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The methanolic extract of Apium graveolens seeds was investigated for bioactive compounds and resulted in the isolation and characterization of mosquitocidal, nematicidal, and antifungal compounds sedanolide (1), senkyunolide-N (2), and senkyunolide-J (3). Their structures were determined by 1H and 13C NMR spectral methods. Compounds 1-3 gave 100% mortality at 25, 100, and 100 microg mL(-1), respectively, on the nematode, Panagrellus redivivus. Compound 1 showed 100% mortality at 50 microg mL(-1) on nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, and fourth-instar mosquito larvae, Aedes aegyptii. Also, it inhibited the growth of Candida albicans and Candida parapsilasis at 100 microg mL(-1). Compounds 2 and 3 were isolated for the first time from A. graveolens. This is the first report of the mosquitocidal, nematicidal, and antifungal activities of compounds 1-3.  相似文献   

铬在芹菜中的累积、亚细胞分布及化学形态分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柳玲  吕金印  张微 《核农学报》2010,24(5):1093-1098
采用盆栽试验,研究了Cr6+处理对美国西芹和日本西芹铬总累积量及器官中铬亚细胞分布和化学形态的影响。结果表明,对照处理(0mg·kg-1 Cr6+)芹菜根部和地上部铬在亚细胞中分布为:F3(可溶部分)>F2(细胞器及膜部分)>F1(细胞壁及残渣);40mg·kg-1Cr6+处理为:F1>F3>F2,细胞壁(F1)是铬在芹菜细胞内的主要结合位点。芹菜根部和地上部铬化学形态以醋酸提取态占优势,NaCl和HCl提取态也占较大比例。60mg·kg-1Cr6+处理下2个品种芹菜地上部和根部铬含量均极显著增加(P<001);相同浓度铬处理下,铬含量和总积累量为:根>叶>茎,日本西芹各器官中铬含量和总累积量相对高于美国西芹。2个芹菜品种对铬的吸收均以根部为主要滞留器官,以细胞壁部位为主要的亚细胞分布区域,铬在芹菜体内以难溶性磷酸盐类、蛋白结合态类和草酸盐类为主要化学形态存在形式。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die an der Stelle von roten mit gelblichweißen Sammelfrüchten ausgestattete var.leucocarpus desR. idaeus läßt sich erstmalig als Gartenpflanze in Deutschland 1588, in Frankreich 1623, in England 1629, in Holland 1633, in Dänemark und in Italien 1642, in Spanisch-Flandern 1644 und in Schweden 1666 nachweisen. Ihr häufigeres Vorkommen in den Gärten kann aber keinen stichhaltigen Grund bilden, um mit Focke ihre Entstehung in die Gärten zu verlegen. Ihr Vorkommen in der Natur wurde für Deutschland zum ersten Male 1588, für Dänemark 1688 und für Schweden 1701 nachgewiesen.R. ideaus var.leucocarpus ist demnach in verschiedenen, entfernt voneinander gelegenen Gegenden unabhängig entstanden. Sie verhält sich damit ebenso wie die wesentlich seltenere var.leucocarpus desR. ulmifolius, deren Geschichte zugleich mit derjenigen anderer Mutanten einen geeigneten mutantengeschichtlichen Hintergrund abgibt, in dem auch der var.leucocarpus R. idaeus der ihr zukommende Platz angewiesen werden kann.
Summary The var.leucocarpus ofRubus idaeus is characterized by yellowish — white fruits. This variety was for the first time grown in Germany in 1588, in France in 1623, in England in 1629, in Holland in 1633, in Denmark and in Italy in 1642, in Spanish Flanders in 1644 and in Sweden in 1666. Its frequent statements in gardens gives us no reason to place the genesis of this variety in the gardens as Focke did. Natural locations could be observed in Germany for the first time in 1588, in Denmark in 1688 and in Sweden in 1701. Thus the var.leucocarpus has independently developed in different, far distant regions. Its behaviour resembles in this manner that of the much rarer var.leucocarpus ofR. ulmifolius. The history of these and other mutants forms the historical framework in which the var.leucocarpus ofR. idaeus can be arranged too.

Rubus ideaus var.leucocarpus, - , 1588, 1629, 1633, 1642, 1644 1666 . , (W.O. Focke) . 1588, 1688 1701 . var.leucocarpus . R. ulmifolius var.leucocarpus. , R. idaeus var.leucocarpus .

