, and one sample of fines were analyzed. The zinc and nickel concentrations in the breccias were approximately one order of magnitude greater than the concentrations of these elements in igneous rocks.  相似文献   

Data on six lunar crystalline rocks give an apparent Rb-Sr isochron age of 4.42 +/- 0.24 x 10(9) years (95 percent confidence limits) and initial (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratio similar to that in a basaltic achondrite. Relationships between K, Rb, Sr, and Ba and depletion of Eu in these samples point to plagioclase separation from the melts that produced these rocks. The abundance of (157)Gd in the three lunar samples is similar to terrestrial abundance within < 0.2 percent, thus setting a limit of < 6 x 10(15) neutrons per square centimeter for the integrated thermal neutron flux difference between lunar and terrestrial materials.  相似文献   

A linear correlation between concentrations of Sm and ratios of Sm to Eu for nine lunar samples suggests that those samples could correspond to liquids from equilibrium partial melting of a common source. On the basis of partition coefficients in terrestrial systems, the fraction of melting would not have exceeded about 15 percent and the immediate source could have been composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, and opaque minerals plus at least 25 percent feldspar, with at most a few percent calcic clinopyroxene and less than 1 percent apatite. The large Eu depletions could also have been produced by fractional crystallization if the ratio of Eu(2+) to Eu(3+) in lunar magmas significantly exceeds the values for terrestrial magmas.  相似文献   

Halogen contents similar to those in meteorites are reported in Apollo 11 samples. Concentrations of 0.6 to 13 parts mercury, 0.2 to 0.8 part uranium, 1 to 17 parts lithium, and 1 to 800 parts osmium per million and 0.5 to 1 percent chromium oxide by weight have been measured. In contrast to meteorites and terrestrial rocks a large mercury release below 110 degrees C is observed. Some implications of these results are presented. Fluorapatite, quartz, tridymite, fayalite, and iron-rich, manganese-poor pyroxmangite, previously unreported, have been identified. The small amount of fluorapatite found does not account for the fluorine contents.  相似文献   

An irradiation of 3 x 1017 neutrons per square centimeter in a reactor core produced an increase in the coercive force of iron and kamacite of 16 to 21 percent. The alternating-current demagnetization spectrum of saturation isothermal remanence was shifted toward higher coercive forces. Similar neutron fluences produced by cosmic-ray exposure may be capable of converting soft isothermal remanence in meteorites and lunar samples to remanence with a higher coercive force.  相似文献   

Abundances of 30 elements in seven lunar rocks and soil were determined by instrumental and radiochemical activation analysis. Seven major and minor elements in chips from 27 rocks were determined by instrumental activation analysis. Abundances of ten bulk elements overlap for the breccia rocks and soil samples. All lunar rare earth elements distribution patterns resemble those found in terrestrial abyssal subalkaline basalt, but with Eu depleted by about 60 percent in all lunar samples compared to the adjacent rare earth elements. Precipitation of plagioclase and hypersthene achondritic-like minerals from a melt could account for Eu depletion and the observed distribution of rare earth elements. Abundances of Ti, Al, Ca, Na, and Mn determined by instrumental activation analysis in five core-tube soil samples indicate uniformity for Al and Mn and apparent differences (10 to 20 percent) for Ti, Ca, and Na at 7.8 and 10.5 centimeters as compared to 0to5.2 centimeter depths.  相似文献   

The last lava flow in the Hadley Rille area of Mare Imbrium, as inferred from an argon-40-argon-39 experiment on a plagioclase separate from the lunar basalt 15555, occurred 3.31+/-0.03x10(9) years ago. An argon-40-argon-39 experiment on a whole rock sample shows significant loss of radiogenic argon-40 and yields a well-defined, high-temperature plateau indicating a lower age of 3.22+/-0.03x10(9) years. A cosmic-ray exposure age of 90+/-10x10(6) years is determined from the ratio of spallogenic argon-38 to calcium.  相似文献   

Indications of shock metamorphism produced by pressures up to the megabar region have been observed in the fine material and the breccias, but very rarely in the coarser fragments of crystalline rocks. These indications are deformation structures in plagioclase and pyroxene, diaplectic plagioclase glasses, and glasses formed by shock-induced melting of lunar rocks. Two sources of shock waves have been distinguished: primary impact of meteorites and secondary impact of crater ejecta. There are two major chemical types of shock-induced melts. The differences in chemistry may be related to impact sites in mare and highland areas.  相似文献   

Lunar samples contain mercury, which may be volatilized at lunar daytime temperatures. Such mercury may constitute part of the tenuous lunar atmosphere. If mercury can escape from the atmosphere by a nonthermal mechanism, an interior reservoir or exterior sources (such as meteorite infall or solar wind, or both) are required to replenish it. Core samples exhibit an increase in surface-related mercury with depth, which suggests that a cold trap exists below the surface. The orientation of rocks on the lunar surface may be inferred by differences in the amounts of surface-related mercury found on exterior and interior samples.  相似文献   

Sample 10084,40 (fines, less than 1 millimeter) contains substantial amounts of the inert gases. Their concentrations are inversely proportional to particle size; hence the gases appear to be surface-correlated in the soil fragments. The most likely origin of the gas is solar wind or solar cosmic rays. Glass and feldspar are generally poorer in gas than lithic fragments. Ratios of elements in the sample differ significantly from solar values. Ratios of isotopes in the sample are similar to those in meteorites. Argon-40 appears to consist of a radiogenic and a surface-correlated component. An apparent potassium-argon age of 4.42(+0.24)(-0.28) billion years is calculated.  相似文献   

