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通过田间试验和室内分析测定,对马铃薯块茎低还原糖形成的生理基础与钾代谢的关系进行了初步研究。结果表明,马铃薯块茎中还原糖含量随生育进程逐渐减少;叶片、茎秆和块茎中含K量随生育进程呈降低的变化趋势;克新1号茎秆含钾量与其块茎还原糖含量、夏坡蒂块茎中含钾量与还原糖含量相关性均达到了极显著水平。因此,可以把克新1号茎秆中的含钾量和夏坡蒂块茎中的含钾量作为油炸食品加工原料品质预测和新品种选育的重要生理指标。  相似文献   

In vitro produced plantlets are used in potato seed systems for production of minitubers under protected conditions or for production of transplants to be transplanted to the field. Three field experiments were carried out to analyse how transplant age (Age) affected the field performance. In the main experiments, 2-, 3- and 4-week-old transplants of the very early cultivar Gloria (Exp. 1) and the mid-early cultivar Bintje (Exp. 2) were produced in a glasshouse. Exp. 3 was a check experiment in which 2- and 3-week-old transplants of cv. Gloria were produced in growth chambers under conditions that were non-inductive for tuberization (24-h photoperiod, high temperature). Ground cover (GC) was assessed weekly and weights of the tuber and canopy fractions were assessed at 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days after transplanting (DAT). Yield analysis [accumulated intercepted radiation (AIR), radiation use efficiency (RUE), total dry weight (TDW), harvest index (HI) and tuber dry matter concentration] was carried out; the fraction dry matter (DM) allocated to the tubers and the canopy was calculated for three 2-week intervals after field transplanting. When raised in the glasshouse, older transplants were more advanced in tuber formation and canopy growth than younger transplants and had a higher GC at transplanting. However, crops from younger transplants produced significantly higher fresh tuber yields than crops from older transplants in the later part of the growing period in Exp. 1; the same trend was observed in Exp. 2. AIR was the most important yield component affected by transplant age; RUE, HI and tuber dry matter concentration were not or not meaningfully affected by transplant age. In the first 2 weeks after field transplanting, a very high percentage of the DM produced (>85%) was allocated to tuber growth in crops from the oldest transplants. This reduced AIR severely. The results show clearly that seed crops from younger transplants will perform better than crops from older transplants or at least perform at par. Implications for transplant production management are discussed.  相似文献   

钾肥在马铃薯上的肥效试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
秦芳 《中国马铃薯》2003,17(3):171-173
半干旱地区在常规施肥基础上增施钾肥具有显著的增产增效作用 ,以施 6 0~ 90kg/hm2的K2 O效果较好 ,较无肥对照增产 75 4 9 5~ 94 0 0 5kg/hm2 ,净增产值 30 4 5 0 5~ 386 2 5 5元 /hm2 ,较单施氮、磷肥对照增产 2 799 0~ 4 6 5 0 0kg/hm2 ,净增产值 1183 5~ 2 0 0 1 0元 /hm2 ,使马铃薯商品薯率提高 0 1%~ 5 3%。  相似文献   

Calcium plays a major role in plant growth and development and in the maintenance and modulation of various cell functions, especially related to membrane structure and function and to cell wall structure. Calcium stabilizes cell membranes by bridging polar head groups of phospholipids at the membrane surface. Calcium is also an integral part of the cell wall where it provides stable intra-molecular linkages between pectin molecules, resulting in cell wall rigidity. A change in the cytosolic calcium concentration is also known to provide a cellular signal that regulates metabolism and mediates plant responses to stresses.  相似文献   

渭源县是甘肃省主要的马铃薯种薯及商品薯基地。目前种植面积达2.3万hm^2,马铃薯已发展成为渭源县的支柱产业。随着市场的进一步拓展和马铃薯加工业的迅速发展,我县北部半干旱地区马铃薯的种植面积成倍增加。但由于我县北部半干旱山区地广人稀,多年来农民对农家肥的投入量有限,加上农民偏重N、P化肥的投入,致使土壤中钾素含量降低。  相似文献   

