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我国森林生态系统植被碳储量估算研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从时空尺度、分布特征以及影响因子三方面总结了我国森林生态系统植被碳储量估算研究进展.阐述了在国家尺度、区域尺度和林分尺度的研究现状;分析了我国森林生态系统植被碳储量的地域分布、在不同植被类型中的分布、龄级分布、林分内的分布以及时间动态变化;探讨了经济和人口、气候条件、造林和抚育、林龄、林型种类等对植被碳储量的影响....  相似文献   

The Dahurian larch forest in northeast China is important due to its vastness and location within a transitional zone from boreal to temperate and at the southern distribution edge of the vast Siberian larch forest. The continuous carbon fluxes were measured from May 2004 to April 2005 in the Dahurian larch forest in Northeast China using an eddy covariance method. The results showed that the ecosystem released carbon in the dormant season from mid-October 2004 to April 2005, while it assimilated CO2 from the atmosphere in the growing season from May to September 2004. The net carbon sequestration reached its peak of 112 g.m^-2.month ^-1 in June 2004 (simplified expression of g (carbon).m^-2.month^-1) and then gradually decreased. Annually, the larch forest was a carbon sink that sequestered carbon of 146 g-m^-2.a^-1 (simplified expression of g (carbon).m^-2.a^-1) during the measurements. The photosynthetic process of the larch forest ecosystem was largely affected by the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and temperature. Under humid conditions (VPD 〈 1.0 kPa), the gross ecosystem production (GEP) increased with increasing temperature. But the net ecosystem production (NEP) showed almost no change with increasing temperature because the increment of GEP was counterbalanced by that of the ecosystem respiration. Under a dry environment (VPD 〉 1.0 kPa), the GEP decreased with the increasing VPD at a rate of 3.0 μmol.m^-2.s^-1kPa -1 and the ecosystem respiration was also enhanced simultaneously due to the increase of air temperature, which was linearly correlated with the VPD. As a result, the net ecosystem carbon sequestration rapidly decreased with the increasing VPD at a rate of 5.2 μmol.m^-2.s-1.kPa^-1. Under humid conditions (VPD 〈 1.0 kPa), both the GEP and NEP were obviously restricted by the low air temperature but were insensitive to the high temperature because the observed high temperature value comes within the category of the optimum range.  相似文献   

Investigations were made in korean pine, mongolian scots pine and dahurian larch plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. Data are tabulated on the amount and seasonal and annual fluctuations of fractional composition of the litter (conifer needles, branches, cones, bark scales, broad leaves) in the three plantations. The accounts of conifer needle branch and bark scale litter are as follows: korean pine: 71.16%, 6.23% and 7.32%; mongolian scots pine: 43.65%, 18.52 % and 32.12%; dahurian larch: 90.30%, 7.83% and 1.85%. There are certain broadleaf litter in dahurian larch and mongolian scots pine plantations (account for 7.61% and 8.92% respectively). The litter wither and fall concent ratively in autumn in dahurian larch plantation and scattered all year long in korean pine and mongolian scots pine plantations. Along with the increase of stand age, the absolute amount of litter tend to increase, the relative amount of main fractional compositions (conifer needle, branch and bark scale) in korean pine and mongolian Scots pine plantations maintain stead, whereas in dahurian larch plantation, the relative amount of conifer needle is decreased gradually and the relative amount of other fractional compositions are increased gradually.  相似文献   

为了了解人工造林过程对土壤碳储量的影响,对燕山西部山地常见的华北落叶松人工林和杨桦天然次生林土壤有机碳含量进行了研究。结果表明,华北落叶松人工林和杨桦天然次生林的土壤剖面平均有机碳含量分别为30.45g/kg和28.45g/kg,二者没有明显差异;2种林分的土壤有机碳含量均随着土层深度的增加而降低,下降幅度则随深度的增加逐渐减缓,表层土壤对土壤的碳存储贡献更大。总的来看,土壤有机碳含量在深层(30cm以下)相邻土层之间差异不显著,说明深层土壤中,有机碳含量变化较小。由以上结果可以得出结论,在造林措施适当、人为干扰较少的条件下,人工林同样可以维持与天然林相近的较高的土壤碳储量。  相似文献   

