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The natural 15N abundances (δ15N values) were measured for nitrate and free and bound amino acids from the leaves of field-grown spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and komatsuna (Brassica campestris L.), as well as ureides and free and bound amino acids in the leaves and roots of hydroponically grown soybean (Glycine max L.) totally depending on dinitrogen. Nitrate from the spinach and komatsuna leaves and ureides from leaves and roots of soybean showed higher δ15N values than the total tissue N and N in free or bound amino acid fractions. The δ15N values of individual free and bound amino acids, determined by GC/C/MS using their acetylpropyl derivatives, were similar in leaf tissues except for proline but varied in soybean root tissues. The order of 15N enrichment was similar in the four samples: aspartic acid > glutamic acid > threonine, proline, valine > glycine + alanine +serine, γ-amino butyric acid, and phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool in the study of soil organic matter formation. It is often observed that more decomposed soil organic matter is 13C, and especially 15N-enriched relative to fresh litter and recent organic matter. We investigated whether this shift in isotope composition relates to the isotope composition of the microbial biomass, an important source for soil organic matter. We developed a new approach to determine the natural abundance C and N isotope composition of the microbial biomass across a broad range of soil types, vegetation, and climates. We found consistently that the soil microbial biomass was 15N-enriched relative to the total (3.2 ‰) and extractable N pools (3.7 ‰), and 13C-enriched relative to the extractable C pool (2.5 ‰). The microbial biomass was also 13C-enriched relative to total C for soils that exhibited a C3-plant signature (1.6 ‰), but 13C-depleted for soils with a C4 signature (−1.1 ‰). The latter was probably associated with an increase of annual C3 forbs in C4 grasslands after an extreme drought. These findings are in agreement with the proposed contribution of microbial products to the stabilized soil organic matter and may help explain the shift in isotope composition during soil organic matter formation.  相似文献   

We report the first simultaneous measurements of δ15N and δ13C of DNA extracted from surface soils. The isotopic composition of DNA differed significantly among nine different soils. The δ13C and δ15N of DNA was correlated with δ13C and δ15N of soil, respectively, suggesting that the isotopic composition of DNA is strongly influenced by the isotopic composition of soil organic matter. However, in all samples DNA was enriched in 13C relative to soil, indicating microorganisms fractionated C during assimilation or preferentially used 13C enriched substrates. Enrichment of DNA in 15N relative to soil was not consistently observed, but there were significant differences between δ15N of DNA and δ15N of soil for three different sites, suggesting microorganisms are fractionating N or preferentially using N substrates at different rates across these contrasting ecosystems. There was a strong linear correlation between δ15N of DNA and δ15N of the microbial biomass, which indicated DNA was depleted in 15N relative to the microbial biomass by approximately 3.4‰. Our results show that accurate and precise isotopic measurements of C and N in DNA extracted from the soil are feasible, and that these analyses may provide powerful tools for elucidating C and N cycling processes through soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

This study was performed to clarify whether areal variation exists in the relationship between natural 15N abundances (δ15N values) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soil without an applied nitrogen (N) source, and to explore possible reasons for any areal variation. We investigated the relationships between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil with no applied N source in two locations; Daisen and Ogata, in Akita Prefecture, Japan. The δ15N values of rice in Daisen were higher than those in Ogata from 2007 to 2009, irrespective of the cropping year. Results demonstrated areal variation in the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil. The variation might be attributed to variation in the δ15N of natural N input and to ammonia nitrification and subsequent denitrification. When the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil is used to discriminate between organic and conventional rice, the areal variation of the relationship in the target area should be taken into account, from the point of the δ15N value of natural N input and N transformation in the soil.  相似文献   

