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This study was conducted to evaluate the cross‐resistance of acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors with different chemistries, specifically azimsulfuron (sulfonylurea), penoxsulam (triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide) and bispyribac‐sodium (pyrimidinyl thio benzoate), in Echinochloa oryzicola and Echinochloa crus‐galli that had been collected in South Korea and to investigate their herbicide resistance mechanism. Both Echinochloa spp. showed cross‐resistance to the ALS inhibitors belonging to the above three different chemistries. In a whole plant assay with herbicides alone, the resistant/susceptible ratios for azimsulfuron, penoxsulam and bispyribac‐sodium were 12.6, 28.1 and 1.9 in E. oryzicola and 21.1, 13.7 and 1.8 in E. crus‐galli, respectively. An in vitro ALS enzyme assay with herbicides showed that the I 50‐values of the resistant accessions were approximately two‐to‐three times higher than the susceptible accessions, with no statistical difference, suggesting that the difference in ALS sensitivity cannot explain ALS inhibitor resistance in Echinochloa spp. for azimsulfuron, penoxsulam and bispyribac‐sodium. A whole plant assay with fenitrothion showed that the GR 50‐values significantly decreased in both the resistant E. oryzicola and E. crus‐galli accessions when azimsulfuron, penoxsulam and bispyribac‐sodium were applied with the P450 inhibitor, while no significant decrease was observed in the susceptible accessions when the P450 inhibitor was used. Thus, these results suggest that ALS inhibitor cross‐resistance for azimsulfuron, penoxsulam and bispyribac‐sodium is related to enhanced herbicide metabolism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quinclorac (3,7-dichloro-quinoline-carboxylic acid) is a selective herbicide widely used to control annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stapf) Koss. is the most noxious grass weed in California rice fields and has evolved resistance to multiple herbicides with different modes of action. A quinclorac-resistant (R) E. phyllopogon biotype found in a Sacramento Valley rice field where quinclorac has never been applied was investigated. RESULTS: Resistant to susceptible (S) GR50 (herbicide rate for 50% growth reduction) ratios ranged from 6 to 17. The cytochrome P450 inhibitor malathion (200 mg L−1) caused R plants to become as quinclorac susceptible as S plants. Quinclorac rapidly (6 HAT) stimulated ethylene formation in S plants, but only marginally in R plants. Malathion pretreatment did not reduce ethylene formation by quinclorac-treated S and R plants. Activity of β-cyanoalanine synthase (β-CAS) in tissue extracts was 2-3-fold greater in R than in S plants, and incubation of shoot extracts with 1 mM malathion reduced β-CAS activity by 40% in both biotypes. CONCLUSION: Resistance to quinclorac in R E. phyllopogon involved at least two mechanisms: (a) insensitivity along the response pathway whereby quinclorac induces ethylene production; (b) enhanced β-CAS activity, which should enable greater HCN detoxification following quinclorac stimulation of ethylene biosynthesis. This unveils new resistance mechanisms for this multiple-resistant biotype widely spread throughout California rice fields. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Late watergrass [Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stapf.) Koss.] is a major weed of Californian rice that has evolved P450-mediated metabolic resistance to multiple herbicides. Resistant (R) populations are also poorly controlled by the recently introduced herbicide clomazone. The authors assessed whether this cross-resistance was also P450 mediated, and whether R plants also had reduced sensitivity to photooxidation. Understanding mechanism(s) of resistance facilitates the design of herbicide management strategies to delay resistance evolution.RESULTS Ratios (R/S) of R to susceptible (S) GR(50) were near 2.0. [(14)C]Clomazone uptake was similar in R and S plants. Clomazone and its metabolite 5-ketoclomazone reduced chlorophyll and carotenoids in S more than in R plants. The P450 inhibitors disulfoton and 1-aminobenzo-triazole (ABT) safened clomazone in R and S plants. Disulfoton safened 5-ketoclomazone only in S plants, while ABT synergized 5-ketoclomazone mostly against S plants. Paraquat was more toxic in S than in R plants.CONCLUSION: Cross-resistance to clomazone explains failures to control R plants in rice fields, and safening by P450 inhibitors suggests that oxidative activation of clomazone is needed for toxicity to E. phyllopogon. Clomazone resistance requires mitigation of 5-ketoclomazone toxicity, but P450 detoxification may not significantly confer resistance, as P450 inhibitors poorly synergized 5-ketoclopmazone in R plants. Responses to paraquat suggest research on mechanisms to mitigate photooxidation in R and S plants is needed. Copyright (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

