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Physiological quality affects vigour and yield potential of potato seed tubers. Under short-season conditions, a seed tuber should preferably produce a short cycle and mature crop. The aim of the current studies was to assess how various storing and pre-sprouting treatments affect growth vigour and yield formation. Results showed that different low-temperature storage regimes before pre-sprouting treatments had no clear effects although some minor differences between treatments occurred. For pre-sprouted (‘green’-sprouted) seed tubers, results from field trials in southern Norway (2007–2008) showed that emergence of cvs Asterix and Saturna improved significantly compared to unsprouted seed. Total yields increased significantly for both cultivars in 1 out of 2?years. For Saturna, a major increase in number of tubers per plant resulted in larger proportions of smaller-size grades and thus lower marketable yields. In other trials (northern Norway, 2006–2007), varying duration of pre-sprouting did not affect growth vigour and yield. For number of tubers and size grades, the results varied significantly between pre-sprouting durations, but differently among trials, so no clear conclusions can be drawn. In one of the two trials, increased duration of pre-sprouting resulted in higher proportions of the smaller sizes at the expense of large tubers. Different levels of temperature sums during pre-sprouting (ca. 200 or 400?day-degrees >4?°C) did not affect seed performance. In conclusion, our studies showed that pre-sprouting may improve growth vigour and increase the proportion of smaller grade sizes.  相似文献   

2003年我所从国际马铃薯中心(CIP)引进了16个杂交实生种子组合,春季在昆明市进行了筛选试验,收取了各组合的一代实生薯,并在当年冬季播种进行产量比较试验,结果表明:A4、A12两个组合在试验中产量较高,其抗病性、经济薯率及综合性状表现较好,具有推广应用前景;A系列杂交实生籽一代薯做种种植,与昆明地区大面积小春种植的中甸红和会-2号品种生育期相近,可以在我市小春上推广种植。  相似文献   

Degradation of harvested tubers due to water loss, sprouting, and disease can cause severe economic difficulties in the cultivation of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). This study evaluated the storage losses of new varieties of potato and determined the sprouting dates of potatoes stored at different temperatures. Additionally, this study evaluated the influence of weather conditions during the vegetative growth period on the date of sprouting in storage. After storage at three different temperatures (3, 5, and 8 °C), we estimated natural losses and losses caused by sprouting or the development of disease. The potato varieties stored at 3 °C, and 5 °C had similar weight losses (8.8% and 9.3%, respectively), but the potatoes stored at 8 °C had higher losses (10.8%). The average potato losses caused by disease ranged from 0.6% to 10%. The onset of sprouting of potatoes stored at 8 °C depended on the variety and began in the 20 day of December. Storage at 5 °C delayed sprouting by about 50 days compared with storage at 8 °C. Weather conditions (hot and rainy) during vegetative growth of the plants also influenced sprouting date, natural losses, and the amount of disease during storage. Our data showed a significant correlation between the hydrothermal coefficient during the vegetative period and the date of sprouting of potatoes during storage.  相似文献   

Seed Potato Production in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this research was to analyze the regional distribution and quality of potato seed production in Poland from 2007 to 2011. The research was based on 10,559 tuber samples taken for the official post-harvest inspection assessment of seed potato lots. A very detailed map of seed plantation locations in Poland was created at the municipality level. The greatest concentration of seed production was from the northern and southern parts of Pomorskie Province, where many seed potatoes were cultivated, and in the north of the Zachodniopomorskie Province, around the towns of Koszalin and Ko?obrzeg. In both provinces, cultivars which were highly susceptible to PVY were cultivated on nearly half of the area. Over time a clear increase in the production of elite material and a decrease in those certified as the lowest category, CB, were observed. The quality of seed potato material was poorest following the harvest in 2008, because of high levels of virus infection; 30 % of the seed lots were not certified. Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was recorded occasionally and it is at present of no economic importance in Poland. The role of potato virus Y (PVY), increased, probably because of the growth in the share of foreign cultivars (mainly Dutch) which are more susceptible to PVY. There were also changes in the populations of PVY strains. The share of Polish cultivars in potato seed production decreased to 36.3 % in 2012.  相似文献   

黑龙江省马铃薯种薯生产   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石瑛 《中国马铃薯》2004,18(5):282-286
马铃薯种薯生产是马铃薯产业链条的一个重要组成部分,高质量的种薯能为种植者从源头提供基本的物质保证。马铃薯通过无性繁殖方式繁衍后代,块茎连续几代在田间种植,极易感染病毒并在体内积累,通过无性系逐代传递导致产量和品质下降,其对环境条件的特殊要求决定了不是所有的马铃薯种植地区都适合繁殖种薯,马铃薯的种薯生产只能在特定的区域内进行。黑龙江省是我国重要的马铃薯生产和种薯繁育基地,得天独厚的自然条件及悠久的种植历史,形成了本地区特有的种薯生产体系及各方面的保障。本文详述了黑龙江省马铃薯种薯生产状况,包括种薯生产的历史、种薯繁育体系的建设、种薯繁育技术的完善、种薯基地的建设以及种薯质量检验等方面内容,并针对种薯生产中存在的问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

