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Steven D. Allison Tracy B. Gartner Michelle C. Mack Kathleen Treseder 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2010,42(7):1157-1164
Boreal forests are an important source of wood products, and fertilizers could be used to improve forest yields, especially in nutrient poor regions of the boreal zone. With climate change, fire frequencies may increase, resulting in a larger fraction of the boreal landscape present in early-successional stages. Since most fertilization studies have focused on mature boreal forests, the response of burned boreal ecosystems to increased nutrient availability is unclear. Therefore, we used a nitrogen (N) fertilization experiment to test how C cycling in a recently-burned boreal ecosystem would respond to increased N availability. We hypothesized that fertilization would increase rates of decomposition, soil respiration, and the activity of extracellular enzymes involved in C cycling, thereby reducing soil C stocks. In line with our hypothesis, litter mass loss increased significantly and activities of cellulose- and chitin-degrading enzymes increased by 45-61% with N addition. We also observed a significant decline in C concentrations in the organic soil horizon from 19.5 ± 0.7% to 13.5 ± 0.6%, and there was a trend toward lower total soil C stocks in the fertilized plots. Contrary to our hypothesis, mean soil respiration over three growing seasons declined by 31% from 78.3 ± 6.5 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1 to 54.4 ± 4.1 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1. These changes occurred despite a 2.5-fold increase in aboveground net primary productivity with N, and were accompanied by significant shifts in the structure of the fungal community, which was dominated by Ascomycota. Our results show that the C cycle in early-successional boreal ecosystems is highly responsive to N addition. Fertilization results in an initial loss of soil C followed by depletion of soil C substrates and development of a distinct and active fungal community. Total microbial biomass declines and respiration rates do not keep pace with plant inputs. These patterns suggest that N fertilization could transiently reduce but then increase ecosystem C storage in boreal regions experiencing more frequent fires. 相似文献
Volatile monoterpenes in soil atmosphere under birch and conifers: Effects on soil N transformations
The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence and concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in particular, volatile monoterpenes, in soil atmosphere under silver birch (Betula pendula L.) and two conifers, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and to determine the effects of the most relevant monoterpenes on transformations of soil N. The study site was a 70-year-old tree species experiment in Kivalo, northern Finland. VOCs were collected using two methods, passive air samplers and a chamber method. In soil atmosphere under spruce and especially under pine, the concentrations of monoterpenes were high, α- and β-pinene, Δ-3-carene and myrcene being the most abundant compounds, whereas concentrations of monoterpenes in soil atmosphere under birch were negligible. Samples of humus layer from the birch stand incubated in vitro and exposed to vapors from monoterpenes typical of coniferous forest soil showed decreased rates of net N mineralization but simultaneously increased rates of C mineralization. The response of soil microbial biomass C and N to different monoterpenes varied, but some monoterpenes considerably decreased soil microbial biomass. Altogether these results suggest that these compounds have negative effects on soil N transformations, but may serve as carbon and energy source for part of soil microbes. 相似文献
Johannes Lehmann Matthias C. Rillig Caroline A. Masiello David Crowley 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2011,43(9):1812-1836
Soil amendment with biochar is evaluated globally as a means to improve soil fertility and to mitigate climate change. However, the effects of biochar on soil biota have received much less attention than its effects on soil chemical properties. A review of the literature reveals a significant number of early studies on biochar-type materials as soil amendments either for managing pathogens, as inoculant carriers or for manipulative experiments to sorb signaling compounds or toxins. However, no studies exist in the soil biology literature that recognize the observed large variations of biochar physico-chemical properties. This shortcoming has hampered insight into mechanisms by which biochar influences soil microorganisms, fauna and plant roots. Additional factors limiting meaningful interpretation