Microscope study and electron microprobe analysis of lunar rocks and soil show that ilmenite, troilite, and native iron are accompanied by trace amounts of ulv?spinel, titanochromite (new mineral name), an unidentified Ti-Fe oxide, and a complex Zr-Y silicate. The assemblage requires a strongly reducing environment. Textures and modal proportions show that the rocks present are not a differentiation series. The restricted nature of the opaque mineral assemblage suggests a narrow range of composition for the materials from which the parent liquids of the rocks were generated. Textural variety mnust reflect differences in cooling rates, probably related to depths of formation.  相似文献   

Observations on the mineralogy and deformation in samples of crystalline rocks, breccias, and fines from Tranquillity Base provide evidence for magmatic and impact processes. Overall homogeneity, igneous textures, and absence of xenoliths in the crystalline rocks indicate derivation from a common titanium-rich magma by internal, anorogenic volcanism rather than by impact. Crystallization conditions allowed strong compositional variation in pyroxenes, olivine, and plagioclase and the growth of a new mineral, the iron analog of pyroxmangite. Subsequently, impact produced breccias containing shock-deformed crystals and glasses of varying compositions.  相似文献   

Optical properties of the pulverized crystalline rocks from the Apollo 11 samples are different from the optical properties of lunar soil. Changes in these properties were induced in the samples by ultraviolet and x-irradiation, standing, and heating. The albedo and spectrum of the soil differed significantly from expected values.  相似文献   

The lunar samples consist largely of augite, calcic plagioclase, and ilmenite. Olivine is a minor constituent of some rocks, as is cristobalite. Other minerals present in small amounts include tridymite, chromite, kamacite, taenite, and troilite. The principal rock types can be broadly grouped into ilmenite basalts and breccias. Except for their high ilmenite content, the lunar rocks resemble the calcium-rich achondritic meteorites (eucrites and howardites) in composition and structure. Evidence of a meteoritic increment in the lunar soil is provided by the presence of nickel-iron particles in glass and breccia, and the occurrence of metal-troilite spheroids; the breccias contain occasional silicate aggregates that resemble meteoritic chondrules. The lunar fines contain 325 parts of watersoluble calcium per million.  相似文献   

Corrections to the adopted values for centennial rates of change of four elements of the lunar orbit, the location of the FK4 equinox, and the obliquity of the ecliptic are presented. They are derived from analyses of lunar occultations distributed over several centuries. Generally, these corrections help to resolve existing discrepancies between theory and observations.  相似文献   

Four core and soil samples from Apollo 12 are enriched in a number of trace elements of meteoritic origin to virtually the same degree as Apollo 11 soil. An average meteoritic influx rate of about 4 x 10(-9) gram per square centimeter per year thus seems to be valid for the entire moon. A sample from a light gray, coarse-grained layer in the core resembles lunar basalts in composition, but is enriched by factors of 10(4) to 10(5) in bismuth and cadmium.  相似文献   

Total carbon and nitrogen abundances were determined by using combustion-gas chromatographic techlniques. Weighited mean analyses for butlk fines were 225 and 140 ppm total carbon and 150 anid 100 ppm total nitrogen. Total carbon in fine breccia was 230 ppm; in coarse breccia, 100 ppmn; in fine-grained rock, 70 ppm; and in mediumn-grained rock, 64 ppm. The finest sieved fraction had the highest carbon content. Total nitrogen in fine breccia was 125 ppm; in coarse breccia, 100 ppm; in fine-grained rock, 115 ppm; and in medium-grained rock, 30 ppm. The total carbon and nitrogen finies appeat to be mixtuires of indigenous lunar material togetheer with meteoritic and solar wind components.  相似文献   

云南云雾茶微量元素含量及其浸出率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用原子吸收光谱法测定了云南省元阳县生产的云雾茶中Na、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn微量元素的含量及不同冲泡方式茶水中微量元素浸出率。结果表明,云雾茶含有丰富的微量元素Mn、Fe、Na、Zn、Cu等,茶水中微量元素按含量多少依次为Mn、Na、Zn、Cu、Fe。饮茶可补充Mn、Na、Zn、Cu等人体必需的微量元素,但只能获取极少的Fe元素。茶水中微量元素浸出率随冲泡次数的增加而降低。但Mn、Zn、Cu元素浸出率随冲泡时间的增加而增大,Na、Fe元素浸出率随浸泡时间增加先增高后降低。一般饮茶冲泡10 min左右可获得较多微量元素,80~100℃的水冲泡茶叶对微量元素浸出率的影响不大。  相似文献   

Chemical analyses and norms of four samples are presented which confirm original estimates of low silica, unusual abundance of titania, and low oxidation state of the rocks. Accounts are given of mineralogy and petrology of fine-and coarse-grained igneous rocks and microbreccias with emphasis on chemical composition of individual minerals and glasses. The glasses are either spheres that scatter widely around the composition of lunar basalts or coating glasses that approximate basalts and microbreccias in composition.  相似文献   

Electron-microprobe analyses of phases in lunar samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In fine (type A) and coarse-grained (type B) Apollo 11 lunar volcanic rocks clinopyroxenes are extremely inhomogeneous. Ferrosilite-rich areas in type B rocks have decomposed to submicron vermicular intergrowths of clinopyroxene-fayalite-cristobalite(?). Plagioclase has normal zoning with K(2)O up to 0.5 percent in rims. Ilmenites are relatively homogeneous with low mgo(0.1 to 2 percent) and high zro(2) (up to 0.26 percent). Metal phase in troilite has <0.02 percent nickel. The breccias (type C) and fines (type D) containing 0.09 to 10.52 percent Ti0(2.) Rare metal fragments with meteorite-like compositions occur in breccias and fines. Gross similarities between euctites and Apollo 11 volcanic rocks indiacate similar evolutionary environments, but detailed mineralogical differences suggest either separate origins or if eucrites are lunar, chemical inhomogeneities on the lunar surface.  相似文献   

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