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Chemical analyses and norms of four samples are presented which confirm original estimates of low silica, unusual abundance of titania, and low oxidation state of the rocks. Accounts are given of mineralogy and petrology of fine-and coarse-grained igneous rocks and microbreccias with emphasis on chemical composition of individual minerals and glasses. The glasses are either spheres that scatter widely around the composition of lunar basalts or coating glasses that approximate basalts and microbreccias in composition.  相似文献   

Glass spherules show multiple high-velocity impact craters and are coated with small particles including glass, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ilmenite, olivine, chromite, rock fragments, and frozen droplets of iron, nickel-iron, and troilite. These spherules passed through an impact cloud of hot fragmental material, condensing iron-rich vapor and high-velocity projectiles. Breccia contains concentric, accretionary lapilli units and appears to be a sintered deposit from a hot lunar base surge generated by impact.  相似文献   

The regolith at Tranquillity Base is a layer of fragmental debris that ranges in thickness from about 3 to 6 meters. The thickness of the regolith and the exposure histories of its constituent fragments can be related, by means of a relatively simple model, to the observed crater distribution.  相似文献   

The primary rocks are a sequence of titanium-rich basic volcanics, composed of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite with minor olivine, troilite, and native iron. The soil and microbreccias are respectively loose and compacted mixtures of fragments and aggregates of similar rocks, minerals, and glassy fragments and spheres. Impact events are reflected by the presence of shock metamorphosed rock fragments, breccias, and glasses and their resulting compaction to form complex breccias, glass-spattered surfaces, and numerous glass-lined craters. Chemistry of the glasses formed by the impact events is highly variable, and the high iron and nickel content of a few moundlike features suggests that at least some of the projectiles are iron and nickel-rich meteorites.  相似文献   

One-atmosphere melting data show that Apollo 11 samples are near cotectic. Melting relations at pressures up to 35 kilobars show that clinopyroxenite or amphibole peridotite are possible lunar interiors. Mascons cannot be eclogite; they may be ilmenite accumulate. Hot lunar surface material will boil off alkalis.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances, so far obtained, derived from the analysis of Apollo 11 lunar material are reported. Similarities and differences exist between lunar material, the eucritic achondrites, and the augite achondrite Angra dos Reis, the analysis of which is also reported.  相似文献   

The lunar samples consist largely of augite, calcic plagioclase, and ilmenite. Olivine is a minor constituent of some rocks, as is cristobalite. Other minerals present in small amounts include tridymite, chromite, kamacite, taenite, and troilite. The principal rock types can be broadly grouped into ilmenite basalts and breccias. Except for their high ilmenite content, the lunar rocks resemble the calcium-rich achondritic meteorites (eucrites and howardites) in composition and structure. Evidence of a meteoritic increment in the lunar soil is provided by the presence of nickel-iron particles in glass and breccia, and the occurrence of metal-troilite spheroids; the breccias contain occasional silicate aggregates that resemble meteoritic chondrules. The lunar fines contain 325 parts of watersoluble calcium per million.  相似文献   

Complex intergrowths of troilite (FeS) and iron in the igneous rocks from Tranquillity Base contain 8.4 percent native iron by volume. The intergrowths were derived from an initially homogeneous sulfide liquid that separated immiscibly from the magma at 1140 degrees C or above. Textures show that the sulfide liquid formed late in the crystallization and cooling history of the igneous rocks and after the major ilmenite and pyroxene had formed.  相似文献   

The (87)Rb-(87)Sr internal isochrons for five rocks yield an age of 3.65 +/-0.05 x 10(9) years which presumably dates the formation of the Sea of Tranquillity. Potassium-argon ages are consistent with this result. The soil has a model age of 4.5 x10(9) years, which is best regarded as the time of initial differentiation of the lunar crust. A peculiar rock fragment from the soil gave a model age of 4.44 x 10(9) years. Relative abundances of alkalis do not suggest differential volatilization. The irradiation history of lunar rocks is inferred from isotopic measurements of gadolinium, vanadium, and cosmogenic rare gases. Spallation xenon spectra exhibit a high and variable (131)Xe/(126)Xe ratio. No evidence for (129)I was found. The isotopic composition of solar-wind xenon is distinct from that of the atmosphere and of the average for carbonaceous chondrites, but the krypton composition appears similar to average carbonaceous chondrite krypton.  相似文献   