of many datasets are the clearly demonstrated sorption properties that interfere with standard extraction procedures for soil microbial biomass or enzyme assays, and the confounding effects of varying amounts of minerals. In most studies, microbial biomass has been found to increase as a result of biochar additions, with significant changes in microbial community composition and enzyme activities that may explain biogeochemical effects of biochar on element cycles, plant pathogens, and crop growth. Yet, very little is known about the mechanisms through which biochar affects microbial abundance and community composition. The effects of biochar on soil fauna are even less understood than its effects on microorganisms, apart from several notable studies on earthworms. It is clear, however, that sorption phenomena, pH and physical properties of biochars such as pore structure, surface area and mineral matter play important roles in determining how different biochars affect soil biota. Observations on microbial dynamics lead to the conclusion of a possible improved resource use due to co-location of various resources in and around biochars. Sorption and thereby inactivation of growth-inhibiting substances likely plays a role for increased abundance of soil biota. No evidence exists so far for direct negative effects of biochars on plant roots. Occasionally observed decreases in abundance of mycorrhizal fungi are likely caused by concomitant increases in nutrient availability, reducing the need for symbionts. In the short term, the release of a variety of organic molecules from fresh biochar may in some cases be responsible for increases or decreases in abundance and activity of soil biota. A road map for future biochar research must include a systematic appreciation of different biochar-types and basic manipulative experiments that unambiguously identify the interactions between biochar and soil biota. 相似文献
Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted in soil to study the influence of the insecticide Baythroid on immobilization-remineralization of added inorganic N, mineralization of organic N, and nitrification of added NH
-N. Baythroid was applied at 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 g g-1 soil (active ingredient basis). The treated soils were incubated at 30°C for different time intervals depending upon the experiment. The immobilization and mineralization of N were significantly increased in the presence of Baythroid, the effect being greater with higher doses of the insecticide. Conversely, nitrification was retarded at lower doses of Baythroid and significantly inhibited at higher doses. The results of these studies suggest that excessive amonts of insecticide residues affect different microbial populations differently, leading to changes in nutrient cycling. 相似文献
In forest ecosystems, earthworms and wildfire are two ecological agents that cause carbon (C) stored in the forest floor to be transferred to the atmosphere as greenhouse gases, either through heterotrophic respiration (earthworms) or through periodical combustion (wildfire). For centuries, wildfire has been an important ecological driver in the boreal forests of Canada where most fire emissions to the atmosphere originate from the forest floor. In contrast, earthworms are recent invaders, having been introduced to the Canadian boreal during the 20th century. Their spread is mainly associated with anthropogenic activities. We examined stand-level effects of earthworms and wildfire on forest floor C by adapting an earthworm-C simulation model for the boreal and using it in combination with a forest C accounting model. Because the overall impact of an invasive species depends on its areal extent, we used a spatial model of earthworm spread to calculate the total predicted change in C storage at the landscape-level following earthworm invasions in northeastern Alberta. Depending on the ecological groups of earthworms modelled in stand-level simulations, the forest floor C stock was reduced by 49.7–94.3% after 125 years, although the majority of this reduction occurred 35–40 years after initiation of the invasion. Because earthworm activities reduced the amount of forest floor C available for burning, emissions from wildfire were lower in the presence of earthworms. Spatial modelling of earthworm effects within the 5,905,400 ha Alberta–Pacific Forestry Management Area projected that forest floor C stocks in the invaded stands decreased 50,875 Mg C by 2006, and 2,706,354 Mg C by 2056, compared with the same area if earthworms were not present. Loss of forest floor C averaged over the 50 year simulation was 10 g m2 yr−1; similar in magnitude to estimates for C loss in the Canadian boreal due to wildfire or harvesting. These results indicate effects of non-native earthworms on the forest floor should be included in predictions of forest ecosystem C budgets to ensure accurate attribution of emissions to heterotrophic respiration versus combustion. 相似文献
