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Experiments to determine effects of skin colour on growth in different water temperatures were conducted with albino and normally pigmented channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). In Experiment 1, fish were reared in 29°C, 27°C, or 22°C water from hatching to 40 weeks of age. Two additional groups were initially reared in 27°C water for either 12 or 16 weeks and in 22°C water for either the remaining 28 or 24 weeks, respectively. Results indicated that: (1) albino fish reared in 29°C water were superior in growth to normal fish; (2) albino fish did not differ from normal fish in growth when reared in either 27°C or 22°C water; (3) albino fish were inferior in growth to normal fish when reared in 27°C water for either 12 or 16 weeks of the 40-week growth period; (4) genetic differences between families and the age of fish strongly influenced relative growth of both colour types; and (5) both albino and normal catfish were able to compensate in growth at a later age. Experiment 2 began when fish were 48 weeks old and included both albino and normal fish which were either full-siblings or not genetically related. Results indicated that: (1) albinos and normal catfish did not respond differently to a 5°C water temperature change; (2) genetically related and randomly selected albino and normal fish produced consistent results concerning water temperature, skin pigmentation, and sex effects on growth; (3) increasing water temperature from 22°C to 27°C for 19 weeks resulted in increased weight and length of the fish by 144 and 80%, respectively; and (4) growth increase during the first 19-week period resulting from the higher water temperature was followed by a significant increase in the subsequent 10-week growth when the fish were in the lower water temperature.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of feeding frequency (daily versus every other day [EOD]) on nutrient digestibility/availability of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, reared at optimal (30 C) and suboptimal (24 C) temperatures. A 28% protein practical diet was used as the test diet, and chromic oxide was used at 0.75% of the diet as a maker. Twenty channel catfish of a mean weight of 141 g/fish were stocked into 12 flow‐through aquaria (110 L). Fish were fed daily or EOD to apparent satiation for 7 d before fecal samples were collected by the dissection method. Fish fed EOD to apparent satiation consumed more diet on days fed than those fed daily, and fish reared at 30 C consumed more diet than those reared at 24 C. Neither feeding frequency nor water temperature significantly affected apparent digestibility coefficients for energy and protein and apparent availability coefficients for total amino acids. Results show no advantage by feeding EOD over feeding daily on nutrient digestibility and diet utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions among juvenile channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were observed, and fixed action patterns were described and anlyzed. Dominant fish engaged regularly in aggressive activities and never in submissive activities, whereas subordinate fish were observed in submissive activities on a regular basis and rarely in those that were aggressive. Activity levels were significantly higher in dominant fish; however, there was no difference in activity levels between pairs of equal and unequal size fish. A factor analysis indicated that there were three general categoris of behavior in juvenile channel catfish. In addition, two behaviors (which appeared to be displacement activities) were functioning in agnostic encounters. Plasma cortisol concentrations measured in sigle fish and pairs of fish in aquaria and individuals from a holding tank indicated that the least amount of stress occurred in fish that were not interacting with any other individuals. Cortisol levels, however, were lower that those associated with stress levels in fish from other studies.  相似文献   

Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus farming is the largest component of aquaculture in the USA. Culture technologies have evolved over time, and little recent work has been conducted on the effects of stocking density on production characteristics and water quality. Twelve 0.1‐ha ponds were stocked with 13‐ to 15‐cm fingerlings (16 g) at either 8600, 17,300, 26,000, or 34,600 fish/ha in single‐batch culture with three replicates per treatment. Fish were fed daily to apparent satiation with a 32% floating commercial catfish feed. Nitrite‐N, nitrate‐N, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), Secchi disk visibility, chlorophyll a, chloride, total alkalinity, total hardness, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO) were monitored. Ponds were harvested after a 201‐d culture period (March 26, 2003 to October 13, 2003). Net yield increased significantly (P < 0.05) as stocking density increased, reaching an average of 9026 kg/ha at the highest density. Growth and marketable yield (>0.57 kg) decreased with increasing stocking density. Survival was not significantly different among densities. Mean and maximum daily feeding rates increased with density, but feed conversion ratios did not differ significantly among treatments (overall average of 1.42), despite the fact that at the higher stocking densities, the feeding rates sometimes exceeded 112 kg/ha per d (100 lb/ac per d). Morning DO concentrations fell below 3 mg/L only once in a 34,600 fish/ha pond. Concentrations of chlorophyll a, COD, nitrite‐N, and TAN increased nominally with increasing feed quantities but did not reach levels considered problematic even at the highest stocking densities. Breakeven prices were lowest for the highest stocking density even after accounting for the additional time and growth required for submarketable fish to reach market size. While total costs were higher for the higher density treatments, the relatively higher yields more than compensated for higher costs.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Similarities among multi-locus DNA fingerprints of five channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus strains and the ability to identify the strain of a fish based on its fingerprint pattern were investigated. Five restriction enzymes and 13 multi-locus DNA probes were screened to identify enzyme-probe combination useful for DNA fingerprinting channel catfish. Restriction enzymes Hinf I and Dpn II, in combination with probes (CAC)n, (CGC)n, (CTC)n, (ATCC)n, and (GATA)n, produced useful fingerprints (20–30 resolvable bands for each enzyme-probe combination). Thirty individuals (3 pools of 10 individuals each) from each of five channel catfish strains (albino, Mississippi normal, USDA-102, USDA-102 select, and USDA-103) were fingerprinted with all useful enzyme-probe combinations. Band sharing among samples was higher within strains than among strains and band sharing among strains was higher for strains whose breeding history indicated a high degree of relatedness. Individual fingerprints of 18 fish from each of the USDA-102 select and USDA-103 strains revealed no strain-specific bands, but several diagnostic bands (present at high frequencies in either USDA-102 select or USDA-103 strains and at a low frequencies in other strains) were identified. Band sharing at diagnostic bands was used to correctly identify fish as USDA-102 select or USDA-103 strains with 82% accuracy from fingerprints of 17 USDA-102 select strain fish, 18 USDA-103 strain fish, and 38 fish collected from three commercial farms.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate effects of various carotenoids on skin and fillet coloration and fillet carotenoid concentration in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. For 12 wk, juvenile catfish were fed one of six experimental diets containing no supplemental carotenoid or 100 mg/kg of one of following carotenoid additions: β‐carotene (BCA), lutein (LUT), zeaxanthin (ZEA), canthaxanthin (CAN), and astaxanthin (AST). Visual yellow color intensity score was highest for fish fed LUT, followed by ZEA, AST, and CAN, and lowest for fish fed basal and BCA diets. Skin and tissue Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage yellowness value was the highest in fish fed LUT, followed by fish fed ZEA, AST, and CAN, and lowest for fish fed basal and BCA diets. Fish accumulated the supplemental carotenoids in muscle tissues, but concentrations of different carotenoids in the tissue varied greatly. Approximately 30% of the LUT added was converted to echineone; no conversion was observed among other supplemental carotenoids. Results from the present study indicate that channel catfish can accumulate yellow pigments LUT and ZEA and red or pink pigments CAN and AST in the flesh, resulting in yellow coloration. The yellow pigment BCA does not appear to deposit in skin or flesh at levels sufficient to alter the coloration.  相似文献   


