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2012年3月至2015年5月对浙江省美国山核桃害虫种类及天敌资源进行调查,结果发现:浙江省美国山核桃林虫害普遍发生严重,危害美国山核桃的害虫种类较多,共有7目53科142种。其中,危害美国山核林的主要食叶害虫14种、蛀干害虫5种、根部害虫6种、刺吸类害虫6种;浙江省美国山核桃林内天敌昆虫共有6目11科33种,主要以蚜虫及鳞翅目幼虫的捕食类天敌昆虫为主,其中以瓢甲科、步甲科的天敌种类最多,其次为寄蝇科、蚁科及螳螂科。  相似文献   

诱虫灯在防治经济林害虫中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在薄壳山核桃、八角经济林中,选用高压汞灯、普通黑光灯、佳多频振式杀虫灯诱虫灯对害虫的诱杀。结果表明,频振灯与黑光灯的诱虫种类基本相同,高压汞灯的诱虫种数明显少于频振灯和黑光灯;数量上频振灯比普通黑光灯和高压汞灯诱集害虫的数量都多,并能减少对天敌的影响。  相似文献   

美国薄壳山核桃虫害研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整理总结了国内外有关美国薄壳山核桃虫害的文献,对薄壳山核桃害虫种类、危害及防治措施进行了综述。据报道薄壳山核桃害虫总计6目34科60种,主要分属于鳞翅目、鞘翅目和半翅目,以食叶害虫种类最丰富,蛀干害虫次之,其他为刺吸类、种实害虫和地下害虫。其中警根瘤蚜、星天牛、山胡桃透翅蛾分别为苗期、幼树期和大树期的主要害虫。提出了薄壳山核桃虫害未来的研究方向,并建议将"山胡桃透翅蛾"的中文名改为山核桃透翅蛾。  相似文献   

通过对薄壳山核桃果用林基地果实害虫危害情况的调查,初步查明了主要害虫为桃蛀螟和暗影饰皮夜蛾2种。并进行了3种浓度的10%氯氰菊酯乳油喷雾防治试验,结果表明:以1000倍液为最佳,好果率达99.8%。为有效防控薄壳山核桃果实害虫危害的发生提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在对云南省薄壳山核桃产业发展和低效林改造现状深入调查的基础上,分析了云南省薄壳山核桃低效林成因,提出抚育管理、高接换种、接后管理、修剪、病虫害防治等改造措施,加大薄壳山核桃低效林改造技术成果推广应用,促进云南省薄壳山核桃产业健康发展。  相似文献   

对云南中、南亚热带区域引种栽培的3个薄壳山核桃优良品种进行系统观测和分析.结果表明,3个优良品种在云南中、南亚热带区域表现良好,丰产性、生态适应性和抗病虫危害性较强,坚果品质优良,营养成分丰富.提出薄壳山核桃在云南省该区域内的适生环境,为该区域大力发展种植抛尼(Pawnee)、卡多(Caddo)、肖尼(Shawnee)3个薄壳山核桃优良品种提供重要依据.  相似文献   

云南省薄壳山核桃种植现状及发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结云南省薄壳山核桃种植历史的基础上,分析了薄壳山核桃发展的制约因素,并结合近年研究结果,提出了云南省薄壳山核桃发展的策略。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃果园虫害调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对多种模式6年生薄壳山核桃果园的虫害情况进行了调查分析。结果表明:果园虫害主要以蛀干害虫天牛和食叶害虫刺蛾为主,其中天牛虫害率高达61.95%,严重受害率为6.46%;薄壳山核桃园中混交林分虫害率高于纯林,且不同混交林分之间虫害程度差异明显,虫害率为57.49%~81.40%。邻近杨树林果园的虫害最为严重,严重受害果树约占43.24%。对严重危害薄壳山核桃果园的2类害虫天牛和刺蛾的危害特点、发生规律以及防治方法进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

警根瘤蚜是危害薄壳山核桃嫩叶的重要害虫之一。运用扩散系数、丛生指标、Morisita扩散型指数等7个常见的聚集度指标,分别对南京苗圃地的1年生与2~3年生美国薄壳山核桃苗上警根瘤蚜的空间分布格局进行了研究,并用Iwao的m*-m回归分析法进行验证,还运用种群聚集均数概念分析警根瘤蚜的聚集度原因。结果表明,警根瘤蚜在2~3年生和1年生薄壳山核桃上虫瘿的分布型都呈聚集分布,但聚集原因是不同的。其在2~3年生薄壳山核桃上聚集是由昆虫本身特性或由其本身生物学特性与环境异质性两种因素共同作用而导致;在1年生薄壳山核桃上个体聚集的原因是由某些环境因子引起。  相似文献   

