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低盐度养殖的凡纳滨对虾体长和体重的增长规律 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
通过池塘陆基围隔实验,研究了凡纳滨对虾在最适水温、溶氧、pH及低盐度(2~6)养殖环境的生长特性及规律。实验结果,低盐度养殖健康对虾体长和体重平均生长率分别为1.398 mm·d-1和0.169 g·d-1,对虾前期体长呈线性生长,中后期体重呈加速增长。非线性拟合结果,对虾体长生长为二次曲线,符合Quadratic模型,体重增长为S型曲线,符合Boltzmann模型,生长观测值与模型拟合相关系数R2均达到0.99;凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖典型体长和体重生长模型为L=7.843+2.297t-0.0105t2和W=16.541+(-0.621-16.541)/(1+e(t-54.809)/15.456)。低盐度养殖,对虾体长与体重呈立方关系,符合幂指数模型W=aLb,a值范围4.9~9.0×10-6,b值范围2.9495~3.0716,相关系数R2在0.99以上,典型幂指数模型为W=4.9×10-6L3.0716。 相似文献
凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖池浮游藻类群落研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
在44口凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖池中共鉴定藻类7门62属113种,蓝藻26种,绿藻54种,硅藻14种,裸藻11种,隐藻3种,甲藻4种,金藻1种。绿藻门种类最多,占藻类种类数的47·8%,其次为蓝藻门占23·0%,硅藻占12·4%,裸藻占9·7%。优势种主要为蓝藻,典型优势种有螺旋藻(Spirulinasp.),假鱼腥藻(Pseudoanabaenasp.),弯形尖头藻(Raphidiopsis curvata),针状蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis acicularis)等,其中螺旋藻的优势度平均达到50%,为主要优势种。常见的绿藻有栅藻(Scenedesmusp.),衣藻(Chlamydomonassp.),小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)等;常见的硅藻为梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghinian),卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata)、啮蚀隐藻(C.erosa)和绿裸藻(Euglenavirdis)在虾池中比较常见。养殖池中浮游藻类的种类数平均为43±9种,多样性指数平均为2·19±0·56,个体数量平均为1·45±0·87×108个/L;藻类的种类、数量及生物量表现为养殖前期低后期高的特征,而多样性表现相反,藻类的组成直接影响对虾的生长。 相似文献
芽孢杆菌制剂对凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei肠道微生物群落的影响 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
应用Biolog方法和传统的平板培养方法分析比较了施用芽孢杆菌制剂的虾池(B)和没有施用任何有益菌的虾池(A)在养殖后期凡纳滨对虾肠道微生物群落结构,并用Shannon指数、Simpson指数和McIntosh指数分析了2种群落的代谢功能的差异。2个虾池对虾肠道微生物群落可培养细菌优势菌属都是革兰氏阴性菌;B虾池对虾肠道可培养细菌数量比A虾池的少;但B虾池对虾肠道微生物群落Shannon指数、Simpson指数和McIntosh指数及其微生物群落代谢功能均显著高于A虾池(P<0.05)。结果表明,虾池施用了芽孢杆菌制剂,可促进养殖对虾肠道微生物群落的代谢功能。 相似文献
2002-2007年在人工感染白斑综合症病毒(white spot syndrome virus, WSSV)的基础上进行一代个体选育(G1)后,对凡纳滨对虾连续进行了4代家系选育,共建立120个抗WSSV家系,感染实验结果表明:G2~G5选育家系对虾平均成活率分别为5.57%±9.83%, 8.66%±11.52%, 9.52%±8.84% 和 13.79%±12.86%;G2~ G5选育家系对虾平均成活率的变异系数分别为1.77、1.40、0.97和0.87。根据每个家系对虾的成活情况可分为敏感、中等抗性和高抗性家系,G2至G5敏感家系在各代选育家系中的比例逐年下降,分别占76.5%、55.2%、51.4%和33.3%,抗病成活率分别为0.44%±1.09%、0.78%±1.70%、2.27%±2.76%和2.44%±3.09%,感染WSSV后2~3 d出现1个急性死亡高峰;中等抗病家系在各代选育家系中的比例逐年上升,分别占0、20.7%、31.1%和38.5%,抗病成活率分别为0、9.08%±1.46%、10.7%±1.41%和11.36%±3.30%,感染WSSV后出现2个死亡高峰,第1死亡高峰值大于第2高峰;高抗家系在各代选育家系中的比例逐年上升(G4除外),分别占23.5%、24.1%、17.1%和28.2%,抗病成活率分别为22.23%±5.21%、22.7%±12.30%、24.45%±6.56%和28.98%±8.09%,感染WSSV后出现2个死亡高峰,第1死亡高峰至小于第2高峰。经连续的定向选育,选育对虾抗病性状一代比一代强,表现出明显的抗病性能,特别是高抗对虾不仅死亡率低且其死亡高峰推迟2~3d,延缓了对虾WSSV暴发的时间,但是每代每尾对虾平均产卵量逐年下降(P<0.05)。 相似文献
