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Late blight is a devastating disease in potato production world-wide. Breeding for resistance is complex because of the versatile and aggressive population of Phytophthora infestans, which overcomes any new genetic source of resistance very rapidly. There are reliable fungicides available to control the disease, but chemical control is costly and harmful to the environment. There are no cultural practices reducing the infestation, which are reliable enough to cope with the disease in a non-chemical way. Given the close link between the physiological condition of the crop and its resistance to late blight, this paper addresses the question whether crop physiology can help to combat the disease. Although there are possibilities to (partly) escape to the late blight by advancing the crop cycle or the tuber bulking, it is concluded that crop physiology can do little to reliably reduce the susceptibility to late blight. Breeding for resistance remains the best option.  相似文献   

Several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to late blight have been reported in diploid potatoes. The diploid wild potato species Solanum chacoense possesses a high degree of horizontal resistance to late blight. In the present study, we report on QTL mapping for late blight resistance in a diploid mapping population of 126 F1 of Solanum spegazzinii (susceptible) × S. chacoense (resistant). The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values for late blight resistance using the “whole plant in vitro assay” and the “detached leaf assay” on the mapping population displayed quantitative variation. Out of 64 AFLP primer-pairs combinations and SSR markers, a total of 209 significant AFLP loci were placed onto the 12 linkage group of potato covering a total map length of 6548.1 cM. QTL analysis based on the AUDPC dataset of the “whole plant in vitro assay” using the interval-mapping option identified two QTL (LOD?>?2.5) located on linkage groups IX and X, which explained 14.70 and 3.40% variation, respectively. The present study revealed the presence of potential new genetic loci in the diploid potato family contributing to quantitative resistance against late blight.  相似文献   

During 1983–2012, three field trials per year were performed in each of the three southernmost counties in Sweden to test different fungicide programmes aiming to control late blight, primarily in the very susceptible potato cultivar Bintje. A dataset with results from these field trials was used (i) to examine possible changes in the appearance and behaviour of late blight attack over the years, (ii) to investigate the relationship between late blight in foliage and tuber blight, (iii) to investigate the relationship between late blight and tuber yield and (iv) to identify any correlations between different variables in the dataset. Late blight reached epidemic proportions, i.e. 75% disease severity in the untreated control, in the majority of the field trials. The estimated first attack of late blight was earlier in many field trials after 1998. Differences between years and regions were great in terms of date of the first attack and how the attack developed during the season. For example, in 2002–2005 and 2007, the first attack occurred 40–55 days after planting (DAP), compared with 95–108 DAP in 1994 and 1996. In 1994, 2006 and 2009–2011, the attacks increased from first symptoms to 65% disease severity in the untreated control within 16–21 days, compared with 35–40 days in 1995, 1999 and 2002. The relationship between foliage late blight and tuber blight was weak with the best match found at high disease severity late in the growing season (r?=?0.33; p?<?0.001). The relationship between blight-free tuber yield and start of the first attack indicated a yield increase of 287 kg/day (R 2?=?0.27) for every day’s delay in first attack. Using the DAP for 65% disease severity in the untreated control improved the correlation (R 2?=?0.64) and indicated a yield increase of 534 kg/day for every day’s delay in first attack. The later the onset of attack, the higher the blight-free tuber yield in treated plots. In general, significant correlations were found between blight-free tuber yield, size fractions of tuber yield, date of first late blight attack, date of different degrees of disease severity, disease severity, date of treatment, treatment measures and maintenance.  相似文献   

