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 Pot and field experiments were conducted to determine microbial immobilization of N fertilizer during growth periods of winter wheat and winter barley. In a pot experiment with winter wheat, Ca(15NO3)2 was applied at tillering [Zadok's growth stage (GS) 25)], stem elongation (GS 31) and ear emergence (GS 49). Rates of 100 mg N pot–1, 200 mg N pot–1 or 300 mg N pot–1 were applied at each N application date. At crop maturity, 15N-labelled fertilizer N immobilization was highest at the highest N rate (3×300 mg N pot–1). For each N-rate treatment about 50% of the total immobilized fertilizer N was immobilized from the first N dressing, and 30% and 20% of the total 15N immobilized was derived from the second and third applications, respectively. In field trials with winter wheat (three sites) and winter barley (one site) N was applied at the same growth stages as for the pot trial. N was also applied to fallow plots, but only at GS 25. N which was not recovered (neither in crops nor in soil mineral N pools) was considered to represent net immobilized N. A clear effect of N rate (51–255 kg N ha–1) on net N immobilization was not found. The highest net N immobilization was found for the period between GS 25 (March) and GS 31 (late April) which amounted to 54–97% of the total net N immobilized at harvest (July/August). At GS 31, non-recovered N was found to be of similar magnitude for cropped and fallow plots, indicating that C from roots did not affect net N immobilization. Microbial biomass N (Nmic) was determined for cropped plots at GS 31. Although Nmic tended to be higher in fertilized than in unfertilized plots, fertilizer-induced increases in Nmic and net N immobilization were poorly correlated. It can be concluded that microbial immobilization of fertilizer N is particularly high after the first N application when crop growth and N uptake are low. Received: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

The changes in size, activity and structure of soil microbial community caused by N fertilization were studied in a laboratory incubation experiment. The rates of N fertiliser applied (KNO3) were 0 (control), 100 and 2,000 μg N g−1 soil. Despite no extra C sources added, a high percentage of N was immobilized. Whereas no significant increase of microbial C was revealed during incubation period, microbial growth kinetics as determined by the substrate-induced growth-response method demonstrated a significant decrease in the specific growth rate of microbial community in soil treated with 2,000 μg N g−1 soil. Additionally, a shift in microbial community structure resulting in an increase in fungal biomarkers, mainly in the treatment with 2,000 μg N g−1 soil was visible.  相似文献   

Summary During incubation of an acid cambisol and an alkaline fluvisol, amended with glucose and nitrate, hot water soil extracts were analysed for N content, ultraviolet absorption, and fluorescence. Humic substances in the hot water extracts and in a neutral sodium pyrophosphate extract were fractionated on polyvinylpyrrolidone and measured spectroscopically. Changes in the hot water and pyrophosphate extract compositions were related to changes in microbial biomass, as estimated by substrate-induced respiration, and the hexosamine content of soil hydrolysates. During the incubation, the microbial population in each type of soil developed quite differently, according to the soil pH. Microbial growth and death in the alkaline soil sample induced a maximum of hot-water-extractable ultraviolet-absorptive non-fluorescent substances. The fluorescence of the hot water soil extract increased steadily with incubation time even after the microbial activity was reduced. A similar increase in fluorescence, in accord with the ultraviolet absorption, was found during incubation of the acid soil samples. After 95 days of incubation, the hot-water-extractable fluorescent and ultraviolet-absorptive substances were reduced. N immobilization induced an increase, and N mineralization a decrease, in dissolved organic N. The relative increase in humic substances in the hot water soil extract was much higher than in the pyrophosphate extract. Therefore, humic material, produced by microbial growth and death, is obviously extractable with hot water.  相似文献   