Nowadays conventional stem-only harvest where logging residues are left on the site is often displaced by whole-tree harvest, in which logging residues are harvested for use as bioenergy. Logging residues consist of tree branches and tops of stems with needles. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of logging residue harvest on soil enzyme activities involved in C, N and P cycling, namely β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, protease and acid phosphatase in relation to other soil characteristics (i.e. soil respiration, net N mineralization, microbial biomass C and N). Soil samples were taken from the humus layer of five study sites, differing in fertility, dominating tree species and time elapsed after treatment. The study sites were Norway spruce (Picea abies, (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in different parts of Finland. Four of the study sites were single-tree experiments, where thinning was performed 4–5 years before this study and 3–4 different doses of logging residues (from 0 up to 37.5 Mg ha−1) were distributed on a circle around a single tree in 3 replicates. The last field experiment had been thinned twice, 23 and 13 years ago; the treatments in 3 replicates were whole-tree harvest and stem-only harvest. In the whole-tree harvest vs. stem-only harvest experiment, activities of β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, acid phosphatase were similar in both treatments. In general, in the single-tree experiment with pine, enzymes raised the activity in response to increasing amount of logging residue. The pattern was less clear for the spruce single-tree experiment, but acid phosphatase and protease activities increased with the increase in amount of logging residue. In general, other soil characteristics were less affected than enzyme activities by logging residue removal; however, in some sites logging residues seemed to increase net C and N mineralization with increasing logging residue amount. Our results suggest that retaining logging residues on the site can increase soil enzyme activities and C and N mineralization. 相似文献
Soil amino acids are important sources of organic nitrogen for plant nutrition, yet few studies have examined which amino acids are most prevalent in the soil. In this study, we examined the composition, concentration, and seasonal patterns of soil amino acids across a primary successional sequence encompassing a natural gradient of plant productivity and soil physicochemical characteristics. Soil was collected from five stages (willow, alder, balsam poplar, white spruce, and black spruce) of the floodplain successional sequence on the Tanana River in interior Alaska. Water-extractable amino acid composition and concentration were determined by HPLC. Irrespective of successional stage, the amino acid pool was dominated by glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid, asparagine, alanine, and histidine. These six amino acids accounted for approximately 80% of the total amino acid pool. Amino acid concentrations were an order of magnitude higher in coniferous-dominated late successional stages than in early deciduous-dominated stages. The composition and concentration of amino acids were generally constant throughout the growing season. The similar amino acid composition across the successional sequence suggests that amino acids originate from a common source or through similar biochemical processes. These results demonstrate that amino acids are important components of the biogeochemical diversity of nitrogen forms in boreal forests. 相似文献
David A. Wardle Marie-Charlotte NilssonOlle Zackrisson Christiane Gallet 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2003,35(6):827-835
When the litter of a given species decomposes, it will often break down in the proximity of litters from other species. We investigated the effects of litters of 10 different species in a boreal forest of northern Sweden on each others' decomposition and N release rates; this was done through the use of litterbags containing two compartments separated by single mesh partition. Different litters could be placed on opposite sides of this mesh so that they were in contact with each other. Treatments consisted of all the possible pairwise combinations of the 10 species, with members of each pair placed in different compartments of the same litterbag. Litterbags were harvested after 1, 2 and 4 years in the field. Species differed significantly in their effects on decomposition