4183 is a promising wide compatibility restorer line with good grain quality. Its hybrid rice Shuangyou 4183 (Shuangjiu A/ 4183) was registered in Anhui Province in 2003. However, the line and its hybrid rice are susceptible to bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). R4183 carrying Xa21 was developed to improve bacterial blight resistance of 4183 through introducing the broad-spectrum resistance gene Xa21 by marker-aided selection. R4183 had similar level of bacterial blight resistance to IRBB21, the resistant donor, while maintained the wide compatibility, restoring ability and other good economic traits of the recurrent parent 4183. Critical issues on improvement of bacterial blight resistance of hybrid rice and breeding strategies were also discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight rice accessions were screened for resistance to the small brown planthopper (SBPH) (Laodelphax striatellus Fallén) by the modified seedbox screening test. Twenty-five rice accessions with different levels of resistance to SBPH were detected, accounting for 18.1% of the total accessions, which included 2 highly resistant, 9 resistant and 14 moderately resistant varieties. Compared with indica rice, japonica rice was more susceptible to SBPH. Antixenosis test, antibiosis test and correlation analysis were performed to elucidate the resistance mechanism. The resistant check Rathu Heenati (RHT), highly resistant varieties Mudgo and Kasalath, and resistant variety IR36 expressed strong antixenosis and antibiosis against SBPH, indicating the close relationship between resistance level and these two resistance mechanisms in the four rice varieties. Antibiosis was the dominant resistance pattern in the resistant varieties Daorenqiao and Yangmaogu due to their high antibiosis but low antixenosis. Dular, ASD7 and Milyang 23 had relatively strong antixenosis and antibiosis, indicating the two resistance mechanisms were significant in these three varieties. The resistant DV85 expressed relatively high level of antixenosis but low antibiosis, whereas Zhaiyeqing 8 and Guiyigu conferred only moderate antibiosis and antixenosis to SBPH, suggesting tolerance in these three varieties. Antibiosis and antixenosis governed the resistance to SBPH in the moderately resistant accession 9311. Antixenosis was the main resistance type in V20A. Tolerance was considered to be an important resistance mechanism in Minghui 63 and Yangjing 9538 due to their poor antibiosis and antixenosis resistance. The above accessions with strong antibiosis or antixenosis were the ideal materials for the resistance breeding.  相似文献   

Improving nitrogen use efficiency is important for the potato crop, because of its relatively low ability to take up available soil mineral nitrogen (N). Splitting of N fertilizer application is a suitable approach to better match N need and supply. In-season crop N monitoring methods are therefore required to support such strategies. This paper deals with the state of the art and potential development of characteristics, use and implementation of well known and more recent methods aimed to assess in-season potato Crop Nitrogen Status (CNS). A short overview of this concept is given for the potato crop. The most important and available methods for CNS assessment are evaluated for their accuracy, precision, sensitivity, sensibility and feasibility. These are: the petiole sap nitrate concentration test; the leaf chlorophyll concentration measurement using a hand-held chlorophyll meter; the measurement of crop light reflectance through a hand-held radiometer using passive sensors. More recent methods still under investigation based on near, ground-based, air-borne or space-borne remote sensing are discussed for their scientific and practical interest in the near future. The current and potential use and implementation of these methods into decision support systems for potato N fertilization management aimed at improving the potato crop nitrogen use efficiency are analysed by: comparing relative and raw data; establishing threshold values of CNS; and combining or integrating the CNS values into models dedicated to N recommendation or to crop growth simulation.  相似文献   

Potato Solanum tuberosum is one of the world’s four most important crops. Its cultivation is steadily increasing in response to the need to feed a growing world population. The yield of potato is influenced inter alia by both climate and pests. The main defoliator pest of potato is Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Using data from a long-term experiment (1958–2013) in western Poland, we show that increasing temperature has affected the trophic relationship between potato and Colorado potato beetle. The planting, leafing, flowering and harvest dates for potato were advanced, after controlling for different cultivars, by 2.00 days, 3.04 days, 3.80 days and 3.42 days respectively for every 1 °C increase in temperature. In contrast, first treatment against Colorado potato beetle advanced by 4.66 days for every 1 °C increase in temperature, and, furthermore, the number of treatments against the beetle increased by 0.204 per 1 °C increase in temperature. This suggests that the beetle responds faster to increasing temperature than the plant does, but both parts of the system are probably greatly modified by farming practices.  相似文献   

The transgenic rice, Zhongda 2, which was genetically modified from an indica rice line Zhuxian B by rice chitinase gene (RC24), had high resistance to rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) in laboratory and a two-year field experiment. The pathogen could invade sheath of Zhongda 2 and induce symptoms of the disease. No difference was noted in time of penetration or incubation period between Zhongda 2 and non-transgenic rice control, Zhuxian B, but the hyphae lysate could be observed earlier five non-transgenic rice lines showed higher resistance than donor non-transgenic parents, but the resistance was different along with the different maternal parents.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-nine isolates of Magnaporthe grisea from Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces of China were tested for resistance frequency to kitazin P and carbendazim, respectively by the distinctive concentration method. The resistance frequency of the isolates to kitazin P which had not been used in practice for about ten years was as high as 79.1%, and only one carbendazim-resistant isolate was detected in Gaoyao, Guangdong Province (with a frequency of 0.78%). Meanwhile, the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of hyphal melanization was adopted to detect the sensitivity of M. grisea to tricyclazole. There existed several different degrees of sensitivity to tricyclazole in the melanin biosynthesis of M. grisea, but no relationship was found between these MIC values completely inhibiting melanization in hyphae and the EC50 values of tricyclazole against rice blast tested in vivo. After the isolates were induced by chemical taming or UV irradiation in laboratory, kitazin P-resistant and carbendazim-resistant mutants were recovered by both the methods, but none of tricyclazole-resistant mutant was obtained.  相似文献   