The influence of two experimental soil treatments, Z93 and W91, on nitrogen transformations, microbial activity and plant growth was investigated in soil microcosms. These compounds are commercially marketed fermentation products (Agspectrum) that are sold to be added to field soils in small amounts to promote nitrogen and other nutrient uptake by crops in USA. In laboratory microcosm experiments, soils were amended with finely ground alfalfa-leaves or wheat straw, or left unamended, in an attempt to alter patterns of soil nitrogen mineralization and immobilization. Soils were treated in the microcosms with Z93 and W91 at rates equivalent to the recommended field application rates, that range from 0.2 to 1.1 l ha−1, (0.005-0.03 μl g−1 soil). We measured their effects on soil microbial activity (substrate-induced respiration (SIR), dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and acid phosphatase activity (PHOS)), soil nitrogen pools (microbial biomass N, mineral N, dissolved organic N), and transformations (net N mineralization and nitrification, 15N dilution of the mineral N pool, and accumulation of mineral N on ion-exchange resins), and on wheat plant germination and growth (shoot and root biomass, shoot length, N uptake and 15N enrichment of shoot tissues), for up to 56 days after treatment. To follow the movement of nitrogen from inorganic fertilizer into plant biomass we used a 15N isotopic tracer. Most of the soil and plant responses to treatment with Z93 or W91 differed according to the type of organic amendment that was used. Soil treatment with either Z93 or W91 influenced phosphatase activity strongly but did not have much effect on SIR or DHA. Both chemicals altered the rates of decomposition and mineralization of organic materials in the soil, which was evidenced by significant increases in the rates of the decomposition of buried wheat straw, and by the acceleration of net, rates of N mineralization, relative to those of the controls. Soil nitrate availability increased at the end of the experiment in response to both chemical treatments. In alfalfa-amended soils, the final plant biomass was decreased significantly by treatment with W91. Increased plant growth and N-use efficiency in straw-amended soil, resulting from treatments with Z93 or W91, was linked to increased rates of N mineralization from indigenous soil organic materials. This supports the marketing of these compounds as promoters of N uptake at these low dosage inputs.  相似文献   

 Gross rates of soil processes and microbial activity were measured in two grazed permanent pasture soils which had recently been amended with N fertilizer or dung. 15N studies of rates of soil organic matter turnover showed gross N mineralization was higher, and gross N immobilization was lower, in a long-term fertilized soil than in a soil which had never received fertilizer N. Net mineralization was also found to be higher in the fertilized soil: a consequence of the difference between the opposing N turnover processes of N mineralization and immobilization. In both soils without amendments the soil microbial biomass contents were similar, but biomass activity (specific respiration) was higher in the fertilized soil. Short-term manipulation of fertilizer N input, i.e. adding N to unfertilized soil, or witholding N from previously fertilized soil, for one growing season, did not affect gross mineralization, immobilization or biomass size and activity. Amendments of dung had little effect on gross mineralization, but there was an increase in immobilization in both soils. Total biomass also increased under dung in the unfertilized soil, but specific respiration was reduced, suggesting changes in the composition of the biomass. Dung had a direct effect on the microbial biomass by temporarily increasing available soil C. Prolonged input of fertilizer N increases soil C indirectly as a result of enhanced plant growth, the effect of which may not become evident within one seasonal cycle. Received: 18 December 1998  相似文献   