二季作区春播马铃薯块茎膨大进程的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过连续 3年测定二季作区春播马铃薯块茎形成过程 ,拟将块茎膨大分四个时期 ,4月中旬为膨大始期 ,4月下旬至 5月初为膨大初期 ,5月上中旬为膨大盛期 ,5月下旬至 6月上旬为膨大后期。在此基础上 ,提出了二季作区春播马铃薯配套的高产栽培技术  相似文献   

One mechanism for plant defense is the production of proteinaceous inhibitors that block the function of pathogen-produced cell wall-modifying enzymes. The xyloglucanase-specific endoglucanase inhibitor protein (XEGIP) is proposed to exist principally to block pathogen family 12 xyloglucan-specific endoglucanases. The role of XEGIP in plant defense was tested by generating transgenic XEGIP-overexpressing potato plants. Overexpression of an endogenous XEGIP in potato resulted in major changes in plant phenotype. Short petioles, small, thick leaves, reduced root formation, and distorted tuber shape resulted from XEGIP overexpression. Susceptibility to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, was not altered. For the XEGIP tested (AY321357), there are previously unreported alterations in plant development that can be attributed to constitutive expression of XEGIP. The principal role of at least this XEGIP may be regulation of plant-encoded enzymes.  相似文献   

马铃薯早熟品种选育的实生籽播种期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前 言中原二季作地区马铃薯生产需要选用早熟或中早品种 ,中、晚熟品种在这一地区产量非常低 ,甚至没有产量。其主要原因是这些品种生长期长 ,结薯所需要的环境条件比较严格。在中原地区 ,春季马铃薯播种出苗后日照时数逐渐增多、气温逐渐增高 ,不利于中、晚熟品种结薯。 6月中旬以后高温雨季到来 ,结薯和块茎膨大受到影响 ,同时植株开始感病 ,不等植株正常成熟就已死亡。因此 ,在品种选育上应根据这一地区的特点选育早熟、休眠期短、结薯对温度、光照长短不敏感、秋季播种耐高温的株系。中原地区在利用杂交实生籽育种工作中 ,由于受长日照…  相似文献   

采用二次通用旋转回归设计方法,研究了炸片用马铃薯品种"大西洋”的主要栽培措施(种植密度、农肥、N肥、P肥和K肥)与产量的关系,结果表明,各参试因子对产量影响的大小程度依次排序为:农肥>K肥>密度>N肥>P肥.经计算机模拟寻优,获得了高产数学模型和最佳农艺措施组合方案.667 m2产量大于1550kg的农艺组合方案有345套,其95%的置信区域是: 密度3626~3800穴,农肥2243.5~2379.5 kg,N肥6.164~6.820 kg,P肥3.851~4.149 kg, K肥11.122~11.611 kg.农艺措施的中心值是:密度3717穴,农肥2311.5 kg,N肥6.492 kg,P肥4.0 kg,K肥11.39 kg.  相似文献   

Acrylamide, a suspected human carcinogen, is a Maillard reaction product that forms when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures. Processed potato products, including French fries and potato chips, make a substantial contribution to total dietary acrylamide. Health safety concerns raised by acrylamide in food increased financial risks to the potato industry and encouraged industry to take a proactive approach toward acrylamide mitigation. The USDA National Institutes of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) on acrylamide reduction in potato was a cooperative endeavor in which industry partners worked at a systems level with university and government researchers to develop acrylamide mitigation strategies. Short-term goals focused on identifying advanced breeding clones and recently released varieties that have lower acrylamide-forming potential than standard potato varieties. Research was also directed at developing more efficient potato breeding methods, including marker-assisted breeding, genome wide selection, and improved phenotyping methods. Data from the National Fry Processing Trial (NFPT) and SCRI agronomic trial have shown that dramatic reductions in acrylamide are achievable through the use of new varieties that maintain low concentrations of tuber reducing sugars. Chipping potato trials coordinated by Potatoes USA and data from breeding populations suggest that maintaining low tuber reducing sugars through extended storage and lowering tuber asparagine content are options for decreasing acrylamide content in potato chips. To have an impact, new varieties must have exceptional agronomic performance and must produce finished products that meet requirements for consumer attributes including color, texture and taste. Data consistently show that this is more easily achievable in chipping potatoes than in fry processing potatoes.  相似文献   