This study estimates the carbon stock of Banja Forest which is natural and dry Afromontane forest type in Banja District, northwest of Ethiopia. A systematic sampling method was used to identify each sampling point through the Global Positioning System. A total of 63 plots measuring 20 × 20 m were employed to collect tree species and soil data. Losses on ignition and the Walkley–Black method were used to estimate biomass and soil carbon stock, respectively. The carbon stock of trees was estimated using an allometric equation. The results revealed that the total carbon stock of the forest was 639.87 t/ha whereas trees store 406.47 t/ha, litter, herbs, and grasses (LHGs) 2.58 t/ha and soil 230.82 t/ha (up to 30 cm depth). The carbon pools’ carbon stock variation with altitude and slope gradients were not significant (p > 0.05) which was similar to other previous studies. The Banja Forest is a reservoir of high carbon and thus acts as a great sink of the atmospheric carbon. It can be concluded that the Forest plays a role in climate change mitigation. Hence, it should be integrated with reduced emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) and the clean development mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol to catch monetary benefits.  相似文献   

采用涡度相关技术对华北低丘山地30年生栓皮栎-刺槐-侧柏人工混交林生态系统进行连续2年的碳通量观测。结果表明:人工混交林净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的年际和季节变化都很明显,但日变化只在生长季(4—10月)才变得显著。2006和2007年人工混交林NEE的变化范围分别在-27.1~8.1和-24.4~9.8gCO2·m-2d-1,最大月平均CO2吸收量分别出现在5月和7月。生长季净碳吸收约占全年的96%。人工混交林是较强的碳汇,2006和2007年净碳吸收量分别为549.1和445.4gC·m-2a-1。春季干旱是2007年人工混交林净碳吸收显著下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

The larch (Larix) genus is the most important species group in the forest ecosystems in Northeastern China, occupying about 25% of the forest areas. The high tolerance to coldness and relatively fast growth rate make this genus the main species group for forestation. According to the predictions of the global circulation model CGCM3, temperature could rise by 2–4 °C over the next 100 years. Few studies have been conducted on the response of larch species to climate warming in Northeastern China. Such studies are becoming increasingly needed due to the economic and ecological significance of this genus. This paper studies the potential distribution ranges of three larch species under the current and the warming climate conditions. A new classification and regression tree technique, Random Forest, was used to investigate the potential distributions of three larch species, based on 18 environmental variables which reflect the climate, topography and soil conditions of Northeastern China. The results showed that the biological coldness index (BCI) is the most important factor for Dahurian larch, annual precipitation (AP) is the most important factor for Korean larch and elevation (DEM) is the most important factor for Prince Rupprecht larch.  相似文献   

研究区域位于天然林保护工程重点区域大兴安岭林区,收集大兴安岭森林资源连续清查第6次复查232块样地资料,将其整理成列联表,做列联表分析,进行卡方检验、剩余分析、对数线性模型拟合。结果表明,此区域落叶松林分在低海拔分布较广,但蓄积量处于相对低水平,主要是此区域内林分受人为干扰较严重而致。本文研究结果对于森林经营决策具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

采用样方法和收获法,根据光合作用方程式、碳税法和人工制氧法,对云南玉溪磨盘山华山松人工林(16 a中龄林、26 a近成熟林、43 a成熟林)生物量、碳储量及其空间分布特征和固碳释氧进行了研究。结果如下:三种林龄华山松人工林的生物量分别为181.515 t·hm-2、284.679 t·hm-2、295.311 t·hm-2,碳储量分别为85.751 3t C·hm-2、139.934 4 t C·hm-2、132.508 6 t C·hm-2,净碳储量分别为:5.365 3 t C·hm-2·a-1、5.383 6 t C·hm-2·a-1和3.082 7t C·hm-2·a-1;三种林龄群落各层碳储量均为乔木层枯落物层灌木层草本层,三种林龄乔木层的碳储量分别占:91.37%、94.99%、93.70%;不同林龄相同器官(根、皮、叶、干、枝)之间变异系数在2.10%~7.33%之间,而同一林龄不同器官的变异系数在2.12%~5.82%之间;方差分析结果显示除成熟林乔木外,另两种林龄乔木各营养器官之间均存在显著差异;华山松中龄林、近成熟林、成熟林同化大气中CO2和释放出O2价值量分别是355 044.221 3 yuan·hm-2,216 003.386 1 yuan·hm-2,556 831.529 6 yuan·hm-2和338 767.648 4 yuan·hm-2、577 627.367 6 yuan·hm-2和351 419.513 0 yuan·hm-2。  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统碳平衡研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
森林生态系统是陆地生态系统的主体, 它不仅具有改善和维护区域生态环境的功能, 而且在全球碳平衡中起着巨大的作用, 充分发挥森林的固碳能力关系到能否降低大气CO2浓度和抑制全球变暖趋势。文中就我国森林生态系统固碳功能和碳储量的研究进行了概括, 并对未来森林生态系统碳循环研究提出一些看法。  相似文献   