The effects of wheat straw and different forms of N on denitrification and N immobilization were studied in an anaerobic water-sediment system. The water-sediment system was supplemented with various combinations of wheat straw and 15N-labelled and unlabelled (NH4)2SO4 or KNO3, and incubated anaerobically at 30°C for 10 days. 15N-labelled and unlabelled NO inf3 sup- , NO inf2 sup- , NH inf4 sup+ , and organic N were determined in the water-sediment system. The gases evolved (N2, CO2, N2O, and CH4) were analyzed by gas chromatography at regular intervals. Larger quantities of 15N2–N and organic 15N were formed in wheat straw-amended systems than in non-amended systems. Trends in CO2 production were similar to those of N2–N evolution. The evolution of N2O and CH4 was negligible. Denitrification processes accounted for about 22 and 71% of the added 15NO inf3 sup- –N in the absence and presence of wheat straw, respectively. The corresponding denitrification rates were 3.4 and 12.4 g 15Ng-1 dry sediment day-1. In systems amended with 15NO inf3 sup- –N and 15NO inf3 sup- +NH inf4 sup+ –N without wheat straw, 1.82 and 1.58%, respectively, of the added 15NH inf3 sup- –N was immobilized. The corresponding figures for the same systems supplemented with wheat straw were 5.08 and 4.10%, respectively. Immobilization of 15NO inf4 sup+ –N was higher than that of 15NO inf3 sup- –N. The presence of NO inf3 sup- –N did not stimulate NH inf4 sup+ –N immobilization.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field study to assess the effect of increasing the frequency of split applications of N fertiliser on the pattern of plant uptake, soil N availability, and microbial biomass C and N. Measurements were taken during the growing season in different positions relative to young trees (Prunus avium L.) in an upland silvopastoral system in its first year after establishment. At fertiliser rates of 72 and 144 kg ha-1 N applied as NH4NO3, increasing the number of split applications increased N uptake by the pasture. Mineral forms of soil N measured 2 weeks after application indicated that residual NH inf4 sup+ -N and total mineral N were also greater in this treatment on certain dates. Soil NO inf3 sup- -N was positively correlated with the soil moisture content, and nitrification reached a maximum in early May and declined rapidly thereafter except within the herbicide-treated areas around the trees where soil moisture had been conserved. Results of the study suggest that high NO inf3 sup- -N in herbicide-treated areas was probably caused by mineralisation of grass residues and low uptake by the tree rather than by preferential urine excretion by sheep sheltering beside the trees. Mean microbial biomass C and N values of 894 and 213 kg ha-1, respectively, were obtained. Microbial C was slightly increased by the higher frequency of split applications at 144 kg ha-1 N and was probably related to the greater herbage production with this treatment. Microbial N was not significantly affected by the N treatments. Both microbial biomass C and N increased during the growing season, resulting in the net immobilisation of at least 45 kg ha-1 N which was later released during the autumn.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of roots on microbial growth and N immobilization was investigated in a pot experiment with barley, Italian ryegrass, and white clover. We used a silty subsoil with a low soil organic matter content (0.16%C and 0.012%N), which allowed us to measure N immobilization as an increase in total soil organic N (planted versus unplanted). At sampling, the soil was easily removed from intact roots by gentle washing, with a negligible loss of root material. Plant growth and extra mineral N (in planted soil only) gave increased total counts (fluorescence microscopy) and viable counts (plate dilution) of bacteria, a higher proportion of larger cells, and increased viable counts as a percentage of total counts. Under monocots, 12–17% of the added fertilizer N was recovered as soil organic N. Although this N immobilization was attributed to microbial assimilation, less than 1/4 was actually recovered as microbial biomass N, as measured with the chloroform fumigation/N-extraction method or calculated from total bacterial counts. The white clover accumulated substantial amounts of N due to N2 fixation. However, microbial N immobilization represented only 3% of the total N accumulation, showing that the microorganisms obtained a smaller share of biologically fixed N2 than of the N applied as fertilizer. Extra additions of mineral N (monocots) enhanced microbial N assimilation, partly due to increased plant growth. The results also strongly indicated, however, that the microbial growth under monocots was N-limited in the latter part of the experiment and that fertilizer N had a direct effect on microbial growth. In the early phase of plant growth, N immobilization ranged from 33 to 58 mg N g-1 root C. This level of immobilization required a release of organic C into the soil representing a minimum of 60–100% of that found in intact roots.  相似文献   