通过对5个不同处理的钾肥施肥量和3种不同栽培模式的研究,探讨在高海拔的干旱半干旱地区增施钾肥的必要性和适合马铃薯种植的最佳栽培模式。研究结果表明,增施钾肥后能够促进马铃薯的生长发育,产量和商品薯率都有所增加,说明在高海拔的干旱半干旱地区增施钾肥是有必要的。同时通过不同栽培模式的研究说明,起垄覆膜处理增温效果明显,有利于干旱半干旱地区马铃薯提前出苗,促进生长,缩短生育期,提高产量和商品率。  相似文献   

南方旱地多熟间套作马铃薯喷施多效唑的增产效果试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验结果表明:马铃薯喷施多效唑后有抑制地上部生长,促进植株粗壮和提高产量的作用。其适宜浓度应控制在75 ̄125mg.L-1之间,同时有利于旱地多熟套种后熟作物的生产。说明这是一条实现旱地全年多熟高产增收的重要技术措施之一。  相似文献   

张建军 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(3):156-157
马铃薯脱毒试管苗在防虫温室生产一季微型薯,生产期间通过加强肥水管理和病虫害防治获得健壮的苗,收获微型薯后,再进行大田移栽,测定其二次结薯情况。结果表明,抗疫白产量为26808kg·hm-2,润者为19715kg·hm-2。其产品可作为原种一代,既解决了马铃薯脱毒试管苗的综合利用问题,又缩短了育种年限。  相似文献   

When we consider complex, multi-step processes such as crop growth or the progress of a disease then simple mathematical functions are inadequate to describe them and we generally use some kind of mathematical model. The commonest form in use is one that we call a simulation model although there are other forms of model such as Rule-based, (e.g. Gu et al. AI Appl 10:13–24, 1996), Bayesian (Gold, Plant Disease Epidemiol 4:84–122, 1989) and ‘fuzzy’ (Burrough, J Soil Sci 40:477–492, 1989), depending upon the application. Models may sometimes be combined into packages that we call decision support systems. This paper will consider simulation modelling and also the combination of complementary models. Mathematical models of the potato crop have been devised, in a range of sophistication, over a long period of years and a quite proper question is: “Where next? What are the developments that are sought or, more importantly, that are needed?”  相似文献   

裂果发生与果皮细胞壁修饰的关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果皮发育状态和力学性能直接影响裂果的发生,而其力学性能与果皮细胞壁修饰有着密切的关系.从果皮细胞壁中的多糖、蛋白质、酚类物质、矿质元素以及有关细胞壁松弛基因等方面概述了果皮细胞壁组分代谢与生化修饰和裂果的关系,并展望该领域今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

以‘大西洋’、‘荷兰15’、‘夏坡蒂’3个加工型马铃薯为供试材料,探讨整薯与切块播种对河西走廊加工型马铃薯品种生长发育及品质和产量的影响。结果表明,整薯播种较切块播种生长优势明显,出苗率高5~7个百分点,单株根数多2.0~3.2条,芽长长0.5~0.8cm,株高高2.3~2.7cm;整薯播种经济性状优于切块播种,平均单株结薯数多0.8~1.8个,单株主茎数多0.7~1.6个,平均单薯重高15.5~16.0g,大薯率高12.9~19.9个百分点,商品薯率高20.3~22.9个百分点,增产率18.17%~26.00%;整薯播种干物质、可溶性总糖、淀粉含量显著高于切块播种,分别高1.59~3.87,0.17~0.21和2.10~3.07个百分点。该研究结果为推广整薯播种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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