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Hereditary junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) represents a subset of mechanobullous diseases associated with defective hemidesmosome/anchoring filament proteins leading to cleavage in the lamina lucida of the epidermal basement membrane. In humans, most cases of JEB have been related to a deficiency of either laminin-5, collagen XVII (BPAG2, BP180) or integrin β4.
We describe the existence of a previously unreported form of familial localized non-lethal JEB in German Shorthaired Pointer littermates. Acral, auricular and oral erosions and ulcers were observed. Severe ulceration of the footpads was present.
Skin biopsy specimens of non-lesional and lesional skin of affected dogs were screened for a defect in basement membrane proteins using indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase testing. Epidermal staining for laminin-5 and integrin α6β4 was similar in affected and normal control dogs. Lack of expression of collagen XVII was uniquely identified in all sections of JEB probands compared with normal control dogs.
The defective expression of collagen XVII is likely to be caused by mutation(s) of the COL17A1 gene, as previously reported in humans. This is, to date, the first report of a deficient basement membrane protein in canine JEB.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding laying hens diets containing cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) as a source of anacardic acid on the blood biochemical parameters as well as the enzymatic activity and lipid peroxidation of liver and tissues of the reproductive system (ovary, magnum, and uterus). A total of 216 Hisex White commercial laying hens were distributed randomly into six treatments, with six replicates of six birds. Treatments consisted of a diet without growth promoter (GP); a diet with GP; and diets without GP, with addition of increasing levels of CNSL (0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0%). Addition of CNSL to the diet did not affect the blood biochemical parameters (uric acid, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total cholesterol, high density lipoproteins, low‐density lipoproteins and triglycerides), the enzymatic activity (superoxide dismutase and nonprotein sulphydryl groups) in the organs (liver, ovary, magnum and uterus) or the peroxidation of lipids from the blood serum, liver, magnum and uterus (p > 0.05). However, the addition of 0.75% and 1.00% CNSL provided a lower thiobarbituric acid reactive substances content in the birds' ovary (p < 0.001) compared to birds of other treatments, whereas the treatment without the GP provided a higher value. Addition of up to 1% of the CNSL as a source of anacardic acid in the laying hens' diets does not influence blood biochemical parameters or the endogenous enzymatic activity in the liver, ovary, magnum and uterus, but affects the lipid peroxidation in the ovary, although the problem is reduced from the inclusion of 0.75% CNSL.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of alpha-tocopherol on the antioxidant capacity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was determined. For this purpose, activities of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and glutathione reductase (GSSG-Rx) were investigated. Enzyme activities were measured at 0 (control), 1, 3 and 5 h after alpha-tocopherol injection. In addition, the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) as a lipid peroxidation marker were determined in the erythrocytes. The results showed that alpha-tocopherol significantly activated the CAT, POD and GSSG-Rx enzymes as compared with the enzyme activities found in the controls (p < 0.05). However, MDA levels were significantly decreased by alpha-tocopherol treatment (p < 0.05). The results suggest that alpha-tocopherol may have a pro-oxidant tendency at a high dose and cause mild oxidative stress which could modulate signal transduction cascades, redirect gene expression, and influence many cellular responses such as proliferation, differentiation, and reproduction. For this reason, alpha-tocopherol should be used carefully in all applications in relation to fish.  相似文献   

Abstract: An increased concentration of fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDPs) commonly is used in conjunction with other hemostatic test abnormalities to identify patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Positive FDP results, however, have been observed in dogs without clinical evidence of DIC. The purpose of this study was to evaluate FDP concentrations in a group of clinically ill dogs with a variety of disorders. Dogs included in the study had the following hemostatic parameters evaluated: prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen concentration, platelet count, and FDP concentration. Two rapid latex agglutination methods were compared for detecting FDP in serum samples (Thrombo-Wellcotest, International Murex Technologies Corp) and plasma samples (FDP Plasma, American Bioproducts Inc). Results of the serum FDP method were positive in 8% (4/50) of the dogs tested: 3 with DIC and 1 with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and liver disease. Results of the plasma FDP test were positive in 60% (30/50) of the animals tested: 6 with DIC, 3 with confirmed thrombosis, and 21 with a variety of conditions, including neoplasia, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, pancreatitis, gastric dilatation-volvulus, heat stroke, severe trauma, sepsis, protein-losing nephropathy, liver disease, hyperadrenocorticism, and chronic heart failure. Because the plasma FDP test was positive more frequently than the serum FDP test in ill dogs, it may be more sensitive for the detection of canine FDP.  相似文献   