Zusammenfassung Es werden die literarischen Belege des Anbaues der Ackerbohne,Vicia faba, unter den Gesichtspunkten des Alters der Kultur und ihrer Ausbreitung besprochen und es wird versucht, die Quellen auf Angaben über den morphologischen Typ der seinerzeit kultivierten Formen der Art hin auszuwerten. Für die letzte Fragestellung bieten die schriftlichen Dokumente leider nur wenig Anhaltspunkte. Zahlreiche Belege fürV. faba sind in der griechischen, römischen und jüdischen klassischen Literatur zu finden, während in China sich der Anbau (nur mittel- und großkörnige Formen) nur bis zur Yüan-Dynastie zurückverfolgen läßt. Auf Grund verschiedener Daten wird die Entstehung der großkörnigen Typen der Art in die zweite Hälfte des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrtausends verlegt, in West- und Zentraleuropa haben diese dann in den späteren Jahrhunderten die älteren kleinkörnigen Formen zurückgedrängt. — Die Namen fürV. faba in den verschiedenen Sprachen lassen eine urverwandtschaftliche Beziehung der in den indoeuropäischen Sprachen üblichen Bezeichnungen erkennen, auf jeden Fall deuten sie auf ein hohes Alter des Anbaues sowohl im Orient, im Mittelmeergebiet als auch im zentralen Europa hin. Die slawischen Bezeichnungen haben dabei eine engere Verwandtschaft mit der lateinischen sowie mit den aus ihr hervorgegangenen Namen in den romanischen Sprachen. Nach der Entdeckung Amerikas sind die Namen der Art in den europäischen Sprachen auf die neuweltlichenPhaseolus-Arten übertragen worden und heute kann in ihnenV. faba nur mit besonderen Zusätzen von diesen amerikanischen Kulturarten unterschieden werden.
On the history of cultivation ofVicia faba L. and its different variants
Summary Informations about the cultivation ofVicia faba discovered in the classic and the following literature have been discussed and it has been tried to evaluate these historical sources for a determination of the variants of the species which had been cultivated in former times. To the last mentioned problem the written documents contribute only few evidences. Many data concerningV. faba may be found in the classical Greek, Roman and Jewish literature; in China the cultivation of the species has been proved only since the Yuan-dynasty (no small seeded types). Several facts enable us to date the origin of the large-seeded forms (ssp.faba) into the second half of the first millenium of our era, these plant group has been becoming in the following centuries the dominant one of the species in Western and Central Europe meanwhile the acreage of the small-seeded types was diminishing.The names ofV. faba in the different languages point to close relations between the words used in the Indoeuropean languages for this species; at all events they mark a long age of the cultivation as well in the Orient, Mediterranean region as in Central Europe. The Slavic names agree more closely with the Latinfaba and with those ones derived from it in other Romanic languages. After the discovery of America in the European languages the names ofV. faba have been transferred to the New worldPhaseolus species; thus to-dayV. faba may be distinguished only by special prefixes from the American cultivated bean species.

Vicia faba L.
. ¶rt; , . , , ¶rt; . , V. faba, ( ) . , , ¶rt;. ¶rt; . - . , , . , . Phaseolus , , ¶rt; . V. faba .

The “Sedano Nero di Trevi” (Black Celery from Trevi) is a landrace grown in Umbria (Italy) at risk of extinction. A morpho-physiological and molecular characterisation of the landrace and a detailed investigation of its cultural and cultivation context were carried out with the aim of facilitating a request for a quality mark, implement in situ (on farm) conservation schemes that are being developed in Italy and register the landrace in the European common catalogue of ‘conservation varieties’. These actions can help the landrace survive. Six farmer populations of the landrace and four élite varieties were characterised for thirteen morpho-physiological traits and nine AFLP primer combinations. The “Sedano Nero” farmer populations were better performers than élite varieties for important agronomic traits, such as yield, under the local agronomic conditions. Both morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers clearly distinguished the landrace from the élite cultivars. In addition, a structure was detected in the landrace with farmer populations being characterised by specific alleles. These results are discussed in connection with the local seed system and possible in situ conservation strategies for landraces.  相似文献   

叶面施硅对西芹养分吸收、产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间小区试验,研究了叶面喷施不同形态硅对日光温室西芹生长发育、产量和品质的影响。结果表明:叶面施硅能显著促进西芹生长发育,调节不同生育时期西芹对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收。与对照相比, 采收期施硅植株株高、茎粗、叶绿素和叶片可溶性糖含量分别增加6.33%~9.22%,10.93%~14.50%,6.64%~9.26%和10.36%~13.12%; 叶片氮含量减少2.90%~6.35%;有机硅处理叶片磷含量增加41.39%;钾含量增加18.23%~77.65%;显著提高西芹单株重和产量,分别增加11.36%~17.64%和12.61%~17.52%;植株Vc含量增加24.82%~61.19%,硝酸盐含量降低3.60%~15.62%。结果说明硅肥施用一定程度上能够改善西芹的品质。  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution -  相似文献   

