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法国是一个奶牛、肉牛品种十分丰富的国家。牛的存栏数量在欧洲是第一位的,现存栏母牛800万头,其中奶牛(包括乳肉兼用牛)449万头占56.2%。数量为欧洲第一,世界第二。肉牛350.6万头,占43.8%。奶牛品种有7个。荷斯坦奶牛占66.2%,其他为乳肉兼用型,如蒙贝里佳、诺曼底、西门塔尔等占33.8%。就是说,在法国的奶牛生产中,纯种奶牛占三分之二,乳肉兼用牛占三分之一。肉牛品种有9个,夏洛莱占54.2%,利木赞占24.2%,其他品种占21.6%。法国的奶牛平均单产和乳品质量都是比较好的。现注册…  相似文献   

和牛是日本自己培育的专门肉用品种,目前已被国际社会公认是优良的肉用牛品种。在日本肉用牛品种中大部分是本国品种,占肉牛总量的67%,外来品种仅占33%。日本的主要肉牛品种有日本和牛和黑白花乳种肉牛。和牛包括:黑毛和牛、褐毛和牛、短角和牛、无角和牛。作者在日本进修过肉牛肥育技术(1983~1984),曾经亲自饲养过和牛,对和牛有一些了解,现介绍给同行供生产中参考。  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言日本有35万户饲养肉牛,占全国农户461万户的7.6%。肉用品种约占肉牛饲养头数的65%,主要集中在九州南部和东北部的青森、岩手县。在这些主要产地已形成了肉用品种繁殖地带,从社会及经济条件看,肉牛业作为农业经营的支柱,占有极大的比重。  相似文献   

1 品种 不同肉牛品种类型,生产力水平明显不同.肉用品种比乳用牛、乳肉兼用牛、役用牛品种更快地结束生长期,能早期进行肥育,提早出栏,既节约饲料,又获得较高的屠宰率、净肉率,肉的大理石纹明显,质量较好,且肉味鲜美.通常肉牛肥育后的平均屠宰率为60%~65%,兼用牛为55%~60%,18个月龄秦川牛和鲁西牛分别为58.28%和58.33%,水牛为53%.在同等饲养环境条件下,一般大型肉牛品种比小型肉牛品种的初生重和日增重要高.成年母牛体重大小对犊牛的生长也有明显效应.  相似文献   

为了研究本地肉牛品种生产雪花牛肉的效果,试验采用饲养试验方法对关岭牛、威宁牛、巫陵牛、务川黑牛进行了屠宰性能和肉质性能测定。结果表明:关岭牛的宰前活重、屠宰率、净肉率、肉骨比值、背膘厚度、眼肌面积、高档肉块重最高,其他依次为威宁牛、务川黑牛、巫陵牛;4个品种肉牛的高档肉块重占净肉重的比例差异不显著(P0.05);关岭牛的肌内雪花状脂肪含量可达到3级,威宁牛、巫陵牛和务川黑牛均为2级;综合评价关岭牛组的胴体等级为3A,威宁牛、巫陵牛和务川黑牛的胴体等级为2A级。说明关岭牛的产肉性能虽然不高,但并不缺少生产雪花牛肉的优秀遗传基因,具备选育成优质品种肉牛的种质基础。  相似文献   

高档牛肉和小白牛肉的生产技术(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、高档肉牛育肥技术 高档肉牛即生产高档牛肉的牛,它在嫩度、风味、多汁性等主要指标上,均须达到规定的等级标准。高档牛肉主要指肉牛胴体上的里、外眼肌(即背最长肌)和臂肉、短腰肉等4部分。这4部分肉的重量约占肉牛活重的5%~6%,即育肥牛宰前重为500公斤时,则这4部分高档牛肉约有25~30公斤。每公斤高档牛肉在北京高级宾馆可卖到90~100元人民币。也就是说,一头高档肉牛的高档牛肉仅占体重的5%~6%,而其产值却占到一头牛总产值的46%~47%,其经济效益之高和  相似文献   

李璟 《饲料广角》2012,(19):41-43
试验旨在评估日粮中不同水平的甘油对肉公牛生产性能和肉品质的影响。48头初始体重为335±8.6kg的公牛被用于该试验.将肉牛日粮按照甘油的含量(0、4%、8%、12%)分为4个处理组。肉牛的精料和秸秆等均是自由采食。试验91d后,将肉牛运往屠宰场测定其胴体特性、肉品质等指标。试验结果显示,13粮中不同水平的甘油对肉牛精料和秸秆的日常采食量、总的干物质采食量、ADG以及G:F均没有显著影响:类似的.不同甘油含量组中的肉牛的瘤胃总的丙酸、丁酸、乙酸的含量以及瘤胃液体的渗透压均相差无几。当肉牛日粮中的甘油含量为8%时,肉牛瘤胃的pH有所下降.而总的VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)含量、血清中胰岛素的含量以及胰岛素与葡萄糖的比例均较其他3个处理组的要高。各处理组中肉牛的胴体特性和肉品质没有显著差异。总的来看.当肉牛日粮中含有高达12%的甘油对肉牛的生产性能和肉品质没有不良影响.  相似文献   