土壤中无机氮的微生物同化和非生物固定作用研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程谊  张金波  蔡祖聪 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):1030-1036
土壤中无机氮的迅速固持有利于土壤氮的持留,从而减少NO3-淋溶、NH3挥发以及N2O和NO排放损失。本文综述了土壤中无机氮的微生物同化和非生物固定作用,指出了无机氮微生物同化和非生物固定在氮循环中的重要意义,初步讨论了生物过程和非生物过程固定无机氮的机制和影响因素。但是对于非生物固定NO3--N,其机理目前还不清楚。从现有的文献报道来看,能够解释非生物固定NO3--N机制的仅有铁环假说。然而,铁环假说尚未得到完全证实,有待于深入的研究。  相似文献   

Net N mineralization from plant materials represents the difference between the two opposing processes of gross N mineralization and immobilization. This complicates the derivation of useful relationships between rates of net mineralization and litter quality indices. The purpose of the current paper is to present a model for net N mineralization from plant material that is based on relationships between (1) gross N mineralization and respiration and (2) gross N immobilization and respiration found in studies applying 15N dilution techniques. Together these relationships produce an overall relationship between net N mineralization and C mineralization that can be used to predict net N mineralization from respiration. The applicability of the model was tested by applying it to the mineralization dynamics of 75 plant materials with widely differing qualities. In a model validation on eight independent plant materials, the relations between net N mineralization and C mineralization resulted in good predictions of observed net N mineralization patterns from the C mineralization pattern, depending only on the C/N ratio of the plant material (R2=0.90). This suggests that the relationship between net N mineralization and respiration is largely unaffected by the chemical composition of the plant material other than the C/N ratio. This means that the chemical composition of the plant material may primarily influence N mineralization through its effect on C mineralization. Furthermore, the relationship between net N mineralization and C mineralization is useful for predictions of net N mineralization because C mineralization is generally much easier to predict than net N mineralization.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is an essential element associated with crop yield and its availability is largely controlled by microbially-mediated processes. The abundance of microbial functional genes (MFG) involved in N transformations can be influenced by agricultural practices and soil amendments. Biochar may alter microbial functional gene abundances through changing soil properties, thereby affecting N cycling and its availability to crops. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of wood biochar application on N retention and MFG under field settings. This was achieved by characterising soil labile N and their stable isotope compositions and by quantifying the gene abundance of nifH (nitrogen fixation), narG (nitrate reduction), nirS, nirK (nitrite reduction), nosZ (nitrous oxide reduction), and bacterial and archeal amoA (ammonia oxidation). A wood-based biochar was applied to a macadamia orchard soil at rates of 10 t ha−1 (B10) and 30 t ha−1 (B30). The soil was sampled after 6 and 12 months. The abundance of narG in both B10 and B30 was lower than that of control at both sampling months. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that soil variables (including dissolved organic C, NO3–N and NH4+–N) and sampling time influenced MFG, but biochar did not directly impact on MFG. Twelve months after biochar application, NH4+–N concentrations had significantly decreased in both B10 (4.74 μg g−1) and B30 (5.49 μg g−1) compared to C10 (13.9 μg g−1) and C30 (17.9 μg g−1), whereas NO3–N concentrations increased significantly in B30 (24.7 μg g−1) compared to B10 (12.7 μg g−1) and control plots (6.18 μg g−1 and 7.97 μg g−1 in C10 and C30 respectively). At month 12, significant δ15N of NO3–N depletion observed in B30 may have been caused by a marked increase in NO3–N availability and retention in those plots. Hence, it is probable that the N retention in high rate biochar plots was mediated primarily by abiotic factors.  相似文献   