and N loss rates of associated litters. Generally, litters from feather mosses and lichens showed the greatest promotion of decomposition on associated litters, while some vascular plant species, notably Empetrum hermaphroditum, showed the least. At year four, feather mosses also had the greatest positive effects on N loss from the litters of associated species. There were several instances in which litter of a given species decomposed at different rate when litter from its own species, rather than that of a different species, was placed in the adjacent litterbag compartment. This was particularly apparent in the second year, when across the entire data set, litters decomposed fastest when associated with their own litters. Generally, slowly decomposing litters had the greatest positive effects on decomposition of associated litters. It is proposed that in boreal forests slow decomposing litters (particularly those of feather mosses) may contribute to enhancing moisture attention in the litter layer, which in turn promotes the decomposition and N release of associated litters. Further, while litter mixing effects were clearly demonstrated in our study, they were also shown to be of secondary importance to the effects of species identity on decomposition. 相似文献
Seasonal nitrification measurements with different species of forest litter applied to granite-sand-filled lysimeters in the field 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary The biodegradation of litter from Festuca silvatica, Abies pectinata, Fagus silvatica, Calluna vulgaris, Picea abies associated with forest brown acid soils or with podzolic soils was studied in field lysimeters filled with granite sand. Analysis of the leachates collected during 2 years made it possible to determine NO
, NH
, and soluble organic N production in order to investigate the specific influence of the different species of litter on the mineralization of organic N and the variations in nitrification. With Festuca silvatica (grass), active nitrification was observed after the addition of fresh litter in autumn (fall of leaves). Nitrification remained significant in winter, reached a maximum in spring until early summer, and then decreased after mineralization of the easily mineralizable organic N. Nitrification was the major N transformation process in this litter. The addition of fresh litter of Abies pectinata (fir), Fagus silvatica (beech), Calluna vulgaris (heather), and Picea abies (spruce) in autumn induced an inhibition of nitrification during winter and spring. With these litter species, nitrification started again by the end of spring and was at a maximum in summer and autumn until leaf fall. By comparison with Festuca, inhibition observed in winter and spring with the other litter species was definitely due to the chemical composition of the leaves. Simultaneously, a lower C mineralization of these plant material occured. These litter species, in particular Calluna and Picea released leachates containing significant amounts of soluble organic N that were only slightly decomposed. We conclude that NO
production outside of the plant growth period can definitely be involved in soil acidification and weathering processes. 相似文献
Boreal forests store a large fraction of global terrestrial carbon and are susceptible to environmental change, particularly rising temperatures and increased fire frequency. These changes have the potential to drive positive feedbacks between climate warming and the boreal carbon cycle. Because few studies have examined the warming response of boreal ecosystems recovering from fire, we established a greenhouse warming experiment near Delta Junction, Alaska, seven years after a 1999 wildfire. We hypothesized that experimental warming would increase soil CO2 efflux, stimulate nutrient mineralization, and alter the composition and function of soil fungal communities. Although our treatment resulted in 1.20 °C soil warming, we found little support for our hypothesis. Only the activities of cellulose- and chitin-degrading enzymes increased significantly by 15% and 35%, respectively, and there were no changes in soil fungal communities. Warming resulted in drier soils, but the corresponding change in soil water potential was probably not sufficient to limit microbial activity. Rather, the warming response of this soil may be constrained by depletion of labile carbon substrates resulting from combustion and elevated soil temperatures in the years after the 1999 fire. We conclude that positive feedbacks between warming and the microbial release of soil carbon are weak in boreal ecosystems lacking permafrost. Since permafrost-free soils underlie 45-60% of the boreal zone, our results should be useful for modeling the warming response during recovery from fire in a large fraction of the boreal forest. 相似文献
