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Molecular nitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) generated by denitrification increase N losses in the soil–plant system. This study aimed to quantify N2 and N2O from potassium nitrate (K15NO3) applied to soils with different textures and moisture contents in the absence and presence of a source of carbon (C) using the 15N tracer method. In the three soils used (sandy texture (ST), sandy clay loam texture (SCLT), and clayey texture (CT)), three moisture contents were evaluated (40%, 60%, and 80% of the water holding capacity (WHC)) with (D+) and without (D?) dextrose added. The treatments received 100 mg N kg?1 (KNO3 with 23.24 atom% 15N). N2 emissions occurred in all of the treatments, but N2O emissions only occurred in the D+ treatment, showing increases with increasing moisture content. SCLT with 80% WHC in the D+ treatment exhibited the highest accumulated N emission (48.26 mg kg?1). The 15N balance suggested trapping of the gases in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary Biological N2 fixation was estimated in a field experiment following the addition of NH4Cl or KNO3 to unconfined microplots (1.5 m2) at 2.5 g N m-2 (10 atom% 15N). A model of total N and 15N accumulation in lupins and decreasing 15N enrichment in the KCl-extractable soil-N pool (0–0.15 m depth) was used to estimate the proportion of N in lupins derived from biological N2 fixation. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model were compared with 15N isotope-dilution estimates obtained using canola, annual ryegrass, and wheat as nonfixing reference plants. Biomass, total N accumulation, or 15N enrichment in the lupin and reference crops did not differ whether NH inf4 sup+ or NO inf3 sup- was added as the labelled inorganic-N source. The decrease in soil 15N enrichment was described by first-order kinetics, whereas total N and 15N accumulation in the lupins were described by logistical equations. Using these equations, the uptake of soil N by lupins was estimated and was then used to calculate fixed N2. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model increased from 0 at 50 days after sowing to a maximum of 0.79 at 190 days after sowing. Those based on the 15N enrichment of the NO inf3 sup- pool were 10% higher than those based on the mineral-N pool. 15N isotope-dilution estimates of N2 fixation ranged from 0.37 to 0.55 at 68 days after sowing and from 0.71 to 0.77 at 190 days after sowing. Reference plant-derived values of N2 fixation were all higher than modelled estimates during the early states of growth, but were similar to modelled estimates at physiological maturity. The use of the model to estimate N2 derived from the atmosphere has the intrinsic advantage that the need for a non-fixing reference plant is avoided.  相似文献   

利用15N同位素标记方法,研究在两种水分条件即60%和90% WHC下,添加硝酸盐(NH4NO3,N 300 mg kg-1)和亚硝酸盐(NaNO2,N 1 mg kg-1)对中亚热带天然森林土壤N2O和NO产生过程及途径的影响.结果表明,在含水量为60% WHC的情况下,高氮输入显著抑制了N2O和NO的产生(p<0.01);但当含水量增为90% WHC后,实验9h内抑制N2O产生,之后转为促进.所有未灭菌处理在添加NO2-后高氮抑制均立即解除并大量产生N2O和NO,与对照成显著差异(p<0.01),在60% WHC条件下,这种情况维持时间较短(21 h),但如果含水量高(90% WHC)这种情况会持续很长时间(2周以上),说明水分有效性的提高和外源NO2-在高氮抑制解除中起到重要作用.本实验中N2O主要来源于土壤反硝化过程,而且加入未标记NO2-后导致杂合的N2O(14N15NO)分子在实验21 h内迅速增加,表明这种森林土壤的反硝化过程可能主要是通过真菌的“共脱氮”来实现,其贡献率可多达80%以上.Spearman秩相关分析表明未灭菌土壤NO的产生速率与N2O产生速率成显著正相关性(p<0.05),土壤含水量越低二者相关性越高.灭菌土壤添加NO2-能较未灭菌土壤产生更多的NO,但却几乎不产生N2O,表明酸性土壤的化学反硝化对NO的贡献要大于N2O.  相似文献   