曹亚澄  钟明  龚华  陆国兴 《土壤学报》2013,50(1):113-119
用化学方法分别将土壤中微量的铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐转化为N2O气体,然后用带自动预浓缩装置的同位素比值质谱仪测定N2O中的15N丰度.N2O中的15N丰度测量值完全符合铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的15N参考值.方法快速、简单和准确,不受空气氮的污染.特别是方法的检测限很低,每批次样品中只需含5~ 20μg N.它将有助于土壤氮素的矿化作用、硝化作用和反硝化作用的研究.  相似文献   


The enrichment of 15N in the nodules of some N2-fixing leguminous plants is an interesting finding (Shearer et al. 1982). The extent of 15N enrichment differed depending on the plant species (Shearer et al. 1982; Yoneyama 1987) and bacterial strains (Steele et al. 1983), and in soybeans it was apparently related to the nitrogen fixation efficiency (Shearer et al. 1984)  相似文献   


Long-term temporal changes in natural 15N abundance (δ15N value) in paddy soils from long-term field experiments with livestock manure and rice straw composts, and in the composts used for the experiments, were investigated. These field experiments using livestock manure and rice straw composts had been conducted since 1973 and 1968, respectively. In both experiments, control plots to which no compost had been applied were also maintained. The δ15N values of livestock manure compost reflected the composting method. Composting period had no significant effect on the δ15N value of rice straw compost. The δ15N values increased in soils to which livestock manure compost was successively applied, and tended to decrease in soils without compost. In soils to which rice straw compost was successively applied, the δ15N values of the soils remained constant. Conversely, δ15N values in soils without rice straw compost decreased. The downward trend in δ15N values observed in soils to which compost and chemical N fertilizer were not applied could be attributed to the natural input of N, which had a lower δ15N value than the soils. Thus, the transition of the δ15N values in soils observed in long-term paddy field experiments indicated that the δ15N values of paddy soils could be affected by natural N input in addition to extraneous N that was applied in the form of chemical N fertilizers and organic materials.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that N isotope composition can be used as evidence of excessive compost application, we measured variation in patterns of N concentrations and corresponding δ15N values of plants and soil after compost application. To do so, a pot experiment with Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. cv. Maeryok) was conducted for 42 days. Compost was applied at rates of 0 (SC0), 500 (SC1), 1000 (SC2), and 1500 mg N kg−1 soil (SC3). Plant-N uptake linearly increased with compost application (r2 = 0.956, P < 0.05) with an uptake efficiency of 76 g N kg−1 of compost-N at 42 days after application, while dry-mass accumulation did not show such linear increases. Net N mineralized from compost-N increased linearly (r2 = 0.998, P < 0.01) with a slope of 122 g N kg−1 of compost-N. Plant-δ15N increased curvilinearly with increasing compost application, but this increase was insignificant between SC2 and SC3 treatments. The δ15N of soil inorganic-N (particularly NO3-N) increased with compost application. We found that plant-δ15N reflected the N isotope signal of soil NO3-N at each measurement during plant growth, and that δ15N of inner leaves and soil NO3-N was similar when initial NO3 in the compost was abundant. Therefore, we concluded that δ15N of whole plant (more obviously in newer plant parts) and soil NO3-N could reveal whether compost application was excessive, suggesting a possible use of δ15N in plants and soil as evidence of excess compost application.  相似文献   


A study was carried out to compare the difference or N-yield method with the 15N natural abundance method for the estimation of the fractional contribution of biological N2 fixation in the different plant parts of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybeans. The results indicated that the δ15N values of most plant parts of soybeans were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline. However, in the case of the root+nodule component, the δ15N value was higher in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline possibly due to isotopic discrimination of 15N over 14N which may have occurred in the nodules. Inoculation of soybeans with the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB 1809 increased significantly (p<0.05) the δ15N value of the root+nodule component implying that the effectiveness of the soybean-rhizobium symbiosis had increased by inoculation.

Percentage of plant N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimated by the 15N natural abundance method was highly correlated (r=0.762, p<0.01) with that by the difference or N-yield method and the differences between the two methods were not statistically significant. The agreement between the two methods was closer at maturity than at the early reproductive stage.