马铃薯不同贮藏阶段干物质变化规律研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯贮藏期间(温度在1~4℃范围内)干物质含量变化呈"V"形趋势,马铃薯贮藏期间干物质含量变化与当地的气温变化一致,随着气温升高而升高,随着气温降低而降低,在1月份气温最低时马铃薯干物质含量也最低。  相似文献   

Epidemics of late blight on potato in the semiarid Pacific Northwest since 1991 have been characterized by a prevalence of stem lesions in relation to leaf lesions. This study was conducted in 1997 to test the hypothesis that isolates representing immigrant strains of Phytophthora infestans were more adapted at causing stem lesions and more aggressive at higher temperatures than isolates representing the relatively older US-1 strain. A total of 23 Phytophthora infestans isolates representing US-1, US-8, and a new A1 compatibility type strain were tested for aggressiveness on leaflets and stems of whole potato plants (cv. Russet Burbank) in 11 trials. Plants in one set of trials were incubated at constant temperatures of 18, 23, and 28 °C for six days with a 16 h photoperiod. Plants in the second set of trials were incubated at the same three day temperatures but the night temperature in all treatments was reduced to 16 °C. Lesion establishment was recorded, and daily severity readings were used to calculate the area under the lesion expansion curve (AULEC). Lesion area, sporulation frequency, sporulation time, and sporulation capacity were also measured. Lesion establishment was higher on stems than on leaves for isolates of all strains. Isolates representing US-8 and new A1 strains often had higher AULEC values but had similar lesion establishment, sporulation frequency, sporulation time, and sporulation capacity values as US-1 isolates. A reduction in components of aggressiveness for all strains was noted at 28 °C, with leaflets being more affected than stems. Sporulation rarely occurred at 28 °C. Few differences in components of aggressiveness were observed between 18 and 23 °C. These findings indicate that isolates from the relatively newer strains (US-8 and new A1) were not better adapted in causing lesions on potato stems than isolates from the old US-1 strain, nor were they better adapted to higher temperatures. The relatively newer strains, however, were generally more aggressive as indicated by higher AULEC on stems and leaflets over the range of temperatures used in this experiment.  相似文献   

我国马铃薯病毒的种类及脱毒种薯生产过程中病毒的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对近年来我国各马铃薯产区病毒发生情况进行分析,详细列出马铃薯主产区病毒病种类及各主要马铃薯病毒的分布情况。分析表明,我国很多马铃薯产区尚缺少全面、系统的马铃薯病毒调查。同时比较了我国各地区马铃薯脱毒种薯生产过程中对病毒的检测规程,并分析了马铃薯A病毒(PVA)的检疫风险。  相似文献   

Potato storage in Great Britain is focused on delivery of high quality crops for premium markets. For the fresh sector, crops from storage need to have clean skins free from blemish. Control of black dot, silver scurf and skin spot is, therefore, paramount to secure the best returns. Cold storage is used as a primary means of suppressing disease development and sprout growth. Recent work on black dot has also illustrated the importance of the time the crop spends in the ground (measured as crop duration from 50% emergence to harvest) in relation to the level of disease at harvest, with rapid reduction in storage temperature providing best control of the disease once in store. Storage for processing is carried out at higher temperature with the use of CIPC for sprout suppression. Optimisation of the application process has been a primary objective to maintain frying quality and ensure compliance with new legislation on residue levels. The addition of a catalytic converter to a CIPC fogger minimised any detrimental effect of the fogging process on fry colour. The use of CIPC, where the application of fog has been assisted by slow speed ventilation, has proved to be very successful in trials carried out over 3 years in bulk stores. This has resulted in more uniform sprout control across the store and the need for less CIPC per season. Computerised control systems offer close regulation of storage temperature which reduces the likelihood of condensation that can otherwise compromise crop quality. AssiStore?—a new risk-driven decision support system developed at Sutton Bridge for store managers—is now being evaluated in commercial storage. Whilst development of enhanced management and control remains a key element of storage improvement strategies, it must be remembered that the important aspect of any control system is to ensure the interface with the operator is sound to ensure that any system is meaningful and easy to use. PCR diagnostics also offer great potential for identifying likely storage risks at harvest more accurately; a new test for skin spot has just been successfully developed. As storage becomes more sophisticated, costs inevitably increase. These have been recouped in recent years through improved quality delivered from store. But now there is a need to apply new, more sustainable approaches in order to lower inputs and reduce losses. Developments include the use of inverter drives to match ventilation (and hence energy needs) to demand, and humidification which offers scope for lowering weight loss and providing adiabatic cooling. Reduced reliance on chemicals is also needed and, whilst the adoption of ethylene for fresh market storage has been a significant step forward in recent years, it remains likely that the plant breeders will offer the most sustainable and cost-efficient route to effective storage in the longer term.  相似文献   