Effect of different 15N labeled sources on the estimation of N2 fixation was investigated. The combination of 15N labeled ammonium sulfate, 15N labeled plant material, and 15N labeled ammonium sulfate with unlabeled plant material, was examined in pot experiments. Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) and one of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were used. No significant difference was observed among the treatments for the estimation of N2 fixation. This was due to the homogeneity and stability of the 15N abundance in soil which resulted in a similar N uptake from the soil by the N2 fixing and reference crops. The plant yield, total N uptake and amount of N2 fixed were higher in the Yellow Soil than in the Andosol. The amount of N2 fixed was strongly influenced by the plant growth and consequently it affected the plant yield. The slow decomposition of plant material in the Andosol resulted in a low yield in both the N2 fixing and reference crops. Thus, the artificial decrease of the available N content in soil, by application of plant material, did not stimulate N, fixation but suppressed plant growth and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

曹亚澄  钟明  龚华  陆国兴 《土壤学报》2013,50(1):113-119
用化学方法分别将土壤中微量的铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐转化为N2O气体,然后用带自动预浓缩装置的同位素比值质谱仪测定N2O中的15N丰度.N2O中的15N丰度测量值完全符合铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的15N参考值.方法快速、简单和准确,不受空气氮的污染.特别是方法的检测限很低,每批次样品中只需含5~ 20μg N.它将有助于土壤氮素的矿化作用、硝化作用和反硝化作用的研究.  相似文献   

Summary Containers filled with soil mixed with potassium nitrate highly enriched in 15N were planted with corn (Zea mays L.) and kept in a phytotron under controlled conditions for 79 days. Soil water content was normally maintained at exactly 60% water-holding capacity (–33 kPa), but it was increased several times to 85% (–5 kPa) for short periods to favour denitrification. The soil headspace was sealed from the phytotron atmosphere and aerated by a continuous stream of air. Nitrous oxide emission was measured by estimating the N2O concentration differences in the air entering and leaving the containers. Emission of N2 was estimated by mass spectroscopy from changes in the N2 composition in the temporarily enclosed soil headspace. Both methods were carefully checked for accuracy by different tests. At specific times during the experiment the distribution of 15N between plants and soil was determined and a 15N balance established. Emission of N gases peaked at times of increased water content and reached maxima of 149 and 142 g N pot–1 day–1 for N2O and N2, respectively. While N losses of 5% ± 2% were indicated by the 15N balance, only 1.1% ± 0.3% loss from 2.7 g applied N was estimated from the N2O and N2 measurements after 79 days. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

本质素对土壤N、P转化及玉米产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究造纸黑液中提取的木质素对土壤N、P转化及其对玉米生长和产量的影响结果表明,木质素可减缓NH4+向NO3氧化,且随其施用量的增加效果更显著.木质素与磷酸二铵混合施用效果最佳,其次为硫酸铵>尿素.在30℃温度下培养27d,施用量为2%和5%的木质素可分别减少施尿素土壤N2O释放83%和96%;而施磷酸二铵的土壤则分别减少83%和93%.施用木质素可促进难溶性P的溶解,对作物生长极为有利.玉米盆栽试验中施用木质素的根系较发达、粗壮,平均株高、地上部和地下部的鲜物质量和干物质量均高于不施木质素的处理.木质素用量为50μg/g和200μg/g时玉米籽粒产量分别提高4.2%和18.8%.  相似文献   

The influence of three sulphur application rates in combination with two nitrogen application rates on N2 fixation and growth of different legumes was investigated. N was applied as N-labelled 15NH4 15NO3. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to estimate N2 fixation. At both N increments dry matter yield was highest with high S supply. Independently of the N supply, the high S application rate resulted in a significantly higher N accumulation, which was mainly caused by a higher N2 fixation rate. With the grain legumes the weight of nodules was increased by the high S application rate. The higher number of nodules per pot with optimum S supply was the result of a better root growth. Rates of acetylene reduction correlated significantly with S supply.  相似文献   