The %Ndfa obtained by the difference method ranged from 48.4 to 92.6% whereas the %Ndfa obtained by the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 43.2 to 92.4% in the different plant parts. Based on the 15N natural abundance method, approximately 15% of the N in pod, shoot, grain, and shell was derived from the soil but in the case of stover, this fraction was about 55%.  相似文献   

15N abundance of amino acids in soil hydrolysates was determined by emission spectroscopic method.  相似文献   

High nitrification rates which convert ammonium (NH4+) to the mobile ions NO2 and NO3 are of high ecological significance because they increase the potential for N losses via leaching and denitrification. Nitrification can be performed by chemoautotrophic or heterotrophic organisms and heterotrophic nitrifiers can oxidise either mineral (NH4+) or organic N. Selective nitrification inhibitors and 15N tracer studies have been used in an attempt to separate heterotrophic and autotrophic nitrification. In a laboratory study we determined the effect of cattle slurry on the oxidation of mineral NH4+-N and organic-N by labelling the NH4+ or NO3 pools separately or both together with 15N. The size and enrichment of the mineral N pools were determined at intervals. To calculate gross N transformation rates a 15N tracing model was developed. This model consists of the three N-pools NH4+, NO3 and organic N. Sub-models for decomposition of degradable carbon in the soil and the slurry were added to the model and linked to the N transformation rates. The model was set up in the software ModelMaker which contains non-linear optimization routines to determine model parameters. The application of cattle slurry increased the rate of nitrifcation by a factor of 20 compared with the control. The size and enrichment of the mineral N pools provided evidence that nitrification was due to the conversion of NH4+ to NO3 and not the conversion of organic N to NO3. There was evidence that slurry-enhanced oxidation of NH4+ to NO3 was due to a combination of autotrophic and heterotrophic transformations. Slurry application increased the mineralisation rate by approximately a factor of two compared with the control and the rate of immobilisation of NH4+ by approximately a factor of three.  相似文献   

The natural 15N abundance (δ15N) of different ecosystem compartments is considered to be an integrator of nitrogen (N) cycle processes. Here we investigate the extent to which patterns of δ15N in grassland plants and soils reflect the effect of different management practices on N cycling processes and N balance. Investigations were conducted in long-term experimental plots of permanent montane meadows with treatments differing in the amount and type of applied fertilizer (0-200 kg N ha−1 yr−1; mineral fertilizer, cattle slurry, stable manure) and/or the cutting frequency (1-6 cuts per season). The higher δ15N values of organic fertilizers compared to mineral fertilizer were reflected by higher δ15N values in soils and harvested plant material. Furthermore, δ15N of top soils and plant material increased with the amount of applied fertilizer N. N balances were calculated from N input (fertilization, atmospheric N deposition and symbiotic N2 fixation) and N output in harvest. ‘Excess N’—the fraction of N input not harvested—was assumed to be lost to the environment or accumulated in soil. Taking fertilizer type into account, strong positive correlations between δ15N of top soils and the N input-output balance were found. In plots receiving mineral N fertilizer this indicates that soil processes which discriminate against 15N (e.g. nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization) were stimulated by the increased supply of readily available N, leading to loss of the 15N depleted compounds and subsequent 15N enrichment of the soils. By contrast, in plots with organic fertilization this correlation was partly due to accumulation of 15N-enriched fertilizer N in top soils and partly due to the occurrence of significant N losses. Cutting frequency appeared to have no direct effect on δ15N patterns. This study for the first time shows that the natural abundance of 15N of agricultural systems does not only reflect the type (organic or mineral fertilizer) or amount of annual fertilizer amendment (0-200 kg ha−1 yr−1) but that plant and soil δ15N is better described by N input-output balances.  相似文献   