C DÉLYE  & S MICHEL 《Weed Research》2005,45(5):323-330
Primers were designed to amplify two regions involved in sensitivity to herbicides inhibiting the plastidic acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) from grasses (Poaceae). The first primer pair amplified a 551-bp amplicon containing a variable Ile/Leu codon at position 1781 in Alopecurus myosuroides sequence. The second primer pair amplified a 406-bp amplicon containing four variable codons (Trp/Cys, Ile/Asn, Asp/Gly, Gly/Ala) at positions 2027, 2041, 2078 and 2096, respectively, in A. myosuroides sequence. Both primer pairs amplified the targeted fragments from genes encoding plastidic ACCases, but not from the very similar genes encoding cytosolic ACCases. Clear DNA sequences were obtained from fresh or dried plant material from the field, and from 29 various grass species. Sequences revealed that the gene encoding plastidic ACCase in Poa annua and Festuca rubra contained a Leu1781 codon, in agreement with both species being inherently tolerant to herbicides inhibiting ACCase. Sequencing confirmed the hybrid origin of P. annua. Compared with ACCase enzyme assay, polymerase chain reaction is faster, can be performed from a single plant and suppresses the need for radioactive experiments. It can be completed with basic molecular biology laboratory equipment. It is the tool of choice for diagnosing resistance caused by alteration(s) of the plastidic ACCase.  相似文献   

Field resistance of Echinochloa spp. to propanil has been previously reported in Costa Rica, Colombia and Arkansas (USA). In this study, the mechanism of resistance was investigated in three resistant (R) and three susceptible (S) biotypes. The shoot fresh weight reduction in pot-grown plants from a post-emergence spray of propanil at 2.44 kg a.i. ha−1 on biotypes R/S from Costa Rica, Colombia and Arkansas was 35/98%, 25/79% and 20/82% respectively. In vitro chlorophyll fluorescence data from leaf tissue incubated in propanil showed that photosynthesis was inhibited in all biotypes, indicating that the propanil-binding site and enzyme were not altered. After transfer to herbicide-free solution, photosynthesis recovered only in resistant biotypes, indicating that the mechanism of resistance was caused by enhanced metabolism of the herbicide. Simultaneous treatment with fenitrothion, an aryl acylamidase inhibitor, prevented the recovery of photosynthesis in leaf tissue in two resistant biotypes. In contrast, the cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole, did not prevent recovery from propanil in leaf tissue. Application of 14C-propanil to the second leaf of intact Echinochloa plants showed that c . 90% of the radioactivity remained in the treated leaf for up to 72 h after application. No major differences in translocation between R and S biotype plants were found. TLC analysis of tissue extracts from the treated leaves showed substantially less radioactivity associated with propanil, present after 72 h in rice or in the three R biotypes, compared with S biotypes.  相似文献   