 A greenhouse experiment was conducted to compare effects of different C and N sources applied to a flooded soil on soil microbial biomass (SMB) C and N, extractable soil organic N (NORG), and NH4 +-N in relation to plant N accumulation of rice (Oryza sativa L.). In addition to a control without inputs (CON), four treatments were imposed receiving: prilled urea (PU), rice straw (RS), RS and PU (RS+PU), or Sesbania rostrata as green manure (SES). Treatments were arranged according to a completely randomized design with four replicates and further consisted of pots with and without transplanted rice. While plant effects on the SMB were relatively small, the application of organic N sources resulted in a rapid increase in SMB until 10 days after transplanting (DAT) followed by a gradual decline until 73 DAT. Plant N accumulation data in these treatments clearly indicated that the SMB underwent a transition from a sink to a source of plant-available soil N during the period of crop growth. Seasonal variation of the SMB was small in treatments without amendment of organic material (CON, PU) presumably due to a lack of available C as energy source. Extractable NORG was significantly affected by soil planting status and organic N source amendment, but represented only a small N pool with little temporal variation despite an assumed rapid turnover. Among the three treatments receiving the same amount of N from different sources, the recovery efficiency of applied N was 58% for PU and 28% for both RS+PU and SES treatments at 73 DAT. The N uptake of rice, however, was not driven by N availability alone, as most evident in the RS+PU treatment. We assume that root physiological functions were impeded after application of organic N sources. Received: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary The impact of protozoan grazing on the dynamics and mineralization of 14C- and 15N-labelled soil organic material was investigated in a microcosm experiment. Sterilized soil was planted with wheat and either inoculated with bacteria alone or with bacteria and protozoa or with bacteria and a 1:10 diluted protozoan inoculum. 14C–CO2 formation was continuously monitored. It served as an indicator of microbial activity and the respiration of soil organic C. The activity of protozoa increased the turnover of 14C-labelled substrates compared to soil without protozoa. The accumulated 14C–CO2 evolved from the soils with protozoa was 36% and 53% higher for a 1:10 and for a 1:1 protozoan inoculum, respectively. Protozoa reduced the number of bacteria by a factor of 2. In the presence of protozoa, N uptake by plants increased by 9% and 17% for a 1:10 and a 1:1 protozoan inoculum, respectively. Both plant dry matter production and shoot: root ratios were higher in the presence of protozoa. The constant ratio of 15N: 14+15N in the plants for all treatments indicated that in the presence of protozoa more soil organic matter was mineralized. Bacteria and protozoa responded very rapidly to the addition of water to the microcosms. The rewetting response in terms of the 14C–CO2 respiration rate was significantly higher for 1 day in the absence and for 2 days in the presence of protozoa after the microcosms had been watered. It was concluded that protozoa improved the mineralization of N from soil organic matter by stimulating the turnover of bacterial biomass. Pulsed events like the addition of water seem to have a significant impact on the dynamics of food-chain reactions in soil in terms of C and N mineralization.Communication No. 19 of the Dutch Programme on Soil Ecology of Arable Farming Systems  相似文献   

甜玉米/白三叶草秸秆还田的碳氮矿化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
豆科/禾本科作物间套作后进行秸秆还田能补充土壤养分,缓解集约化农业生产对环境的压力.根据田间甜玉米/白三叶草套种各作物的秸秆产量,在恒温恒湿条件下进行室内培养,探讨秸秆不同方式还田后土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮、呼吸产生的CO2和矿化产生的无机氮的变化规律.研究发现,各施肥处理的土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮均在培养前期出现峰值,后期平稳降低;甜玉米秸秆和白三叶草绿肥同时还田的土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮在各培养时期均最大,峰值分别达529.57 mg·kg-1和75.50 mg·kg-1,土壤呼吸产生的CO2最多;白三叶草绿肥单独还田有利于土壤无机氮的释放,培养第26 d 无机氮达到最大值,为29.81 mg·kg-1,之后一直在对照处理的1.60倍以上,第80 d达到2.48倍;甜玉米秸秆单独还田不利于土壤无机氮的释放,培养的第26 d至结束,甜玉米秸秆处理的无机氮为对照的13%~53%,最大为7.51 mg·kg-1;甜玉米秸秆配施尿素,短期内不利于土壤无机氮矿化.结果表明,施用有机物料能引起土壤有机质的短期快速转化,甜玉米秸秆和白三叶草绿肥配施有利于维持较大基数的土壤微生物量,单施白三叶草绿肥土壤微生物活性强,最有利于土壤速效氮的释放.  相似文献   