Diagnostic tests for organic production of crops would be useful. In this study, the difference in natural 15N abundances (δ15N) of soils and plants between fertilizer-applied upland (FU) and compost-applied upland (CU) fields was investigated to study using δ15N as a marker of organic produce. Twenty samples each of soils and plants were collected from each field in early summer after applying fertilizer or compost. The δ15N of fertilizers and composts was −1.6±1.5‰ (n=8) and 17.4±1.2‰ (n=10), respectively. The δ15N of total soil-N was significantly (P<0.05) higher in CU fields (8.8±2.0‰) than in FU fields (5.9±0.7‰) due to long-term continuous application of 15N-enriched compost, as indicated by a positive correlation (r=0.62) between N content and δ15N of total soil-N. The NO3 pool of CU soils (11.6±4.5‰) was also significantly (P<0.05) enriched in 15N compared to FU soils (4.7±1.1‰), while the 15N contents of NH4+ pool were not different between both soils. Compost application resulted in 15N enrichment of plants; the δ15N values were 14.6±3.3‰ for CU and 4.1±1.7‰ for FU fields. These results showed that long-term application of compost resulted in a significant 15N-enrichment of soils and plants relative to fertilizer. Therefore, this study suggested that δ15N could serve as promising indicators of organic fertilizers application when used with other independent evidence. However, further studies under many conditions should be conducted to prepare reliable δ15N guidelines for organic produce, since the δ15N of inorganic soil-N and plant-N are influenced by various factors such as soil type, plant species, the rate of N application, and processes such as mineralization, nitrification, and denitrifcation.  相似文献   

Natural 15N abundances (δ15N) in plant and soil can be used as a powerful marker to reveal the history of N fertilization. To investigate whether N fertilizer source and timing of fertilization leave specific δ15N signals in plant tissue and soil inorganic N, Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. cv. Maeryok), one of the most popular vegetables in Asia, was grown in pots for 60 days with a single or split N applications of organic (composted manure; δ15N=+16.4‰) or inorganic N (urea; δ15N=−0.7‰). Seven N treatments were studied: (1) a single basal fertilization with compost or (2) urea; (3) a basal urea application followed by an additional (at 40 days after transplant, same below) compost or (4) urea application; (5) a basal compost application followed by an additional compost or (6) urea application; and (7) no N fertilization. Regardless of the time of N application, δ15N of cabbage treated with compost was higher (>+9.0‰) than that (< +1.0‰) treated with urea, reflecting the effect of isotopically different N sources. In split N fertilization, only the addition of isotopically different N sources in the middle of the growth period significantly affected the δ15N of the whole plant. Specific δ15N signals of basal N inputs were detected in outer cabbage parts formed in the early growth stage, while those of additional N inputs were detected in inner cabbage parts formed in the latter growth stage. We conclude that measurements of temporal variations in δ15N of plant parts formed in different growth stages could reveal the history of N fertilization.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine whether the applications of N-inputs (compost and fertilizer) having different N isotopic compositions (δ15N) produce isotopically different inorganic-N and to investigate the effect of soil moisture regimes on the temporal variations in the δ15N of inorganic-N in soils. To do so, the temporal variations in the concentrations and the δ15N of NH4+ and NO3 in soils treated with two levels (0 and 150 mg N kg−1) of ammonium sulfate (δ15N=−2.3‰) and compost (+13.9‰) during a 10-week incubation were compared by changing soil moisture regime after 6 weeks either from saturated to unsaturated conditions or vice versa. Another incubation study using 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate (3.05 15N atom%) was conducted to estimate the rates of nitrification and denitrification with a numerical model FLUAZ. The δ15N values of NH4+ and NO3 were greatly affected by the availability of substrate for each of the nitrification and denitrification processes and the soil moisture status that affects the relative predominance between the two processes. Under saturated conditions for 6 weeks, the δ15N of NH4+ in soils treated with fertilizer progressively increased from +2.9‰ at 0.5 week to +18.9‰ at 6 weeks due to nitrification. During the same period, NO3 concentrations were consistently low and the corresponding δ15N increased from +16.3 to +39.2‰ through denitrification. Under subsequent water-unsaturated conditions, the NO3 concentrations increased through nitrification, which resulted in the decrease in the δ15N of NO3. In soils, which were unsaturated for the first 6-weeks incubation, the δ15N of NH4+ increased sharply at 0.5 week due to fast nitrification. On the other hand, the δ15N of NO3 showed the lowest value at 0.5 week due to incomplete nitrification, but after a subsequence increase, they remained stable while nitrification and denitrification were negligible between 1 and 6 weeks. Changing to saturated conditions after the initial 6-weeks incubation, however, increased the δ15N of NO3 progressively with a concurrent decrease in NO3 concentration through denitrification. The differences in δ15N of NO3 between compost and fertilizer treatments were consistent throughout the incubation period. The δ15N of NO3 increased with the addition of compost (range: +13.0 to +35.4‰), but decreased with the addition of fertilizer (−10.8 to +11.4‰), thus resulting in intermediate values in soils receiving both fertilizer and compost (−3.5 to +20.3‰). Therefore, such differences in δ15N of NO3 observed in this study suggest a possibility that the δ15N of upland-grown plants receiving compost would be higher than those treated with fertilizer because NO3 is the most abundant N for plant uptake in upland soils.  相似文献   