2000年日本进口牛肉有所增加,其中进口冷藏肉上升7.2%,到去年10月底进口冷冻肉增加5.2%,国产牛肉下降3.4%,进口冷藏肉与冷冻肉各占总进口量的近50%。澳大利亚从美国接管冷冻肉的业务,成为日本进口冷冻肉的最大供应国,同时保留冷藏肉的最大供应国的地位。日本进口猪肉也有所上升,到去年10月底进口冷藏猪肉实际上所有的产品都是从北美进口的上升11.7%,进口冷冻猪肉上升6%,国产猪肉下降近2%。美国仍是冷冻猪肉的最大供应国,同时仍保留着冷藏猪肉的最大供应国的地位。据今年日本政府的财政统计,日本进口鸡肉上升9.3…  相似文献   

鲁西黄牛胴体质量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对肉牛胴体进行分级是评定肉牛品种和肥育技术的重要手段,但是目前我国尚无全国统一的、公认的肉牛胴体分级标准,这与我国肉牛生产迅速发展的形势很不适应。鉴于日本1988年制定并在日本全国实施的肉牛胴体分级标准对我国的肉牛生产具有一定的适用性和参考价值,我们借用日本的标准进行分级试验,其目的是为了掌握日本肉牛胴体分级原理和方法,了解我市肥育牛的等级分布以及影响等级的主要因素,进而探讨提高等级的途径。试验于1998年6月在平度市华安肉牛屠宰加工厂进行,现将试验结果报告如下:1 材料和方法1-1 试验牛的情…  相似文献   

绿色优质牛肉系列产品的开发价值与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉牛是草食动物的重要组成部分,在发达国家肉牛业占有重要地位,牛肉产量在肉食中的比重极高。2003年全世界牛肉产量5788.3万吨,占肉类总产量的23.62%;在美国牛肉占各种肉总产的21.5%,而在中国只占9.2%。发达国家人均占有牛肉22.73千克,美国占有42.74千克,法国27.4千克,澳大利亚25.8千克,我国只占有4.09千克。产量高质量优的产品在出口上和在本国市场上具有高价位优势。如澳大利亚年出口123.6万吨,占其总产量的60.8%,美国出口107.2万吨,  相似文献   

黑毛和牛是日本当地牛的主体,长期存栏占比达80%~90%,是和牛的代表种。其在1950年代尚属役用地方类群,但经过系统选育,现已成为一个专门化肉用型牛国际品种——跨洲繁育的品种,对国际牛肉生产形成了新的冲击,在肉牛育种科技进步方面产生了广泛影响。本文从日本养牛简史、和牛系统选育历程及经验方面试作分析,以期揭示其值得借鉴之处,如品族繁育和公牛"双测检验"就很有创造性。任何品种都并非十全十美,日本对和牛的系统选育还在持续而严格地进行着;针对和牛的科学研究,也已进入了国际上动物营养与遗传育种学一体化研究的前沿领域(RFI),并已取得成果,这对提高和牛选育效率是新的推动。诸多进展亦有很大启示意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to discriminate between original Japanese and Australian Wagyu beef, which is sold in the Singapore markets, using six previously developed DNA markers. To effectively evaluate the six markers for breed identification, the probability of identification as Australian Wagyu beef was calculated based on the estimated allele frequencies using 130 Australian Wagyu individuals. The combined use of six markers would allow the discrimination of Australian Wagyu beef with an estimated probability of 0.776. The probability to discriminate Australian Wagyu from Japanese Wagyu beef was sufficiently high. In addition, Australian Wagyu has maternal mitochondrial DNA of Bos indicus cattle with moderate high frequency of 0.377. The DNA marker system could also be used as a deterrent force against false sales, and contribute to the reduction and prevention of incorrect or falsified labeling of beef.  相似文献   

Beef marbling is an important trait of meat quality and beef marbling influences the tenderness and flavor of beef, which contributes directly to the value of beef especially in the Japanese market. The lipid content of beef depends on the strain, sex, diet and fattening period of the animal. Japanese Black cattle (Wagyu) are well‐known for their ability to produce marbling beef and this is a popular strain in Japan. The development of beef marbling was closely associated with an increase in the number of adipocytes, that is, adipocyte differentiation in the skeletal muscle. This review article describes our experiment and related reports on micronutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, affecting adipogenesis in beef cattle. We pursue the possibility that manipulating the level of dietary micronutrients may become a new technique to promote beef marbling.  相似文献   