我国薄壳山核桃生产现状与产业化发展策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在对薄壳山核桃在美国的栽培现状及我国引种栽培历史进行全面分析的基础上,针对目前薄壳山核桃产业发展过程中存在的主要问题,从充分利用现有种质资源,加快新品种培育进程;加强科学研究,提升薄壳山核桃产业发展的科技含量;实行定向培育,完善配套栽培技术体系等方面提出了我国薄壳山核桃产业发展的策略与建议,旨在为薄壳山核桃引种和开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

崇明地区林木主要害虫及天敌调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004—2007年,系统调查了崇明地区林木害虫及天敌。共鉴定害虫9目59科242种,天敌昆虫16种,并鉴定制做了林木主要害虫标本共8目42科76种。  相似文献   

昆明世博园害虫及天敌调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年对昆明世博园昆虫进行了调查,鉴定标本15目69科158种,其中害虫77种,天敌昆虫30种,其它昆虫51种。确定世博园云南省新分布记录昆虫5种,其中4种为害虫。比较建园前后4个阶段的昆虫种类组成及变化,结果表明,自1999年建园以来,昆虫种类趋于增加,但害虫所占比例由建园前及开园时的67%以上降至目前48.7%。文章讨论分析了园区的害虫动态和管理问题,并提出害虫监测及生态控制建议。  相似文献   

Agroforestry trees are attacked by a wide spectrum of insects at all stages of their growth just like other annual and perennial crops. Pest management in agroforestry has not received much attention so far, but recent emphasis on producing high value tree products in agroforestry and using improved germplasm in traditional systems, and emergence of serious pest problems in some promising agroforestry systems have increased awareness on risks posed by pests. Insects may attack one or more species within a system and across systems in the landscape, so pest management strategies should depend on the nature of the insect and magnitude of its damage. Although greater plant diversity in agroforestry is expected to increase beneficial arthropods, diversity by itself may not reduce pests. Introduction of tree germplasm from a narrow genetic base and intensive use of trees may lead to pest outbreaks. In simultaneous agroforestry systems, a number of factors governing tree—crop—environment interactions, such as diversity of plant species, host range of the pests, microclimate, spatial arrangement and tree management modify pest infestations by affecting populations of both herbivores and natural enemies. Trees also affect pest infestations by acting as barriers to movement of insects, masking the odours emitted by other components of the system and sheltering herbivores and natural enemies. In sequential agroforestry systems, it is mostly the soil-borne and diapausing insects that cause and perpetuate damage to the common hosts in tree—crop rotations over seasons or years. An integrated approach combining host-plant resistance to pests, exploiting alternative tree species, measures that prevent pest build up but favour natural enemies and biological control is suggested for managing pests in agroforestry. Species substitution to avoid pests is feasible only if trees are grown for ecological services such as soil conservation and low value products such as fuelwood, but not for trees yielding specific and high value products. For exploiting biological control as a potent, low cost and environmentally safe tool for pest management in agroforestry, research should focus on understanding the influence of ecological and management factors on the dynamics of insect pest-natural enemy populations. Scientists and policy makers in national and international institutions, and donors are urged to pay more attention to pest problems in agroforestry to harness the potential benefits of agroforestry.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

马尾松天然林病虫害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb天然林及其速丰试验林、针阔混交天然林的调查,计有病虫19种,其中病害6种,害虫13种,天敌昆虫15种。调查表明,病虫种类和被害率,试验林较低,施肥区最低,混交林明显比纯林少。  相似文献   

两种菊酯类农药对马尾松林昆虫群落的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
化学农药的大量使用,会导致许多不良后果,如害虫的抗药性增加,次要害虫的爆发,对非目标生物的不良影响,农药残毒对环境的污染等等。但由于化防具有高效、快速、方便、灵活和经济等特点,如何利用生态学原理恰当应用农药,使它在害虫综合管理中发挥作用,是一个重要的研究课题。作者于1989年4月-1990年4月,对马尾松林昆虫群落(包括蜘蛛)化防前后的种类和数量变化进行了连续的抽样调查,旨在分析菊酯类农药对群落的影响程度,对如何评价菊酯类农药防治对昆虫群落的影响和指导害虫防治提供依据。  相似文献   