We examined whether grass species and soil nitrogen (N) availability could enhance Carbon (C) and N turnover during root litter decay in grassland. Three species with increasing competitiveness (Festuca ovina, Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne) were grown at two N fertiliser levels in an undisturbed grassland soil, in which soil organic fractions derived for the last 9 years from Lolium root litter which was 13C-depleted. During the subsequent experimental year, the C turnover was calculated using the respective δ13C values of the old and new C in the root phytomass, in two Particulate Organic Matter (POM) fractions above 200 μm and in the lightest part of the aggregated soil fraction between 50 and 200 μm. Soil N availability was monitored during the regrowth periods with ion exchange resins (IER). The C decay rates of each particle size fraction were calculated with a simple mechanistic model of C dynamics. The N mineralisation immobilisation turnover (MIT) was characterised by dilution of 15N-labelled fertiliser in the N harvestThe C:N ratio and the residence time of C in the fractions decreased with particle size. The presence of a grass rhizosphere increased the decay rate of old C. Accumulation of new C in particle size fractions increased with species competitiveness and with N supply. Species competitiveness increased C turnover in the aggregated fraction, as a result of greater accumulation of new C and faster decay of old C. Fertiliser N increased N turnover and C mineralisation in the SOM. Species competitiveness decreased soil -N exchanged with the IER and increased dissolved organic C (DOC) content. The nature of the current rhizosphere is thus an important factor driving C and N transformations of the old root litter, in relation with grass species strategy. Plant competitiveness may stimulate the C and N turnover in the more evolved SOM fractions in a similar way to the mineral N supply.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand impacts of long-term (43 years) fertilization on soil aggregation, N accumulation rates and δ15N in surface and deep layers in an Alfisol. Soil samples from seven treatments were analysed for N stocks, aggregate-associated N in 0–30 cm and the changes in δ15N in 0–90 cm depths. The treatments were: unfertilized control (control); recommended N dose (N); recommended N and phosphorus doses (NP); recommended N, P and potassium doses (NPK); 150% of recommended N, P and K doses (150% NPK); NPK + 10 Mg FYM ha?1 (NPK + FYM) and NPK + 0.4 Mg lime ha?1 (NPK + L). Results revealed that plots under NPK + FYM had ~39% higher total N concentrations than NPK + L in 0–30 cm soil layers. In NPK + L, macro-aggregates had 35 and 11% and microaggregates had 20 and 9% lower δ15N values than NPK + FYM in 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil layers, respectively. However, plots receiving NPK + FYM had ~39% greater deep soil (30–90 cm) N accumulation than NPK + L. These results would help understanding N supplying capacity by long-term fertilization and assist devising N management strategies in sub-tropical acidic Alfisols.  相似文献   

