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The objectives of this study were to determine the potential of an immunoperoxidase technique involving the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) stain for the diagnosis of rabies in fresh tissues and compare it with other standard methods, including the fluorescent antibody test (FAT), haematoxylin and eosin and Seller's stain, and to investigate its capacity to detect rabies antigen in autolysed tissues. Samples of non-autolysed brain from 81 domestic and wild animals suspected of having rabies were examined. Rabies antigen was detected by FAT in 41 of these samples and Negri bodies were detected in 40 (97.6 per cent) of them by the immunoperoxidase technique, in 25 by haematoxylin and eosin and in 22 by Seller's stain. The sensitivity of the immunoperoxidase technique decreased as the tissues were left to autolyse; after two days it was 91.2 per cent, after four days 70.6 per cent, and after seven days 11.8 per cent.  相似文献   

A peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique was used to detectClostridium chauvoei in tissue sections from sheep inoculated intramuscularly with a pure culture of this microorganism. Samples of various tissues were taken for bacteriology, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. A primary antiserum againstC. chauvoei for use in the PAP technique was produced in rabbits. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of muscle samples were positively and specifically stained by the PAP technique. The results were consistent with those obtained by bacteriology, but the PAP test was simpler, quicker and less expensive than the bacteriological procedures.The use of the PAP technique would be appropriate for detecting clostridial infections without the constraints of conventional identification methods, especially where laboratory conditions for anaerobic procedures are not readily available.Abbreviations HE haematoxylin and eosin - NS normal rabbit serum - P-ab primary antibody - PAP peroxidase-antiperoxidase - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

The diagnosis of both bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) and mucosal disease (MD) is usually made on the basis of characteristic clinical and pathological findings. The definitive etiological diagnosis by virus isolation is time consuming, expensive and elusive. Isolation of the virus in cell cultures is rather difficult since it has no characteristic cytopathic effect (CPE). Furthermore, many strains have no CPE at all. Due to these uncertainties, virus isolation trials are generally supported by additional tests (Radostits & Littlejohns 1988).  相似文献   

Fetal serum from most of 994 bovine and 553 ovine aborted fetuses was tested serologically for antibodies to border disease (BD), bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), and bluetongue (BT) viruses, and to Leptospira sp., and the results were compared with the results of isolation procedures, fluorescent antibody tests (FAT), and histologic examinations of the same fetuses. Antibodies to BT virus were not found in any of the 994 bovine and 553 ovine fetuses. Antibody titers to BVD virus were present in 39 of 966 bovine fetuses tested, and BVD virus was detected in 4 of the 39. Four of 74 fetuses in which the BVD virus was detected by FAT or isolation had titers to BVD virus. Microagglutination (MAT) titers to 1 or more of 5 serovars of leptospires were present in 52 of 773 bovine fetal sera tested. Leptospires were not detected by FAT in any bovine fetuses that had leptospiral antibody titers. Leptospires were detected by FAT in 15 aborted calves, and none of these had MAT titers. Antibody titers to BD virus were present in 80 of 486 fetal lamb sera tested, and the virus was detected by FAT or isolation in 3 of the 80 fetuses. Border disease virus was detected in 14 of 486 fetal lambs tested. Twelve of the 14 were tested serologically and 3 had titers to BD virus. Leptospiral antibody titers were present in 27 of 326 ovine fetal sera tested. Leptospires were not detected in any of the 326 ovine fetuses tested by FAT.  相似文献   