To understand nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems it is necessary to understand the processes leading to N2O production. Here, for the first time, results are presented which identify in situ the processes of N2O production in a temperate grassland soil. A small portion of the nitrogen (N) applied in the summer to the grassland soil was rapidly transported below the main rooting zone (>20 cm) and resulted in large N2O productions at depths of 20-50 cm. Preferential pathways must have been responsible for this movement because the soil conditions were not conducive to leaching by piston flow. The N2O was entirely produced by nitrate (NO3) reduction which was surprising because the bulk soil was aerobic. Therefore, reduction processes can operate during times of the year when it is least expected and cause large N2O concentrations deep in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and soil moisture are important factors influencing denitrification and N2O emission from fertilized soils. We analyzed the combined effects of these factors on the emission of N2O, N2 and CO2 from undisturbed soil cores fertilized with (150 kg N ha−1) in a laboratory experiment. The soil cores were collected from differently compacted areas in a potato field, i.e. the ridges (ρD=1.03 g cm−3), the interrow area (ρD=1.24 g cm−3), and the tractor compacted interrow area (ρD=1.64 g cm−3), and adjusted to constant soil moisture levels between 40 and 98% water-filled pore space (WFPS).High N2O emissions were a result of denitrification and occurred at a WFPS≥70% in all compaction treatments. N2 production occurred only at the highest soil moisture level (≥90% WFPS) but it was considerably smaller than the N2O-N emission in most cases. There was no soil moisture effect on CO2 emission from the differently compacted soils with the exception of the highest soil moisture level (98% WFPS) of the tractor-compacted soil in which soil respiration was significantly reduced. The maximum N2O emission rates from all treatments occurred after rewetting of dry soil. This rewetting effect increased with the amount of water added. The results show the importance of increased carbon availability and associated respiratory O2 consumption induced by soil drying and rewetting for the emissions of N2O.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study whether the in situ natural abundance 15N (δ15N)-values and N concentration of understory plants were correlated with the form and amount of mineral N available in the soil. Also to determine whether such differences were related to earlier demonstrations of differences in biomass increase in the same species exposed to nutrient solutions with both and or to alone. Several studies show that the δ15N of in soil solution generally is isotopically lighter than the δ15N of due to fractionation during nitrification. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that plant species benefiting from in ecosystems without significant leaching or denitrification have lower δ15N-values in their tissues than species growing equally well, or better, on We studied the δ15N of six understory species in oak woodlands in southern Sweden at 12 sites which varied fivefold in potential net N mineralisation rate The species decreased in benefit from in the following order: Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Convallaria majalis, Deschampsia flexuosa and Poa nemoralis. Four or five species demonstrated a negative correlation between and leaf δ15N and a positive correlation between and leaf N concentration. In wide contrast, only D. flexuosa, which grows on soils with little nitrification, showed a positive correlation between and the leaf N concentration and δ15N-value. Furthermore, δ15N of plants from the field and previously obtained indices of hydroponic growth on relative to were closely correlated at the species level. We conclude that δ15N may serve as a comparative index of uptake of among understory species, preferably in combination with other indices of N availability. The use of δ15N needs careful consideration of known restrictions of method, soils and plants.  相似文献   


A study was carried out to compare the difference or N-yield method with the 15N natural abundance method for the estimation of the fractional contribution of biological N2 fixation in the different plant parts of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybeans. The results indicated that the δ15N values of most plant parts of soybeans were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline. However, in the case of the root+nodule component, the δ15N value was higher in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline possibly due to isotopic discrimination of 15N over 14N which may have occurred in the nodules. Inoculation of soybeans with the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB 1809 increased significantly (p<0.05) the δ15N value of the root+nodule component implying that the effectiveness of the soybean-rhizobium symbiosis had increased by inoculation.

Percentage of plant N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimated by the 15N natural abundance method was highly correlated (r=0.762, p<0.01) with that by the difference or N-yield method and the differences between the two methods were not statistically significant. The agreement between the two methods was closer at maturity than at the early reproductive stage.