A recent genetic study in humans where the ZFPM2 gene was screened for mutations revealed a heterozygous mutation that was found to contribute to several sporadic cases of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). We hypothesized that this would also hold true for a study group of dogs with TOF. We isolated the full-length cDNA of the canine ZFPM2 and aligned the deduced amino acid sequence against sequences from other species. Our analysis indicated that the canine ZFPM2 was phylogenetically much closer to the human ZFPM2 compared with the mouse or rat sequences. Further gene expression analysis also failed to identify differential gene expression between affected and unaffected dogs. We screened the cZFPM2 for mutations in a group of dogs with TOF but found no significant base changes in either the splice sites or the coding regions.  相似文献   

Due to the increased attention that pet‐owners devote to their animals and to the improved veterinary care, investigations regarding methods to early detect prostatic disorders that might affect canine life quality have been performed. Canine prostate specific esterase (CPSE) concentration was reported to be higher in dogs suffering from prostatic diseases. This study aimed to estimate the CPSE threshold as a biomarker to early identify prostatic diseases in asymptomatic dogs. The ultrasonographic examination of the prostate was performed in 19 dogs (6–40 kg; 1–5 years) with no symptoms of prostatic diseases. Dogs were grouped according to the presence (Group A) or absence (Group B) of prostatic disorders at the ultrasound (altered appearance, the presence of cysts or irregular borders). For each dog, a venous blood sample was collected to measure serum CPSE and the ratio between calculated and normal expected prostatic volume was assessed for each dog. The CPSE data were statistically analysed (t test, p < .05), and the CPSE threshold in blood serum between groups was calculated by ROC. In 11 dogs, ultrasonography showed signs of prostatic abnormalities (Group A, 2–5 years), while no signs were detected in eight dogs (Group B, 1–3 years). The calculated/estimated volume ratio resulted greater than 1.5 in Group A dogs. The CPSE was statistically different between groups (p < .0001): higher in Group A (mean = 184.9, SD = 126 ng/ml) than in Group B (38.9 ± 22.1 ng/ml). The cut‐off CPSE threshold was 52.3 ng/ml (ROC, AUC = 0.974, SE 95.6%, SP 89.2%). This study suggests that CPSE serum concentration higher than 50 ng/ml in asymptomatic dogs is associated with ultrasonographic alterations and increased the prostatic size (volume by 1.5 times greater than the normal size). As the onset of prostatic disorders often remains asymptomatic, the rapid assessment of CPSE could be suitable for selecting preventively those animals that would require further accurate evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of the bone markers osteocalcin (OC) and carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptide of type-I collagen (ICTP) in evaluating new bone formation in the dog, using commercially available immunoassay kits. Dogs were randomly divided into three groups and a circular external skeletal fixation system (CESF) was mounted on the tibia. In the first group a distraction osteogenesis procedure of the crus was performed. The second group received an osteotomy without crural lengthening, whereas the third group served as a sham-operated control. Bone formation was assessed using densitometric image analysis of crural radiographs. Despite significant differences in the amount of newly formed bone, this finding was not reflected in the plasma levels of OC and ICTP. In conclusion, OC and ICTP were not efficacious as markers of bone formation and resorption during osteogenesis in this canine model.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the analgesic potential of the centrally acting analgesics tramadol, morphine and the novel analgesic tapentadol in a pre-clinical research model of acute nociceptive pain, the tail-flick model in dogs.Study designProspective part-randomized pre-clinical research trial.AnimalsFifteen male Beagle dogs (HsdCpb:DOBE), aged 12–15 months.MethodsOn different occasions separated by at least 1 week, dogs received intravenous (IV) administrations of tramadol (6.81, 10.0 mg kg?1), tapentadol (2.15, 4.64, 6.81 mg kg?1) or morphine (0.464, 0.681, 1.0 mg kg?1) with subsequent measurement of tail withdrawal latencies from a thermal stimulus (for each treatment n = 5). Blood samples were collected immediately after the pharmacodynamic measurements of tramadol to determine pharmacokinetics and the active metabolite O-demethyltramadol (M1).ResultsTapentadol and morphine induced dose-dependent antinociception with ED50-values of 4.3 mg kg?1 and 0.71 mg kg?1, respectively. In contrast, tramadol did not induce antinociception at any dose tested. Measurements of the serum levels of tramadol and the M1 metabolite revealed only marginal amounts of the M1 metabolite, which explains the absence of the antinociptive effect of tramadol in this experimental pain model in dogs.Conclusions and clinical relevanceDifferent breeds of dogs might not or only poorly respond to treatment with tramadol due to low metabolism of the drug. Tapentadol and morphine which act directly on μ-opioid receptors without the need for metabolic activation are demonstrated to induce potent antinociception in the experimental model used and should also provide a reliable pain management in the clinical situation. The non-opioid mechanisms of tramadol do not provide antinociception in this experimental setting. This contrasts to many clinical situations described in the literature, where tramadol appears to provide useful analgesia in dogs for post-operative pain relief and in more chronically pain states.  相似文献   