为了探讨低盐度(0.6~0.8 g/L)条件下初始体质量为(0.38±0.004)g的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)幼虾的亮氨酸需求量,以鱼粉、花生麸和L-晶体氨基酸为蛋白源配制含粗蛋白400 g/kg的6种等氮饲料,标记为L7~L12组,各组亮氨酸水平分别为15.95、17.95、19.95、21.95、23.95和25.95 g/kg(饲料干物质).每组3个重复,每个重复30尾虾,进行56 d生长实验.结果表明,凡纳滨对虾幼虾的增重率随饲料亮氨酸水平的升高而升高,当亮氨酸水平达到23.95 g/kg(L11组)时,增重率达到最高值(1143.11±36.40)%,显著高于L7组(P<0.05);亮氨酸水平继续提高,增重率变化不显著(P>0.05).幼虾的蛋白质效率、全虾体蛋白沉积率和血淋巴总蛋白随着饲料亮氨酸水平的升高呈现升高趋势,最高值出现在L11组,并显著高于L7组(P<0.05).各实验组饵料系数、血淋巴谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶活性和尿素氮含量则呈现降低的趋势,最低值出现在L11组,且显著低于L7组(P<0.05).以增重率为指标,根据折线模型可知,低盐度条件下凡纳滨对虾幼虾的亮氨酸最适需要量为24.80 g/kg饲料,即61.99 g/kg饲料蛋白. 相似文献
以在盐度2~3条件下养殖至9月龄的凡纳滨对虾( Litopenaeus vannamei )成虾为材料, 研究低盐度养殖对虾在不同盐度驯养条件下的繁殖性能, 以期为利用低盐度养殖对虾培育亲虾提供科学依据。实验盐度梯度设置为1、8、15、23和30。雌虾经剪切单侧眼柄后进行促熟培育, 促熟期间的雄虾养殖水温控制在(27±0.5)℃, 雌虾水温控制在(28±0.5)℃。定期检查雌虾卵巢和雄虾精荚的发育情况, 采用精荚人工移植技术对不同盐度条件下培育的亲虾进行组合交配, 统计受精率和孵化率, 组织切片观察卵巢发育, 综合评价各实验组合的繁殖性能。结果表明, 在实验盐度梯度范围内, 雌虾卵巢都可发育成熟; 盐度1组雌虾成熟比例仅10%, 且全部死亡; 盐度8和15下发育成熟的雌虾达70%, 可正常产卵, 但产出的卵子受精率较低, 不能孵化出无节幼体; 盐度23和30下发育成熟的雌虾超过76%, 可正常产卵、孵化, 但孵化率较低。组织切片观察, 盐度8~30范围内各组雌虾卵巢发育无明显差异。在盐度8~30范围内, 凡纳滨对虾雄虾精巢都能够正常发育成熟, 但盐度30和23实验组的雄虾精巢发育速度明显快于盐度15和8组; 随着盐度的降低, 精荚发育成熟所需要的时间明显延长; 所有盐度实验组的精荚被移植后都可与卵子受精并孵化出无节幼体。
本文主要从养殖管理、饵料选择投喂及苗种选择等几方面介绍了凡纳滨对虾在养殖过程中成本控制技术要点,为指导生产实践提供借鉴。 相似文献
为了对凡纳滨对虾7个引进群体的生长性能进行评估,通过巢式交配和人工授精的方式,用2011年源自不同国家和地区的7个凡纳滨对虾群体建立了130个全同胞家系,包括17个杂交组合(正反交合并)和7个自交组合。各家系的仔虾、幼虾经中间暂养和标记后混合,在河北黄骅(HBHH)和青岛鳌山(QDAS)两个养殖场养殖,测定了153日龄虾体质量性状。用混合线性模型估计不同群体和家系体质量最小二乘均值,计算不同杂交组合杂种优势率,评估不同群体和杂交组合的生长性能。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾各群体体质量变异系数变化范围为13%~26%;UA5、UA4和SIN三个群体为亲本的153日龄虾体质量最小二乘均值均较高,分别比群体均值高5.34%、2.51%和1.67%,是体质量性状育种的优良亲本;杂交组合均值(18.14 g)比自交组合(17.17 g)高5.65%,杂交组合UA4×UA5体质量最小二乘均值最高(19.52 g),比杂交组合均值高7.61%;组合杂种优势率在-1.77%~11.72%,均值为5.45%,大部分杂交组合(>75%)存在正向杂种优势,UA1×UA2杂交组合杂种优势率最高。研究结果有助于提高凡纳滨对虾生长性能遗传选择的准确性,并为实现良种选育奠定基础。 相似文献
对饲喂同一种配合饲料分别在海水及低盐水体中饲养的凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei肌肉及肝胰脏的脂肪酸组成进行了分析比较.结果显示,(1)海水养殖凡纳滨对虾肌肉中的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和总含量低于低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾(P<0.05), 而单不饱和脂肪酸(MUPA)总含量高于低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾(P<0.05), 二者的饱和脂肪酸总量(SAFA)无显著差异(P>0.05).海水养殖凡纳滨对虾肌肉中ω3系列脂肪酸总量显著低于低盐养殖对虾(P<0.05),而ω6系列脂肪酸总量显著高于低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾(P<0.05),ω3/ω6比率海水养殖凡纳滨对虾显著低于低盐养殖对虾(P<0.05).(2)海水养殖凡纳滨对虾肝胰脏中多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和饱和脂肪酸(SAFA)总含量均显著高于低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾(P< 0.05).海水养殖凡纳滨对虾肝胰脏中ω3系列脂肪酸总量显著高于低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾(P<0.05),而ω6系列脂肪酸显著低于低盐养殖对虾(P<0.05), ω3/ω6比率海水养殖凡纳滨对虾显著高于低盐养殖对虾(P<0.05). 相似文献
Effect of Low Salinity on Growth and Survival of Postlarvae and Juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Susan Laramore C. Rolland Laramore John Scarpa 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2001,32(4):385-392