CBM-CFS3模型基于森林资源清查数据,可模拟不同尺度、不同干扰或经营措施下森林生态系统的碳储量及变化,满足IPCC温室气体最高层次计量方法的要求,是IPCC推荐使用的碳计量模型。该模型的应用将会对我国森林碳储量估算产生重要的促进作用。文中主要介绍CBM-CFS3模型的发展历程和特点、原理、运行和数据结构以及模型目前的应用研究情况,评价了当前模型的适用范围和局限性。  相似文献   

Wang Ke  Zhang Yu 《林业研究》1995,6(1):12-17
Comparative analyses were conducted on the nutrient element content and returning amount of main fractional compositions of litter in Korean pine (KP), Mongolian Scots pine (MSP) and Dahurian larch (DL) plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. The results are as follows: (1) The nutrient element content and returning amount in litter varies among different fractional compositions and tree species, the total returning amount of all nutrient elements and the returning amount of K, Ca, Mg, N and P are DL > MSP > KP, the returning amount of Cu is DL > KP > MSP, the returning amount of Fe and Mn are MSP > DL > KP; (2) To KP and DL plantations, the main nutrient element returned is dead needles; dead branches, bark scales and dead cones account for a little proportion; whereas to MSP plantation, besides dead needles, dead branches and bark scales also play an important role in the return of nutrient elements; (3) A little deal of dead leaves can provided a great deal of returning amount of nutrient elements.  相似文献   

研究了原始红松阔叶林及其次生林草本植物物种组成及多样性动态,共记录了179种草本植物,其中红松阔叶林125种,次生林160种。红松阔叶林及其次生林草本植物的月季动态变化明显,物种数、Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-wiener指数及均匀度指数均表现为先增加再减小。不同月份次生林内草本物种数均明显高于红松阔叶林。红松阔叶林下草本植物垂直方向呈现明显的分层现象;在整个生长季内,次生林下草本植物高度均大于红松阔叶林。  相似文献   

The material flow and bulk internal flow analyses were used to establish a material accumulation and cycling model for a low-quality forest stand improvement system and a series of processes were considered. The model was applied in a one-hectare low-quality forest plot in the Lesser Khingan Range of China. Results showed that during 1997–2007, the stands absorbed 270.19 kg of N, 74.28 kg of P, and 124.39 kg of K from soils, 51.82 kg of N and 2.38 kg of P were directly absorbed by foliage, and 16.25 kg of K was released to soils by eluviation. Until 2007, the accumulated nutrients in the stands included 236.91 kg of N, 65.28 kg of P, and 108.55 kg of K. When horizontal strip clearcutting was applied in 2007, 50% accumulated nutrients in the stands were shifted due to harvesting operations, and 212.74 kg of N, 26.97 kg of P, and 98.88 kg of K were accumulated in soils, declining by 9.47% for N, 3.68% for P, and 17.60% for K, respectively, compared with year 1997. 94.61 t per hectare of biomass was generated, of which the biomass in stands accounted for 87.36%. The felled tree biomass was 36.89 t per hectare, of which 84.90% and 10.03% of biomass were utilized in terms of logs and other means, and the rest was left on site.  相似文献   

The thesis for the Doctorate consist of two parts. The first is to study on structure, dynamics and tree growth of natural Korean pine forest. The second is to research for tree architecture, growth and stand structure of artificial Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests.The thesis compares the stand structure, process of regeneration, and various tree growth patterns between natural forests and artificial forests. Its purpose is to give a basis for forest management and silviculture. The study was carried out in Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm, which is located in the southern Xiaoxing’an Mountains.  相似文献   