The effects of nutritional components and submerged culture conditions on colony-forming unit (CFU) counts by Streptococcus suis serotype 2 strain HA9801 in flask culture was investigated, and the optimal medium and cultivation conditions was confirmed by using a 50 l bioreactor. The LD50 values of HA9801 in pigs before and after fermentation were 1.8 × 107 CFU, which indicated that the virulence of HA9801 was very stable in the fermentation process. In addition, an experimental model that closely mimics naturally occurring disease in conventional pigs was established.  相似文献   

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of P07P, a product derived from a traditional Chinese herbal remedy, was undertaken in 50 dogs with atopic dermatitis. Owners recorded a daily itch score for 4-14 days before treatment and during treatment. Packets of powder containing P07P or placebo were added to the food once daily for 8 weeks. Dogs were assessed for erythema, surface damage, overall coat condition and seborrhoea by the same investigator, as well as for pruritus and general demeanour, at 0 (visit 2), 28 (visit 3) and 56 (visit 4) days of treatment or at withdrawal. Investigator and owner assessments of response were recorded after 28 and 56 days of treatment or at withdrawal. The predefined primary outcome measure was the owners' assessment of response at the end of treatment. Nine of the 24 dogs (37.5%) in the P07P group but only 3 of the 23 dogs (13%) in the placebo group were considered to have improved, but this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.09). There was a significantly higher withdrawal rate due to worsening of condition in the placebo group (P = 0.04). Mean daily itch score in the second 28-day period of the study was significantly higher than baseline in the placebo group (P = 0.01) but not in the P07P group (P = 0.30). Pruritus scores showed a significant deterioration from baseline at the final visit in the placebo group (P = 0.01) but not in the P07P group (P = 1.00). There was a significant difference between the groups in change from baseline in erythema score at visit 3 (P = 0.05). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in surface damage, seborrhoea, overall coat condition and general demeanour scores within or between the groups throughout the study. The product was well tolerated with no severe or serious adverse events recorded. P07P may be beneficial as a novel nonsteroidal therapy for the management of dogs with atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

A new diagnostic procedure was developed to detect the flagellar antigen ofCampylobacter jejuni andCampylobacter coli in canine faecal specimens and was tested on faecal samples from random-source dogs obtained from the local dog pound. Extraction of acid-soluble proteins was performed on faecal specimens and the extracted material was evaluated using species-specific monoclonal antibodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The assay detected allC. jejuni orC. coli infected specimens compared with direct selective faecal culture. One of 18 faecal specimens culture-negative forC. jejuni was identified as positive by the assay, i.e. a false positive rate of 1 of 18 (5.6%) and a corresponding specificity of 94.4%. These results suggest that the screening procedure developed to detect flagellar antigens ofC. jejuni andC. coli in canine faecal samples should be further investigated as a diagnostic alternative to culture.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - OD optical density  相似文献   