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate low-quality diets for growout of pond-raised channel catfish. Five practical diets containing various levels of protein (10-28%) of varying quality (with or without animal protein and/or soybean meal), and with or without certain nutrient supplements (vitamin, minerals, lysine, or fat) were fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusstocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 17,290 fish/ha. The diets were as follows: (1) 28% protein, nutritionally complete control; (2) 28% protein without supplemental vitamins, minerals, or fat; (3) 18% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein; (4) 10% protein without animal protein, soybean meal, or supplemental vitamins and minerals; and (5) 10% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein or soybean meal. Each diet was fed once daily to apparent satiation to fish in five replicate ponds for a single growing season. Fish fed diets containing 18% or 28% protein without supplements had similar diet consumption rates and weight gain as those fed the 28% control diet, but the fish fed the control diet converted diet more efficiently. Fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements consumed less diet, converted diet less efficiently, and gained less weight than fish fed diets containing higher levels of protein. The addition of supplements to the 10% protein diet increased weight gain and processing yield as compared to fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements. Body fattiness increased, fillet protein decreased, and carcass, fillet and nugget yields decreased as dietary protein decreased. The data show that pond-raised channel catfish can be grown effectively on a diet containing 18% protein that is of relatively low quality, but fattiness is increased and processing yield is decreased. However, because of the negative aspects of this diet, we would not recommend it for general use in commercial catfish culture. It could be used where fattiness and processing yield are not of consequence, such as recreational ponds. For that matter, the 10% diet without supplements could be used as well in these situations if maximum growth is not desired.  相似文献   


The Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, is one of the most common finfish cultured in Japan and Korea. Despite the relatively high production of fingerlings, some problems remain, mainly related to the larval feeding and cost of maintaining microalgae and rotifers. In order to determine the effects of different diets on the Japanese flounder larval growth and survival, a series of experiments was carried out related to the size and nutritional value of different live feeds. The larvae culture conditions were at 10 or 20 larvae/L in 50 to 2,000 L tanks, with aeration and with or without “green water,” and a temperature range of 18.5 to 22.5°C. The live foods used were microalgae (Chlorella ellipsoidea and Nannochloris oculata), baker's yeast, experimental n-yeasts, oyster trochophore larvae, three strains of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (L-type, S-type and U-type) and Artemia nauplii. Variations were detected in size, dry weight, and chemical composition of the three strains of rotifers used. The maximum number of rotifers ingested by flounder larvae increased steadily from 7 individuals, at first feeding (3.13 mm), to 42 individuals at 5.25 mm of total length (6 days after first feeding). There was a relationship between larval total length and size of the rotifers ingested. The effect of rotifer size on larval growth and survival appeared to be limited to the first two days of feeding. Of the diets tested in the growth and survival of larval flounder during 14 days after hatching, rotifers fed on C. ellipsoidea and raised in green-water gave the best results. Rotifers cultured on enriched N. oculata and n-yeasts did not support larval growth and caused higher mortalities. The n-yeasts used as rotifer enrichment appeared to satisfy, partially, the nutritional requirement of 7-day-old flounder larvae, as did n-yeast squid wintering oil the requirements of 14-day-old larvae. From 7-9-days after hatching and throughout the second 14-day period, rotifers and Artemia cultured on N. oculata improved the survival of flounder compared with those fed on rotifers cultured on C. ellipsoidea. Moreover, the larval growth did not vary significantly between both microalgae-rotifer feedings. No clear relation was found between total protein, lipid, amino acids and fatty acids of live feeds with the growth and survival of flounder larvae, although the total lipid was higher in C. ellipsoidea than in N. oculata. The Artemia nauplii San Francisco strain appeared to be more suitable for the growth and survival of flounder larvae, than the Utah strain. The nutritional value of Artemia nauplii (Utah strain) for flounder larvae remained unchanged despite the use of either microalgae as nauplii enrichment.  相似文献   

The effects of the putative hormonal pheromones 17α, 20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnene‐3‐one (17,20β‐P), 17,20β‐P‐20‐glucosiduronate, and prostaglandin F‐2α (PGF‐2α) injected into female channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were investigated to determine whether male channel catfish and blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, could be attracted to the injected females. Females were distributed into traps placed in ponds containing either male channel catfish or blue catfish. Traps were checked six times in a 96‐h period. Males were 17.9 times more likely to be captured with a PGF‐2α‐injected female than with an ethanol‐only injected female, or a 17,20β‐P‐injected female, and 3.5 times more likely to be captured with a PGF‐2α‐injected female than with a 17,20β‐P‐glucosiduronate‐injected female. Males were 6.0 times more likely to be caught between 48 and 96 h post‐injection than between 12 and 24 h post‐injection. These results suggest that the overall best pheromone to attract blue catfish and channel catfish males is PGF‐2α at 48–96 h post‐injection.  相似文献   

