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宁凝  杨世海 《人参研究》2013,25(2):20-22
目的探讨不同因子对黄秋葵毛状根生长的影响。方法利用增殖倍数法测定毛状根的生长.从而明确各因子对黄秋葵毛状根的影响。结果3%蔗糖浓度最适宜毛状根的生长。0.5mg/L6-BA对毛状根有一定的抑制作用,0.5mg/LNAA、IAA对毛状根有一定的促进作用。尤其是0.5mg/LIAA培养的毛状根增殖倍数更为显著。MJA对毛状根生长有抑制作用,SA对毛状根的生长没有明显的影响。结论不同因子不同程度地影响了毛状根的生长,为进一步筛选适宜的黄秋葵毛状根培养体系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Okra (Hibiscus esculentus) whole seeds and their kernels were analysed for their nutrient composition. They were rich in protein as well as fat. Most of the protein and fat of the seed is accumulated in the kernel while crude fiber is concentrated in the seed coat or hull. Its essential amino acid composition was nearly equal to that of the WHO/FAO reference pattern (1973), but lower than that of whole egg protein; its chemical score was 67. Diets containing whole seed and kernel protein at the 10% level were fed to weanling rats both in the raw and cooked forms for 4 weeks. Dry matter digestibility and protein digestibility of whole seed diets were significantly lower than the kernel diets. Cooking improved PER and NPU values of both the whole grain and kernel diets. These results indicated that dietary fiber present in the hull of Okra seed as well as heat labile antinutritional factors present in the seed hinder Okra seed protein utilization.  相似文献   

Studies on protein fractionation in seed coat, embryo, cotyledons and whole seed were made to observe the differences, if any, between chickpea and pigeonpea. Results indicated that globulin was the major fraction of embryo and cotyledons of these legumes. Seed-coat nitrogen was observed to be mostly comprised of nonprotein nitrogen and glutelin fractions and thus differed from other components in both chickpea and pigeonpea. The albumin fraction of cotyledons of both crops had the highest concentration of sulphur amino acids, methionine and cystine. Glutelin contained a considerably higher concentration of methionine and cystine than did globulin in chickpea and pigeonpea. This suggests that lines with higher glutelin should be identified to improve their protein quality. The amino acid compositions of different seed components did not show large differences between these two pulse crops.Submitted as JA no. 180 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

Micro-Kjeldahl, Lowry and Bradford procedures were compared for determining the protein content ofPhaseolus vulgaris seeds during their development. Micro-Kjeldahl and biuret techniques were also compared with mature seeds of a normal and a genetically-improved bean cultivar. The protein contents of casein and soy protein isolate were as well estimated by these four methods. For many samples of both bean and food protein products large disagreements were found between micro-Kjeldahl and the other three procedures.  相似文献   

Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. A greater reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solution than on soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