Cannabinoids hold promise for treating health problems related to inflammation and chronic pain in dogs, in particular cannabidiol (CBD), and its native acid derivative cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). Information regarding systemic delivery of cannabinoids through transdermal routes is sparse. The purpose of this study was to determine pharmacokinetics of transdermal administration of a low-THC Cannabis sativa extract in healthy dogs. Six purpose-bred research beagles were treated with a transdermal CBD-CBDA-rich extract, and serum concentrations of CBD, CBDA, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and its acid derivative tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) were examined prior to and at the end of weeks 1 and 2. A 4 mg/kg dose of total cannabinoids twice daily resulted in appx 10 ng/ml of CBD, 21–32 ng/ml of CBDA, trace amounts of THCA, and unquantifiable amounts of THC in serum at the end of weeks 1 and 2 of treatment. Results showed that CBDA and THCA were absorbed better systemically than CBD or THC.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) is highly contagious and can cause haemorrhagic enteritis and myocarditis in dogs. To understand the current epidemic situation of CPV in Jilin Province, China, a total of 44 fecal or intestinal tissue samples of pet dogs suspected of being infected with CPV from February 2018 to November 2019 in Changchun and Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province were collected.All of the 44 collected samples were tested positive to CPV-2 by a PCR assay. The sequencing and analyzing of complete VP2 genes showed that CPV-2c was the most prevalent variant (n = 31;70.4 %), followed by new-CPV-2a (n = 8;18.2 %), new-CPV-2b (n = 4; 9.1 %) and CPV-2 (n = 1; 2.3 %). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the 31 CPV-2c strains in our study are closely related to local CPV-2c isolates in cluster I. The VP2 protein of the acquired CPV 2c strains all possessed the substitutions Ala5Gly, Phe267Tyr, Tyr324Ile, and Gln370Arg only one with a novel Arg481Lys mutation. These findings demonstrate that CPV-2c was the most prominent type of CPV circulating in Jilin in 2018–2019, clustered in a separate group that is far from the vaccine strains and suggest that further and extensive epidemiological investigation among pet dogs are warranted to provide information for usage and research of current vaccines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the effects of dietary arachidonic acid on serum fatty acid profile, hepatic antioxidant capacity, and lipid metabolism in pigeon squabs by supplementing arachidonic acid in their parental diets. A completely randomized design was conducted consisting of control group, 0.05% dietary arachidonic acid supplementation group, 0.1% dietary arachidonic acid supplementation group, and 0.2% dietary arachidonic acid supplementation group. Six randomly selected squabs from each group were sampled on Day 21 post-hatch. Results indicated that moderate level (0.05%) of arachidonic acid in parental diets for pigeon squabs improved lipid metabolism via regulation on serum lipid profile and fatty acid composition and tended to reduce hepatic lipid accumulation in the premise of negligible damage to antioxidant status. Unfortunately, excessive parental supplementation of dietary arachidonic acid might be harmful to squab health. The regulatory effects of arachidonic acid were sensitive to the arachidonic acid doses. In conclusion, parental dietary arachidonic acid at 0.05% could be beneficial for squabs to maintain health as reflective aspects in ameliorative serum lipid profile, fatty acid composition, and reduced hepatic lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effects of treadmill exercise on lipid peroxidation and Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) levels in the hippocampus of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats and lean control rats (ZLC) during the onset of diabetes. At 7 weeks of age, ZLC and ZDF rats were either placed on a stationary treadmill or made to run for 1 h/day for 5 consecutive days at 16~22 m/min for 5 weeks. At 12 weeks of age, the ZDF rats had significantly higher blood glucose levels and body weight than the ZLC rats. In addition, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the hippocampus of the ZDF rats were significantly higher than those of the ZLC rats whereas SOD1 levels in the hippocampus of the ZDF rats were moderately decreased. Notably, treadmill exercise prevented the increase of blood glucose levels in ZDF rats. In addition, treadmill exercise significantly ameliorated changes in MDA and SOD1 levels in the hippocampus although SOD activity was not altered. These findings suggest that diabetes increases lipid peroxidation and decreases SOD1 levels, and treadmill exercise can mitigate diabetes-induced oxidative damage in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study Hemoglobin glutamer-200 bovine (Hb-200), 6% hetastarch (HES) and shed whole blood (WB) resuscitation in canine hemorrhagic shock. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective laboratory investigation. Animals Twelve adult dogs [29 +/- 1 kg (mean +/- SD)]. METHODS: Anesthetized dogs were instrumented for recording systemic and mesenteric hemodynamic parameters and withdrawal of arterial, mixed and mesenteric venous blood, in which hematological, oxygenation, blood gas and acid-bases variables were determined. Recordings were made before [baseline (BL)], after 1 hour of hypovolemia and immediately and 3 hours post-resuscitation with 30 mL kg(-1) of either Hb-200, HES, or WB. RESULTS: Blood withdrawal (average 34 +/- 2 mL kg(-1)) caused significant hemodynamic changes, metabolic acidosis and hyperlactatemia characteristic for hemorrhagic shock. Only WB transfusion restored all variables. Hemoglobin glutamer-200 bovine infusion returned most hemodynamic parameters including cardiac output and mesenteric arterial blood flow to BL but increased mean arterial pressure above BL (p < 0.05). However, Hb-200 failed to restore total Hb and arterial oxygen content (CaO2), leaving systemic (DO2I) and mesenteric O2 delivery (DO2Im) below BL (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, acid-base variables recovered completely after Hb-200 resuscitation, and met-hemoglobin (Met-Hb) levels increased (p < 0.05). Hetastarch resuscitation returned hemodynamic variables to or above BL but further decreased total Hb and CaO2, preventing recovery of sDO2I and mDO2I (p < 0.05). Thus, systemic and mesenteric O2 extraction stayed above BL (p < 0.05) while acid-base variables recovered to BL, although slower than in Hb-200 and WB groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Resuscitation with Hb-200 seemed to resolve metabolic acidosis and lactatemia more rapidly than HES, but not WB; yet it is not superior to HES in improving DO2I and DO2Im. The hyperoncotic property of solutions like Hb-200 that results in rapid volume expansion with more homogenous microvascular perfusion and the ability to facilitate diffusive O2 transfer accelerating metabolic recovery may be the key mechanisms underlying their beneficial effects as resuscitants.  相似文献   