25%宝成干悬浮剂防治马铃薯原种繁育田苗后杂草药效试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以荷兰马铃薯品种费乌瑞它脱毒微型薯原原种为试材,用25%宝成干悬浮剂6000倍防治马铃薯原种繁育田苗后杂草,结果表明:25%宝成行间喷雾防治马铃薯原种繁育田杂草有良好效果,防效达94 3,杀草谱广:莎草、阔叶草、针叶草防效分别为97 1、91 0、96 4,行间喷雾比全田喷雾安全,持效期为25~35d。  相似文献   

延庆县马铃薯加工型品种不同栽培密度试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验对延庆县种植的2个马铃薯加工型品种“大西洋”和“夏波蒂”的种植密度进行了试验。试验结果的方差分析表明:每667m2种植密度在4000 ̄5500株范围内,大西洋的单株结薯数、单株商品薯数、单株薯重都存在显著与极显著差异;而小区产量、总薯数及商品薯数无显著差异。夏波蒂各产量指标的分析结果都无显著差异。  相似文献   

马铃薯种薯是马铃薯产业发展的关键和首要因素,了解其发展历程及现状有利于发展中国的马铃薯种薯产业。针对马铃薯种薯的发展历程,生产模式,质量影响因素,种薯质量控制以及中国的马铃薯种薯质量认证工作发展情况等方面进行了综述。此外,还发现了种薯质量认识不足,质检队伍和机构缺乏,种薯质量认证试点示范工作覆盖范围小等问题。最后,提出加强马铃薯种薯质量检测工作的宣传和科普工作,进一步培养质检人才,加强质检机构建设,扩大种薯质量认证试点范围等建议。  相似文献   

荷兰是世界上马铃薯生产最先进的国家之一,具有世界上最严格的种薯质量检测体系,所产种薯质量高,出口八十多个国家和地区,占世界出口总量的60%。阐述了荷兰马铃薯种薯生产与分级,以及种薯质量检测认证情况,介绍了荷兰种薯田间检测、收获后检测和库房检测的时期、检测参数、病害允许率与检测费用,以及荷兰种薯生产的先进经验,为中国发展种薯生产提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

定西市马铃薯种薯产业可持续发展途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马铃薯产业是定西市三大支柱产业之一,在全市实现基本解决温饱,进而稳定解决温饱并向脱贫致富奔小康迈进的过程中,发挥了不可替代的作用。定西的马铃薯产业要实现可持续发展,需要转型升级,由低层次扩张向高端化发展,从数量扩张向质量提升转变,由鲜薯销售向良种生产转变,由初级加工向精深加工和循环利用转变,而这一切都离不开种薯产业的强大支撑。鉴于此,就定西市种薯产业如何实现可持续健康发展作了一点有益的探讨。  相似文献   

加拿大是全球主要农产品生产国和出口国之一,农业产业发达。依托国家高强度农业科研投入、严格的品种繁育与释放程序,完备的种薯生产与质量安全保障体系,加拿大马铃薯产品与种薯质量一直位居世界前列。本文从马铃薯研究与发展体系、品种繁育与释放体系和种薯生产与质量安全保障体系等方面对加拿大马铃薯产业进行分析,希望能为中国马铃薯产业发展提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

First, an extensive literature review was performed with respect to Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance sources and their further utilization in a breeding programme. On the basis of that review we present a scheme of backcrossing and new cultivar creation on the basis of five detected sources of PVY resistance and one source of Potato virus X resistance. Some cultivar pedigrees are presented reflecting the differences in the breeding strategies. Moreover, results of investigations on some polygenic traits such as field resistance against late blight and starch content are presented. For these purposes progenies were screened for suitable recombinant genotypes which were used in further crossings. Also the results of investigations on resistance to the potato golden nematode and on the selection of cultivars suitable for processing are briefly analysed. We also describe a programme of parallel evaluation of identical hybrid populations in different soils and climatic zones. The development of seed potato production systems facilitated the conditions to improve the quality of potato seed material, to increase potato production and to allow Russia to participate in the international potato market. Systems of virus detection, norms and methods of laboratory tests as well as requirements for quality and tolerance levels of different seed classes (generations) were unified and harmonized with European systems.  相似文献   

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