Proteins and amino acids in four local rice (Oryza Sativa L.) varieties were identified. Albumin and globulin were extracted from rice seeds, and the major promoters of these proteins were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to show their patterns.Amino acid composition of the rice seed were determined quantitatively and qualitatively, and classified according to their acidic, basic and uncharged polar groups.Essential amino acids for each variety were determined, and the hydrophobicity index value of Amber 33 was (0.6078), Mishkhab 1 (0.63372), Hybrid 2 (0.6523) and Hwazawi (0.7411).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to optimize the mechanical oil extraction of Jatropha curcas seeds by increasing the efficiency of oil recovery and decreasing oil residues in press cake. The experiments were carried out with mechanical screw press type - Komet D85-1G. Four setups were created by parameter combination of two different screws (16 and 21.5 mm choke ring size), with two different press cylinders (1 and 1.5 mm bore size), three different nozzles (8, 10 and 12 mm nozzle diameter) and three rotational speeds (low, medium and high). Oil recovery reduced when rotational speed increases for all setups; highest oil was 89.4% (m/m). The oil recovery was increasing when energy input increased and decreasing when seed material throughput increased. The relations between energy input and seed material throughput followed a strict pattern, which correlated with oil recovery. This correlation can be used for determining the optimal operation parameters.  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major globulin seed storage protein of common bean,Phaseolus vulgaris L., accounts for up to 50% of the total seed protein. The rapid accumulation of phaseolin in the maturing seeds begins about 14 days after flowering and continues for some 12–14 days longer. However, the amount and rate of phaseolin accumulation, related to variation in onset, length, termination, and rate of synthesis, have been shown to vary between genotypes.Only three phaseolin electrophoretic types, designated T, S, and C after the cultivars Tendergreen, Sanilac, and Contender, respectively, have been identified among over 100 cultivated accessions. The narrow ranges of molecular weights and isoelectric points of the 14 protein polypeptides of phaseolin, as well as the homology observed from peptide mapping, suggest that the phaseolin polypeptides are similar proteins. Based on the results of crosses among cultivars having the three electrophoretic patterns, the genes controlling the polypeptides of each of the phaseolin types appear to be tightly linked, inherited in a block and the alleles are codominant.Substantial variation in phaseolin content, based on estimations using rocket immunoelectrophoresis, has been found among bean lines. Although most segregating populations show continuous distributions and quantitative inheritance, some inbred backcross lines having enhanced phaseolin accumulation appear to carry a few genes with major effects. A single gene that reduces the amount of phaseolin to less than one-half of the normal levels has been identified recently in an accession of wildP. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The nutritional quality of protein in quinoa seeds has been determined by amino acid assay and by animal feeding experiments. The amino acid composition of the protein in raw quinoa and washed quinoa show similar pattern. The first limiting amino acids were the aromatic amino acids thyrosine + phenylalanine giving a chemical score of 86 for protein in raw quinoa and 85 for protein in washed quinoa. Threonine was the next limiting amino acid followed by lysine. The amount of lysine and sulfur amino acids (methionine + cystine) was relatively high. In general, the content of essential amino acids in quinoa is higher than in common cereals. The animal experiments showed NPU values of 75.7, BV of 82.6 and TD value of 91.7 for the protein in raw quinoa. Results of the in-vitro enzymatic methods showed that the digestibility of the protein in quinoa is comparable to that of other high quality food proteins. The corresponding experiments carried out with samples of guinoa seeds, which have been processed to remove the saponins, showed that, the saponins do not exert any negative effect on the nutritive quality of the protein.  相似文献   

Although a principal source of energy and protein for millions of the world's poorest people, the nutritional value of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is diminished because of low digestibility of grain protein and starch. To address this problem, we analyzed the properties of two sorghum lines that have a common pedigree but differ in digestibility. Consistent with results based on a ruminal fluid assay, the protein and starch of one line (KS48) was more thoroughly digested than that of the other (KS51) using in vitro assays based on pepsin and α-amylase. The indigestibility of KS51 relative to KS48 was shown to be due to (i) a greater abundance of disulfide-bonded proteins; (ii) presence in KS51 of non-waxy starch and the accompanying granule-bound starch synthase; and (iii) the differing nature of the protein matrix and its interaction with starch. The current findings suggest that each of these factors should be considered in efforts to enhance the nutritional value of sorghum grain.  相似文献   

Influence of irradiation (0.05–0.20 kGy) and germination (24–120 hours) in distilled and tap water on phytate, protein and amino acids of soybean, was studied. Phytate values significantly decreased with increasing germination period and irradiation dose (P<0.01). Irradiation independently decreased the original phytate (212.0 mg/100 g) to a range value of 205.0–190.0 mg/100 g depending upon dose level. Germination of unirradiated seeds for 120 hours in distilled and tap water lowered the phytate to 55.0 and 94.9 mg/100 g (74.1 and 55.2% reduction) respectively. Maximum destruction of phytate to levels of 20.5 and 50.9 mg/100 g (90.3 and 76.0% reduction) occurred during germination of 0.20 kGy samples for 120 hours in distilled and tap water respectively. Total protein content significantly increased during germination (P<0.05) and the increase was more in tap than distilled water. Germination for 120 hours of untreated seeds in tap water increased the essential and decreased non-essential amino acids while in the 0.10 kGy sample, increases in both cases were observed.  相似文献   