Central to the development of rational trade policies pertaining to bluetongue virus (BTV) infection is determination of the risk posed by ruminants previously exposed to the virus. Precise determination of the maximal duration of infectious viremia is essential to the development of an appropriate quarantine period prior to movement of animals from BTV-endemic to BTV-free regions. The objective of this study was to predict the duration of detectable viremia in BTV-infected cattle using a probabilistic modeling analysis of existing data. Data on the duration of detectable viremia in cattle were obtained from previously published studies. Data sets were created from a large field study of naturally infected cattle in Australia and from experimental infections of cattle with Australian and US serotypes of BTV. Probability distributions were fitted to the pooled empirical data, and the 3 probability distributions that provided the best fit to the data were the gamma, Weibull, and lognormal probability distributions. These asymmetric probability distributions are often well suited for decay processes, such as the time to termination of detectable viremia. The analyses indicated a > 99% probability of detectable BTV viremia ceasing after < or = 9 weeks of infection in adult cattle and after a slightly longer interval in BTV-infected, colostrum-deprived newborn calves.  相似文献   

Mice experimentally infected with challenge virus standard rabies virus as well as skunks and foxes experimentally infected with street rabies virus were used to demonstrate rabies viral antigen in paraffin-embedded tissue by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Tissues fixed with different fixatives (10% formalin, Bouin's, acetone, ethanol) for various times and fresh frozen tissues were stained by the fluorescent antibody and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Formalin- and Bouin's-fixed tissues were tested with and without use of digestive enzyme (pepsin). The results demonstrated that a procedure using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue treated with pepsin and stained by peroxidase-antiperoxidase was the best method for both preservation of morphological details and demonstration of antigen.  相似文献   

Tissues obtained from pigs inoculated with African swine fever virus (ASFV), fixed by vascular perfusion using glutaraldehyde, and embedded in paraffin or araldite were used for an immunohistologic electron microscopic study. To detect ASFV antigens, 4 methods were used on paraffin sections with or without pretreatment of the tissues. Use of biotinylated anti-ASFV antiserum combined with avidin-biotin complex and peroxidase proved to be the most suitable method, and antigen was detected in tissues infected with 2 ASF viruses of different virulence. Use of the glutaraldehyde fixation method should ensure optimal morphologic (structural and ultrastructural) data while allowing an immunohistologic study, and add to knowledge of the pathogenesis of ASF.  相似文献   

The avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase technique was adapted for use in detecting bluetongue virus (BTV) antigens in BTV serotype 11-infected bovine fetuses. Fetuses were infected with BTV serotype 11 at 120 days of gestation and then removed 20 days later by Cesarean section. Blood and tissue samples were collected from each animal and used for virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs, the immunofluorescent antibody test, and the avidin-biotin complex test. The avidin-biotin complex method successfully identified BTV antigens in both fresh and autolyzed fetal brains. Thus, the avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase method has potential as a possible procedure for diagnosing bluetongue disease in aborted bovine fetuses.  相似文献   

A 5-month-old Japanese black bull calf and twenty-seven 1-27-day-old calves exhibiting neurological signs between August and October 1998 were examined. The bull calf exhibited rapid breathing, fever, hypersensitivity, and ataxia and was euthanized 4 days after the onset of symptoms. The 27 calves primarily exhibited ataxia, and 15 had arthrogryposis. Histological examination of the bull calf revealed perivascular infiltraction by mononuclear cells, diffuse to multifocal gliosis, and neuronal necrosis in the brain and spinal cord. Multiple malacic foci were found in the midbrain in 5 cases. In contrast, in the 15 calves necropsied in October, there were fewer inflammatory changes, but there was neuronal cell loss in the ventral horn and a decrease in myelinated axons in the lateral and ventral funiculi. Immunohistochemical examination using a rabbit antiserum against Akabane virus strain OBE-1 revealed a large amount of viral antigen in the degenerating neurons and glial cells of the bull calf, mainly in the spinal gray matter. Small amounts of viral antigen in swollen axons and a few glial cells were found in 5 of 27 calves. Thirteen of the 27 calves had high neutralization antibody titers against the Akabane virus, whereas there was no significant antibody titer in most of the calves necropsied during August. The present study revealed that viral antigen detection was very useful for the diagnosis of Akabane diseases in the 5-month-old bull calf that was suspected to be infected postnatally, while it had limited usefulness in the other young calves.  相似文献   