Ectopic fats have been recognized as a new risk factor for metabolic syndrome. In obese humans, ectopic fat accumulations are affected by body fat distribution. Intramuscular adipose tissue is categorized as one of the ectopic fats. Japanese black cattle (Wagyu) are characterized by the ability to accumulate high amounts of intramuscular adipose tissue. In Japan, the marbling level is indicated by the beef marbling standard number (BMS No.), which reflects the intramuscular fat content of longissimus muscle. We hypothesized that the intramuscular fat accumulation is affected by the body fat distribution in Wagyu cattle. In this study, we showed that the BMS No. was not correlated with the subcutaneous and visceral adipocyte diameter. In contrast, the BMS No. was positively correlated with intramuscular adipocyte diameter. These results indicate that the intramuscular adipocyte diameter of Wagyu is hypertrophied with an increase in the intramuscular fat accumulation. In addition, we showed that the BMS No. was positively correlated with the subcutaneous fat percentage. In contrast, the BMS No. was negatively correlated with the visceral fat percentage. These results indicate that highly marbled Wagyu cattle have a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat and a lower percentage of visceral fat.  相似文献   

肉用西门塔尔牛与和牛杂交群体的肉品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在对肉用西门塔尔牛与杂交和牛两试验群体进行肉质性状比较,以期为肉品质性状遗传机制剖析及优质肉牛培育提供理论指导。收集肉用西门塔尔牛与杂交和牛两试验群体肉质性状表型数据,包括眼肌面积、剪切力、系水力、pH、肉色、脂肪颜色和大理石花纹等指标,进行相关性及差异性分析,从而综合评价两群体的肉品质。结果显示,两群体的脂肪颜色、系水力及剪切力呈现两两正相关;肉色与脂肪颜色、pH呈正相关,且肉色与pH呈显著相关(P < 0.05),而系水力与pH、肉色和大理石花纹呈负相关。在两试验群体间,和牛杂交群体的大理石花纹、眼肌面积、pH性状表现为极显著优于肉用西门塔尔牛(P < 0.01)。从性别比较来看,肉用西门塔尔牛母牛在大理石花纹、pH、剪切力等性状上极显著或显著优于公牛(P < 0.01;P < 0.05);而和牛杂交群体母牛的肉色和剪切力性状表现为显著或极显著高于公牛(P < 0.05;P < 0.01)。总体而言,和牛杂交群体的肉质性能优于肉用西门塔尔牛;群体内比较表明,肉用西门塔尔牛群体母牛肉质性能优于公牛,而和牛杂交群体母牛肉质性能低于公牛。  相似文献   

[目的]旨在分析安秦、和秦、和安秦三种杂交肉牛的产肉性能。[方法]选择和秦、安秦和安秦杂、秦川肉牛各5头作为3个试验组和1个对照组,测定三种杂交肉牛的宰前活重、胴体重、净肉重、屠宰率、净肉率、胴体净肉率、高档肉产率等指标,并进行分析和差异比较。[结果]表明:三种杂交组合各分析指标均高于秦川牛,且达到极显著水平(P〈0....  相似文献   

The effect of breed and diet on insulin response to glucose challenge and its relation to intramuscular fat deposition was determined in 36 steers with 12 each of greater than 87% Wagyu (referred to as Wagyu), Wagyu x Limousin, and Limousin breeds. Weaned steers were blocked by weight into heavy, medium, and light calves and placed in six pens with two pens per weight type and with two steers of each breed per pen. Three pens with steers from each weightclass were fed backgrounding and finishing diets for 259 d, while the other three pens were fed the same diets where 6% of the barley grain was replaced with sunflower oil. Prior to initiation of the finishing phase of the study the intravenous glucose tolerance test (VGTIT) was conducted in all steers. Once steers were judged as carrying adequate 12th-rib fat, based on weight and days on feed, they were harvested and graded and samples of the longissimus muscle were procured for determination of fat content and fatty acid composition. Dietary oil improved (P = 0.011; 0.06) ADG and feed conversion efficiency of steers during the latter part of backgrounding and only ADG during early part ofthe finishing period. Generally percent kidney, pelvic, and heart fat was the only adiposity assessment increased (P = 0.003) by dietary oil. The IVGTT results indicated that insulin response to intravenous glucose was lower in Limousin steers than in Wagyu steers. Dietary oil decreased (P = 0.052) fasting plasma insulin concentration in Wagyu steers compared with Limousin steers. The correlation coefficients among the IVGTT measures and intramuscular fat content or marbling score were less than 0.4, and only a negative trend existed between fasting insulin and USDA marbling scores. However, the carcasses of the Wagyu steers graded US Choice, and 66% of the Wagyu carcasses graded US Prime, which were substantially better than the quality grades obtained for the carcasses from the other breed types. Dietary oil did not affect muscle fat content but increased (P = 0.01) conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentrations by 339%. Results indicated that IVGTT measures were not appropriate indices of marbling potential in cattle and that dietary oil can enhance CLA content of beef.  相似文献   