Summary The radish traces back toRaphanus maritimus, it was cultivated already in Mesopotamia which procured the original plant very probably from Syria. The small radish on the contrary is derived fromRaphanus landra and was cultivated firstly in Italy during the late Middle Ages. The derivation of the taxa ofRaphanus sativus L. fromRaphanus raphanistrum is entirely untenable because of the considerable differences in the structure of the fruits. The bad separability of the fruit links of the radish and of the small radish is no character of cultivated plants but is already present in the wild speciesRaphanus maritimus andRaphanus landra. With respect to the various differences between them, radish and small radish are not derivable from one wild species ofRaphanus only. A derivation of the radish from the crossingRaphanus maritimus ×rostratus is untenable too because of the separate geographical distribution of the parents. With the radish cultivated in Babylonia since very ancient times are connected closely in respect to descent and history of culture:Raphanus caudatus, originated in tropical Punjab, the forms ofRaphanus raphanistroides in Northern China and the oil radish in Egypt.The manner in which the small radish and a few forms of radish spread over the European civilized countries reflects a diminutive fragment of the evolution of modern European culture.
m ¶rt;u Raphanus maritimus; , , , . R. landra , . R. sativus L. R. raphanistrum , . , R. maritimus R. landra. , Raphanus. R. maritimus ×R. rostratus ¶rt; , ., , , , :R. caudatus, , R. raphanistroides . , , .

Dem Gedenken an Otto Eugen Schulz, geb. am 31. Oktober 1874 in Berlin, gest. am 17. Februar 1936 in Berlin-Steglitz, gewidmet.  相似文献   

Distribution of the root systems of Zea mays L. and Lupinus luteus L. in mixed cropping with respect to competition for phosphate and potassium The spatial distribution of the root systems of maize (tasselling stage) and lupins (late flowering stage) in mixed cropping was studied with respect to root competition for macronutrients in a sandy soil under field conditions by means of the radioautographic method. The greatest root densities were measured for both species in the upper 40 cm soil layer within a radius of 10 cm around the respective shoot. Whereas the root growth of the lupins was almost entirely restricted to this region of soil, the root system of maize was found to extend further than 10 cm horizontally. In order to evaluate a possible interspecific root competition for macronutrients such as P and K, particular attention was paid to the interpenetration of the root systems of the two plant species. However, only a weak mutual interpenetration of the root systems of adjacently (about 50 cm apart) grown maize and lupin plants could be observed. The in-situ separation patterns determined for the roots of maize and lupins labelled with 32P and 35S, respectively, did not indicate that any root competition between the two species for the immobile macronutrients P and K had taken place. However, it is to be expected that intraspecific competition, i. e. reduced uptake due to the overlapping of the depletion zones of P and K, took place both within the root systems of maize and lupin.  相似文献   

Bioassay-directed isolation and purification of the hexane extract of Apium graveolens L. seeds led to the characterization of three compounds: beta-selinene (1), 3-n-butyl-4,5-dihydrophthalide (2) and 5-allyl-2-methoxyphenol (3). The structures of these compounds were established by using (1)H and (13)C NMR spectral methods. Compounds, 1-3 demonstrated 100% mortality on fourth-instar Aedes aegyptii larvae at 50, 25, and 200 microg mL(-)(1), respectively, in 24 h. Also, 2 inhibited the growth of Candida albicans and Candida kruseii at 100 microg mL(-)(1). It inhibited both topoisomerase-I and -II enzyme activities at 100 microg mL(-)(1). Compound 2 displayed 100% mortality at 12.5 and 50 microg mL(-)(1), respectively, when tested on nematodes, Panagrellus redivivus and Caenorhabditis elegans. The triglyceride, 1,3-di[(cis)-9-octadecenoyl]-2-[(cis,cis)-9, 12-octadecadienoyl]glycerol (4) and 3 were isolated for the first time from A. graveolens seeds, although 4 was not biologically active.  相似文献   