The %Ndfa obtained by the difference method ranged from 48.4 to 92.6% whereas the %Ndfa obtained by the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 43.2 to 92.4% in the different plant parts. Based on the 15N natural abundance method, approximately 15% of the N in pod, shoot, grain, and shell was derived from the soil but in the case of stover, this fraction was about 55%.  相似文献   

Legumes increase the plant-available N pool in soil, but might also increase NO3 leaching to groundwater. To minimize NO3 leaching, N-release processes and the contribution of legumes to NO3 concentrations in soil must be known. Our objectives were (1) to quantify NO3-N export to >0.3 m soil depth from three legume monocultures (Medicago x varia Martyn, Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Lathyrus pratensis L.) and from three bare ground plots. Furthermore, we (2) tested if it is possible to apply a mixing model for NO3 in soil solution based on its dual isotope signals, and (3) estimated the contribution of legume mineralization to NO3 concentrations in soil solution under field conditions. We collected rainfall and soil solution at 0.3 m soil depth during 1 year, and determined NO3 concentrations and δ15N and δ18O of NO3 for >11.5 mg NO3-N l−1. We incubated soil samples to assess potential N release by mineralization and determined δ15N and δ18O signals of NO3 derived from mineralization of non-leguminous and leguminous organic matter.Mean annual N export to >0.3 m soil depth was highest in bare ground plots (9.7 g NO3-N m−2; the SD reflects the spatial variation) followed by Medicago x varia monoculture (6.0 g NO3-N m−2). The O. viciifolia and L. pratensis monocultures had a much lower mean annual N export (0.5 and 0.3 g NO3-N m−2). The averaged NO3-N leaching during 70 days was not significantly different between field estimates and incubation for the Medicago x varia Martyn monoculture.The δ15N and δ18O values in NO3 of rainfall (δ15N: 3.3±0.8‰; δ18O: 30.8±4.7‰), mineralization of non-leguminous SOM (9.3±0.9‰; 6.7±0.8‰), and mineralization of leguminous SOM (1.5±0.6‰; 5.1±0.9‰) were markedly different. Applying a linear mixing model based on these three sources to δ15N and δ18O values in NO3 of soil solution during winter 2003, we calculated 18-41% to originate from rainfall, 38-57% from mineralization of non-leguminous SOM, and 18-40% from mineralization of leguminous SOM.Our results demonstrate that (1) even under legumes NO3-N leaching was reduced compared to bare ground, (2) the application of a three-end-member mixing model for NO3 based on its dual isotope signals produced plausible results and suggests that under particular circumstances such models can be used to estimate the contributions of different NO3 sources in soil solution, and (3) in the 2nd year after establishment of legumes, they contributed approximately one-fourth to NO3-N loss.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effect of three successive cuttings on N uptake and fixation and N distribution in Leucaena leucocephala. Two isolines, uninoculated or inoculated with three different Rhizobium strains, were grown for 36 weeks and cut every 12 weeks. The soil was labelled with 50 ppm KNO3 enriched with 10 atom % 15N excess soon after the first cutting. Except for the atom % 15N excess in branches of K28 at the second cutting, both the L. leucocephala isolines showed similar patterns of total N, fixed N2, and N from fertilizer distribution in different parts of the plant at each cutting. The Rhizobium strain did not influence the partitioning of 15N among the different plant parts. Significant differences in 15N enrichment occurred in different parts. Live nodules of both isolines showed the lowest atom % 15N excess values (0.087), followed by leaves (0.492), branches (0.552), stems (0.591), and roots (0.857). The roots contained about 60% of the total plant N and about 70% of the total N derived from fertilizer over the successive cuttings. The total N2 fixed in the roots was about 60% of that fixed in the whole plant, while the shoots contained only 20% of the fixed N2. We conclude that N reserves in roots and nodules constitute another N source that must be taken into account when estimating fixed N2 or the N balance after pruning or cutting plants. 15N enrichment declined up to about fivefold in the reference and the N2-fixing plants over 24 weeks following the 15N application. The proportion and the amounts of N derived from fertilizer decreased, while the amount derived from N2 fixation increased with time although its proportion remained constant.  相似文献   

The decline of N from 15N-labelled mature pea residues was followed in unplanted soil over 16.5 yr. Eight years after residue incorporation, 24% of the residue 15N input was still present in the soil and, after 16.5 yr, 16% of the residue 15N input remained. A double exponential model successfully described the decay of N from 15N-labelled pea residues. The total residual 15N declined with average decay constants of 1.45 yr−1 for the 30 d to 1 yr period and of 0.07 yr−1 for the 1-16 yr period. Sixteen years following incorporation of the residues, indicator plants growing in residues-amended soils were obtaining 1.7% of their N from residue N. This is, to our knowledge, the longest study on decay of N in soils from 15N-labelled crop residues. The current study thus provides a unique data set for our empirical understanding of N-dynamics in agricultural systems, which is a prerequisite to parameterize and validate N-simulation models.  相似文献   