Resistance to the acetyl‐coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)‐inhibiting herbicides in Lolium rigidum is widespread in grain cropping areas of South Australia. To better understand the occurrence and spread of resistance to these herbicides and how it has changed with time, the carboxyl transferase (CT) domain of the ACCase gene from resistant L. rigidum plants, collected from both random surveys of the mid‐north of Southern Australia over 10 years as well as stratified surveys in individual fields, was sequenced and target site mutations characterised. Amino acid substitutions occurring as a consequence of these target site mutations, at seven positions in the ACCase gene previously correlated with herbicide resistance, were identified in c. 80% of resistant individuals, indicating target site mutation is a common mechanism of resistance in L. rigidum to this herbicide mode of action. Individuals containing multiple amino acid substitutions (two, and in two cases, three substitutions) were also found. Substitutions at position 2041 occurred at the highest frequency in all years of the large area survey, while substitutions at position 2078 were most common in the single farm analysis. This study has shown that target site mutations leading to amino acid substitutions in ACCase of L. rigidum are widespread across South Australia and that these mutations have likely evolved independently in different locations. The results indicate that seed movement, both within and between fields, may contribute to the spread of resistance in a single field. However, over a large area, the independent appearance and selection of target site mutations conferring resistance through herbicide use is the most important factor.  相似文献   

Resistance to herbicides inhibiting acetolactate synthase (ALS) has been increasing at a faster rate than in any other herbicide group. The great majority of these cases are due to various single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the ALS gene endowing target site resistance. Many diagnostic techniques have been devised in order to confirm resistance and help producers to adopt the best management strategies. Recent advances in DNA technologies coupled with the knowledge of sequence information have allowed the development of accurate and rapid diagnostic tests. While whole plant-based diagnostic techniques such as seedling bioassays or enzyme-based in vitro bioassays provide accurate results, they tend to be labour- and/or space-intensive and will only respond to the particular herbicides tested, making resolution of cross-resistance patterns more difficult. Successful DNA-based diagnosis of ALS inhibitor resistance has been achieved with three main techniques, (1) restriction fragment length polymorphism, (2) polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific alleles and (3) denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. All DNA-based techniques are relatively rapid and provide clear identification of the mutations causing resistance. Resistance based on non-target mechanisms is not identified by these DNA-based methods; however, given the prevalence of target site-based ALS inhibitor resistance, this is a minor inconvenience.  相似文献   

Evolution of resistance to herbicides in weeds is becoming an increasing problem worldwide. To develop effective strategies for weed control, a thorough knowledge of the basis of resistance is required. Although non‐target‐site‐based resistance is widespread, target site resistance, often caused by a single nucleotide change in the gene encoding the target enzyme, is also a common factor affecting the efficacies of key herbicides. Therefore, fast and relatively simple high‐throughput screening methods to detect target site resistance mutations will represent important tools for monitoring the distribution and evolution of resistant alleles within weed populations. Here, we present a simple and quick method that can be used to simultaneously screen for up to 10 mutations from several target site resistance‐associated codons in a single reaction. As a proof of concept, this SNaPshot multiplex method was successfully applied to the genotyping of nine variable nucleotide positions in the CT domain of the chloroplastic ACCase gene from Lolium multiflorum plants from 54 populations. A total of 10 nucleotide substitutions at seven of these nine positions (namely codons 1781, 1999, 2027, 2041 2078, 2088 and 2096) are known to confer resistance to ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides. This assay has several advantages when compared with other methods currently in use in weed science. It can discriminate between different nucleotide changes at a single locus, as well as screening for SNPs from different target sites by pooling multiple PCR products within a single reaction. The method is scalable, allowing reactions to be carried out in either 96‐ or 384‐well plate formats, thus reducing work time and cost.  相似文献   