The effect of low salinity on survival and growth of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was examined in the laboratory due to the interest of raising shrimp inland at low salinities. In three separate experiments, individual L. vannamei postlarvae (∼ 0.1 g) were cultured at salinities of either 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, or 3 ppt ( N = 5 or 10/treatment) for 18 to 40 d at 30 C in individual 360-mL containers. In each experiment controls of 0 and 30 ppt were run. There was no postlarval survival at salinities < 2 ppt. Survival was significantly different ( P < 0.01) at 2 ppt (20%) compared to 30 ppt (80%). Growth was also significantly different ( P < 0.01) at 2 and 3 ppt compared to 30 ppt (416%, 475%, and 670%, respectively). A fourth experiment compared juveniles (∼ 8 g) and postlarvae (∼ 0.05 and 0.35 g). Shrimp were cultured at salinities of 0, 2, 4, and 30 ppt for 40 d at 25 C, in individual 360-mL and 6-L containers ( N = 7/treatment). There was no postlarval survival at < 2 ppt. Postlarval survival at 4 ppt (86%) was not significantly different (P > 0.05) from 30 ppt (100%). Juveniles exhibited better survival at lower salinities (100% at 2 ppt) than 0.05 and 0.35 g postlarvae (29% and 14% respectively, at 2 ppt). The effects of salinity on growth varied with sizdage. Final growth of 0.05 g postlarvae at 2 ppt (693%) was significantly less ( P < 0.01) than at 4 ppt (1085%) and 30 ppt (1064%). Growth of 0.35 g postlarvae was significantly less ( P < 0.01) for 4 ppt (175%) than for 30 ppt (264%). There was no growth data for juveniles (8 g). It appears from these experiments that the culture of L. vannamei poses risks when performed in salinities less than 2 ppt. 相似文献
Acclimation of Litopenaeus vannamei Postlarvae to Low Salinity: Influence of Age, Salinity Endpoint, and Rate of Salinity Reduction 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
W. J. McGraw D. A. Davis D. Teichert-Coddington D. B. Rouse 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2002,33(1):78-84
Abstract.— Inland culture of Liropenaeus vannarnei in low salinity well waters is currently conducted on a small scale in a few areas in the U.S. To successfully rear shrimp in low salinity water, postlarvae (PL) must be transferred from high-salinity larval rearing systems to low-salinity growout conditions. To determine effective transfer methods, a series of experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to evaluate the influence of PL age, rate of acclimation, and salinity endpoint on 48 h survival of shrimp. Three age classes of L. vannurnei PL (10, 15, and 20-d) were acclimated from a salinity of 23 ppt to treatment endpoint salinities of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 