利用相对生长方程与碳/氮分析法,对比分析长白山天然白桦林在7个立地类型(阳坡上、中、下部与阴坡上、中、下部及谷地)上的生态系统碳储量(植被与土壤)、净初级生产力与年净固碳量,揭示立地类型对温带白桦林生态系统碳库与固碳能力的影响规律。结果表明:①长白山天然白桦林植被碳储量(45.61 87.22 t·hm-2)呈阴坡上、中部与谷地>阳坡上、中部与阴坡下部>阳坡下部变化趋势,且高立地型显著高于低立地型50.8% 91.2%(P<0.05),中立地型高于低立地型20.4% 44.4%(P>0.05);②土壤碳储量(66.71 158.51 t·hm-2)呈阳坡上部、阴坡中部与谷地>阳坡中、下部与阴坡下部>阴坡上部变化趋势,且高立地型显著高于低立地型99.3% 137.6%(P<0.05),中立地型高于低立地型40.7% 67.0%(P>0.05);③生态系统碳储量(139.44 231.12 t·hm-2),呈阴坡中部与谷地>阳坡上部与阴坡下部>阳坡中、下部与阴坡上部变化趋势,且高立地型显著高于低立地型35.6% 65.7%(P<0.05),中立地型高于低立地型5.8% 34.7%(P>0.05);④植被净初级生产力(4.92 11.25 t·hm-2·a-1)和年净固碳量(2.32 5.32 t·hm-2·a-1)均呈阴坡上、中部>阳坡上、下部与阴坡下部及谷地>阳坡中部变化趋势,且高立地型显著高于中、低立地型42.5% 128.7%和45.2% 129.3%(P<0.05),中立地型高于低立地型10.6% 56.3%和14.2% 53.4%,但仅阴坡下部提高显著。因此,长白山白桦林生态系统碳库与固碳能力均受到立地类型的强烈影响,故对其碳汇功能评价应考虑其立地分异规律性。  相似文献   

不同密度马尾松人工林生态系统碳储量空间分布格局   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对1 245、1 620、2 070株/hm2 3种密度的马尾松人工林生态系统碳储量及其空间分布格局进行了研究,结果表明,马尾松人工林乔木层碳储量随林分密度的增大而增大,分别为41.301、46.377和52.018 t/hm2,林下层碳储量差异不明显,分别为0.935、0.936和0.956 t/hm2,土壤层有机碳储量随林分密度的增大而减小,分别为107.895、98.472和87.040 t/hm2;马尾松人工林生态系统碳储量也随林分密度的增大而减小,分别为150.131、145.785、140.014 t/hm2,碳储量空间分布序列均为土壤层>乔木层>林下层。  相似文献   

The carbon cycle of forest ecosystems plays a key role in regulating CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Research on carbon storage estimation of forest ecosystems has become a major research topic. However, carbon budgets of subtropical forest ecosystems have received little attention. Reports of soil carbon storage and topographic heterogeneity of carbon storage are limited. This study focused on the Jinggang Mountain National Nature Reserve as an example of a mid-subtropical forest and evaluated soil and vegetation carbon storage by field sampling combined with GIS, RS and GPS technology. We classified the forest into nine forest types using ALOS high-resolution remote sensing images. The evergreen broad-leaved forest has the largest area, occupying 26.5% of the total area, followed by coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests and warm temperate coniferous forest, occupying 24.2 and 22.9%, respectively. The vegetation and soil carbon storage of the whole forest ecosystem were 1,692,344 and 5,514,707 t, with a carbon density of 7.4 and 24.2 kg/m^2, respectively, which suggests that the ecosystem has great carbon storage capacity. The topographic heterogeneity of the carbon storage was also analysed. The largest vegetation storage and soil storage is at 700–800 and 1000–1100 m, respectively. The vegetation carbon storage is highest in the southeast, south and southwest.  相似文献   

区域尺度上森林生态系统碳储量的估算方法分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提高森林生态系统碳储量估算的精度,在全球碳循环和气候变化研究中具有重要意义。从生物量和净初级生产力角度出发,综述了中国森林生态系统碳储量估算的主要方法及手段,阐述了综合遥感、地面观测数据及生态系统过程模型来研究特定区域特定时段森林生态系统碳循环及碳储量的必要性,探讨了我国森林生态系统碳储量研究的发展趋势和亟待解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

The basic principle of life table method is described, and the method of tree height instead of tree age in static life table is suggested, and it is also discussed that the possibility of natural poplar-birch forest recover to broad-leaf Korean pine forest on low pitches in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains by this method. If there is no particular situation, Korean pines after high than 5m under natural Poplar-birch forest will basically survive and make their way into dominant canopy accompanied by climax broad-leaf species.  相似文献   

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