The DyDOC model simulates the C dynamics of forest soils, including the production and transport of dissolved organic matter (DOM), on the basis of soil hydrology, metabolic processes, and sorption reactions. The model recognizes three main pools of soil C: litter, substrate (an intermediate transformation product), and humic substances. The model was used to simulate the behavior of C in the O horizon of soil under a Norway spruce stand at Asa, Sweden, that had been subjected to experimental manipulations (addition and removal) of above‐ground litter inputs and to removal of the Oi and Oe layers. Initially, the model was calibrated using results for the control plots and was able to reproduce the observed total soil C pool and 14C content, DOC flux and DO14C content, and the pool of litter C, together with the assumed content of C in humic substances (20% of the total soil C), and the assumed distribution of DOC between hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions. The constant describing DOC exchange between micro‐ and macropores was estimated from short‐term variations in DOC concentration. When the calibrated model was used to predict the effects of litter and soil manipulations, it underestimated the additional DOC export (up to 33%) caused by litter addition, and underestimated the 22% reduction in DOC export caused by litter withdrawal. Therefore, an additional metabolic process, the direct conversion of litter to DOC, was added to the model. The addition of this process permitted reasonably accurate simulation of the results of the manipulation experiments, without affecting the goodness‐of‐fit in the model calibration. The results suggest that, under normal conditions, DOC exported from the Asa forest floor is a mixture of compounds derived from soil C pools with a range of residence times. Approximately equal amounts come from the litter pool (turnover time 4.6 yr), the substrate pool (26 yr), and the humic‐substances pool (36 yr). 相似文献
Short-term biochar-induced increase in soil CO2 release is both biotically and abiotically mediated 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The application of biochar to soil has been shown to cause an apparent increase in soil respiration. In this study we investigated the mechanistic basis of this response. We hypothesized that increased CO2 efflux could occur by: (1) Biochar-induced changes in soil physical properties (bulk density, porosity, moisture content); (2) The biological breakdown of organic carbon (C) released from the biochar; (3) The abiotic release of inorganic C contained in the biochar; (4) A biochar-induced stimulation of decomposition of native soil organic matter (SOM) which could occur both biotically or abiotically; (5) The intrinsic biological activity of the biochar results in the liberation of CO2. Our results show that most of the extra CO2 produced after biochar addition to soil came from the equal breakdown of organic C and the release of inorganic C contained in the biochar. Using long-term 14C-labelled SOM, we show that biochar repressed native SOM breakdown, counteracting the release of CO2 from the biochar. A range of mechanisms to describe this negative priming response is presented. Although biochar-induced significant changes in the physical characteristics of the soil, overall this made no contribution to changes in soil respiration. Similarly, the evidence from our study suggests that changes in soluble polyphenols do not help explain the respiration response. In summary, biochar induced a net release of CO2 from the soil; however, this C loss was very small relative to the amount of C stored within the biochar itself (ca. 0.1%). This short-term C release should therefore not compromise its ability to contribute to long-term C sequestration in soil environments. 相似文献
K. R. Reddy E. D'Angelo C. Lindau W. H. Patrick Jr 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1990,9(4):283-287
Summary Laboratory batch incubation experiments were conducted to determine in fate of urea-15N applied to floodwater of four rice soils with established oxidized and reduced soil layers. Diffusion-dependent urea hydrolysis was rapid in all soils, with rates ranging from 0.0107 to 0.0159 h-1 and a mean rate of 0.0131 h-1. Rapid loss of 53%–65% applied urea-15N occurred during the first 8 days after application, primarily by NH3 volatilization. At the end of 70 days, an additional 20%–30% of applied urea-15N was lost, primarily through nitrification-denitrification processes. The soil types showed significant differences in total applied urea-15 recovery. Conversion of urea-15N to N2-15N provided direct evidence of urea hydrolysis followed by nitrification-denitrification in flooded soils.Joint contribution from the University of Florida and Louisiana State University. Florida Experimental Stations Journal Series No R-00501 相似文献