Anti-nutritional factors of developing seeds and pod walls of fenugreek were evaluated which affect their nutritional value. Sucrose, raffinose and stachyose decreased with maturity of seeds in all the cultivars. Total, non-reducing sugars increased and reducing sugars decreased at maturity in all the cultivars. The reducing sugars decreased with maturity of pod walls. The flatus producing sugars were maximum in PEB pod walls. Saponin content increased towards maturity of seeds but decreased at maturity of seeds and decreased at maturity in pod walls of all cultivars. Phytate increased with seed maturity up to 95 days after anthesis, while phytate decreased in pod walls of all the cultivars with maturity. Total phenol, catechol and flavonol decreased with advancement of pod wall development. Total phenol decreased except HM 46 a maturity of seeds.  相似文献   

There was no appreciable change in proteinase inhibitory activity in sorghum upon dry heat treatment. However, moist heating reduced trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors to a greater degree. Germination (5 days) brought about complete reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

The effects of different domestic processing and cooking methods on starch digestibility (in vitro) and protein digestibility (in vitro) of four strains of amphidiploids (black gram×mung bean) were investigated. An increase of 35 to 48% and 22 to 25% was observed in starch digestibility and protein digestibility, respectively, when the seed of amphidiploids were soaked for 18 h. Cooking (both of unsoaked and soaked seeds) and germination improved significantly the starch digestibility and protein digestibility of all the varieties.  相似文献   

Yield-related response of okra plants, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, to artificial infestation of the flea beetle (Podagrica uniforma Jac.) at different densities (0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 pairs per cage) was studied in screen house and field experiments. In both experiments, increase in beetle density resulted in a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in fruit production, fruit length, fruit width, fresh fruit weight, number of seeds per fruit, 100 seed weight and fresh fruit yield. In addition, higher densities caused more dry matter accumulation in the seeds than in the husk of okra fruits. Compensation was noticed at the 5- and 10-pair levels of infestation in some of the variables measured. Fresh fruit yield reduction was more than 50% when beetle density was increased beyond 20 pairs per cage in both experiments. The lowest density of P. uniforma at which significant reduction (P < 0.05) occurred in fresh fruit yield per cage, when compared with the control, was the 20-pair level, representing the damage threshold of the beetle at which initiation of control measures would be justified. Regression analysis indicated that flea beetle density was linearly associated with fruit damage and fresh fruit yield. Also, chi-square analysis showed that the models derived from the screen house and field experiments were not significantly different (P < 0.05) from each other, and either could be used for prediction purposes.  相似文献   

In pot experiments, S-deficiency decreased the seed weight of rape from 4.30 to 2.44 g/1000 seeds at highest N-level. N/S ratios varied from 5.8 to 45.0 and from 3.7 to 21.6 in ryegrass and kale. S-deficiency tended to decrease the fat(oil) content. In kale and ryegrass, it was increased by N-applications, but decreased in rape. S-deficiency had very little effect on starch and sugar content, whereas N-deficiency in kale greatly increased starch (eightfold) and sugar content. Soluble (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) content was hardly affected by S-deficiency. In kale and ryegrass N-deficiency decreased SDF-content, but increased IDF-content. Cystine and methionine concentrations (g/16 g N) were affected by S-deficiency, most strongly at high N-levels, where decreases in kale, ryegrass, rape and field beans amounted to respectively 18,39,40 and 17% for cystine and 27,59,24 and 6% for methionine. Also, lysine, threonine and tryptophan were decreased. S-deficiency increased aspartic acid (asparagine) content of ryegrass (fourfold) and of arginine in rape and kale. In N-balance trials with rats, S-deficiency reduced the biological value (BV) of the protein of kale from 65 to 40 and of field bean seed from 70 to 61. Corresponding decreases in digestible energy (DE) were from 56 to 48 and from 82 to 78, respectively.  相似文献   