Today, more than 143 species of insects infest both indigenous as well as exotic species of poplars in northwestern India, with about 65 species infesting Populus deltoides alone. Random sampling surveys (1984-2002) were undertaken in lower hills and plains of six states (Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir) in this region. The survey included 36 nurseries, 84 large ( ≥ 3 ha) and 255 small (< 3 ha) block and bund plantations and recorded seven species causing outbreaks. However, eight insects having wide spread distribution in this region were identified as posing a threat to agroforestry with P. deltoides and need to be managed. Amongst these, three species (Clostera cupreata, C. fulgurita and Apriona cinerea) were ranked as 'major pests' as they had relatively higher incidence (> 50% of attack) and caused extensive economic loss during outbreaks, coupled with tree mortality which persisted for several years in succession over large areas. Five insects were identified as 'potential pests', as they also caused heavy infestation and economic loss, but only in some years, on a localized scale and with no large scale plant mortality, but need to be checked to improve productivity. The 'potential pests' were: one species in plantations (Ascotis selenaria) and four insects in nurseries [(Eucosma glaciata , Phalantha phalantha, Nodostoma waterhousie and white grubs) with >50% incidence]. Integrated pest management practices, comprising cultural methods, use of bio-pesticides, tolerant poplar varieties/clones, natural enemies, recommended safe insecticides and avoiding alternate host plants of the pest, are discussed for important pests.  相似文献   

人工林物种多样性与害虫的控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗长维  李昆 《林业科学》2006,42(8):109-115
根据国内外的最新研究成果,从人工林害虫可持续控制的需求出发,对利用物种多样性与系统稳定性控制虫害的可能性、人工林物种多样性与害虫控制的关系及其内在作用机制、天然林与人工林在抑制虫害能力上的差别进行综述,分析人工林植物物种多样性与昆虫物种多样性对害虫控制的影响,认为植物物种多样性主要从植食性昆虫搜寻寄主植物,植物营养的差异对植食性昆虫取食和发育的影响,及种类组成不同的植物群落中植食性昆虫天敌数量的变化3个方面影响害虫的发生;要通过调节植物群落中昆虫物种的多样性影响目标害虫的种群数量,既要维护其天敌类群的稳定,也要使与害虫处于同一营养层次的其他植食性昆虫有足够的多样性,甚至也要保护和利用中性、中位及顶位昆虫.对人工林害虫的控制,可借鉴天然林自控虫害的原理,采用生态育林、封山育林及生物技术措施,逐步调整林分的结构,提高其物种多样性,增强林分自身的抗虫能力.  相似文献   

佳多频振式杀虫灯在林业和园林害虫的防治中表现出诱虫种类多、数量大、每灯可控面积大,且其小巧玲珑、安全方便、易操作、无公害、投资少、对天敌相对安全等优点,具有较为明显的生态、经济、社会效益,是林木害虫预测预报和防治的理想工具.  相似文献   

2006年9~11月,在昆明市盘龙区松花乡红梨科技示范园中对红梨果实采摘后的主要害虫及天敌的组成与数量特征进行调查,发现害虫16种,天敌19种.梨蚜为主要害虫,瓢虫为主要天敌.分析了梨蚜与其主要天敌瓢虫的消长动态,表明天敌的发生与蚜虫密切相关,且有明显的时间和数量跟随关系.  相似文献   

Published documentation of insect pests and pathogens associated with Alnus species in Africa is very scarce. We surveyed damaging insects and pathogens, and arthropod natural enemies on Alnus acuminata and A. nepalensis in Kabale and Mbale districts, Uganda between March 1999 and August 2000 in order to identify the range and relative abundance of arthropods and pathogens associated with the Alnus species. Frequently encountered damaging insects on the Alnus species included Apis mellifera, Apion globulipenne, a Systates sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Phymateus viridipes, a Lobotrachelus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Coloborrtics corticina and some Chrysomelidae. Some species such as Aphis fabae, Parastictococcus multispinosus and a Cacopsylla sp. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) were observed feeding on other agroforestry tree species and/or crops although they generally occurred at low population intensities. Spiders and parasitic Hymenoptera were the most common natural enemies. Diseases were more severe in nurseries than in the field. Damping-off caused by Fusarium oxysporum, Septoria brown leaf spot and stem canker were the most serious diseases of Alnus. The array of damaging insects and pathogens indicates a potential danger to the cultivation of Alnus species in Uganda as adoption of the species for agroforestry continues to expand in the country. In view of the increasing demand for Alnus species for agroforestry in Uganda, regular pest monitoring and appropriate control strategies are necessary.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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