ppt. Survival of PL10 acclimated to 0, 1, or 2 ppt salinity was significantly lower than survival of PL acclimated to salinities of 4, 8, and 12 ppt. Survival of PL, and PL20 shrimp was only reduced for the 0 ppt salinity treatment, thus indicating a clear effect of age on salinity tolerance. The same age classes of PL were acclimated from 23 ppt to final salinity endpoints of I or 4 ppt at three different rates of salinity reduction: low, 19%/h; medium, 258/h, and high, 478/h. Survival was not significantly influenced by the acclimation rates for any of the three PL age classes. As in the fixed rate experiments, survival of the 10-d-old PL was significantly lower for shrimp acclimated to the 1 ppt endpoint compared to the 4 ppt endpoint. Under the reported conditions, age appears to influence PL tolerance to a salinity end-point. A 10-d-old PL can be acclimated to 4 ppt with good survival, whereas 15- and 20-d-old PL can be acclimated to a salinity of 1 ppt with good survivals. 相似文献
通过不同的施肥处理,对低盐度对虾养殖围隔环境中浮游纤毛虫群落结构动态变化进行了研究,共检测到浮游纤毛虫48种,分属于3纲、11目、37属;其中,寡毛目(Oligotrichida)8种,缘毛目(Peritrichida)7种,腹毛目(Hypotrichida)和盾纤目(Scuticociliatida)均为6种;优势种多为富营养化水体中的耐污性种类。不同施肥处理对纤毛虫的种群结构与动态变化影响显著,施肥量适宜且有机肥与无机肥混施的5号围隔及单施商品复合肥的7号、9号围隔纤毛虫种类较丰富,各次检测到纤毛虫种类的平均值为6.7种,种群密度分别为112.30、91.15、111.00个/mL,显著高于其它围隔。施有机肥培藻的围隔,纤毛虫较早出现,优势种始终是嗜污性比较强的纤毛虫。围隔中纤毛虫与藻类的密度变化趋势基本同步,前、后期低,中期高;纤毛虫种类丰富度变化为前、后期低,中期高,而藻类丰富度为前、后期高,中期低。研究结果为对虾的健康养殖及水体生态调控提供了理论依据。 相似文献
通过不同的施肥处理,对低盐度对虾养殖围隔环境中浮游纤毛虫群落结构动态变化进行了研究,共检测到浮游纤毛虫48种,分属于3纲、11目、37属;其中,寡毛目(Oligotrichida)8种,缘毛目(Peritrichida)7种,腹毛目(Hypotrichida)和盾纤目(Scuticociliatida)均为6种;优势种... 相似文献
盐度对凡纳滨对虾肌肉中游离氨基酸含量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过逐渐升高盐度的方法,分别测定盐度为0、10、20、30和40时凡纳滨对虾肌肉中游离氨基酸(FAA)的含量,实验周期40 h。结果表明:在盐度0~40时,总游离氨基酸(TOFAA)、必需氨基酸(EAA)、非必需氨基酸(NEAA)和鲜味氨基酸(TAA)的含量都随盐度的增加而明显升高(P0.05);特别是当盐度从20增加到30时,肌肉中TOFAA、EAA、NEAA和TAA含量的增高幅度最明显。在凡纳滨对虾肌肉FAA中,含量最高的是甘氨酸(Gly),其次是脯氨酸(Pro)、精氨酸(Arg)和丙氨酸(Ala)。在盐度为0~40范围内,肌肉中主要的渗透压调节因子是甘氨酸(Gly)、脯氨酸(Pro)、精氨酸(Arg)、丙氨酸(Ala)和牛磺酸(Tau);而天冬氨酸(Asp)、丝氨酸(Ser)、缬氨酸(Val)、甲硫氨酸(Met)、异亮氨酸(Ile)、亮氨酸(Leu)和酪氨酸(Tyr)的含量在各盐度组未呈现显著变化(P0.05)。在淡水养殖凡纳滨对虾出售前的40 h,通过提高水体盐度来提高凡纳滨对虾肉质的鲜味是完全可行的。 相似文献
Patricio E. Paz Luke A. Roy D. Allen Davis Herbert E. Quintero 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2011,42(4):575-579
Temperature and salinity are two factors known to influence the growth potential and survival of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, acclimated to low salinity waters. In west Alabama, farmers suspect low water temperatures at stocking, in conjunction with low salinity and suboptimal ionic profiles, might be responsible for reduced survival and production at harvest. To determine the influence of temperature and salinity on post‐larval (PL) L. vannamei, a series of bioassays