Bioassay-directed isolation of antifungal compounds from an ethyl acetate extract of Ruta graveolens leaves yielded two furanocoumarins, one quinoline alkaloid, and four quinolone alkaloids, including a novel compound, 1-methyl-2-[6'-(3' ',4' '-methylenedioxyphenyl)hexyl]-4-quinolone. The (1)H and (13)C NMR assignments of the new compound are reported. Antifungal activities of the isolated compounds, together with 7-hydroxycoumarin, 4-hydroxycoumarin, and 7-methoxycoumarin, which are known to occur in Rutaceae species, were evaluated by bioautography and microbioassay. Four of the alkaloids had moderate activity against Colletotrichum species, including a benomyl-resistant C. acutatum. These compounds and the furanocoumarins 5- and 8-methoxypsoralen had moderate activity against Fusarium oxysporum. The novel quinolone alkaloid was highly active against Botrytis cinerea. Phomopsis species were much more sensitive to most of the compounds, with P. viticola being highly sensitive to all of the compounds.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kulturen vonHordeum vulgare in Nährlösung (Hydroponik) waren im vegetativen Wachstum sowie im Kornertrag solchen in Erde überlegen.
Culture ofHordeum vulgare in earth and in Hydroponic — a comparison
Summary Hordeum vulgare L. had greater matter-production and more corn grains. per plant when cultivated in nutrition solution than in earth.

Hordeum vulgare
() .

Zusammenfassung Die Exineskulptur von 42 Arten der GattungenTriticum L. undAegilops L. wurde rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. In beiden Gattungen wurden sowohl scabrate als auch areolate Skulpturen festgestellt, wobei eine unterschiedliche Zahl von Spinulae an der Bildung der Areolen beteiligt sein kann. Die Skulpturen des einzelnen Pollenkorns zeigen oft eine gewisse Variationsbreite. Die einfacheren Skulpturtypen der GattungTriticum wurden bei den diploiden und den durch ein G-Genom charakterisierten Arten beobachtet, während sich die hexaploiden Weizen durch besonders komplexe Areolenbildungen auszeichnen. Die durch das B-Genom gekennzeichneten tetraploiden Weizen nehmen eine Mittelstellung ein. Bei der GattungAegilops herrschen ebenfalls areolate Exinebildungen vor, die bei der SektionVertebrata durch einfachere, bei der SektionComopyrum durch komplexere Areolen gekennzeichnet sind. Die übrigen Sektionen dieser Gattung zeigen keine einheitliche Tendenz.
Investigations in pollen sculpturing ofTriticum L. andAegilops L.
Summary The exine sculpturing of 42 species of the generaTriticum andAegilops has been investigated with the aid of SEM. Scabrate und areolate sculpturing has been found in both genera. Thereby the areoles may be composed of different numbers of spinules. The single pollen frequently shows some variation in the sculpture type. The most simple sculpture types of the genusTriticum has been observed in diploid species and those, which are characterized by the G-genome. The hexaploid wheats possess the most complex areoles. The exine type of the tetraploid species, characterized by the B-genome, is intermediate. Areolate exine types also prevail in the genusAegilops. The exine of the sectionVertebrata possesses more simple types of areoles, whereas the sectionComopyrum is characterized by more complex areoles. The other sections of this genus do'nt show uniform tendency.

Triticum L. Aegilops L.
42 , Triticum L. Aegilops L. . , , , , . . Triticum , G, . , B . Aegilops , Vertebrata , Comopyrum . .

Zusammenfassung Die Spelzenbegrannung der GattungenTriticum L. undAegilops L. wurde vergleichend morphologisch untersucht. Auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Anordnung und Längenentwicklung lassen sich Grannen verschiedenen Grades unterscheiden. Dabei können die Spelzen, wie die Begrannung zeigt, eine symmetrische bis extrem asymmetrische Form aufweisen. Durch entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Längenentwicklung eng mit der Entstehungsfolge der Grannen verbunden ist. Die verschiedenen Begrannungsmuster des untersuchten Verwandtschaftskreises charakterisieren unterschiedliche Entwicklungsstufen eines in wesentlichen Zügen einheitlichen Differenzierungsablaufs der Spelzenentwicklung.
Homology relations in awn growthes of the generaTriticum L. andAegilops L.
Summary The glume awnedness of the generaTriticum andAegilops was investigated by comparing their morphology. On the basis of the different arrangement and length development awnes of different degree can be distinguished. As evidenced by the awnedness, the glumes have symmetrical to extremely asymmetrical form. By ontogenetic investigations it was shown, that the length development is closely connected with the sequence of the awn origin. The different patterns of the awnedness of the genera investigated characterize different developmental stages of an essentially uniform differentiation sequence of the glume development.

Triticum L. Aegilops L.
Triticum Aegilops . . , , . , . , , , .

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