Significant areas of temperate forests in Central Europe, NE America and E Asia receive high amounts of N deposition. According to the few studies available, suspension of the N load leads to reductions in both inorganic soil N and leaching of N within a few years. We report that, surprisingly, N is still mineralized at high rates 14 yr after suspension of a previous N-load of >100 kg N/ha yr for 20 yr. In this treatment, gross N mineralization rates exceeded those in control plots by a factor 3, but equaled those in still on-going (34 yr of) treatments with 30 and 60 kg N/ha yr, in which levels of extractable NH4+ were up to 10 times higher. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on soil C and N transformations and on the characteristics of organic matter. Soil samples were taken from the humus layer of a replicated 35-year-old birch-spruce field experiment growing on Vaccinium myrtillus site type in middle-eastern Finland. The soil was a podzol and humus type mor. Soil pH was higher under birch (4.7) than under spruce (4.1). The C-to-N ratio was lower under birch (17) than under spruce (23). Per unit organic matter, microbial biomass C and N, net N mineralization and net nitrification were all higher in birch soil than in spruce soil. The rate of C mineralization (CO2 production) was, however, the same regardless of tree species. Water-extracts were analyzed for the concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) and characterized according to molecular size distribution by ultrafiltration and according to chemical composition using a resin fractionation technique. The concentration of DON, in particular, was higher in birch soil than in spruce soil. The distribution of DOC and DON into different fractions based on molecular size or chemical composition was rather similar in both soils. The concentration of total phenolics, expressed as tannic acid equivalents, was higher in the humus layer under birch than in the humus layer under spruce, because the birch humus layer contained significantly more low-molecular weight (about <0.5 kD) phenolics than the spruce humus layer did. The concentration of proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) was higher in spruce soil than in birch soil. The concentrations of the five most abundant phenolic acids showed that ferulic and p-coumaric acids were more abundant in spruce soil. Birch soil tended to contain slightly more nonvolatile sesquiterpenes than the spruce soil. The concentration of diterpenes was similar in both soils; but birch soil contained significantly more triterpenes, mainly sterols, than spruce soil did. 相似文献
The purpose of this research was to compare soil chemistry, microbially mediated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations and microbial biomass in forest floors under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Lieblein), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) at four study sites. We measured soil chemical characteristics, net N mineralization, potential and relative nitrification, basal respiration, microbial and metabolic quotient and microbial biomass C and N under monoculture stands at all sites (one mixed stand). Tree species affected soil chemistry, microbial activities and biomass, but these effects varied between sites. Our results indicated that the effect of tree species on net N mineralization was likely to be mediated through their effect on soil microbial biomass, reflecting their influence on organic matter content and carbon availability. Differences in potential nitrification and relative nitrification might be related to the presence of ground vegetation through its influence on soil NH4 and labile C availability. Our findings highlight the need to study the effects of tree species on microbial activities at several sites to elucidate complex N cycle interactions between tree species, ground vegetation, soil characteristics and microbial processes. 相似文献
添加硝化抑制剂DMPP对红壤水稻土硝化作用及微生物群落功能多样性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过室内培育试验,研究了不同施氮水平下添加硝化抑制剂(DMPP)处理对红壤水稻土NH4+-N、NO3–-N含量、微生物生物量碳及微生物群落功能多样性的影响。结果表明:56天培养期内,不同处理的NH4+-N含量总体呈下降趋势,而NO3–-N含量呈上升趋势。随施氮水平提高,培养期内NH4+-N平均含量从0 mg/kg处理的24.10 mg/kg增加到400 mg/kg处理的412.10 mg/kg,NO3–-N平均含量从0 mg/kg处理的41.88 mg/kg增加到400 mg/kg处理的99.83 mg/kg。添加DMPP显著抑制硝化作用进行,抑制效果随施氮量增加而提高,400 mg/kg施氮水平下,添加DMPP硝化率和硝化速率比不添加DMPP处理分别下降了29.0%和44.3%,下降幅度远大于其他施氮水平处理。施氮水平也影响土壤微生物生物量碳和微生物群落功能多样性。施氮量从0 mg/kg增加到400 mg/kg,土壤微生物生物量碳下降了12.5%,AWCD值下降了78.4%,Shannon指数下降了22.3%;与不添加DMPP处理相比,添加DMPP处理的土壤微生物生物量、AWCD值、Shannon指数分别提高了2.1%、23.9%、7.8%,尤其在400 mg/kg施氮水平下,提高的幅度更加明显。 相似文献