From paddy field observations in 2002 and 2004, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl resistance in Chinese sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees) has been studied using information collected from 11 sites in the Saphan-Sung district of Bangkok, Thailand. The resistant Chinese sprangletop was found in nine rice fields, whereas the susceptible Chinese sprangletop was found in only two rice fields. In greenhouse experiments, both fenoxaprop-P-ethyl-resistant and susceptible Chinese sprangletop from the same location were investigated for 50% growth reduction based on phytotoxicity, plant height and fresh and dry weight. The resistant Chinese sprangletop showed apparent resistance at 14-21 days after herbicide application at a rate of 21.1-337.6 g AI ha(-1). The resistance index of resistant Chinese sprangletop was 10-25 times higher than that of the susceptible Chinese sprangletop. In addition, Chinese sprangletop did not exhibit multiple resistance to oxadiazon, propanil and quinclorac. According to acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) assays, the level of ACCase specific activity in the resistant Chinese sprangletop was significantly higher than that in the susceptible Chinese sprangletop. Similarly, the ACCase activity of the resistant Chinese sprangletop was 10 times less sensitive to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl than that of the susceptible Chinese sprangletop, based on the I50 values. The present study of the mechanism responsible for resistance in the biotypes investigated indicated that there was a close association between the concentration-response at the whole-plant level and ACCase sensitivity to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, and resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl was conferred by a modified ACCase at the target site, as suggested by higher specific activity and less sensitivity to the herbicide.  相似文献   



Control of prickly lettuce has become increasingly difficult for lentil growers in southern Australia because of widespread resistance to common herbicides, a lack of alternative herbicide options and the prolific production of highly mobile seed. This study aimed to quantify acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide resistance in the Mid North (MN) and Yorke Peninsula (YP) of South Australia, characterize the resistance mutations present and investigate population structure and gene flow in this species.


Resistance was identified in all populations tested, with average survival of 92% to chlorsulfuron and 95% to imazamox + imazapyr. Five different amino acid substitutions were identified at proline 197 of the ALS gene. There was no significant difference in the median lethal dose (LD50) between plants with these five different substitutions when treated with metsulfuron-methyl; however, the imidazolinone resistance level was higher in plants with a phenylalanine substitution and lower in plants with a serine. Population structure based on 701 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 271 individuals provided evidence for both independent evolution of the same mutation in different populations, as well as frequent short- to medium-distance dispersal accompanied by occasional long-distance dispersal events. The overall inbreeding coefficient (FIS) was calculated at 0.5174, indicating an intermediate level of outcrossing despite the cross-pollination experiment showing only low outcrossing. In the structure analyses, most individuals from YP were assigned to a single cluster, whereas most individuals from MN were assigned 50% to each of two clusters, indicating some genetic differences between these two regions, but also evidence for dispersal between them.


Use of imidazolinone herbicides has selected for mutations conferring higher levels of resistance, such as the Pro-197-Phe mutation, and resulted in further spread of resistance in this species. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Target‐site‐based resistance to acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors in Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. is essentially due to five substitutions (Isoleucine‐1781‐Leucine, Tryptophan‐2027‐Cysteine, Isoleucine‐2041‐Asparagine, Aspartate‐2078‐Glycine, Glycine‐2096‐Alanine). Recent studies suggested that cross‐resistance patterns associated with each mutation using a seed‐based bioassay may not accurately reflect field resistance. The authors aimed to connect the presence of mutant ACCase isoform(s) in A. myosuroides with resistance to five ACCase inhibitors (fenoxaprop, clodinafop, haloxyfop, cycloxydim, clethodim) sprayed at the recommended field rate. RESULTS: Results from spraying experiments and from seed‐based bioassays were consistent for all mutant isoforms except the most widespread, Leucine‐1781. In spraying experiments, Leucine‐1781 ACCase conferred resistance to clodinafop and haloxyfop. Some plants containing Leucine‐1781 or Alanine‐2096 ACCase, but not all, were also resistant to clethodim. CONCLUSION: Leucine‐1781, Cysteine‐2027, Asparagine‐2041 and Alanine‐2096 ACCases confer resistance to fenoxaprop, clodinafop and haloxyfop at field rates. Leucine‐1781 ACCase also confers resistance to cycloxydim at field rate. Glycine‐2078 ACCase confers resistance to all five herbicides at field rates. Only Glycine‐2078 ACCase confers clethodim resistance under optimal application conditions. It may be that Leucine‐1781 and Alanine‐2096 ACCases may also confer resistance to clethodim in the field if the conditions are not optimal for herbicide efficacy, or at reduced clethodim field rates. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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