The efficacy of short-term feed withdrawal as a method of reducing ammonia concentrations in catfish production ponds was investigated. Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, fingerlings averaging 35 g were stocked at 9,880 fish/ha into six 0.04-ha ponds and fed twice daily to satiation for 131 days. For a 9-day period immediately prior to harvest (days 132-140), feeding of fish in three ponds was terminated, while feeding of fish in three other ponds was continued. Total ammonia-nitrogen concentrations were not significantly reduced (P > 0.05) in unfed ponds until 9 days after feeding was terminated. However, after 7 days without feed, un-ionized ammonia concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in ponds where fish were not fed, due to significantly higher (P < 0.05) pH levels. Short-term (9 days) feed withdrawal had little effect on lowering total ammonia and actually increased concentrations of toxic un-ionized ammonia in ponds.  相似文献   

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in a quadruplicate flowthrough aquaria for 15 weeks, were fed a semipurified basal diet containing no folic acid or with folic acid levels ranging from 0.2 to 10.0 mg/kg with or without antibiotic. A second study was conducted for 25 weeks under similar conditions but with semipurified diets containing either 20 or 200 mg/kg ascorbic acid and either 0, 0.4, or 4.O.mg/kg folic acid in a factorial design. Mortalities throughout both experiments were monitored and the etiological causes noted. Fish remaining from the second study were overwintered in circular tanks, kept on the same experimental diets, and challenged with Edwardsiella ictaluri after having been on experimental diets for 50 weeks. In both studies, the addition of folk acid to the basal experimental diet resulted in a decreased incidence of columnaris, Flexibacter columnaris. Folic acid concentration in the diet significantly affected mortalities in fish exmrimentallv challenged with E. ictaluri; however, there was significant interaction between the folic acid concentration and the concentration of ascorbic acid. At the lower concentration of ascorbic acid, 4 mg/kg of folic acid was required to reduce mortalities, but at the higher concentration of ascorbic acid, only 0.4 mg/kg folic acid was needed to reduce mortalities below that of the diet without folk acid. Antibody tilers were not affected by folic acid concentration at the lower concentration of ascorbic acid; however at the higher concentration of ascorbic acid, the diets containing 0.4 or 4 mg/kg of folic acid resulted in increased antibody production.  相似文献   

An environmental assessment was made of Alabama channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus farming which is concentrated in the west‐central region of the state. There are about 10,000 ha of production ponds with 10.7% of the area for fry and fingerlings and 89.3% for food fish. Food fish production was about 40,800 tons in 1997. Watershed ponds filled by rainfall and runoff make up 76% of total pond area. Water levels in many of these ponds are maintained in dry weather with well water. The other ponds are embankment ponds supplied by well water. Harvest is primarily by seine‐through procedures and ponds are not drained frequently. The main points related to Alabama catfish farming and environment issues are as follows: 1) catfish farming in Alabama is conservative of water, and excluding storm overflow, about two pond volumes are intentionally discharged from each pond in 15 yr; 2) overflow from ponds following rains occurs mostly in winter and early spring when pond water quality is good and stream discharge volume is high; 3) total suspended solids concentrations in pond effluents were high, and the main sources of total suspended solids were erosion of embankments, pond bottoms, and discharge ditches; 4) concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluents were not high, but annual effluent loads of these two nutrients were greater than for typical row crops in Alabama; 5) ground water use by the industry is about 86,000 m3/d, but seepage from ponds returns water to aquifers; 6) there is little use of medicated feeds; 7) copper sulfate is used to control blue‐green algae and off‐flavor in ponds, but copper is rapidly lost from pond water; 8) although sodium chloride is applied to ponds to control nitrite toxicity, stream or ground water salinization has not resulted from this practice; 9) fertilizers are applied two or three times annually to fry and fingerling ponds and occasionally to grow‐out ponds; 10) hydrated lime is applied occasionally at 50 to 100 kg/ha but this does not cause high pH in pond waters or effluents; 11) accumulated sediment removed from pond bottoms is used to repair embankments and not discarded outside ponds; 12) sampling above and below catfish pond outfalls on eight streams revealed few differences in stream water quality; 13) electricity used for pumping water and mechanical aeration is only 0.90 kW h/kg of production; 14) each metric ton of fish meal used in feeds yields about 10 tons of dressed catfish. Reduction in effluent volume through water reuse and effluent treatment in settling basins or wetlands does not appear feasible on most farms. However, some management practices are recommended for reducing the volume and improving the quality of channel catfish pond effluents.  相似文献   