The transgenic rice, Zhongda 2, which was genetically modified from an indica rice line Zhuxian B by rice chitinase gene (RC24), had high resistance to rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solan!) in laboratory and a two-year field experiment. The pathogen could invade sheath of Zhongda 2 and induce symptoms of the disease. No difference was noted in time of penetration or incubation period between Zhongda 2 and non-transgenic rice control, Zhuxian B, but the hyphae lysate could be observed earlier than control. Its resistance expressed as to inhibit the growth of mycelium in host tissue. Fis from Zhongda 2(4) crossed with other five non-transgenic rice lines showed higher resistance than donor non-transgenic parents, but the resistance was different along with the different maternal parents.  相似文献   

Existing and impending constraints to the use of synthetic pesticides, along with changing legislation in favour of an integrated approach to pest management, are driving uptake of ‘alternative’ approaches to pest control. Polyculture is one such approach, often relying upon the presence of non-host plants within the crop to reduce colonisation by pest insects. The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), is known to oviposit on non-host plants and the present study showed that neonates were able to move relatively large distances, enabling them to relocate from non-host natal plants to nearby hosts. Although fewer larvae were found on host plants when they hatched on non-hosts, it is concluded that even a low level of re-location of neonates could potentially reduce the potential for polyculture to control this pest. It is proposed that non-host oviposition and neonate movement could explain why polyculture sometimes fails in controlling pest insects.  相似文献   

A. Sonnino 《Potato Research》2000,43(4):395-445


Report of the joint meeting of the Potato Section of EUCARPIA and the Section Breeding and varietal assessment of the EAPR, 3–7 July, 2000, Warsaw (Poland)  相似文献   

The chemical diversity associated with marine natural products (MNP) is unanimously acknowledged as the “blue gold” in the urgent quest for new drugs. Consequently, a significant increase in the discovery of MNP published in the literature has been observed in the past decades, particularly from marine invertebrates. However, it remains unclear whether target metabolites originate from the marine invertebrates themselves or from their microbial symbionts. This issue underlines critical challenges associated with the lack of biomass required to supply the early stages of the drug discovery pipeline. The present review discusses potential solutions for such challenges, with particular emphasis on innovative approaches to culture invertebrate holobionts (microorganism-invertebrate assemblages) through in toto aquaculture, together with methods for the discovery and initial production of bioactive compounds from these microbial symbionts.  相似文献   

By means of topical application, fipronil resistance was surveyed in the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, from 12 diferent areas in east China from 2001 to 2004. The rice stem borers in most regions of Jiangsu and Anhui were still susceptible to fipronil. But in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province and Cixi, Zhejiang Province, their sensitivity became decreased (resistance ratios were 3.1 and 3.6, respectively), and the medium level of resistance (resistance ratio was 21.2) was found in Cangnan, Zhejiang Province. So, it was still at the early stage for fipronil resistance development in this pest. Synergism experiments showed that piperonyl butoxide(PBO) had a little effect on both susceptible and resistant borers (synergism ratios were 1.1-1.2). Though triphenyl phosphate (TPP) and diethyl meleate (DEM) had no effect on the susceptible borers, they had significant synergism on fipronil in the resistant population to fipronil (synergism ratios were 1.8 and 1.6, respectively), indicating esterase and glutathion S-transferase may be involved in the resistance mechanism. Bioassay with currently used insecticides indicated that triazophos (because of high resistance), trichlorphon and acephate had very low toxicity to resistant borers. But diazinon, pyridaphenthion, decamethrin and avermeatin showed high toxicity and had no cross resistance to fipronil, which could be considered as substitute insecticides in the resistance managment.  相似文献   

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