Global change scenarios predict an increasing frequency and duration of summer drought periods in Central Europe especially for higher elevation areas. Our current knowledge about the effects of soil drought on nitrogen trace gas fluxes from temperate forest soils is scarce. In this study, the effects of experimentally induced drought on soil N2O and NO emissions were investigated in a mature Norway spruce forest in the Fichtelgebirge (northeastern Bavaria, Germany) in two consecutive years. Drought was induced by roof constructions over a period of 46 days. The experiment was run in three replicates and three non-manipulated plots served as controls. Additionally to the N2O and NO flux measurements in weekly to monthly intervals, soil gas samples from six different soil depths were analysed in time series for N2O concentration as well as isotope abundances to investigate N2O dynamics within the soil. N2O fluxes from soil to the atmosphere at the experimental plots decreased gradually during the drought period from 0.2 to −0.0 μmol m−2 h−1, respectively, and mean cumulative N2O emissions from the manipulated plots were reduced by 43% during experimental drought compared to the controls in 2007. N2O concentration as well as isotope abundance analysis along the soil profiles revealed that a major part of the soil acted as a net sink for N2O, even during drought. This N2O sink, together with diminished N2O production in the organic layers, resulted in successively decreased N2O fluxes during drought, and may even turn this forest soil into a net sink of atmospheric N2O as observed in the first year of the experiment. Enhanced N2O fluxes observed after rewetting up to 0.1 μmol m−2 h−1 were not able to compensate for the preceding drought effect. During the experiment in 2006, with soil matric potentials in 20 cm depth down to −630 hPa, cumulative NO emissions from the throughfall exclusion plots were reduced by 69% compared to the controls, whereas cumulative NO emissions from the experimental plots in 2007, with minimum soil matric potentials of −210 hPa, were 180% of those of the controls. Following wetting, the soil of the throughfall exclusion plots showed significantly larger NO fluxes compared to the controls (up to 9 μmol m−2 h−1 versus 2 μmol m−2 h−1). These fluxes were responsible for 44% of the total emission of NO throughout the whole course of the experiment. NO emissions from this forest soil usually exceeded N2O emissions by one order of magnitude or more except during wintertime.  相似文献   

Summary Identification of legume genotypes with high N-supplying ability is important in improving and sustaining the productivity of low-input cropping systems. Hence, 15N-aided studies were made to ascertain the relative N-supplying ability of some cultivars of groundnut, a widely grown tropical legume. The study was conducted outdoors in 1991 at Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka, in tanks filled with 64 kg soil which had been tagged by incorporating 15N-labelled plant material. Maize cv. Badra was grown as a monocrop and as an intercrop with five genotypes of groundnut, X-14, MI-1, Red Spanish, ICGV 87127, and a non-nodulating line. All the nodulating genotypes derived over 90% of their N from the atmosphere. Significant genotypic differences in N2 fixation were observed. X-14 fixed the highest amount (1.95 g plant-1), while Red Spanish the lowest (0.88 g plant-1). Intercropping of maize with nodulating groundnut significantly decreased the 15N atom excess of maize, depending on the genotype. However, this decrease did not appear to be related to the amount of N2 fixed, based on aboveground material. The per cent N derived by maize from the intercropped groundnuts varied from 17% (X-14) to 39% (Red Spanish), indicating a marked genotypic variability in N-suppling ability. X-14, which fixed the largest amounts of N2, grew most vigorously compared to other genotypes, causing a growth depression in the maize. The genotype that fixes the most N2 may therefore not necessarily have the greatest N-supplying ability. The transfer of N from the legume and the consequent improvement of N nutrition in the associated cereal in low-fertility situations is therefore expected to be high when the growth of the legume is intermediate and does not suppress the growth of the cereal.  相似文献   