Yellow pigment deposition is a quality defect associated with channel catfish fillets. This study evaluated the relationship between fillet color and carotenoid contents as well as the effect of refrigerated storage on the color and carotenoid content of discolored catfish fillets. The color and carotenoid content of the yellow fillets were analyzed using the L, a, b‐color system and high performance liquid chromatography analysis, respectively. A strong linear relationship between visual yellowness (i.e., the b‐values) of fresh catfish fillets and the sum of three major carotenoid contents was observed. Yellow discolored catfish fillets became darker and more yellow during 12 d of refrigerated storage. However, the total carotenoid content of yellow fillets decreased or remained unchanged during storage. Results suggest that while the yellow discoloration of fresh catfish fillets is related to carotenoid contents, the intensification of the discoloration during storage appears to be related to another chemical phenomenon.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of anemia (CCA) in channel catfish, Ictalurirs punctatus, in Mississippi occur predominantly during spring and fall. Between October, 1990 and May, 1991, twenty-seven cases of CCA were submitted to the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service-College of Veterinary Medicine Fish Diagnostic Laboratories. Histologic lesions were identified in the head and trunk kidneys of all affected fish. The head kidney contained less than 25% immature hematopoietic tissue in 3 of 22 cases (14%). 25-50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 7 of 22 cases (32%), and greater than 50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 12 of 22 cases (54%). The trunk kidney contained less than 25% immature hematopoietic tissue in 5 of 27 cases (18%), 25-50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 15 of 27 cases (56%), and greater than 50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 7 of 27 cases (26%). The histopathologic findings noted in cases of CCA from Mississippi affect primarily the hematopietic tissues of the head and trunk kidneys.  相似文献   

A study of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of waters from ten channel catfish ponds at Auburn, Alabama, revealed that the 5-d BOD (BOD5) seldom exceeded 8 mg/L and that the ultimate BOD (BODu) was usually less than 30 mg/L. Water samples from catfish ponds usually needed to be diluted only 2 or 3 times to permit BOD5 measurements, and nitrification occurred even during a 5-d incubation period. Catfish pond waters were not extremely high in ammonia nitrogen concentration, and ammonia nitrogen introduced in the ammonium chloride-enriched dilution water caused an appreciable increase in BOD of some samples. Plankton respiration is a major component of carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) in catfish pond waters. Thus, the BOD is not expressed as rapidly during 5-d incubations as in typical waste-water. The ultimate BOD (BODu) would be a good measurement of oxygen demand for catfish pond effluents, but it is difficult to measure. Data from this study suggest that BODu can be estimated from BOD5, but the correlation is not strong ( R 2= 0.62). An alternative is to develop a short-term BOD measurement specifically for effluents from channel catfish and other aquaculture ponds. This study suggests that a 10-d BOD conducted without nitrification inhibition or addition of ammonia nitrogen in dilution water might be a better alternative to standard BOD5 or BODu measurements normally used in wastewater evaluation.  相似文献   