为研究紫花苜蓿叶片和根系对水分和外源氮(N)添加的响应规律,在温室条件下设置水分胁迫处理(WS)(35%±5%)田间持水量(field water capacity,FWC)和充分灌溉且未渍水(WW)(70%±5%)FWC两个水分梯度,每个水分梯度下设置0、5和10 mmol·L^(-1)3个N添加水平(Nn、Nm和Nh),研究了紫花苜蓿叶片和根系膜脂过氧化的程度及C、N特征对不同水分条件和外源N添加的响应规律。结果表明:WS和外源N提高了紫花苜蓿叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量,但对根系没有显著影响。WS和N添加未影响紫花苜蓿叶片C含量,但N添加提高了根系C含量。WS未改变紫花苜蓿叶片N含量,但提高了根系N含量。外源N添加不但提高了叶片N含量,还增加了根系N含量,但叶片N含量在WW处理下对外源N添加较为敏感,而根系N含量在WS处理下对外源N的添加较为敏感,这说明紫花苜蓿叶片和根系C、N状态对N添加的响应受土壤水分条件的调控。紫花苜蓿根系C/N较叶片更高,且对水分和外源N添加的响应更为敏感。WS处理显著提高了根系δ^(13)C,对叶片δ^(13)C无显著影响。外源N添加降低了叶片和根系δ^(15)N,且在WS处理下根系δ^(15)N显著降低,叶片中δ^(15)N在WW处理下显著降低。总之,相比叶片,紫花苜蓿根系生理参数及C、N特征对水分和外源N添加采取了更为积极的策略,在生长中发挥着更重要的作用。该研究结果有助于全面掌握紫花苜蓿各器官对水分和外源N添加的响应策略,为我国旱作农业区紫花苜蓿制定精准的水肥管理制度提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The study evaluated the use of yttrium oxide (Y(2)O(3)) as an inert marker in studies of apparent total tract digestibility in dogs, blue foxes and mink. Comparison was made with total faecal collection, and use of chromic oxide (Cr(2)O(3)) as marker respectively. Four experimental diets were added 0.1 g/kg yttrium oxide and 10 g/kg chromic oxide and fed to four animals of each species. Faecal recovery of yttrium oxide was 94.4% (SEM +/- 1.0), and of chromic oxide 105.8% (SEM +/- 1.5). The digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, starch and total carbohydrates obtained by total collection and yttrium oxide as marker showed close similarity, and in most cases not significant differences, independent of species and diets. In dogs, overall digestibilities of main nutrients with chromic oxide as marker were not significantly different from overall means obtained with yttrium oxide (p > 0.05). Overall digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and total carbohydrates in blue foxes and mink was significantly higher with chromic oxide than with yttrium oxide (p < 0.05). In dogs and blue foxes, digestibilities of individual amino acids determined by use of yttrium oxide were not different from values obtained using total collection of faeces, both within diets and for overall mean (p > 0.05). Overall amino acid digestibilities in dogs determined with chromic oxide as marker were similar to corresponding figures for yttrium oxide, whereas use of chromic oxide resulted in significantly higher digestibilites for a number of amino acids compared with yttrium oxide in foxes and mink (p < 0.05). The digestibilities of most main nutrients and amino acids revealed no interaction between diet and method (p > 0.05). The study showed that yttrium oxide can be used in low concentration in the feed, and allows high accuracy of analyses and thereby precise digestibility determination. It is concluded that yttrium oxide is an alternative inert marker to chromic oxide in the studied species.  相似文献   

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