The response of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 is related to the availability of other nutrients and in particular to nitrogen (N). Here we present results on soil N transformation dynamics from a N-limited temperate grassland that had been under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) for six years. A 15N labelling laboratory study (i.e. in absence of plant N uptake) was carried out to identify the effect of elevated CO2 on gross soil N transformations. The simultaneous gross N transformation rates in the soil were analyzed with a 15N tracing model which considered mineralization of two soil organic matter (SOM) pools, included nitrification from NH4+ and from organic-N to NO3 and analysed the rate of dissimilatory NO3 reduction to NH4+ (DNRA). Results indicate that the mineralization of labile organic-N became more important under elevated CO2. At the same time the gross rate of NH4+ immobilization increased by 20%, while NH4+ oxidation to NO3 was reduced by 25% under elevated CO2. The NO3 dynamics under elevated CO2 were characterized by a 52% increase in NO3 immobilization and a 141% increase in the DNRA rate, while NO3 production via heterotrophic nitrification was reduced to almost zero. The increased turnover of the NH4+ pool, combined with the increased DNRA rate provided an indication that the available N in the grassland soil may gradually shift towards NH4+ under elevated CO2. The advantage of such a shift is that NH4+ is less prone to N losses, which may increase the N retention and N use efficiency in the grassland ecosystem under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to investigate the long-term effect of surface application of sewage sludge composts vs chemical N fertilizer on total N, total C, soluble organic C, pH, EC, microbial biomass C and N, protease activity, deaminase activity, urease activity, gross and net rates of N mineralization and nitrification, CO2 evolution, and N2O production. Soil samples were taken from five depths (0–15, 15–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm) of a long-term experiment at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Three fields have been receiving sewage sludge composted with rice husk (RH), sawdust (SD), or mixed chemical fertilizer NPK (CF), applied at the rate of 240 kg N ha–1 each in split applications in summer and autumn since 1978. Significantly higher amounts of total N and C and soluble organic C were found in the compost than in the CF treatments up to the 40-cm soil depth, indicating improved soil quality in the former. In the CF treatment, soil pH values were significantly lower and electrical conductivity values were significantly higher than those of compost-treated soils of up to 50 cm depth. Soil microbial biomass C and N, CO2 evolution, protease, deaminase, and urease activities were significantly higher in the compost than in the CF treatments due to greater availability of organic substrates that stimulated microbial activity. Gross N mineralization rates determined by 15N dilution technique were eight and five times higher in the SD and RH treatments than in the CF treatment, respectively, probably due to high levels of microbial and enzyme activities. Net N mineralization rates were also significantly higher in the compost treatments and were negative in the CF treatment indicating immobilization. Net nitrification rates were higher in compost treatments and negative in the CF treatment. Nitrous oxide productions from compost treatments were higher than the CF treatment due to the greater availability of mineral N as a result of higher mineralization and nitrification rates and soluble organic C in the former. Most of the measured parameters were highest in the surface soil (0–15 cm) and were significantly higher in the SD treatment than in the RH treatment.  相似文献   

It is still unclear whether elevated CO2 increases plant root exudation and consequently affects the soil microbial biomass. The effects of elevated CO2 on the fate of the C and nitrogen (N) contained in old soil organic matter pools is also unclear. In this study the short and long-term effects of elevated CO2 on C and N pools and fluxes were assessed by growing isolated plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in glasshouses at elevated and ambient atmospheric CO2 and using soil from the New Zealand FACE site that had >4 years exposure to CO2 enrichment. Using 14CO2 pulse labelling, the effects of elevated CO2 on C allocation within the plant-soil system were studied. Under elevated CO2 more root derived C was found in the soil and in the microbial biomass 48 h after labelling. The increased availability of substrate significantly stimulated soil microbial growth and acted as priming effect, enhancing native soil organic matter decomposition regardless of the mineral N supply. Despite indications of faster N cycling in soil under elevated CO2, N availability to plants stayed unchanged. Soil previously exposed to elevated CO2 exhibited a higher N cycling rate but again there was no effect on plant N uptake. With respect to the difficulties of extrapolating glasshouse experiment results to the field, we concluded that the accumulation of coarse organic matter observed in the field under elevated CO2 was probably not created by an imbalance between C and N but was likely to be due to more complex phenomena involving soil mesofauna and/or other nutrients limitations.  相似文献   

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