were conducted at the E.W. Shell Fisheries Research Station in Auburn, Alabama and Claude Peteet Mariculture Center in Gulf Shores, Alabama. PL L. vannamei of ages 11, 13, and 20 (PL11, PL13, and PL20) were acclimated down to salinities of 12, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, and 0.2 ppt at different temperatures ranging from 17.6 to 24.0 C. During the acclimation bioassays survivals were assessed at 24 and 48 h. PL survival of the three age groups examined were significantly reduced at salinities of 1, 0.5, and 0.2 ppt. These results correspond well to those reported at higher temperatures confirming that across the tested temperature range salinity endpoint was the driving factor in determining survival and that suboptimal temperatures had a minimal influence on survival. 相似文献
Vitamin D3 Requirement in Practical Diet of White Shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei,at Low Salinity Rearing Conditions 下载免费PDF全文
Ming Wen Yong‐jian Liu Li‐xia Tian Sheng Wang 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2015,46(5):531-538
A 10‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine the requirements of vitamin D3 in juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity rearing conditions. The basal practical diet contained 685 IU vitamin D3 per kg diet, Diets 2–6 contained 1960, 3240, 4220, 5630, and 7550 IU vitamin D3 per kg diet, respectively. Diets were fed twice daily to triplicate groups of L. vannamei (initial average weight 0.39 ± 0.01 g). Growth performance and alkaline phosphatase activity in hepatosomatic were not affected by the supplementation of vitamin D3. Hepatosomatic index of shrimp fed diets containing vitamin D3 at 685, 1960, and 3240 IU/kg was lower than the diet containing vitamin D3 at 7550 IU. Whole‐body moisture and zinc content were significantly decreased with increasing vitamin D3. Similarly, higher value was also observed on whole‐body protein, ash content, calcium, and phosphorus and magnesium concentration with increasing vitamin D3. Results of the current study indicated that vitamin D3 from ingredients could meet the growth requirement but not for whole‐body mineral deposition. Broken‐line regression analysis based on maximum whole‐body ash indicated that vitamin D3 requirement was recommended to be 6366 IU/kg for juvenile L. vannamei at low salinity rearing conditions. 相似文献
南美白对虾兑淡健康养殖试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在纯淡水中添加普通食盐,把盐度调节到0.6,采用健康养殖技术措施,主养南美白对虾,混养适量的鲢鱼、乌鳢。池中施加PSB有益菌群,整个养殖过程不换水,经过82-95d的饲养,对虾平均单产达366.75kg/1000m^2,平均规格75.3尾/kg,成活率41.9%。整个养殖过程水质稳定,未发生病害。 相似文献