The effects of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate, urea and ammonium sulphate on yield and uptake of labelled and unlabelled N by wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Mexi-Pak-65) were studied in a field experiment. The dry matter and N yields were significantly increased with fertilizer N application compared to those from unfertilized soil. The wheat crop used 64.0–74.8%, 61.5–64.7% and 61.7–63.4% of the N from ammonium nitrate, urea and ammonium sulphate, respectively. The fertilizer N uptake showed that ammonium nitrate was a more available source of N for wheat than urea and ammonium sulphate. The effective use of fertilizer N (ratio of fertilizer N in grain to fertilizer N in whole plant) was statistically similar for the three N fertilizers. The application of fertilizer N increased the uptake of unlabelled soil N by wheat, a result attributed to a positive added N interaction, which varied with the method of application of fertilizer N. Ammonium nitrate, urea and ammonium sulphate gave 59.3%, 42.8% and 26.3% more added N interaction, respectively, when applied by the broadcast/worked-in method than with band placement. A highly significant correlation between soil N and grain yield, dry matter and added N interaction showed that soil N was more important than fertilizer N in wheat production. A values were not significantly correlated with added N interaction (r=0.719). The observed added N interaction may have been the result of pool substitution, whereby added labelled fertilizer N stood proxy for unlabelled soil N.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the capacity of the woody perennial Cratylia mollis, a legume endemic to the semi-arid region of the North-East of Brazil, to nodulate, and obtain N from BNF using the 15N natural abundance technique. To estimate the 15N abundance of the N-derived from soil, the leaves of several (4-6) non-legume and non-nodulating legume species growing in close proximity to the Cratylia were analysed for δ15N. The δ15N values of these reference plants were high (from +9 to +16‰) and showed relatively small differences between species at each site/sampling time. At the irrigated site at both samplings, and at the non-irrigated site sampled in the rainy season, the 15N abundance of the Cratylia mollis leaves was far lower (+1 to +5‰) strongly suggesting that the legume obtained large proportional contributions from BNF. As was to be expected, no nodules were found on the Cratylia plants at the non-irrigated site in the dry season, and the 15N abundance of the Cratylia mollis plants were very similar to that of the reference plants, consistent and nodulation and BNF being limited by water deficit at this time.  相似文献   


A field study with maize (Zea mays L.) was conducted in the 1988/89 cropping season to investigate the fate of 15NO3-N-labelled NH4 15NO3 applied at 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1 (unlabelled N applied at 0, 80, 160 and 240 N ha?1) with and without lime. The investigations were conducted in northern Zambia at Misamfu Regional Research Centre, Kasama on a Misamfu red sandy loam soil. The experimental design was a split plot arrangement with four replications with main plots receiving 0 and 2 Mg ha?1 dolomitic limestone, while subplots received fertilizer N at various rates. Significant (p < 0.001) grain and DM yield responses to applied N up to 160 kg ha?1 were observed. At higher rates little or no crop responses were observed and fertilizer use efficiency declined. Partitioning of amounts of total N and 15N in plants was in the order of seed = tassel > leaf> cob = earleaf> stem. Fertilizer N rates showed a highly significant (p < 0.001) effect on plant uptake of labelled N. Lime and its interaction with N rates had no effect on all measured parameters. Leaching of NO3-N fertilizer to lower soil depths was in proportion to the rate of N applied, with highly significant (p < 0.001) differences among soil depths. Although higher concentrations of fertilizer-15N were recovered in the 0–20 cm depth the recovered portion at lower soil depths was still significant. Total recovery of labelled N by plant and by soil after crop harvest averaged 75, 55 and 54% of originally applied fertilizer-15N at 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1, respectively. Corresponding unaccounted for 15N was 25, 45 and 46%. The most probable loss mechanism could have been by leaching to depths greater than 60 cm, gaseous losses to the atmosphere and root assimilation.  相似文献   

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