Dynamics of viral spread in bluetongue virus infected calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of viremia and sites of viral replication in bluetongue virus (BTV) infected calves were characterized by virus isolation, serology and immunofluorescence staining procedures. In addition, the role of the regional lymph node and lymphatics draining inoculated skin in the pathogenesis of BTV infection was determined by analyzing efferent lymph collected from indwelling cannulas. Viremia persisted for 35 to 42 days after inoculation (DAI) and virus co-circulated with neutralizing antibodies for 23 to 26 days. Virus was first isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells at 3 DAI, after stimulation of PBM cells with interleukin 2 and mitogen. BTV was frequently isolated from erythrocytes, platelets and stimulated PBM cells but never from granulocytes and rarely from plasma during viremia. Virus was consistently isolated from erythrocytes late in the course of veremia. Interruption of efferent lymph flow by cannulation delayed the onset of viremia to 7 DAI. BTV was infrequently isolated from lymph cells, and few fluorescence positive cells were observed after lymph and PBM cells were labelled with a BTV-specific monoclonal antibody. Virus was isolated from spleen by 4 DAI and most tissues by 6 DAI, whereas virus was isolated from bone marrow only at 10 DAI. Virus was not isolated from any tissue after termination of viremia. It is concluded that primary viral replication occurred in the local lymph node and BTV then was transported in low titer to secondary sites of replication via infected lymph and PBM cells. We speculate that virus replication in spleen resulted in release of virus into the circulation and non-selective infection of blood cells which disseminated BTV to other tissues. Virus association with erythrocytes likely was responsible for prolonged viremia, although infected erythrocytes eventually were cleared from the circulation and persistent BTV infection of calves did not occur.  相似文献   

The bluetongue virus (BTV) core particle contains 2 major polypeptides, P3 and P7, and is surrounded by an outer capsid layer that is composed of the 2 major polypeptides, P2 and P5. Analysis of the immune precipitates from soluble 14C-labelled BTV polypeptides and hyper-immune rabbit and guinea-pig sera indicated that polypeptide P2 precipitates only with homologous BTV sera. This would indicate that P2 is the main determinant of serotype specificity. It was also found that in sheep infected with BTV the P2-precipitating antibodies in the serum correlate with the neutralizing antibody titres, whereas the appearance and subsequent decline of P7-precipitating antibodies correspond well with those of the complement fixing antibodies. This suggests that BTV group specificity, as measured by a complement fixation tests, is determined by the core protein P7. This result was supported by the observation that mouse ascitic fluid, which contains a high titre of BTV-specific complement fixing antibodies and a very low titre of neutralizing antibodies, contains almost exclusively antibodies that precipitate P7.  相似文献   

The double-stranded (ds) RNA genome segment 4 of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 2 was cloned and used as a serogroup-specific complementary (c) DNA probe for BTV diagnosis. A cDNA representing a 60% copy of genome segment 4 BTV-2 prototype was produced. The specificity of the cDNA probe was determined by hybridizing this probe to a northern blot of dsRNA (separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) of plaque-purified BTV-2 prototype. This cDNA probe was then used to hybridize to the RNA samples. Because the probe hybridized to all BTV samples but not to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus samples, it appears to be a group-specific probe that could be used in BTV diagnosis.  相似文献   

Twenty-two cases of feline glomerulonephritis were investigated for the presence of immune complexes within the glomerulus using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. This method was used with formalin-fixed paraffin-wax embedded tissues which were pretreated with trypsin and with frozen sections of kidney tissue. Of a total of 25 kidney specimens examined (two cats had repeated biopsies) the composition of the deposits was 23/25 IgG, 17/25 C3, 11/25 IgM and 2/25 IgA. Serial studies of two cats showed a progression of the disease from initial nephrotic syndrome to chronic renal failure. With the more severe form of the disease there was a tendency for the deposition of complement and more than one class of immunoglobulin within the glomeruli.  相似文献   

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