Changes of land-use type (LUT) can affect soil nutrient pools and cycling processes that relate long-term sustainability of ecosystem, and can also affect atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming through soil respiration. We conducted a comparative study to determine NH4+ and NO3 concentrations in soil profiles (0–200 cm) and examined the net nitrogen (N) mineralization and net nitrification in soil surface (0–20 cm) of adjacent naturally regenerated secondary forests (NSF), man-made forests (MMF), grasslands and cropland soils from the windy arid and semi-arid Hebei plateau, the sandstorm and water source area of Beijing, China. Cropland and grassland soils showed significantly higher inorganic N concentrations than forest soils. NO3-N accounted for 50–90% of inorganic N in cropland and grassland soils, while NH4+-N was the main form of inorganic N in NSF and MMF soils. Average net N-mineralization rates (mg kg1 d1) were much higher in native ecosystems (1.51 for NSF soils and 1.24 for grassland soils) than in human disturbed LUT (0.15 for cropland soils and 0.85 for MMF soils). Net ammonification was low in all the LUT while net nitrification was the major process of net N mineralization. For more insight in urea transformation, the increase in NH4+ and, NO3 concentrations as well as C mineralization after urea addition was analyzed on whole soils. Urea application stimulated the net soil C mineralization and urea transformation pattern was consistent with net soil N mineralization, except that the rate was slightly slower. Land-use conversion from NSF to MMF, or from grassland to cropland decreased soil net N mineralization, but increased net nitrification after 40 years or 70 years, respectively. The observed higher rates of net nitrification suggested that land-use conversions in the Hebei plateau might lead to N losses in the form of nitrate.  相似文献   

 Processes that govern the soil nitrogen (N) supply in irrigated lowland rice systems are poorly understood. The objectives of this paper were to investigate the effects of crop rotation and management on soil N dynamics, microbial biomass C (CBIO) and microbial biomass N (NBIO) in relation to rice N uptake and yield. A maize-rice (M-R) rotation was compared with a rice-rice (R-R) double-cropping system over a 2-year period with four cropping seasons. In the M-R system, maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in aerated soil during the dry season (DS) followed by rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in flooded soil during the wet season (WS). In the R-R system, rice was grown in flooded soil in both the DS and WS. Three fertilizer N rates (0, 50 or 100 kg urea-N ha–1 in WS) were assigned to subplots within the cropping system main plots. Early versus late crop residue incorporation following DS maize or rice were established as additional treatments in sub-subplots in the second year. In the R-R system, the time of residue incorporation had a large effect on NO3 -N accumulation during the fallow period and also on extractable NH4 +-N, rice N uptake and yield in the subsequent cropping period. In contrast, time of residue incorporation had little influence on extractable N in both the fallow and rice-cropping periods of the M-R system, and no detectable effects on rice N uptake or yield. In both cropping systems, CBIO and NBIO were not sensitive to residue incorporation despite differences of 2- to 3-fold increase in the amount of incorporated residue C and N, and were relatively insensitive to N fertilizer application. Extractable organic N was consistently greater after mid-tillering in M-R compared to the R-R system across N rate and residue incorporation treatments, and much of this organic N was α-amino N. We conclude that N mineralization-immobilization dynamics in lowland rice systems are sensitive to soil aeration as influenced by residue management in the fallow period and crop rotation, and that these factors have agronomically significant effects on rice N uptake and yield. Microbial biomass measurements, however, were a poor indicator of these dynamics. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) plays a key role in the N cycle of many ecosystems, as DON availability and biodegradation are important for plant growth, microbial metabolism and N transport in soils. However, biodegradation of DON (defined as the sum of mineralization and microbial immobilization) is only poorly understood. In laboratory incubations, biodegradation of DON and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Oi and Oa horizons of spruce, beech and cypress forests ranged from 6 to 72%. Biodegradation of DON and DOC was similar in most samples, and mineralization of DON was more important than microbial immobilization. Nitrate additions (0-10 mg N L−1) never influenced either DON immobilization by microorganisms or mineralization. We conclude that soil microorganisms do not necessarily prefer mineral N over DON for meeting their N demand, and that biodegradation of DON seems to be driven by the microbial demand for C rather than N. Quantifying the dynamics of DON in soils should include consideration of both C and N demands by microbes.  相似文献   