The aims of this study were to characterize dissolved soil organic N (DON) and C (DOC) in a coniferous stand and an adjacent clear-cut, and to evaluate the importance of DON in N leaching. The study was carried out in a Norway spruce stand and a clear-cutting treatment in the same forest stand. Concentrations of DON in soil solution were monitored for 5 years after clear-cutting with gravity lysimeters. In the Norway spruce stand DON comprised 62–83% of the total N in soil solution over the 5-year period. The concentrations of DON in the clear-cut were higher than in the forest stand, but the proportion of total N was lower. To characterize dissolved organic matter, soil samples were aerobically incubated for 6 weeks in the laboratory, and the quantity, molecular size distribution and chemical nature of both DON and DOC were determined from water extracts made before and after the incubation. In the soil samples from the Norway spruce stand, C-rich compounds with a high C/N ratio and large molecular size were formed. In contrast, after the incubation the major carriers of DON in soil samples from the clear-cut were N-rich organic compounds with a low C/N ratio and a small molecular size. The distribution of different chemical fractions of DOC in soil did not differ much whether recovered from the Norway spruce stand or the clear-cut. It was (from highest to lowest concentration): hydrophobic acids>hydrophilic acids>phenols>hydrophilic neutrals. A major part of DON was also carried by these fractions. During incubation the concentration of N-containing hydrophilic acids increased, especially in the soil from the clearcut. In soil samples from the Norway spruce stand, the rate of net N mineralization was low and no NO3 was formed, whilst the rate of net N mineralization was high and net nitrification was intensive in soil from the clear-cut. Received: 12 June 2000 相似文献
P. Kabouw 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2010,42(7):1165-1167
Activated carbon (AC) is widely used in ecological studies for neutralizing allelopathic compounds. However, it has been suggested that AC has direct effects on plants because it alters substrate parameters such as nutrient availability and pH. These side-effects of AC addition may interfere with allelopathic effects. In this study we analyzed three widely used commercial AC brands and analyzed their effect on pH, their ability to retain glucosinolates, and their effect on the germination of six plant species. AC brands differed significantly in their effect on pH values when added to different substrates. Glucosinolates were completely adsorbed by all brands, indicating that AC is suitable as adsorbent for this compound class. Finally, AC addition to substrates had differential effects on seed germination of Arabidopsis thaliana, Plantago lanceolata, Solidago canadensis, and Lotus corniculatus, whereas no effect was found on the germination of Lactuca sativa and Brassica oleracea. We suggest that scientists using AC should always include an experimental control to test for direct effects of AC addition on both substrate parameters and plant performance. 相似文献
Ecosystem processes such as N transformations have seldom been studied in urban and suburban areas. Here we report the temporal and spatial variations in soil N measured continuously over 16 months in remnant forests dominated by northern red oak (Quercus rubraL.) along a 130 km urban-rural transect in the New York City metropolitan area. Urban, suburban and rural forests all exhibited clear seasonal patterns in soil N concentrations and transformation rates. Concentrations of extractable inorganic N were highest in early spring, while net N mineralization and nitrification rates were highest in summer. Peak N mineralization and nitrification in urban stands tended to occur a month earlier than in rural stands. Daily net N mineralization rates averaged 4.45 mg N kg−1 soil organic matter (SOM) in urban stands, 3.51 in suburban stands, and 2.49 in rural stands. In urban and suburban forests, between 23.2-73.8% of the annual net N mineralized was nitrified, but in rural forests, net nitrification was mostly below the detection limit. Annual net N mineralization rates, expressed on an areal basis (to a depth of 7.5 cm), averaged 11.6 g m−2 in urban forests, 11.3 g m−2 in suburban sites, and 7.3 g m−2 in rural forests. N returns in oak litter fall were 2.15, 1.32, and 1.81 g m−2 in urban, suburban, and rural stands, respectively. The elevated N transformation rates and nitrate production, in combination with possible pollution constraints on tree growth in urban environments, raises concern that these urban and suburban forests may be approaching an N saturated status. 相似文献