Organogenic elements, mainly carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are present in the particulate material and in a breccia rock from Tranquillity Base in amounts ranging from 5 to 4200 parts per million. The major compounds of carbon released by heating are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide; the former predominates. Small amounts of other compounds of carbon have also been observed. Sulfur can be released as hydrogen sulfide by treatment with acid. The carbon isotopic delta(13L)C values are definitely nonterrestrial (+ 13 to + 18.5 per mil).  相似文献   

Observations on the mineralogy and deformation in samples of crystalline rocks, breccias, and fines from Tranquillity Base provide evidence for magmatic and impact processes. Overall homogeneity, igneous textures, and absence of xenoliths in the crystalline rocks indicate derivation from a common titanium-rich magma by internal, anorogenic volcanism rather than by impact. Crystallization conditions allowed strong compositional variation in pyroxenes, olivine, and plagioclase and the growth of a new mineral, the iron analog of pyroxmangite. Subsequently, impact produced breccias containing shock-deformed crystals and glasses of varying compositions.  相似文献   

The internal substructures of a type B sample have been examined at high magnification and compared with terrestrial rocks. Selected ultrathin sections were prepared from these multiphase materials by an ion-thinning technique and examined in a 1-Mev electron microscope, with complementary optical analyses. The structures in the ilmenite and plagioclase indicate that the lunar material has undergone plastic deformation by dislocation movement and possibly microtwinning, with subsequent recovery. The pyroxene exhibits complex lamellar structures of submicron spacing. These various observations are consistent with the optical microscopy evidence for distortion and recovery and identify the processes involved.  相似文献   

The bulk of the comet 81P/Wild 2 (hereafter Wild 2) samples returned to Earth by the Stardust spacecraft appear to be weakly constructed mixtures of nanometer-scale grains, with occasional much larger (over 1 micrometer) ferromagnesian silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, Fe-Ni metal, and accessory phases. The very wide range of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions in comet Wild 2 requires a wide range of formation conditions, probably reflecting very different formation locations in the protoplanetary disk. The restricted compositional ranges of Fe-Ni sulfides, the wide range for silicates, and the absence of hydrous phases indicate that comet Wild 2 experienced little or no aqueous alteration. Less abundant Wild 2 materials include a refractory particle, whose presence appears to require radial transport in the early protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

Volcanic glasses collected on the rim of Shorty Crater in the Apollo 17 area were formed 3.63 x 10(9) years ago. The amounts of xenon-136 produced by neutron-induced fission of uranium-235 indicate that the glasses resided on the lunar surface for about 38 million years before they were deeply buried. The glass spherules were reexcavated by the impact that formed Shorty Crater 17 million years ago, and remained undisturbed until they were collected.  相似文献   

Comparison of values of the specific radioactivities reported for lunar surface material from the Apollo 11 mission with analogous data for stone meteorites suggests that energetic particles from the solar flare of 12 April 1969 may have produced most of the cobalt-56 observed.  相似文献   

Chemical and emission spectrographic analyses of three Apollo 11 samples, 10017-29, 10020-30, and 10084-132, are given. Major and minor constituents were determined both by conventional rock analysis methods and by a new composite scheme utilizing a lithium fluoborate method for dissolution of the samples and atomic absorption spectroscopy and colorimetry. Trace constituents were determined by optical emission spectroscopy involving a d-c arc, air-jet controlled.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity and conductivity of type C lunar samples returned by Apollo 11 are lower and less dependent on temperature than those of type A samples. The thermal properties of both types are lower than the corresponding properties of normal terrestrial rocks.  相似文献   

Igneous lunar rocks divide into two chemical types, probably representing two rock units. They form separate close groups on the isochron diagram; no total rock age is valid unless the rocks are cogenetic. Mineral isochrons prove that one type has an age of 3.80 +/-0.11 billion years, equal to the line joining total-rock groups, and the initial ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 of both types is close to 0.6994. Soil and breccias chemically resemble a mixture of the two igneous types, with a superimposed variation of mineral components, plus a small transferred component rich in nickel, copper, zinc, and possibly stron-tium-87.  相似文献   

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