不同盐度对生物絮团、对虾生长以及酶活性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在不同盐度条件下进行凡纳滨对虾的生物絮团养殖试验,研究盐度对生物絮团养殖水质和对虾生长及其酶活性的影响。试验设5个盐度梯度(10、15、20、25、30),生物絮团初始量为20 mL/L,对虾密度为500尾/m^3,试验周期30 d。试验结果显示,15盐度组与20盐度组的对虾体质量增长率最大,达70.73%,10盐度组的体质量增长率最小,达50.24%。盐度越高生物絮团生长越快,30盐度组17 d生物絮团沉降量达200 mL/L,之后逐渐降至43 mL/L,其他组呈相同变化趋势。试验过程中水体总碱度与pH持续降低,但不同组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。盐度越高氨氮累积越快,30盐度组在第6 d达到最大质量浓度8.62 mg/L,之后降至0 mg/L,其他组呈相同趋势变化。盐度越低亚硝态氮累积越快,10盐度组在第6 d达到最大质量浓度9.18 mg/L,之后降至0 mg/L,其他组呈相同趋势变化。硝态氮在不同盐度中呈前期上升的趋势,第16 d之后开始缓慢下降。15盐度组的淀粉酶活性显著高于其他组(P<0.05),其他各组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。脂肪酶在25盐度组活性最高,盐度升高或者降低酶活性均降低。在10、15、20盐度组中,超氧化物歧化酶、碱性磷酸酶、酸性磷酸酶活性均维持在较高水平,在相同盐度下,肌肉酶活性低于肝胰脏。 相似文献
D. Allen Davis Claude E. Boyd David B. Rouse I. Patrick Saoud 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2005,36(3):416-419
Abstract— The production of Litopenaeus vannamei in inland low‐salinity well water is a growing industry in several regions of the world. The state of Alabama in the southeastern USA is one such region with a large saline aquifer that could be utilized for shrimp culture. However, some farmers are experiencing problems rearing marine shrimp while others are having considerable success. Previous work has correlated low levels of potassium andor magnesium to poor shrimp survival. The problem is further complicated by the fact that the age at acclimation may also influence survival. In our present study, we evaluated the effects of potassium, magnesium, and the age of acclimation on growth and survival of PL at two farms. The first experiment was run in a static system utilizing four replicate tanks per treatment. Fifty PL17 (0.0066 g) that had been acclimated to 4 ppt seawater were stocked into each tank and the following treatments evaluated: low salinity well water (LSWW) without mineral supplements, LSWW with KCl, LSWW with MgCl2, and LSWW with KCl and MgCl, added to the water. Shrimp were harvested, counted and weighed after 4 wk. Survival was significantly higher in treatments receiving mineral supplements whereas biomass was only higher in the two treatments with potassium supplements. The second experiment was set up initially as a static system filled with 8.5‐ppt reconstituted sea water that was then converted to a flow‐through system using LSWW. This experiment evaluated the effect of PL age at acclimation on survival and growth at four different ages (PL15, PL19, PL23, and PL27). All tanks were stocked with 50 PL13L. vannarnei. Two days after stocking, and then at 4‐d intervals, a series of four tanks were converted to flow through (rate of 40 Lhr) using LSWW. After acclimation, water flow was maintained in all tanks until 28 d after stocking when tanks were harvested and surviving shrimp were counted and weighed. Survival and growth increased with PL age when shrimp were acclimated to inland low salinity well water. 相似文献