Obesity stimulates the macrophage infiltration and senescence state in adipose tissues of humans and rodents. The adipogenesis capacity of Japanese Black cattle (Wagyu) is higher than that of Holsteins. We hypothesized that breed differences between Wagyu and Holsteins may affect the level of macrophage infiltration and senescence state in adipose tissues. The macrophage infiltration, senescence marker gene expression and activity of senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase (SA‐βgal) in visceral and intramuscular adipose tissue of Wagyu were higher than those of Holsteins. In contrast, there were no differences in macrophage infiltration, senescence marker gene expression and activity of SA‐βgal in subcutaneous adipose tissue between the breeds. Expression of p53 gene, the master regulator of macrophage infiltration and senescence state, in visceral and intramuscular adipose tissue of Wagyu was higher than that of Holsteins. In contrast, there was no difference in the expression of p53 gene in subcutaneous adipose tissue between the breeds. These results suggest that breed differences in macrophage infiltration and senescence state in adipose tissues of Wagyu and Holsteins are affected by p53 expression.  相似文献   

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which is used as a hepatic and digestive medicine in humans and domestic animals, was added to the diet of Wagyu beef cattle to investigate its effects on growth, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. The study involved 20 Japanese Black heifers. Animals were divided into the following 2 groups, a control group and a UDCA group (diet supplemented with UDCA), with each group containing 10 animals. The UDCA was administrated at a dose of 2.5 g/(animal/d) to each heifer 24 times over a period of 7 mo in the finishing period. The heifers were slaughtered at 29 mo of age, and carcass characteristics and meat quality were determined. Both the UDCA group and the control group showed similar (P > 0.1) final BW, fattening periods, and daily BW gain. Supplementation of UDCA significantly increased meat quality grade (P < 0.05) and marbling (P < 0.01) and but did not show a significant (P > 0.1) effect on dressing percentage, fat thickness, rib thickness, or ribeye area. The percentage of ether extract in the LM was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the UDCA group (43.2%) than in the control group (37.8%), whereas the percentage of moisture was significantly less in the former than the latter (P < 0.05).The L* (lightness) values of the muscles were greater (P < 0.05) in the UDCA group than in the control group. No significant differences (P > 0.1) were observed between groups in water-holding capacity, fatty acid composition, and vitamin E content of the LM or in intermuscular fat characteristics. Supplementation of the diet with UDCA can increase marbling without causing growth defects and can improve carcass characteristics in Wagyu cattle.  相似文献   

A consumer study was conducted in Lubbock, Texas, to determine the effects of fat level of beef strip steaks on the palatability traits of tenderness, juiciness, flavor liking, and overall liking, while further investigating the window of acceptability for fat content of beef. Thirty beef strip loins were selected by trained personnel to equally represent USDA Prime, High Choice (upper 1/3 Choice), Low Choice (lower 1/3 Choice), Select, and Standard. Proximate analysis was conducted on all strip loins to determine percentage fat, moisture, protein, and collagen. Three strip loins from each quality grade were selected based on fat percentages from proximate analysis to best represent each USDA quality grade for use in the consumer evaluations. Strip loins were fabricated into 2.5-cm steaks, and further processed into 5 × 5 cm pieces. In addition to the US-sourced product, beef LM pieces from 6 Australian Wagyu steers (Wagyu) and 6 Australian grain finished steers (Australian) were used in the consumer evaluations. Consumers (n = 120) were served 7 samples: a warm-up sample, 1 sample from each USDA quality grade treatment, and either a Wagyu or Australian sample, in a balanced order in accordance with a 6 × 6 Latin square. Consumers rated each steak sample for tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall liking and rated each palatability trait as either acceptable or unacceptable. Moreover, consumers rated each sample as unsatisfactory, good everyday quality, better than everyday quality, or premium quality. Tenderness, juiciness, flavor liking, and overall liking increased with increasing fat content (P < 0.05). However, Wagyu and Australian samples did not follow this trend for flavor and overall liking. A decrease in consumer acceptability of each palatability trait was observed as fat level decreased (P < 0.05). Consumer overall liking was correlated (P < 0.05) with consumer tenderness (r = 0.76) and juiciness ratings (r = 0.73), but most highly correlated with flavor liking (r = 0.88). Results of this study indicated that increased fat level in beef strip steaks positively affected tenderness, juiciness, flavor liking, and overall liking of beef strip steaks. Moreover, flavor liking was the most highly correlated palatability trait with overall liking. In US-sourced samples, fat level had a large effect on the flavor liking of beef as determined by consumers.  相似文献   

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