Summary Three mollisols, typical of the Palouse winter wheat region of eastern Washington and northern Idaho, were analyzed for microbial biomass, total C and total N after 10 years of combined tillage and rotation treatments. Treatments included till, no-till and three different cereal-legume rotations. All crop phases in each rotation were sampled in the same year. Microbial biomass was monitored from April to October, using a respiratory-response method. Microbial biomass, total C and total N were highest under no-till surface soils (0–5 cm), with minimal differences for tillage or depth below 5 cm. Microbial biomass differences among rotations were not large, owing to the relative homogeneity of the treatments. A rotation with two legume crops had the highest total C and N. Microbial biomass was significantly higher in no-till surface soils where the current crop had been preceded by a high-residue crop. The opposite was true for the tilled plots. There was little change in microbial biomass over the seasons until October, when fresh crop residues and rains had a strong stimulatory effect. The seasonal pattern of biomass in no-till surface soils reflected the dry summer/winter rainfall climate of the region. The results of this study show that numerous factors affect soil microbial biomass and that cropping history and seasonal changes must be taken into account when microbial biomass data are compared.Scientific paper no. 7634  相似文献   

Competition for nutrients between plants and microbes is an important determinant for plant growth, biodiversity and carbon cycling. Perturbations such as drought affect the availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and may cause shifts in uptake of N and P between plants and microbes. Competitiveness for these nutrients may depend on how flexible plants and microbes are in taking up N and P. We used a novel dual isotope labelling technique (15N and 32P) to assess short-term uptake of N and P by plants and microbes affected by drought in two different plant–soil systems. Mesocosms were extracted from two grassland sites differing in soil nutrient availability and plant species. Half of the mesocosms were subjected to drought one week prior to injection of 15N (as KNO3) and 32P (as H3PO4) tracers. Uptake rates of NO3 and P in plants and microbes were estimated based on average source pool enrichment during the labelling period and on plant and microbial recovery of 15N and 32P measured after 4 days of labelling. Overall competition for N and P was reduced with drought as less NO3 and P was taken up in plants and microbes. However, plant uptake of NO3 was more sensitive to drought than microbial NO3 uptake, while microbial P uptake was more sensitive than plant P uptake. These different sensitivities to drought by plants and microbes may decouple the N and P cycle with increased drought conditions.  相似文献   

Earthworms have been shown to produce contrasting effects on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and dynamics. We measured soil C and N pools and processes and traced the flow of 13C and 15N from sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) litter into soil microbial biomass and respirable C and mineralizable and inorganic N pools in mature northern hardwood forest plots with variable earthworm communities. Previous studies have shown that plots dominated by either Lumbricus rubellus or Lumbricus terrestris have markedly lower total soil C than uncolonized plots. Here we show that total soil N pools in earthworm colonized plots were reduced much less than C, but significantly so in plots dominated by contain L. rubellus. Pools of microbial biomass C and N were higher in earthworm-colonized (especially those dominated by L. rubellus) plots and more 13C and 15N were recovered in microbial biomass and less was recovered in mineralizable and inorganic N pools in these plots. These plots also had lower rates of potential net N mineralization and nitrification than uncolonized reference plots. These results suggest that earthworm stimulation of microbial biomass and activity underlie depletion of soil C and retention and maintenance of soil N pools, at least in northern hardwood forests. Earthworms increase the carrying capacity of soil for microbial biomass and facilitate the flow of N from litter into stable soil organic matter. However, declines in soil C and C:N ratio may increase the potential for hydrologic and gaseous losses in earthworm-colonized sites under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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