Six chickpea strains were analysed for their protein content and various protein fractions. The protein content ranged from 20.9–25.27%. Albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin contents ranged from 8.39–12.31%; 53.44–60.29%; 3.12–6.89% and 19.38–24.40% respectively. Salt soluble proteins (albumin + globulin) and globulins resolved into 19–23 bands whereas albumin proteins resolved into 30–34 bands. The molecular weights of various polypeptides ranged from 10–91 kD. Amino acid analysis of total proteins revealed that glutamic acid was present in maximum concentration followed by aspartic acid and arginine. Just like other pulse proteins, chick pea proteins were also found deficient in sulphur containing amino acids.  相似文献   

起源于非洲的油莎豆是迄今唯一已知在块茎中高水平积累油脂的新型草本油料作物。基于我国当前食用植物油和生物柴油原料供给紧张的局面,挖掘参与油莎豆块茎油脂积累的关键基因具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。WRI1WRINKLED1)隶属于AP2/ERF转录因子家族,是一类被证实在油料种子发育过程中控制碳源由糖向油分配的关键基因。本研究采用RT-PCR技术从油莎豆的块茎中分离到一个WRI1同源基因(CeWRI1),该基因的编码区为1116 bp,预测编码371 AA,其理论分子量为41.58 kDa,等电点为5.76,总平均疏水指数为-0.750,不稳定系数为60.75,细胞核定位,这与其转录调控功能是一致的。与拟南芥WRI1类似,序列分析显示CeWRI1含有2个保守的AP2结构域(PF00847)、1个VYL基序和1个14-3-3/BPM结合基序;相比AP2结构域和N端,其C端序列的变异较大,但包含与蛋白降解相关的PEST基序。qRT-PCR分析显示,CeWRI1在叶片、叶鞘、根、匍匐茎和块茎等主要组织中都有表达,且其在起始期、膨大初期、膨大中期、膨大晚期和成熟期等不同发育时期块茎中呈现先降后升的J型表达趋势,表达丰度最高的为成熟期,最低是膨大中期,这与油脂的积累模式大体一致。在烟草中的功能分析显示,CeWRI1的异源瞬时过表达可显著提高叶片的油脂(甘油三酯)含量,这进一步证实该基因具有油脂调控功能。上述结果表明CeWRI1是调控油莎豆块茎高水平积累油脂的关键基因之一,这不仅为进一步揭示油莎豆块茎油脂积累的调控机制奠定了坚实的基础,也为后期的品种改良提供了宝贵的基因资源。  相似文献   

Production of renewable fuel requires biomass sources. To meet this need, energy sorghum was identified as a potential biomass source. Hybrid sorghum development involves the use of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and since there are multiple CMS systems, it is important to determine if any of the CMS systems has an effect on agronomic performance and biomass composition. Energy sorghum hybrids were produced using four seed and four pollinator lines, resulting in 16 hybrid genotypes in three different cytoplasms (A1, A2, and A3). These hybrids were evaluated in three environments across 2 years for agronomic and biomass composition traits. For most traits, differences among hybrids and environments accounted for most of the variation, cytoplasm did not in any trait. These results indicated that different CMS systems can be used for energy sorghum hybrids without affecting yield or composition.  相似文献   

Seeds of sixty four genotypes ofBrassica campestris L. (Toria) were analyzed for oil content and fatty acid composition. Oil content varied from 38.9% to 44.6%. Major fatty acids viz. oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosenoic and erucic acids exhibited ranges from 10.1% to 17.3%, 5.9% to 14.5%, 5.2% to 15.0%, 7.7% to 13.7% and 39.6% to 59.9%, respectively. Compared to the standard cultivar ITSA, four genotypes contained 5 to 8% lower content of erucic acid; and six genotypes contained significantly higher content of linoleic acid. Oil was positively correlated with erucic acid. The observed inverse relationship between linoleic and erucic acid contents might be utilized in breeding nutritionally better Toria cultivars with both high linoleic and low erucic acid contents.  相似文献   

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