从人工饲养的成鱼中挑选体色单纯、红色较深的个体作后备亲鱼进行强化培育,待其性腺发育成熟后,注射LHRH—A2催熟催产。催熟剂量为每千克鱼体重2~3μg(雄鱼不催熟),催产剂量为8μg(雄鱼剂量减半)。试验结果,雌鱼的催产率达70.6%;共获受精卵大约18万粒;孵化出鱼苗约16万尾,平均孵化率88.9%;经培育,共获体长3.5cm的鱼种14.82万尾,鱼种的平均培育成活率达92.6%。试验结果表明,亲鱼培育是美国红鮰鱼人工繁殖取得成功的关键,而要获得遗传性状稳定的红鮰鱼鱼种,亲鱼的筛选至关重要;美国红鮰鱼生长快,抗病力强,产量高,肉质鲜嫩,是优良的养殖品种,可以在国内推广养殖。  相似文献   

Culture of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," accounts for virtually all catfish production. Recently, however, an increasing number of catfish farmers are growing or are considering the culture of blue catfish, "I. furcatus." Current and past research the compared the culture traits of channel and blue catfish are reviewed. Blue catfish could be potentially advantageous for certain farm environments. Strain effects in both species are important. In general, channel catfish grow faster to market size than do blue catfish. However, some strains of blue catfish grow faster than many strains of channel catfish. Blue catfish are more vulnerable to parasites such as "Icthyophthirius" and to bacterial infections such as those from "Flexibacter columnaris when compared to channel catfish. Blue catfish do not tolerate handling as well as channel catfish, and handling stress often leads to infections in blue catfish. However, blue catfish have high resistance to enteric septicemia of catfish caused by "Edwardsiella ictaluri" and to channel catfish virus when compared to channel catfish. Blue catfish are twice as vulnerable to harvest by seining than channel catfish, and have a higher dress-out percentage than most strains of channel carfish. Channel catfish tolerate lower dissolved oxygen levels than do blue catfish. Blue catfish require one more year to reach sexual maturity than do channel catfish.  相似文献   

Economic trade-offs associated with single- and multiple-batch production of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were analyzed using multi-period and risk programming mathematical models. Single-batch stocking strategies maximized net returns above variable cost, primarily because poorer feed conversions in multiple-batch systems resulted in lower net returns. In the absence of off-flavor, single-batch production would increase annual net returns by 5%. For every 25% reduction in off-flavor incidence, annual net returns increased by 1-3%. The 10-year average fall-to-spring price differential was less than the cost of holding fish through the winter, based on an assumed inventory holing cost of $0.08/kg/month. For each reduction in holding cost of $0.02/kg/month, annual net returns increased by 8-9%. Multiple stocking was selected as a risk-reducing strategy, but expected income decreased by 8% to 35% depending on the number of ponds stocked in multiple batches. Cash flow restrictions decreased annual net returns by 18% because multiple-batch stocking strategies were required to meet financial obligations.  相似文献   

The National Agricultural Statistics Service surveyed by telephone and mail in January and February 1997 all known producers of channel catfish letalurus punctatus to acquire current information about wildlife-caused losses in calendar year 1996. Many producers tried to prevent wildlife-caused losses of their catfish by shooting (57%), vehicle patrol (55%), or frightening (36%), at an estimated cost of >$5 million. Yet, 69% of catfish producers cited some wildlife-caused losses. Birds were most frequently cited as a cause of losses, and double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus was the species cited most frequently (53%). The next most frequently cited birds were herons Ardea spp. (48%), egrets Egretta spp . (16%), and pelicans Pelecanus spp. (8%). Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus were cited by 10% of producers, primarily for damaging dikes and roads. The main problems caused by wildlife were feeding on catfish (67%), injuring catfish (40%) or disturbing feeding patterns of the catfish (23%). The total estimated cost of losses was $12 million. Overall, wildlife damage and damage prevention may have cost catfish producers > $17 million, about 4% of the total $425 million of catfish sales in 1996. Of the 44% of all catfish producers who were familiar with Wildlife Services (WS), 51% had ever contacted WS for assistance, 55% used methods suggested by WS to reduce their losses, and 40% received direct assistance from WS in 1996. Mississippi producers, who most frequently received direct assistance from WS, had proportionately lower wildlife-caused losses.  相似文献   

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